
How To Use Figured In A Sentence

  • Said hi also to a few of the guys from Aereogramme after they'd finished up, but wasn't actually sure of who was there from Chemikal Underground or what they look like, so I was basically floating around and looking glaikit until Mags pointed out the Newsnight crew, and the nice interviewer man figured out who I was. Archive 2007-02-01
  • These days Britain's race laws are configured in Brussels.
  • Once all that is figured out, the most confusing factor in the equation must be pondered: playing time.
  • This is something the airlines figured out long ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
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  • A braai is the South African version of a barbecue - and I figured I could handle slapping meat on the grill. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • In the marketing department they figured, what the hell, you just trade zax for Zack and keep the ball rolling for another generation! The Volokh Conspiracy » Scrambling Scrabble
  • Its work figured in the arguments of advocates in this field that were based on the developing customary law.
  • Leinweber discusses the development of beliefs about sorcerers and female vampires (lamiae) in Greek and Roman texts through Apuleius and shows how they prefigured modern witchcraft and vampire legends.
  • We have installed a data specialist in the call centre whose key result area is to get a customer's services configured the moment he walks in and handhold them through all issues.
  • Many other species of Callia also resemble other malacoderms; and the longicorn genus Lycidola has been named from its resemblance to various species of the Lycidae, one of the species here figured (Lycidola belti) being a good mimic of Calopteron corrugatum and of several other allied species, all being of about the same size and found at Chontales. Darwinism (1889)
  • I figured that since I am now acquainted with millionaires, I must look like one, even if I am not.
  • Davenant's face was disfigured—his nose had been eaten away—by the mercury vapor he inhaled as a treatment for a case of syphilis. Pens at the Ready
  • ECLS design can be optimized for operability and common fan designs when sized for 4 persons. 4 person configuration is more robust and safer and allows more robust design solutions and ISS will get more pressurized cargo capability. 6 person capability is still available since Orion didn't change the OML and Orion can always be re-configured to carry 6 persons. Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch
  • Hopefully you have purchased a Security Suite (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc) from a RELIABLE vendor (like McAfee) and have it properly configured and automatically updating … if so, you probably would not have been infected … SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 111
  • However, postmodernism has figured more prominently in internal critiques of feminist theories.
  • This was Gerard's account of the Cucumber, while of the Cucumber Pompion, which was evidently our Vegetable Marrow, and of which he has described and figured the variety which we now call the Custard Marrow, he says, "it maketh a man apt and ready to fall into the disease called the colericke passion, and of some the felonie. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • The microprocessor is configured with a predecoder and an instruction cache.
  • It wasn't until I got back home that I figured out what makes the southern coast unique, in this island at least.
  • He had spent some years in dissipation, which had disfigured him more than the wounds. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • I already had them figured for bourbon drinkers, and on receiving confirmation I poured a pair of doubles, left the bottle out and placed a tray of ice on the counter.
  • She is a gorgeously full-figured woman, and he is quite the strapping middle-aged man.
  • Knowledgeable shootists realize the value of a large-frame revolver and have mourned the loss of this full figured six-gun ever since.
  • They were all in their street clothes, so I'd figured they'd vacated the locker room with the intention of going home… until they'd noticed the basketballs.
  • My biga and soaker sat in my fridge for 3 days -- you don't need to wait 3 days, 12 hours is the minimum, but I figured that the longer it sat, the tastier it would be, and I knew I wanted to serve the bread with a lamb stew I would be making (and will be sharing with you). Archive 2008-10-01
  • I figured he had absquatulated with my money and to chalk this up to experience.
  • The new audience would be all of those who have ever figured they were getting screwed when they tried to argue for a raise, dicker with cantankerous suppliers, sell a used car, or buy a new house.
  • The aircraft is a cantilever high-wing monoplane and is configured for transportation, paratroop drop, electronic surveillance, airborne communications relay and medical evacuation.
  • I idled up beside him, lighting a cigarette (my parents figured I'd be smoking anyway even if they told me not to, so they didn't really care), asking him what the problem was.
  • The space ship is cluttered with aging technology and tattered furniture - this is not the uniformly pristine and transfigured world of the typical sci-fi flick.
  • We figured they'd be done shortly, so we kind of bided our time. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • The assassination somehow transfigured Kennedy into a modern American saint.
  • At first, I figured he was just getting acclimatized, didn't need ol ' Altoona anymore. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • As an application writes new data, free capacity within the array is configured and provisioned autonomically -- intelligently, automatically, and without consuming administrative resources. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The inn is a collection of four shingled buildings, each uniquely configured with three or four rooms connected to one another by paths through native gardens of salal and rhododendron.
