How To Use Figurehead In A Sentence

  • She is truly formidable (in the French sense of the word), rather like one of those fantastic figureheads on a tall ship.
  • It is essential that diversity leaders be more than figureheads if they are to provide transformative leadership to their campuses.
  • But who can be sure that having your political figurehead at the 45-minute presentation is a vote-winner?
  • More resonantly, Joan, due to her chastity, courage, chivalry, piety and intelligence, personified an exceptional female figurehead.
  • The new leader may as a mere figurehead for a cluster of generals and other bosses.
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  • He is a figurehead, the hard-drinking leader who gives the gang what they want in exchange for loyalty and service.
  • The Pakistani schoolgirl has become a global figurehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was much more genuine and soft spoken than any of us expected, nothing like the verbose figurehead I'd come to expect.
  • But it will now be purely in an ambassadorial role rather than as a figurehead chairman. The Sun
  • He was one who loved figureheads, full-rigged ships and the traditions of the navy and the sea. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Whilst it is fairly certain that they did indeed have figureheads on their ships, only a small elite would have carried them, and they would have all been warships of some description.
  • First, keep in mind that news anchors, like other constitutional monarchs, are primarily figureheads.
  • Arthur and the elves seem more like cult members in their worship of Santa who we've established is merely a figurehead and Arthur's Jar Jar Binks-style klutziness and insistence on delivering the bike quickly becomes grating. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Arthur Christmas -- A Repellant Christmas Wish
  • She didn't enjoy being minister for women and equality at the beginning of the coalition government but she is determined to be a figurehead for women now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The schooner was called Le Carcajou—the Wolverine—and her figurehead was a carving of the beast, mouth agape and fangs bared, claws ready to strike. City of Glory
  • She had a carved fantail at her stern and an arching figurehead at the bow---a woman with wide-awake eyes. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • He's become a figurehead to bring people back together. The Sun
  • The figurehead was a bull, with a flower on his brow and gilded horns. The King Must Die
  • He was the first of a line of hereditary prime ministers who, although they kept the monarch as a ceremonial figurehead, ruled the country themselves for more than a century.
  • She is a cold, remote, autocratic figurehead with monarchical delusions and the instincts of a contract killer.
  • The Queen is merely a figurehead.
  • Very few institutions change their chief figurehead every year.
  • There are numerous maritime antiques, pictures and figureheads as well as ship models to be found throughout.
  • The party's president had become merely a figurehead.
  • Examples of women as ornamentation can be traced back to the use of female figureheads on the prows of ships.
  • He says that powerful conservative interests want him punished because he's a figurehead for defiance of authority.
  • In America during the colonial era there had been many wood carvers creating ship's figureheads and church furnishings.
  • But she has her own distinct identity: she is the first female figurehead of America's millennial punk scene.
  • The incomers were principally craftsmen, carving ships' figureheads and occasional portrait busts.
  • Because figureheads were intended to lead the ship onward in a rush of motion, neoclassical figures, in the final analysis, were not compatible.
  • Then, we had great leaders, great figureheads running clubs, but they didn't have to keep putting their hands in their pockets to bail their teams out.
  • Herodian troops held all the key points of the city, and what had been the palace of the city's impotent figurehead prince was now called Government House and was occupied by Cado and his captains. The Tower of Fear
  • This would be a strong answer to the Queen as sovereign figurehead, but could also result in a political president.
  • The Emperor was transformed from a divine figure into a constitutional figurehead.
  • The queen is only a figurehead.
  • The governing body needs a figurehead who embodies its new commitment to transparency and openness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is raising his profile to become the figurehead for Russian Standard. Times, Sunday Times
  • He represented the leaders who were just figureheads or ruled because of their wealth, prosperity, and connections with other influential people, which was how they were in power.
  • Louis-Napoleon seemed a pliable figurehead to the old monarchist élites, a means of resurrecting royalist values at a time when traditional monarchy was truly impossible.
  • Her stern was adorned with flowers, and in the arms of the figurehead was a large bouquet. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • We don't want bosses, figureheads or exalted leaders.
  • It will require the opinionated and voluble 48-year-old from Edinburgh's Muirhouse to soil his hands with the media, agents and all manner of those folk who make demands of an institution club's figurehead.
  • Galleries showcase an international collection of ship models, figureheads, small craft, paintings, and antique navigation instruments.
  • I wouldn't care so much except that in the eyes of many this rubbish is the supposed figurehead of all forward-thinking science fiction, and that is patently false. Is he dead Jim?
  • The President of this company is just a figurehead - the Chief Executive has day-to-day control.
  • He made a splendid figurehead, always ready with a witty comment or a rousing speech. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • Humphreys turned to Rush for preliminary designs for all the figureheads and stern carvings, and for a list of carvers who could accomplish the work in a timely fashion.
  • Good or evil, competent or inept, any leader or figurehead is welcome to offer assistance at this point. Think Progress » Obama asks George W. Bush to assist Haiti relief efforts.
