How To Use Filter In A Sentence

  • The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
  • We filter all the e-mails in the evening to verify whether any bogus votes are cast.
  • The interior of the suction device is sleeved with a nozzle unit device which can inject backwash water to a suction port and the low pressure area of the filter screen part.
  • In mining for precious stones such as diamonds, a method for accurately filtering the gems you want from the surrounding rock and soil is worth its weight in gold.
  • As the pattering rain gradually came to a stop, a glimmer of light filtered through the window curtain.
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  • The extracts obtained were prefiltered through glass wool and sodium sulfate anhydride and filtered by column chromatography (clean-up performed using sodium sulfate anhydride and Celite 545).
  • It is advisable to attach a radiation filter plate in front of your computer's screen to reduce the hazard of radiation.
  • Optical signals were low-pass filtered at 500 Hz to prevent aliasing.
  • Scrapie is a chronic disease of sheep which is transmitted by a filterable particle that is resistant to heat and formalin fixation.
  • Ajmal Aqtash, writes that, "The exhibition traces the evolution of Lalvani's genomic art as filtered through two major series, AlgoRhythms ™ and XURF ™, each exploring Lalvani's principal concern with the relationship between genetic codes and sculptural creation, and more specifically, between" genomics "- sculpture derived from formal rules, and" epigenomics "- works created through external agents like forces, respectively. Steven Mesler: Form Follows Force: Haresh Lalvani
  • The noises of men talking and laughing and the sound of champagne corks popping filter out into the corridor.
  • First the carbon dioxide is filtered and allowed to accumulate in a container.
  • Amazingly, as personal computer technology was filtering into the Weltanschauung, their vision was actually filtering into the mainstream.
  • Villagers then filtered out the sediment by pouring the water through tightly woven cloth.
  • It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science. David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
  • These used rotating discs to initiate a quasi-musical sound which was then filtered, processed and reproduced at different pitches.
  • Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
  • However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
  • The Brass-Cell filter consists of a tinplated aluminum frame, tin-plated stainless steel gasket (Ultra Quick-Shield) and brass honeycomb panels.
  • When the transmission type smoke meter examination is not good with the standard neutral light filter neutral degree, this kind of affect can affect its prepare result and the actual use.
  • You've probably ingested large quantities of it yourself, if you've ever eaten vegetables straight out of a garden without washing them thoroughly, or if you've ever eaten unfiltered honey.
  • To fix this, we need a more complex filtering heuristic.
  • Obviously, not all spam filters work that well, but this seems like a really odd choice as a way to block spam.
  • The curved tail covers the nose while sleeping during extreme temperatures, acting as a filter to warm and humidify the inhaled air.
  • The feeding zooids use retractile tentacles, called the lophophore, to filter feed and have a U-shaped gut for digestion.
  • When you turn on the tap, unfiltered water flows through the faucet head at a full-pressure flow as with any conventional faucet.
  • This paper presented a new adaptive variable step size LMS algorithm, which controls step size according to the correlation of the gradient change of filter coefficients.
  • Mixtures of solution and resin were filtered through a 0.45 m filter and filtrates freeze-dried.
  • As diatoms collect on the ocean floor and are buried deeper and deeper, they are compressed and changed from a form known as diatomite, which is used in swimming pool filters, to opal.
  • Performance is somewhat slow, but this is not unusual for filters doing complex calculations.
  • Segments were perfused with filtered water which was not acidified.
  • The laser module has an output connected to a controller via filtering and reference circuitry.
  • I suggest you get small pieces of glass or perspex and use these as the final filter.
  • Like the blue whale, many aquatic organisms filter plankton. Biology Basic Facts
  • I was sitting in Panera Bread last night, fumbling around with proxies in an attempt to get around their ham-fisted network filtering.
  • From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze. The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian.
  • Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
  • He took a white-filtered cigarette from a packet which lay on a glass-littered table beside the sun lounger.