  • The company also accepts that it still has not figured out how best to put advertising on mobile phones. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • I bought the end mills from American Carbide, with TiAln coating, since I figured I might use the bit for both alumin (i) um and other metals. Cut-off disk: 1, angle iron: 0 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • Checking for cars, he took a few deep breaths and figured out what he was going to say.
  • Beyond even the highest point of this interior life, in which the contemplative feels himself to be living “in God,” [26] is that transfigured or deified life, as the Platonic mystics named it, which Ruysbroeck calls overwesen — superessential — the life of the “God-seeing man” (Book III). The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • I figured people might be getting bored of reading about me all the time
  • The district has "reconfigured" a number of schools and relocated programs to address declining enrollment, cope with state budget cuts and offer greater educational opportunities in the 220-square-mile district. | news
  • The company's wholesale division dragged its heels on equipping local exchanges for ADSL, understandably, while it figured out a way of making it pay.
  • Since I always needed more money, I figured I needed to get my sergeant stripes.
  • Seh haz nawt figured dat out, an cuz seh iz such a princess, no wun haz the heart 2 teeks her she iz nawt a 10 pound poddle goggie. Iz u done vacooming now?? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • advertisers had figured out how to exploit libidinal urges to inspire "false needs".But this overlooks the benefits.
  • He simply figured their time apart had softened her a little.
  • We should have figured something was amiss when, after getting back on the highway, the coolant started again pouring from the heater onto the floor, but faster than I could soak it up. Broken Down Blues…
  • So we figured out he had a wheat allergy, not enough to be called a celiac, but enough so that the irresponsible doctor and/or his sanctimonious nurse who recommended wheat fiber pills ought to be taken out and whipped! Fisking Repovich and Peterson | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The mother I knew during my lifetime was a beautiful and vain woman, one who resisted having a mastectomy for breast cancer because she could not bear to be, as she put it, "mutilated" and "disfigured. We Remember - Eleanor Hatkin Freedman, 1924 - 1974
  • It seems to have figured out its bizarre sizing issues—last year the difference of a half size was either way too small or way too large, but nowhere in between.
  • Darwin figured that unless the plant was self-pollinated, which is rare, it had to be pollinated either by the wind or by an animal. Entomologists unite behind evolutionary theory - The Panda's Thumb
  • To the early Christians and Byzantines, it was called the gammadion cross, and it figured prominently in their artwork.
  • I figured at least there I'd be able to get out the pool quickly and seek sanctuary in the house if my wonderful boyfriend and best friend tried anything else.
  • We hadn't figured on a long delay at the airport.
  • She had the forepart of a remarkably full-figured woman, and the rear-part of a beautiful horse. Labor Policy
  • This should be configured automatically for EJB modules; you may need to add WAS_50_PLUGINDIR/lib/ras.jar for Web modules (Figure 1).
  • So I figured he deserved some payback, just enough to make a fool of himself.
  • Yet we figured that the benefits would outweigh the costs over the course of a season. Times, Sunday Times
  • I carried a .40 S&W, but I think it is too light, but had flattop Full Metal Jackets, and I figured that I could empty the clip on a bear if I had to. If confronted with a Grizzly Bear and my only means of defense is a .44 magnum, what ammunition load would be best loaded in my
  • If proper operation ensues, the port remains configured for full duplex transmission.
  • We figured, why not create some snackable, fun nibbles with the seed, that health-savvy consumers can feel good about bringing home to their families?
  • The pope figured in any number of revolutionary caricatures. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • Birds, bees, butterflies, bugs, bats, native plants and night-scented flowers have all figured in my postbag in recent weeks.
  • The Romans even figured out how to deter cowardice that causes the death of others with the technique called decimation: If a legion lost a battle and there was suspicion of cowardice, 10 percent of the soldiers and commanders - usually chosen at random - were put to death. NYT > Home Page
  • I even used celery - normally something I can't stand, but I braced myself and figured it would help bring the flavors together.
  • The fan is configured to exhaust air from the top, which in theory, should work pretty well.
  • I figured Tommy Lee Jones would be playing his usual gristled, tough sheriff. Movies, Ice Cream & the GIMP
  • Has Palin figured out that in order to put on all her makeup and meet the news cycle of the east coast, she is gonna have to wake up awful early? Think Progress » Fox News VP: We ‘hope’ Palin will be ‘polarizing’ as a Fox News contributor.
