
How To Use Figuring In A Sentence

  • An awesome book - what Robinson is particularly good at is figuring out how Chaplin pieced together out of accident, inspiration and music hall stunt, what turned into complex, archetypal early film narrative.
  • We can add a custom rule for Live ID to copy the nameidentifier to the name claim if we plan on using the name in our application by clicking add, then configuring the rule to copy the Site Home
  • Configuring software on our servers used to take 120 man-hours.
  • This is not just to ease congestion, but also to track the movements of individual cars for commercial purposes, like figuring out where to locate drive-through restaurants.
  • Here's another kind of prefiguring of epoxy because we've got glutenin and gliadin, neither of which are strong enough to make a good bread. Peter Reinhart on bread
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  • And I was cutting the cheddar into pretty thick slices figuring I would make a proper doorstep sandwich and maybe smear some Branston pickle on the cheese, yeah?
  • How about figuring out what the trip tik is supposed to be for the 3 remaining years so the rest of us can get somewhere other than this dank and dark place you have us stuck in now. CNN Poll: Obama approval under 50 percent
  • I usually flip back and forth between television stations to check in on who is winning what with the interest of someone who knows they will hear any pertinent information from friends and internet buzz for days following but whose real interest is to see the flustered tech award winners flush and stumble through gratitude they practiced while figuring out how to attach a cumberbund from a rental tuxedo. Oscars Schmoscars. It's All About The Whiskey And The Twitter.
  • Nor can they demonstrate any ability to provide better service through innovation; the only remaining room left to innovate is in figuring out how to deny claims. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • The director said that the casual attitude of visitors had already cost the garden a lot of damage. " Many indulge in disfiguring trees and even steal precious plants.
  • I could empathise with the exquisite torture of figuring out your place in the world.
  • Figuring the cost of the patrol car, the patrolman's time and the overall distance covered, the cost per mile for her commute is astonishing. Sound Politics: What should Mrs. Gregoire cut?
  • The reason that I bothered with the argument of vowelless [mz] being pronounceable is simply that I do, in fluent speech, usually produce the vowelless [mz], and therefore wanted to explain the more objectionable position, figuring the vowelled pronunciation of Ms. could defend itself. “Ms.”-ing the point « Motivated Grammar
  • We started making less vegetable platters than were ordered, figuring the food waste was too great to prep them in advance and we could throw a replacement together quickly if the guests devoured the first ones we sent out.
  • This fable is serve accentuated by a actuality which a single of Coach Troppmanns teenage football players attended all those camps in Booneville, California as great as expected was sleeping in a nearby cabin when Bryant as great as McKay were figuring out how to change a world. Excerpt from PIGSKIN WARRIORS: 140 YEARS OF THE GAMES GREATEST ...
  • The direction of the grain, as well as the amount of figuring in the wood, can affect the way it is sanded and sawed.
  • Rather than reconfiguring the Court in one fell swoop, they must proceed member by member, as justices die or leave voluntarily.
  • Hackman is tailor-made for Moseby, a regular guy who once played football, and who's much better at snooping on others than figuring out his own disordered life. John Farr: Two Passing Greats: A Tribute to Arthur Penn and Tony Curtis
  • And Paris, who already has trouble -- we have trouble sometimes figuring out who she is, or what she is, other than a "celebutante", the last thing she needs to be known as, forever, is a convict. CNN Transcript May 16, 2007
  • Time to go for a wander - otherwise I'm in danger of turning into one of those tragic netslaves who go on holiday and spend two weeks figuring out how to say "do you have an adaptor?"
  • I did well at this, and while MythBusters has me as a builder and an on-camera person, another thing I contribute is figuring out how to do things simply, quickly and cheaply. The MythBusters Answer Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
  • More serious dry skin conditions, such as the inherited group of disorders called ichthyosis, can sometimes be disfiguring and may cause psychological distress to people living with them.
