How To Use Filter paper In A Sentence
Then, we fix the adsorbed DNA molecules in their conformations thanks to uranyl acetate and we dry the sample using filter paper.
The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
Then, we fix the adsorbed DNA molecules in their conformations thanks to uranyl acetate and we dry the sample using filter paper.
Maize caryopses were immersed in tap water and then allowed to germinate in Petri dishes on moist filter paper in the dark at 26°C.
Runge, Schönbein, and Goppelsroeder, had used filter paper for a kind of chromatographic analysis, while Tsvett and many of his successors used mainly tubes packed with various finely powdered, active substances for separations.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1952 - Presentation Speech
Five leaves per plant were removed from the first and second whorls and carefully stuck to filter paper with a small strip of double-sided adhesive tape.
Check the inner and outer sides of the foam insert and the filter paper inside the tilter.
Methods One is to determine the inhibition zone diameters with filter paper.
Whereas this method is compared with the usual method - folded of segmental filter paper ? s.
The influences of the type of monomers and emulsifiers on film forming property of the emulsion and water resistant property and mechanic property of the impregnated filter paper are discussed.
Seeds were germinated in the dark on filter papers moistened with deionized water.
For the measurement of low concentration enzyme, the filter paper activity and fluorescence assay were combined.
On the other hand, it was found that in the silver coulometer when the anode is wrapped with filter paper (as it always was in the earlier researches), too much silver is deposited, or at least the total weight of the precipitate is too large.
Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
For general home use, a device that employs filter paper or filter cloth is best; for the epicure an improved porcelain French percolator (drip pot) or an improved cloth filter will yield the utmost of coffee's delights.
All About Coffee
After passage through glass fiber filter paper, the filtrate was concentrated using a rotary vacuum evaporator.
In eight locations, blood samples were obtained by piercing the skin with a sterile lancet and absorbing a drop of blood on a piece of filter paper.
The sample was transferred and selectively enriched onto a filter paper, then determined.
Similarly, items such as filter paper were all sterilized by autoclaving.
To avoid tissue dehydration during measurements, the walls of the pressure chamber were covered with wet filter paper.
After passage through glass fiber filter paper, the filtrate was concentrated using a rotary vacuum evaporator.
The outer testae were removed and seeds placed in the light on filter paper soaked with sterile distilled water.
Eggs oviposited in each GC of both FWMs and d5FWMs were counted by examining filter papers under a dissecting microscope.
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Based on this highly efficient shoot induction, the application of filter paper to the genetic transformation of Artemisia annum L. by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was investigated.
The total amount of lignin impregnated onto the filter paper comprised approximately 30% of the weight of the sheet in order to mimic the lignin content in mechanical pulp papers.
Such seedlings behaved identically to seedlings grown on uncovered filter paper and, hence, any possible effects of hydrotropism were eliminated.
It is true that you cannot make a good chemist, or even apothecary, without giving days and weeks to exact use of balances or to watching filter papers and the like but the mere layman may learn in a short time with profit the meaning of a chemical equation, and find a kind of diagrammatic knowledge sufficient to meet all he requires.
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In the first step, large contaminants were removed by filtration through filter paper.
Seeds were placed on moist filter paper in Petri dishes in the dark to germinate.
Following warming of the crucible in a water bath for about 10 minutes, silicon flouride escapes which hydrolytically dissociates during deposition of white silicic acid when it comes in contact with the moisture of the black filter paper.
1.1 Blow pipe assaying
The seeds were then cut in half longitudinally and deposited on a sterile Whatman No.1 filter paper impregnated with 1% tetrazolium chloride.
Surface-sterilized caryopses were germinated on moist filter paper in Petri dishes on 13 September 1996.
Seeds were germinated on wet filter paper and grown without the addition of ABA.
The sample brominated epoxy resin enclosed in filter paper is burned in flask filling with oxygen.
The residual ethanol was evaporated by spreading out the solid on a sheet of filter paper.
The particles do not pass through normal filter paper nor do they dialyze through a semipermeable membrane.
In all cases, evaporation from the pots was minimized by covering the exposed surface with a layer of filter paper.
Rice plants were axenically grown in glass test tubes containing a strip of filter paper to support the seeds and filled with 15 ml of Long Ashton nutrient solution.
She was dripping naphthyl acid phosphate on small circles of white filter paper.
Getting out the medicine droppers, she began deftly dripping naphthyl acid phosphate over the filter paper.
Strain through clean, sterile muslin cloth and then drip through coffee filter paper.
Seeds were germinated in the dark on filter papers moistened with deionized water.
In the third cohort, a total of 145 seeds were cold stratified for 30 days and then checked for germination on filter paper in a petri dish.
The dry substance may now be wrapped in filter paper, the whole weighed, and the nitro-glycerine extracted in the Soxhlet apparatus with ether.
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