  • Oreck next maintained that many of its challenged statements were nonactionable puffery: (1) the Dyson is “bulky”; (2) the Oreck vacuum emits “no puff” of dust when it is emptied; (3) the Dyson bin emptying process is “messy” and the Dyson filter is “not sanitary” and a “dirty little secret”; and (4) the XL Ultra 4120 weighs “only nine pounds,” while the weight of the DC14 is “backbreaking.” Archive 2009-03-01
  • The multilevel digital filter, anti - interference performance is stronger.
  • Memes, data, information get filtered through multiple channels these days, instantly and so the ones that get through to most people are the ones that are shocking and "tweetable."
  • As plates and films became more sensitive (orthochromatic emulsions are sensitive to green as well as blue light), ruby safelight filters became necessary, but the old manipulation techniques could still be utilized.
  • It filters down through our players to the public through the press.
  • Was surprised about how complicated is to combine a landline and dsl. first they needed to “digitalize the line” at the switch, then add all kind of filter boxes around the house … A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
  • The connection hissed and buzzed with static that the computers should have been able to filter out.
  • I like that they remember what guitars were for, and that Thom decided he could sing without putting his voice through ten filters and vocoders.
  • You filter the coffee through this special paper and it takes out the bitterness.
  • The Dynamo was accustomed to puffing his way through 40 unfiltered cigarettes a day, mainly in his office or his car, both now out of bounds.
  • The integrated hydrolytic acidification - biological aerobic filter was used to treat oil - refining wastewater.
  • They inactivated the viruses, filtered and blended the three types into the vaccine for the trial.
  • According to laser radar echo characteristic, the difference filter and the match filter were adopted. As a result, the SNR is advanced about 1.5 times.
  • The Abanaki Model 8 belt skimmer may be part of an emergency oil spill system, in which wastewater flows though a coalescer tank, is skimmed, and then passes though filters. Business Wire Travel News
  • Weak light filters in through stained glass and creates deep shadows among the pews and misericords.
  • She couldn't identify the tall tree but sunlit filtering down through the spiderwork of twigs and branches was wonderful. Time Scout
  • The main reason most publicans prefer to sell this filtered and pasteurised product is that it's easier to stock and handle.
  • Or dumping enough toxic plastic waste into the ocean that it forms huge islands of yuck as far as the eye can see so Yuppies can drink pints of filtered tap water in throw-away bottles just to prove how Yuppie-fied they are. Channeling Religious Impulses
  • The Pontiac was travelling north along Bonnet Creek Road in the left-hand filter lane while the Ford van was travelling south on the inside lane, according to police in Florida.
  • The undies neutralise smells thanks to a filter which removes odours through a thin and flexible carbon cloth. The Sun
  • Adaptive passband equalization filtering comprises in addition to a non-iterative portion, an iterative filtering portion to suppress longer-delayed post-ghosts.
  • Extra virgin, light, with lemon, unfiltered, cold-pressed: the variety of olive oil on most supermarket shelves is dazzling. Feds To Begin Enforcing Olive Oil Designations
  • Use the "filter" tool on our interactive chart to remove the two recent partisan polls, and the Kirk margin narrows to roughly 1 point (40.5% to 39.6%). Dueling Partisan Polls Confirm A Toss-Up In Illinois Senate Race
  • On top of the 500 reporters traveling with the military and the three cable-TV news channels beaming 24-hour coverage there's a new element in this war: unfiltered eyewitness accounts online.
  • Rumor filtered up the line during the rest, one group talking to another next in sequence. HAMMERFALL
  • The highly concentrated cosmetic wastewater can be treated by anaerobic - contacting oxidation - ozone - biological aerated filter ( BAF ).
  • Her heart thumped and a cold clamminess filtered into every pore of her skin.
  • While our Internet service includes filtering functionality, it is our customers who make the decisions about which categories are blocked or unblocked.
