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film producer

  1. a producer of motion pictures

How To Use film producer In A Sentence

  • Verity Lambert OBE is a British television and film producer. Sir Patrick Moore Has Gone Off His Rocker - NASA Watch
  • Film producers tend to blame cable TV and video piracy for their misfortunes.
  • Verna keeps busy offstage as a film producer, her credits including the 2003 hit Saved By The Belles.
  • A couple of adult film producers based in California are being prosecuted in Pittsburgh by U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan.
  • Unfortunately, what Cecil offers seems little better - it's little more than an episodic series of hammily acted altercations between his shrill cast and various bemused multiplex employees and film producers.
  • I find it fairly ridiculous that the defacto leader of the “progressive” netroots faction is a middling film producer. Matthew Yglesias » House Progressives Willing to Back Modified Senate Bill, Centrist Senators Resume Customary Posture as Villains
  • She was plucked from obscurity by a Hollywood film producer.
  • The film producer behind Chariots of Fire said the scheme was unworkable.
  • It provides facilities to both independent film producers and major broadcasters.
  • But having written best sellers and got to the top of the best seller lists obviously your income has jumped hugely and you're also being wooed by American film producers.
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