  • The worthless overture of the 'Prophete,' disfiguring this fine ensemble, had been hissed by some students of the Conservatoire, and, accustomed as I was to the blindness of the general public, knowing its implacable prejudices, I trembled for the fate of the magnificent septuor about to follow. The Great Italian and French Composers
  • Webb let the name slide by, figuring Stefan was her brother, therefore of no interest to him. Stands a Calder Man
  • It took an act of insight to do so, a way of configuring the whole situation.
  • Manufacturers are able to produce a wide variety of aerosol devices by configuring these elements in different combinations.
  • People DO get together and plan grand strategies, figuring out ways to get advantages over the everyday schmo. Did you know that Jews control the Washington Post? [Bumped.] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Levy also says that along with scheduling, figuring out the mystery that the grown up Hardy boys need to solve is also a key element to figure out before moving forward. Shawn Levy Gives Update on HARDY MEN –
  • If so, have they not been struck with a philological mania, on seeing his picture of the Kutchin-Kutcha Indians dancing; in which the principal performer is actually figuring in the midst of the wild circle in the way described. Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Therefore, he repeatedly undercuts his real basis of power precisely by figuring as the leader of an amorphous mass.
  • ‘A lot of the design process in such a vertical house involves figuring out how to get people around,’ says Ranon.
  • The final fate of Franklin's foul fetor fascinates financial philosophers - figuring fictitious financials.
  • I purposely put in all those big words because I hoped while he was figuring them out, I could get out of his very tight clasp.
  • After figuring out how all the doohickeys (the buckles are a bit unusual but they function fine), latches, and what-not worked on these boots I was off for a tour. - The Backcountry Skiing Blog
  • I won't do the simple-minded approach of picking each tile and figuring out what words it forms.
  • Once inside, you can set about figuring out who the mystery guests are.
  • It failed and I had such a hard time figuring out what was wrong, I went through a stage of wondering whether I was losing my touch.
  • She saw the toilet to his right and, figuring it as good a place as any, walked to it, taking a seat on the lowered cover.
  • I was particularly pleased with myself for figuring out one move on the 5.9, which involved standing up, going big, and letting myself fall sideways onto a side-pull to get opposition on the arete. Changing guns for brooms the guards change to clean up crews
  • At least with a map you've got a chance of figuring out where you are, and more importantly how to get where you are going.
  • This time I went for the triangle model which took a lot of mental maths and figuring out.
  • We'll see if any horribly disfiguring scars turn up later.
  • Clearly, the courts and regulators are still figuring out how to think about exclusionary behavior by large corporations.
  • As nameplates proliferate and lower-volume vehicles claim an increasing share of the market place, OEMs will be faced with the challenge of figuring out how to profitably produce these vehicles.
  • We find ourselves in the current situation where, without reconfiguring health services, limited resources are spread too thinly, compromising the safety and quality of patient care.
  • Many defiant children are also unusually clever; figuring out ways to defeat your most sophisticated arguments.
  • Its regretful, transfiguring ending, built out of a wonderfully orchestral monody, is remarkable, and the clarity of the textures is quite startling.
  • It quickly necessitated figuring out how to "grope" myself discretely in public! Walking the walk, talking the talk: Security of mind
  • Part of the problem was figuring out what was inside some of the heavily iced cakes.
  • Yes, that's right - in two hundred years, homeopaths haven't gotten around to figuring out how many times a homeopathic remedy has to be "succussed" (i.e., shaken) in the course of dilution to activate its supposed curative powers. Planet Atheism
  • She always had difficulty in figuring things out.
  • I recently encountered the term Victorian "blood" novels, but I am having no luck figuring out what they are. Halloween Historical Horrorama
  • The complexity of human biology will not prevent scientists from figuring it out in enormous detail.
  • It sounds dumb except Republicans are figuring folks won't figure out their real purpose shivving Barack Obama. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him. The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
  • I look forward to working with you in fostering more community of end users and figuring out how all these fun technology tools can be used by “real people”. Happy birthday to me! I’m joining Google | FactoryCity
  • When configuring the aircraft for landing, things got interesting.