  • Clan chiefs are now largely figureheads who can choose the level of involvement they have with a clan society and defer duties and titles to others.
  • A performing figurehead to rub shoulders with clients at dinners and conferences, certainly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ophelia, like many figureheads of her day, had been arrayed upon the beakhead of the ship, rather than positioned below the bowsprit. Ship Of Magic
  • The Royal Family is all about serious responsibilities: pomp and circumstance, figureheads for the land of hope and glory.
  • It was a wooden figurehead carved in the shape of an embowed, cheerfully grinning dolphin—worn, wormholed, its paint flaking with age; the original figurehead of the schooner Enterprise, that Stephen Decatur sailed against the Barbary pirates at Tripoli, four hundred years before. THE WOUNDED SKY
  • Since that day, more than forty years ago, Greenspan has become the figurehead (not the "fountainhead" - figurehead) for a new form of "establishment radicalism," a white-collar extremism which that has hijacked American economic policy for the last thirty years. Greenspan's Testimony: Will the 'Maestro' Face the Music?
  • Included are live demonstrations by a museum carver on how sailors depicted women on figureheads which, when placed on the bow of a ship, served to ward off harm at sea.
  • It seems no less anachronistic for us to have a home-grown hereditary figurehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Button, though, always wanted to stay at a team where he is seen as leader and figurehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some boats are shown with cabins, prows and figureheads and some carry animals.
  • The political leadership will become a figurehead at best and anarchy will rule.
  • That could mean as a figurehead or influence of overwhelming importance. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the argument is that the sovereign is largely a figurehead with little real possibility of doing harm, then let's pick one of our own.
  • She reached the anchored ship and recognized the figurehead upon its prow.
  • I'm afraid -- I'm _afraid_ we couldn't allow you to be a mere figurehead. Mr. Waddington of Wyck
  • Yes, the outside of her figurehead was mighty hard to beat, everybody said so; but the inside was kind of -- well, kind of rattly, as you might say. Mary-'Gusta
  • Instead he plays figurehead to perfection, based on a huge, relentless and ruthless spin team.
  • Although the public saw the usual hands at the wheel of the ship of state, they were as decorative as the figureheads on the bows of old sailing ships.
  • Back in England, his father the Earl was then the favorite figurehead to cut ribbons at factories producing pre-packaged sandwiches that now take up entire sections of British supermarkets. Lord Sandwich's Sandwiches
  • There were handsome ships anchored in the harbor, many-sailed with delicately carved figureheads.
  • Our own churchly figurehead stands head and shoulders above most of his ecclesiastical contemporaries and many senior politicians.
  • For more than a generation, men like Mr. Coke took charge of much of Jamaica as "dons" kingmaking political patrons, organized-crime bosses and figureheads of Kingston's neglected slums, where they distributed food and justice. After Jamaican Siege, a Bigger Battle
  • We need to look past the figureheads of the genre, and focus on brilliant outliers.
  • Figureheads were used to add a decorative flourish and prestige to ships and steamers in an age when the vessels were the quickest and most comfortable mode of transport.
  • The highest official is the prime minister, and the president is a figurehead with no real power.
  • At some time in the intervening period, careful consideration would have been given to the style and subject-matter of the figurehead, which would also play a crucial part in the overall design of the ship.
  • The Queen is merely a figurehead.
  • And Mark Huddleston is not the only college figurehead with a doppelgänger. College presidents around USA impersonated on Twitter
  • Whilst there was merit in the idea, John Blunt worried that the Lord Mayor would become simply a figurehead, reducing the position to a purely ceremonial role.
  • To assist easy repair of such damage, exposed and vulnerable elements, such as arms and legs, were constructed in such a way that they could be removed and unshipped from the main body of the figurehead.
  • The Prince has agreed to play a formal role as the diplomatic leader and figurehead of the drive. The Sun
  • To understand how the carved figureheads and nameboards crammed into this fascinating museum got here, just look out the window. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word "figurehead" ran in Poppaelia's mind but he did not voice it. Web of the Romulans
  • He has become the figurehead of this movement, and that could potentially set the cause back no end. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the front of the ship, the figurehead's womanlike face was thrown back in a howl of ecstasy, paws clutching her breasts, wings flared.
  • As she arrived at the bow, her eyes were drawn upwards along the prow, to where an ancient figurehead stood watch.
  • Cobain became the figurehead, the cult figure, the hero to some.
  • Built with the best materials, to the highest standard, her clipper ship bow and figurehead are still intact.
  • For instance, the figurehead was changed to an allegorical figure that evoked the ship's new name.
  • I'm a Celebrity, X Factor, 2009 "Rubbery pirate ship figurehead" Jordan and Simon Cowell ( "he prepares for each episode by dipping his head in matt-black Dulux and painting his dressing room wall with it") are the hapless cannon fodder in this double-barrelled reality showdown. Charlie Brooker: 10 of the best Screen Burn columns
  • The ship also carried standing skysail pales and yards, a half poop, and had as her figurehead a toothy dragon's head.