  • M/s Merchant and Ivory's films resemble a small antique shop displaying old colonial cars, rosewood bedposts, long cotton gowns and unfiltered cigarette cases.
  • Through the half-open door I see he is making filter coffee. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The current crop of middle to late 20th Century ‘Period Dramas’, all re-evaluate the past through a filter of modern-day attitudes.
  • At last use the cosine function computing the similar degree, and implement the spam filtering.
  • The paper is mainly about digital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms .
  • Anticipate the need for granular SSLPEER filtering by designing a naming convention for certificate distinguished names that contains useful organizational unit fields.
  • Thesaurus concept hierarchy collaborative filtering algorithm improves search efficiency and quality of recommendatory results significantly which is proved by elementary test and analysis.
  • These larvae are filter feeders and lack the characteristic jaw sheaths and denticles of many other frog larvae, but have characteristic barbels.
  • The influences of rapidly changing signals to human perception can be stressed by filtering the relative spectra(RASTA) for MFCC.
  • Cider in the US is defined as unfermented, unfiltered apple juice.
  • A yellow, smoky light filtered through as the priest chanted the opening prayers and made the sign of the cross.
  • Cigarettes make up just 20% of tobacco consumed, with most tobacco smoked through the traditional, leaf wrapped, unfiltered cigarettes (called bidis).
  • With drivers carrying potatoes rather than spare parts for pool filters. Times, Sunday Times
  • These filters are normally used to clarify the products of settled grape juice or wine, such as lees after crushing, pressing, and settling, and the residue of finings such as bentonite.
  • Remind yourself that the right filter can be fantastically flattering, and she probably doesn't look that good in real life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mass concentration by tapered elemental oscillating microbalance was on average slightly lower than mass concentration measured by filter, but there was good agreement.
  • Once the lymphatic fluid has been filtered, it is channelled back to the bloodstream. Healthy By Nature
  • US studies have suggested that the shift of long-standing smokers to low tar filter cigarettes results in the smoker inhaling more deeply and retaining smoke longer.
  • I smoke filter - tipped cigarettes in order not to waste pipe tobacco.
  • Light from the partially eclipsed sun filters through the clouds over Varna, Bulgaria, on Tuesday, creating a Cheshire Cat grin.
  • Green laser module 300mw (IR filtered) power test under 22 celsius degree it is test under 22 celsius degree. once the module inner temperature get to 33~36 degree. our module will be high efficiency on the outpower. moreover, if you put our module into your torch housing or have it cooled in properly, its outpower will be stable longer time up to 5 minutes. - Articles related to Delhi still battling heat wave
  • This paper describes a new nonlinear filtering algorithm (NLF) for tracking maneuvering targets, presents reasonable maneuvering likelihood function, derives estimating equations.
  • Excessively muted in tone and atmosphere, they seem remote now, as if filtered through gauze.
  • My thoughts and ramblings were put on hold as the toothsome scent of bacon and omelets (the mystery goo in the basin) filtered into my room, permeating throughout the air and reaching my nostrils.
  • Jupiter filters through your job chart and gives you a certain something that intrigues people. The Sun
  • Unlike other spam filters Antispam Marisuite takes into consideration much more statistical parameters of messages such as idiomatical constructions, message's route and sender's IP address, presence of phishing links, parameters of attached pictures and so on. 2BakSa.Net
  • Leaves, each with one to three pairs of smooth, tiny leaflets, shed early, leaving leafstalks to provide lightly filtered shade.
  • They also say the robotic computer's ability to filter out routine hand tremors and scale down movements when tinier cuts are needed means more precision.
  • The new software, which has been ... web filter software called Luba ... - Articles related to How Twenty20 inventor was short-changed
  • A British woman has undergone a life-saving kidney transplant after having her blood plasma frozen and filtered to ensure that the organ was not rejected. Times, Sunday Times
  • A FilterPure filter is a round ceramic pot made of clay, a combustible material like saw dust or rice husks and a naturally occurring antibacterial called colloidal silver. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Naturally, networks that achieve such frequency-dependent reduction are termed filters.