  • If you are having trouble figuring out whether a wine is dry or not, look at the alcohol.
  • For those of you now figuring distances in your head, Pensacola to Cincinnati is about 650 miles, following the most direct route along the airways.
  • Figuring out a master combination is a methodical process of elimination, determining pin by pin how deep to cut the key.
  • Prefiguring Expressionist chiaroscuro in their tonal brilliance, they achieve the seemingly impossible brief of ensnaring the transitory temperament of meteorological effects.
  • And the challenges from now on will require him to take hard decisions about strengthening and reconfiguring our anti-terrorist capability.
  • Figuring it†™ d buy him some time as he reeled from the punch to the face; Dustin backed up and started to run. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • So how did that affect you and what your strategy was in figuring out what a negotiation with him should be because if you believe in the apocalypse, then you believe you might die soon, and any conflagration is just further sign that yeah, the end is near, and that's a good thing. 'Stalling For Time' With An FBI Hostage Negotiator
  • Importantly, when spouses divorce, figuring out what they own and how it all should be divided is often one of the most contentiously debated topics.
  • While the CIC is figuring out its own future, outsiders are trying to figure out the CIC — and also SAFE, which will continue handling many of China’s assets. The $1.4 Trillion Question
  • Figuring I'd briefed him thoroughly on the other aspects of the policy, I answered his question.
  • So in the classroom, in the coffee room, with a neighbor, or in opportunities to serve the church, we hold back, figuring that others can do it.
  • It's easy enough to gauge an asteroid's longitude and latitude (ascension and declination in astro-speak), but figuring out its current celestial position is tricky.
  • The logic of flowcharting a system, figuring out how all the pieces and parts are interrelated, and making it work without having to manipulate the cranks is the exact same process as writing a book. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversee Medicare, typically follow at least 90% of its recommendations in figuring out how much to pay doctors for their work. Physician Panel Prescribes the Fees Paid by Medicare
  • On top of this, it also devoted space to figuring out the more complex cultural relationships that define New Zealand - like that which Kiwis have with the feijoa.
  • When he was born, when I saw him for the first time, the ecstasy that I felt was piercing, electric, transfiguring, a jolt of joy.
  • Last week I decided to start running again, figuring maybe I could tack on a few hours to my life expectancy.
  • Besides figuring out a way to eliminate the snakeheads from the Crofton pond, the group is likely to recommend searching for snakeheads in other freshwater bodies.
  • We are reconfiguring the past in the image of our times.
  • Figuring out how to deliver circuit-switched calls on a packet network was going to result in compromises and costs I detailed back in April. In the Race to LTE, Kineto Talks up Voice
  • Other common surgical corrections include those for club feet, strabismus, ptosis, and reconstructions from disfiguring traumas and congenital and developmental abnormalities.
  • This is the kind of manufactured issue that our politics has become obsessed with and, once again, distracts us from what should be my job when I'm commander-in-chief, which is going to be figuring out how we get our troops out of Iraq and how we actually make our economy better for the American people. Top Stories
  • Congress is considering reconfiguring the formula for allocating money.
  • And they did not deduct taxes before figuring the percentage.
  • We are reconfiguring the past in the image of our times.
  • The hopeless oscillation of question-answer-question is like a figuring of confinement: bouncing off each other in a rigid reciprocality where neither party is able to move.
  • If we rate a team of oxen a 1½ horsepower and assume that of the 50 days spent in plow-culture farming, there are 30 days in which the team is used 10 hours a day, we get a total of 450 horsepower-hours for the oxen and 50 (figuring the man at 1/10 horsepower, or 1 horsepower-hour per day) for the men used, or a grand total of 500 horsepower-hours to produce a hectare of corn with the plow as compared with 165 horse-power hours for hoe culture. Energy and Society~ Chapter 7~ The Industrialization of Agriculture
  • You could launch the default Conky setup at this point if you wanted — simply run conky from a terminal, by pressing Alt and F2, or by setting up a shortcut — but let’s get configuring. Customise Conky For Ambient Linux Productivity | Lifehacker Australia
  • Using statistics and computers, a process called bioinformatics, the researcher compared various versions of TRPA1 in assorted organisms today and figuring out how those variations relate to each other evolutionarily. A half-billion years of irritation
  • Those children who did survive suffered from disfiguring deformities.