  • Instead, it became a liability, a disheartening battle of egos between its figureheads and led to attendant galvanization along the lines of high culture versus low among the population at large.
  • Although the public saw the usual hands at the wheel of the ship of state, they were as decorative as the figureheads on the bows of old sailing ships.
  • In 1868 when the vessel was stranded on a beach in New Zealand, the then Captain rescued the figurehead.
  • Football has to find a new figurehead who can make the selection of the World Cup an honest and transparent process. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alternative is to look upon the monarch as a mere figurehead, a focal point for tradition, pomp and ritual on the great occasions of state.
  • All weapons, armor, embolon, figurehead, and high-class loricae are made by them.
  • Clinton, clearly more than a figurehead, is chairman, guiding spirit, and the big gun strategically deployed for publicity and persuasion. “This Is Not Charity”
  • The figureheads, harking back to the days of sail, stand up to 1.5 metres (five feet) tall and have been suggested by Trafalgar 200 organisers to stimulate interest in all things nautical at an early age.
  • We need a figurehead admired by the young. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ship also carried standing skysail pales and yards, a half poop, and had as her figurehead a toothy dragon's head.
  • Even with later guitarists on board, they were a powerhouse live band, driven by Budgie's thundrous drum sound and one of the most original and authoritative female figureheads a rock band has ever had. In Heaven and Hell With You
  • As chancellor, Dame Janet will be the official figurehead of the university, presiding over degree ceremonies and taking a leading role in other ceremonial events.
  • The pride of the museum's collection was a figurehead from a Florentine galleon, captured by Pirates from Danzig in 1473.
  • The Eagle then hit a docked hydrofoil, cracking the beak of its wooden figurehead.
  • By 2011, the world was basically under the control of these five men, country leaders basically being political figureheads.
  • He's become a figurehead to unite the country and bring people back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • What the revival needs – at least for my shallow journalistic, box-labelling purposes – are figureheads, flying the flag, and flying it shirtless, quite possibly with a glowstick in the other hand. Tim Jonze On Shuffle … House
  • Her beakhead was a riot of gilded wood supporting a figurehead that showed an ecstatic-faced lady graced with a halo, carrying a sword and dressed in silver-painted armor, though her breastplate was curiously truncated to reveal a pinkly naked bosom. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • But in-person Bush's part of nine-eleven was merely to be figurehead -- playing the role of president on tv. Straight from the top (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • If we are to have a figurehead as the leader of the nation, let it be the people's choice via the ballot box and not someone's birthright.
  • She didn't enjoy being minister for women and equality at the beginning of the coalition government but she is determined to be a figurehead for women now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts say North Korea, hit by sanctions punishing it for its nuclear weapons programme, could adopt a collective leadership when Kim dies with his son identified as figurehead leader but real power held by a group of officials from the ruling Workers 'Party and the military. China Post Online - Taiwan , News , Taiwan newspaper
  • The national sports council has long suffered from this problem as its head is looked upon as more of a figurehead than a leader well-versed and interested in sports.
  • By making this pair of public school boys the figureheads of the pro-hunt lobby, the media is reinforcing the view that hunt supporters are toffs clinging to the last of the privileges enjoyed by the aristocracy.
  • In the past, the defense minister was only a figurehead without any authority over the chief of the general staff.
  • The ship was monstrous, and her figurehead suited her perfectly.
  • In the merchant marine figureheads portraying the skip's owner or builder and their wives, daughters, or sweethearts were popular.
  • The president is essentially a figurehead: the real power lies with the prime minister.
  • They always had duel leadership the emperor as a figurehead, and shogun as a real leader.
  • The ruling class may jettison figureheads who have served their interests for years, but they organise and manoeuvre to ensure their rule is restabilised.
  • King is just a figurehead; it's the president who has the real power.
  • This supposed personification of an ancient sacred landscape appears as nothing of the sort but rather a generic Old Man River figurehead.
  • A good mayor will become a figurehead for civic renewal. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you have all that, you don't need a figurehead. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the event Kim Jong-il dies suddenly, his son, by then identified as figurehead leader, would be surrounded by close family confidantes who have been appointed to senior positions in the Workers 'Party and military in recent months. Top Stories
  • She didn't enjoy being minister for women and equality at the beginning of the coalition government but she is determined to be a figurehead for women now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ruling class may jettison figureheads who have served their interests for years, but they organise and manoeuvre to ensure their rule is restabilised.
  • I'm a Celebrity, X Factor, 2009 "Rubbery pirate ship figurehead" Jordan and Simon Cowell ( "he prepares for each episode by dipping his head in matt-black Dulux and painting his dressing room wall with it") are the hapless cannon fodder in this double-barrelled reality showdown. Charlie Brooker: 10 of the best Screen Burn columns
  • A Jewish king was supposed to be a model of what an ideal Jew is all about - a figurehead for the rest of the nation to emulate.

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