  • To improve the real-time performance for visual navigation of the mobile robot, a parallel color image segmentation algorithm using peer group filter(PGF) and fuzzy membership is studied.
  • The exterior glass walls of this sculpture hall are coated with tiny white ceramic dots (called frits) that screen city views and suffuse a supernal glow heightened by filtered daylight that streams down from deeply inset skylights ” an effect equal to the lighting of Piano at his best ” made possible when Tschumi rotated the story above this middle level of the museum. Grading the New Acropolis
  • In Women in Love, animals become the receptacles of man's deepest and darkest desires, ones that are often repressed in human interactions but filter to the surface when animals enter the equation.
  • Their voices are filtered to sound electronically echoic.
  • The class of organisms known as the filterable viruses or the ultra-microscopic or the invisible organisms have a special interest in many ways. Disease and Its Causes
  • Filtering software and technologies can assist, but not replace parental supervision.
  • Filters are required to keep children safe from porn and other such smut.
  • The filter should be placed on the main water supply line near where it enters the house, at any point past the main shut-off valve for the whole house, but before pipes branch off into multiple directions.
  • She wears sunglasses and a babushka and smokes cigarettes through a long plastic filter that looks like a pipe stem.
  • All spectra were smoothed 10 times using a fixed bandwidth, sharp cutoff, three-point, low-pass linear digital filter.
  • If instead you have electronic air cleaners in place of a ducted system, follow manual instructions for regular cleaning of filters.
  • The function of pyrazolone derivative in silver halide photographic paper is as a filter to prevent halation and irradiation.
  • Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
  • The suspensions were spun at 1000 g for 30 minutes and the supernatants were filtered and lyophilized.
  • In comparison, in a collimated system the peak wavelength varies across the FOV of the etalon filter according to = / 2n.
  • The filter removes pollen and dust that is brought in from the outside through the heating and cooling system.
  • The mussel reef that once thrived in Okahu Bay is being replenished to filter the waters from high sedimentation and metal contamination, and to restore the mauri (life force) of the bay.
  • CNET tracker is pretty good if you can filter out their constant email notifications How Do You Keep Your Computer Patched And Up To Date? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Make a ten per cent infusion of the suspected coffee; filter it, and decolorize the solution by boiling it with a piece of animal charcoal. The Home Medical Library, Volume V (of VI)
  • Fox stared stonily ahead, watching the grey of false dawn filter into the star-studded sky, ever aware of the orange glow behind him.
  • The carrier of the modified filter medium is the volcanic rock coated with a polycondensate modifier.
  • She plays the blues as filtered through the best punk rock.
  • Resembling a miniature windsock, the filter is deployed by means of a 0.14-in.-thick guidewire.
  • Some models, such as those made by Brandt, have washable metallic filters that can be cleaned in the dishwasher.
  • The utility model relates to an overflow-type filter cake washing device for a vacuum pan filter.
  • But I want to know if the same atmosphere acts as a capillary filter through which the working liquid (water) is transported or if it is a kind of tridimensional empty and filled parcels in the atmosphere (I mean low pressure-high pressure). Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
  • If one of the two obviously is higher than the other, adjust the related frequency filters as needed.
  • If the input signal is super imposed with high - frequency noise , use a low - passed filter.
  • There are some filters that contain a resin which removes nitrates. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • It uses context-sensitive filtering technology to determine whether a message is offensive and prompts people to reconsider their actions. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, excitation of blue and cyan fluorescent proteins is most efficient in spectral regions that are not commonly used, so specialized filter sets and laser sources are required. Archive 2005-10-01
  • It is known that setting point and cold filter plugging point of low pour point diesel with cold flow promoter can reverse during the storage and use process.