  • Second, start figuring out whether some nuclear power plants need a "backfit," or additional construction to protect them from earthquakes. Top headlines
  • David L. Altshuler, deputy director of the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-chairman of the 1000 Genomes Project steering committee, said a large catalog is a critical tool in figuring out which genetic differences might increase risk of disease. Most Human Gene Variations Identified, Scientists Report
  • We get on really well and like talking about cricket, bowling and figuring out opponents. The Sun
  • That's after figuring out which document is which, since the person who "helpfully" upgraded their computer to OS X didn't realize that the filenames were also encoded in MacJapanese, and would turn into garbage. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • The problem was figuring out what a young timpanist could play for a concerto.
  • For a long-term squat, it is often worth figuring out the gas because it reduces the leccy bill.
  • One webisode, for example, has Mayne's three-person team (that includes their conspiratory theory-minded cameraman, Video Cowboy, played by Jon Glazer) on their way to cover the Beijing Olympics, when things hit a snag and Mayne decides to do his reports from New York City's Chinatown instead, figuring that no one will know the difference. Robert J. Elisberg: The Brilliant, Hilarious Mayne Street Returns
  • These humps can cause damage to the suspension and underside of cars driving legally at 30 mph or under, as well as disfiguring an attractive road.
  • Figuring I'd give people fair warning before I started bruising sternums, I cleared my throat.
  • Paintings are inspired by mock-Tudor suburbia, with Woods refiguring monochrome timbering as geometric abstractions in union flag patterns. This week's new exhibitions
  • W idly compared those divisions to the one that people had long used to make sense of Percy Shelley, the opposition between idealism and skepticism that received its own categorical shake-up with the 1980s stress on Percy's language, which did not so much sublate idealism and skepticism as reorient the discussion around a deconstructive figuring of tropes preceding either of those terms. The Sorrows of Young Wieboldt
  • The settlement with AvalonBay Communities, which will affect seven New York buildings with a total of 2,557 apartments, includes reconfiguring kitchens and bathrooms for wheelchair access and changing floor bevels in common areas. Landlords Fear Bias Deal
  • We know that the government are reconfiguring the apparatus of the intelligence community to concentrate in these areas.
  • My niece is going to college next year, and her parents are figuring it will cost them about $150,000 for the next four years. House Prices, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Prefiguring the house, this pavilion on a raised deck is a confection of gables and bays with intersecting corrugated metal canopies oversailing the wooden structure.
  • Just figuring out the size of the operation can be nettlesome.
  • Use the day for figuring out complex problems and by tonight you'll see the solution!
  • If he gave us accurate predictions of the future as a reward for figuring out the code, we are to believe he expects us not to use it to our advantage?
  • Those children who did survive suffered from disfiguring deformities.
  • It's very early, but they're specifically targeting in on the lowest part of the brain stem, known as the medulla (ph), figuring that there might be an abnormality in babies who die of SIDS versus other babies. CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2006
  • Shareholders say they've heard that before, and they're looking for help in figuring out when the shares will rise ahead of a pickup in sales.
  • And became immediately obsessed with figuring out whether that zit had been there throughout My Afternoon of Zipless Stupidity or had just sprouted, and, then, whether the presence of a giant zit on the nose of a zipless lecturer might distract from her state of ziplessness. Zipless | Her Bad Mother
  • Many were soon diagnosed with chloracne, a condition similar to common acne but more severe, longer lasting, and potentially disfiguring. Monsanto's Harvest of Fear
  • Poetry therefore constitutes the only language practice capable of transfiguring temporal, transient things into the eternal.
