

  1. a parent who murders his own son or daughter
  2. the murder of your own son or daughter

How To Use filicide In A Sentence

  • Proprietariness tidily explains the relatively high representation of women among filicide-suicides as compared to familicide-suicides and spousal homicide-suicides; women would be expected to feel proprietary toward their children, but much less so toward their husbands. Mental Nurse
  • But also, I don't rightly know how you stop mindless filicide; and there's a strong stench of inevitability and an anti-political helplessness hanging over the books.
  • We have known from the outset that a proportion of the deaths were technically filicide.
  • REID: No, it wasn't this kind of filicide or mother killing her children. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2004
  • Befides y to murder one's own reputation, is a kind of filicide, The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling
  • In the past 15 years two American doctors have committed double filicide.
  • The very idea of filicide (the murder of a child by a parent) is abhorrent.
  • He claimed that 80% of infant deaths were probably due to recognisable medical causes which doctors had failed to diagnose, while a further one in ten were the result of infanticide or filicide.
  • No, it wasn't this kind of filicide or mother killing her children.
  • It is not surprising that filicide, the killing of a child by a parent, provokes strong feelings.
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