  • He also noted that pigmented fungi were resistant, consistent with the notion that pigments serve as protective filters.
  • The tracking filter incorporating the radial velocity and varying sampling interval concept should have a practical application in engineering.
  • The photorefractive creates an index grating that couples light from one beam to another effectively compensating for any less than stellar phase-front negating any need for complicated optical alignment, spatial filtering, and columniation.
  • The optimizer considers using multi-column statistics to detect a statistical correlation and estimate more accurately the combined filtering effect of multiple predicates.
  • Based on the optimization idea to minimize the maximum value of residual vibration energy over the entire range of parameter variation, a robust time-delayed filter was designed.
  • Version 3.0 of Nvidia's own Intellisample system provides 16x anisotropic filtering and lossless compression for colour, texture and z-buffer data to speed it through the pipeline.
  • Their music uses band instrumentation, field recordings such as birdsong and street chatters, filtered electronics, speech and song fragments. Undefined
  • I got 2 boxes (12x2) 5w30 1qt NAPA syn oil for $2.99/qt and purolator filter for $1.25 a piece a few months back with my MM rebate cards (so basically oil+ filter is all FREE for me). Hot Deals
  • He activates a control on his belt and activates his mask's infrared filter.
  • It was smoking unfiltered cigarettes, drinking your coffee black, and thinking how bored you were.
  • Invent your own filters, use an Elliot Wave filter, anything you think will help your trading.
  • Alternate use of two filters, non-stop machine in case of replacement filters, suitable for long-term continuous production.
  • Secondly, simple model to calculate pulse noises which affect subscriber channel be digitized is used. This provides data basis for the design of channel filter.
  • This has created an immediate difficulty in securing supplies of particulate filters.
  • However, the high point in cohune nut exports was during World War I, as cohune nuts were used in making the charcoal filters in gas masks during this war.
  • Leadtimes remain stable at six to eight weeks for standard devices such as resistor/capacitor arrays and filters. Purchasing - Top Stories
  • It does this by filtering out sounds by frequency - usually around the normal vocal range of human voices.
  • The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the container.
  • It also overcomed the dificulty to realize characteristics BPF with fractional bandwidth greater than about 5% in the form of multi-metal insert waveguide filter.
  • For the above reasons, the extended Kalman filter is proposed as RBF learning algorithm, and the biradial function is used in hidden layer.
  • These frequencies get filtered based on what the military deems is right and wrong.
  • Drainage facilities, such as perforated pipes, troughs or culverts, allow hydraulic filter bed cleaning. 8. Classification of roughing filters
  • When we arrived, we saw that the liquid was not passing through the sand, but was ponding on the surface of the filter bed.
  • If the water is too cloudy to see the label on the far side of a clear bottle, it needs to be filtered first.
  • The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo. The Photoshop Blog
  • The check is aimed at ensuring that no incongruent code is executed by the filter interpreter.
  • Second, a motion vector filter (MVF) is introduced to correct the false estimated motion vectors caused by partial similarity in the video sequences.
  • The pump has a filter to remove all the harmful bacteria.
  • The activated charcoal is normally packaged in filter cartridges that are inserted into the purification device.
  • De-noise filter method based on single value decomposition is applied to preprocess traffic volume time series, and a radical basic function neural network is trained for prediction.
  • A filter traps dust from the air.
  • Community site imbeds tool for planned and spontaneous ride sharing via real time web interaction w/precinct community filter. Valerie Tarico: What Should Obama Ask of Us, the American People?
  • But snippets and fragments of legend and lore had filtered in from somewhere.
  • The transmission properties of the one-dimensional photonic crystals with defects were studied using the eigen matrix method, and a new kind of tunable optical filter is proposed in this paper.
  • At least an academy has been established, and young players are filtering upwards from it.