  • But officials at the suburban collectorate said the name figuring on the electoral list was not sufficient reason to be eligible for compensation.
  • You seem to have taken the next step, however, and got services essentially autoconfiguring their own dependencies, which is awesome. re: 'shell scripts are slow'
  • Nor is Dodds above making pop-culture quips: “But it always comes out like a Gilbert-without-/Sullivan song” or refiguring common proverbs: “But the moorhen is two birds killed/with one act of kindness.” Chris Hutchinson on Jeramy Dodds
  • The drum is graduated for the complete radius — ­ which took some tall figuring, I assure you — ­and the cable, winding around the drum and shortening, draws the tractor in toward the center. CHAPTER XVI
  • At the last moment he stopped fighting it and jumped in feetfirst instead, figuring that a controlled fall would be best. Guild Wars: Ghosts of Ascalon
  • During the past four years, 80 million people have been successfully treated for elephantiasis, one of the world's most disfiguring diseases.
  • Christensen argues that hospitals should focus primarily on what he calls intuitive medicine, the process of figuring out what's wrong with a patient. News
  • While our wingman searched another sector, we decided to search for the raft upwind, figuring a barge broadside to the wind would blow farther than a small raft with a sea anchor.
  • They made the word synonymous with a place of fiery torment, a prefiguring of the doctrine of hell. Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible
  • Figuring the outlaw as the martyred victim of both tyranny from without and treachery from within, oral tradition solicits sympathy and even pity for the people's hero.
  • Question: If KKKristian people are of such a low intellect and are not capable of figuring out how to get out of this mess they believe in, is it right for me to abraid them for something they weren't born with (enough intelligence) to be 'able' to overcome? Alex Jones' Prison
  • Since every schoolboy since Radcliffe-Brown knows the importance of the avunculate in African society, I simply counted my blessings, figuring that I must actually be ‘doing’ anthropology.
  • Likewise, he could not contemplate configuring his team in an entirely different way because he did not have the means to do this.
  • There's always going to be an audience for that kind of reportorial enterprise even as we undergo the angst of figuring out how our stories will be conveyed. ScrippsNews - current events, culture, commentary, community
  • Many Americans would cut pilot training to $5,000, figuring that a compromise is always best. Republicans bullish on 2010 governor's races
  • It was hard work, figuring out how to control the air flow and the self-lubricating tongue and the artificial larynx to produce something approximating human speech. Crashed
  • You may encounter difficulty figuring out where your own solution of a homework problem went astray.
  • Figuring out how to apply the laws governing property and commercial activity are among the most complicated tasks in a humanitarian crisis.
  • Bos and I moved forward along the trail, figuring the deer would leave 'Retz in the dust and she'd make her way back to a point just ahead of us. Still replying to Yuletide comments
  • It's amazing how many people still stroll to the printer to load letterheads or envelopes, rather than configuring their printer to permanently keep different stocks.
  • THX ASA creates the studio sound field in your home by digitally reconfiguring the surround channels.
  • Their thoughts are on their neighbours and families, with great-uncles figuring prominently in a couple of stories.
  • We get on really well and like talking about cricket, bowling and figuring out opponents. The Sun
  • It's far too easy, too cut and dried, and there's always the possibility of the Germans figuring out that that's exactly what we will do. SAN ANDREAS
  • Having suffered a bone-crushing defeat on health care the republicants are figuring about now that the only thing that will save their putrid hides is a terror strike. Think Progress » Obama’s second TSA nominee backs out.
  • Hall started as a sculptor, and it shows in her bulldozed reconfiguring of a Cape Cod meadow into undulating waves of earth and rock overgrown with wild grass.
  • This is partly about reconfiguring stadiums to put every event on centre stage but also about improved formatting and communication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use the day for figuring out complex problems and by tonight you'll see the solution!
  • I'm figuring out how much I need to make at the farebox. Route to a Fare Profit?