  • If you cannot heat the water to a rolling boil or use a recommended filter, then try chemically treating the water by chlorination or iodination. Giardiasis
  • Most quads already have a fuel filter in the petcock, though, and adding another one is overkill. Maintenance Tip: Filtered Fuel vs Filtered Air
  • We are on the edge of the muddy, fulvous Lion River, hot as tea, and are running through drinking water almost as fast as we can filter it. Richard Bangs: Following Brad and Angelina to Namibia, Part II
  • To accomplish this, just substitute 0xc0a8090a in the filter code with the IP address of your choice in hex notation.
  • The novel is built around Lennie, the character whose 'slowness' has most filtered into the American popular consciousness.
  • Water and sanitation experts are currently investigating if a powder made from the seeds of the Moringa Oleifera, commonly known as the drumstick or horseradish tree, can be used as a filter to purify water. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • A filter whose transfer function is matched with the frequency spectrum function of input signal.
  • Such seedlings behaved identically to seedlings grown on uncovered filter paper and, hence, any possible effects of hydrotropism were eliminated.
  • It also filters harmful blue light in fog and wet driving conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The audio reverberator system includes a piezoelectric transducer having an intrinsic capacitance coupled to an additional circuit element to form a low-pass type filter circuit for attenuating higher frequency inputs to the transducer to provide a desired flat frequency response for an audio vibrational output to vibrate a reverberation plate for production of a desired audio output.
  • Usually the fixed capacitor and passive filter are applied to compensate reactive power and harmonic current.
  • Highland areas would be reforested to create a filter through which rain and groundwater could be purified for use in the more populated valleys and lowlands.
  • Its basic advice is to avoid posting email addresses on Web sites or newsgroups and to use a filter, which is all pretty obvious, but its stats are quite interesting.
  • But remove your perception filter and all of a sudden they look more like fish from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least one of the new filter starting bacteria mixes claims to allow you to start your tank fully stocked.
  • You can also filter photographs rather than block them all unconditionally.
  • Here the syrup is boiled carefully to attain the correct sugar density as measured with a sugar hydrometer and filtered again.
  • Slugs are attracted to beer, and this weakness can be exploited by deploying pitfall traps baited with beer (real ales with traces of yeast, rather than filtered lagers).
  • These respirators contain both inhalation and exhalation valves that filter the air and ensure that it is free of mold particles.
  • In this case, the beer is fully fermented, then filtered to remove the yeast, then carbonated and stored in a tightly sealed keg, ready for immediate drinking.
  • A filternetwork provides a canvas on which icons representing synthesis primitives are patched together to create a processing or synthesis chain.
  • End user attitudes to seldom offered spyware screening services from ISPs mirror attitudes to spam filtering when such services were in their infancy four or five years ago.
  • Stocking too quickly leads to disease and deaths, as the biological filter can not cope with the load.
  • Make sure that the bird is caged and the cage is covered by a thin cloth or sheet to provide security and filtered light.
  • The extremely narrow lines of the solar spectrum require filters with correspondingly high resolution.
  • MEXICAN FOLK music blares from a boom box, the sounds of accordions filtering up the stairs.
  • Their voices filter through the branches like dust.
  • Reports about an accident began to filter in.
  • We've taken 30 acres out of production already for double-wide waterways and filter strips.
  • He hears countless movie pitches, and is responsible for filtering out the twelve movie ideas that his studio will turn into features every year.
  • And it's not only the name and a love of books that has filtered down through the generations but a hearty love of plants.
  • This paper has analyzed the PN code acquisition performance effects of adaptive narrow-band interference suppression filters in spread-spectrum systems based on detailed theoretical derivation.
  • Tone-induced by-products may involve quantizing noise, harmonic distortion and any amplitude or phase modulation sidebands falling outside the reject limits of the notch filter.
  • As the sunshine filtered in, a new light came to her face and she sat in all her glory.
  • A filter on the app followed an extremely similar geometric pattern and colour scheme. Times, Sunday Times

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