  • But rather than modify those claims, he devotes a great deal of hermeneutic ingenuity to disguising their shortcomings, at times actively reconfiguring his sources to suit the case he defends.
  • One must bear in mind, however, that Benjamin's monadology of the Arcades always reverts to an understanding of language and its role in configuring experience, a deductive regression also characteristic of Leibniz's formulation of monadic substance. Club Monad
  • The advisories are typically practical advice in applying system patches and better configuring systems to be more secure.
  • Why do you invest even one brain cell of your mental capital on figuring out his motivation?
  • I cannot see how disfiguring the building to make yet another hotel or gym would be of any major benefit to the town.
  • Now the vital laser needed to treat children with disfiguring birthmarks is already installed at the Ulster Hospital at Dundonald.
  • The team rejected traditional Biblical phrasing, figuring they would be unfamiliar or unappealing to the target audience.
  • Yet this idea of genius, reinforced by our image of it, implies an acceptance of the influence upon creativity of a divine or otherworldly thing, of the transfiguring influence of something unaccountable and mysterious.
  • The trick is figuring out which kids will fall into which category.
  • The problem with most "act now, just in case" demands and figuring that the "just in case" is considered a lie to suck in the skeptics... there is no "in case" because it's a sure thing is that the changes either won't do what they supposedly are supposed to do or would actually make it worse *and* that every "solution" invariably will cause *for sure* harm to economies and real people will suffer. "Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers...."
  • I went to reach for a second mug, figuring that Aidan might appreciate some coffee as well, when my foot gave a sudden sharp stab of pain.
  • Knowing the depth of impact of digital literacy on low-income kids, Watkins is now focusing his efforts on figuring out how to connect these skills to what he calls "civic outcomes" -- issues that have a direct bearing on disenfranchised communities. Tina Barseghian: For At-Risk Youth, Is Learning Digital Media a Luxury?
  • Forgacs carried out millions of dollars in re-configuring the ship, and her sister HMAS Kanimbla by providing three helicopter landing places, a hangar, classrooms, communications centre and enhanced hospital and operating theatre.
  • How was he to beat a legionary if he had trouble figuring out how to hold a sword?
  • Vascular birthmarks can be internal, or form an external birthmark and can be disfiguring, especially if formed on the face.
  • It also introduced a built-in tool called Lokkit for configuring the firewall capabilities.
  • Just be prepared to spend some time figuring out how it works (and being the main operator, if the giftee is a smaller child, since they'll quickly get frustrated on their own). Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • We are also asking the council to look at reconfiguring the inside of the building.
  • When banks cut off lending businessmen went to the high-interest informal lenders figuring that a month or two later they'd get loans again to repay their other debts.
  • What follows is a set of dispatches - a memo, a letter, even some traditional articles - about five innovators that are figuring out what's selling in America.
  • But figuring out exactly how to regenerate ammonia borane from the residuum left after hydrogen has been extracted remains a stumbling block.
  • It will pay us, I think, to stop configuring education as a battle of the geniuses against the uncivilized.
  • There's moderate demand for ads based on ethnic information, but the companies acknowledge that determining ethnicity is more challenging than figuring out gender and age range.
  • You need to really show him that it's all right, and you'd simultaneously be presenting him with a set of guideposts by which he can start figuring out what he can and can't deal with.
  • There he cleansed the temple, prefiguring his great atonement for sin, making us fit for communion with God.
  • I am not an expert on figuring out if the video has been tampered with or not, but my bet is that the YouTube video has been tampered.
  • Even if he lived his injuries would leave deep scars, disfiguring him.
  • In Europe, Malta is radically refiguring its water metering to conserve energy, and there is an EU-wide smarter cities initiative, ranking smaller towns according to their "smartness". City design: Transforming tomorrow
  • He also quotes The Hartford Courant which said that figuring him out was “like trying to stick a pushpin in a cyclone.” Bush's heavy reading
  • Such systems would need to organize their knowledge, figuring out what data is significant, reorganizing when necessary.
  • It is the only recognized OTC treatment for improving the appearance of disfiguring and emotionally devastating pigmentary skin conditions.
  • It proved that making wild-card picks, choosing the right assistants and figuring out the pairings for each day is only part of the job. Times, Sunday Times
  • By figuring her visual perception of beauty in terms of copulative touch, Oothoon articulates an imaginative alternative to the oppositional subject/object dynamic so often associated with the economy of the gaze. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • After deranging the mind and disfiguring the face, the bug causes a victim's body to "disassemble" and its limbs to run amok. NYT > Home Page
  • Much of what business will be doing for the next two years is unraveling, reconfiguring, and repositioning those existing companies and structures that have failed.
  • One big challenge is figuring out which activities are truly important and just how precise measurement should be.
  • More than anything, he liked companies that churned out the products people craved, figuring that an ever-growing population would deliver evergreen profits.
  • There is still a strong impression that the party's political approach remains timorous and lacks creativity when it comes to figuring out new responses to old problems.
  • In addition to worrying about the pliability of the unions, The Met must also worry about some group of canny visionaries figuring out how to churn out high definition, high quality opera productions designed exclusively for the movies and home markets in places where talent is available and cheap, labor costs are trivial, and sound stages go begging. Ivan Katz: And So Falleth the Sky
  • Figuring out why an adult perpetrates such acts will always remain a psychiatrist's delight.
  • Severe inflammatory acne can cause disfiguring cysts and deep scars.
  • Do different styles of Zhong Kui figuring come with different significance?
  • It helped pick up recent outbreaks linked to spinach, peanut butter and hot peppers and is "key to figuring out the causes of big, multistate outbreaks," he says. Report: States struggle to tally foodborne illnesses
  • You may encounter difficulty figuring out where your own solution of a homework problem went astray.
  • Initializing capture buffers -- Calling the function for initializing buffers by filling the video_queue_ops structure, and setting up buf_setup, buf_prepare, buf_queue, and buf_release methods, and then configuring the call initialization function by capture type Linux for Devices - RSS Feeds
  • Among the garden plants with interesting diseases seen recently were clematis affected by a microscopic rust fungus which caused huge galls on the stem, and a disfiguring pathogenic algae on Hardenburgia, an ornamental climber.
  • It becomes ever more nuancé, ever more modern, and the result is that it can no longer depict a tenement block or a refuse heap without transfiguring it.
  • Even if it's a little challenging to understand, it's all much easier than figuring out how to eat a riblet. Undefined
  • We are looking at ways of configuring our breweries to make them more efficient.
  • For whatever reason, there seems to be quite a bit of interest out there in figuring out what happens to birds after they die. Where do dead birds go? — Part 16
  • She can learn to observe herself, figuring out what she does easily and what takes more work.
  • Hank accepted a pack of lurid pink candy, figuring that Chase might like it, if his mama didn't mind.
  • The rest of the song is pretty similar; you shouldn't have too much trouble figuring it out by using the Tab for the verses as a basis.
  • (Kokiri and I substituted it once for regular sugar, figuring it wouldn’t hurt anything, and we managed to make the world’s crumbliest cookies EVER.) Peanut Butter Cupcakes with Peanut Butter/Chocolate Frosting. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • McCain cheated on his first wife Carol after she had a disfiguring car accident. — mark The Early Word: Foreign Policy Lens - The Caucus Blog -
  • When asked to bid on a project, I'd quote an impossibly high price for my services, figuring that if I were going to continue to sell my soul, I should at least be well compensated for it.
  • Start by figuring out the mix of stocks, bonds and cash that will be required to meet your needs.
  • After all my rabbiting on about the foolishness of those plebs who choose to spurn the way of the Proper Bow Tie, I've had a bastard of a time for the last couple of days figuring out how the heck you actually tie one.
  • But in 1998 the FDA approved thalidomide for treating the debilitating and disfiguring lesions associated with erythema nodosum leprosum.
  • The most severe form of leprosy produces large disfiguring nodules, or lumps.

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