  • I was reading an interesting article in a British newspaper, and the woman featured in it mentioned a "Liverpudlian accent", which made me do a double-take: I figured "Liverpudlian" represented the adjective of "Liverpool", but it seemed odd because they threw a "d" in there. Japanese government internet TV
  • She figured that he was on the phone or watching television, and decided to jump in the room and maybe give him the scare of his life.
  • He remained horribly disfigured and his speech was still badly affected. The Sun
  • Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey began by pointing to what he called a spirited worldwide online debate about the future, including America's financial security, in which Mr. Obama's name figured prominently. President Obama Hosts Twitter 'Town Hall' on Economy
  • My face was completely disfigured. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the first one almost destroyed an Orbiter in orbit due to improper wiring that was never detected, and after NASA figured out that it was actually 10% more expensive than IUS it was retired with little fanfare. COTS Pick: A Sea Change? - NASA Watch
  • The units are configured with 22-in. coulters in front, followed by a row cleaner, tillage/fertilizer knife and independently floating, 18-in. berm-building discs.
  • Even pain is transfigured into a sort of pleasure which can be savoured aesthetically.
  • Baby boomers decide to "downshift" -- fewer CDs. more time -- have figured this out: Owen Byrd and Maria Lines of Palo Alto, Calif., a public-interest lawyer and an engineer, decided to cut their $100,000 income by $20,000 this year to get an extra day at home. Are You Anxious? You're Not Alone
  • It was full of monuments to the dependents of peers, in which the peers figured very largely and the dependents fared humbly -- the epitome of flunkeydom. A Student in Arms Second Series
  • Beauty and light glowed from classic mantel and carven cornice and walls grotesquely figured, while a sleek black cat rose yawning from hearthside sleep that his master's start and shriek had disturbed. The Best Endings in Science Fiction
  • The specific topology for a transputer network must be configured by the software developer, with occam processes mapped to transputers appropriately.
  • After a few weeks of learning the fingering on the chanter, and learning to keep the bag full to generate the sound, though, Cowling figured he was just about ready to try out his two songs onstage.
  • And if a new admin were to inherit our craftily configured server, it would take quite a bit of detective work in order to even begin to understand how we configured everything.
  • There is something very odd about the way the revolution is figured, and the oddness goes beyond the closing scene.
  • I just know who i am, have no idea where i'm going" ... it's an autoscopy and the fact that one doesn't own his destiny completely, and there's nobody in the world that has everything figured out ... Studio-Central Community
  • I haven't been able to locate a photograph of this little bubble on the internet, and it is not figured in any of my conchological references or other books.
  • If you choose this as your option, then swales, culverts, and drain fields may need to be figured into your plans.
  • I've been going through terrible pain thinking that she would be horribly, horribly disfigured. Times, Sunday Times
  • Environmental issues figured prominently in the talks.
  • Remote door locks should be configured so that the horn is off by default.
  • Gloves, an Ell or two of Muslin or figured Lawn, and as a little of what you call frippery is very necessary towards looking like the rest of the world, Nabby would have me add, a few yard of Black or Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1 May 1780
  • She was badly disfigured in the fire.
  • We figured we would just nurse the ball and get into field goal position.
  • Anyhow, when Blondie told me the range of the targets, I figured the difference between the two and realized what the subtend value was for the dots at that range. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • This is the work of Johann Beringer, professor in the University of Wurzburg and private physician to the Prince-Bishop -- the treatise bearing the title Lithographiae Wirceburgensis Specimen Primum, "illustrated with the marvellous likenesses of two hundred figured or rather insectiform stones. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Wiley figured the water level must have risen from all the rain they had received the day before.
  • After feeling dead-butt tired for more than three weeks and after the sad death of actress Natasha Richardson following a minor bump to the head, I figured it was time to go to the doctor to make sure this tiredness is nothing serious. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » March
  • I've bought a couple of Ithaca M-37s but haven't figured out the rifle solution for the "leftward" son. Revenge of the Southpaws
  • Nothing can't be figured out.The past just can't be reached again.
  • She was very full figured, he was forced to admit as he held her around the waist.
  • Took some doing with Cyb, but I figured safety in numbers. Blood Brothers
  • He figured the mishap was a mere "pebble in the road. For travelers stranded in U.S. by volcano, a flight home can't come too soon
  • Many corporations have long since figured out that a small short term outlay in the present to create environmental sustainability can produce huge cost savings in the future and win scores of PR brownie points at the same time. Philip Slater: A Misconception by Pessimists
  • For the performance study, we configured the appropriate garbage collection algorithm, page size and heap size on each OS and hardware configuration tested.
  • Mr. Browne said a third Bell 412 named "No. 23," after the 23 NYPD officers who died on 9/11, that had been bought in 2002, was reconfigured from a helicopter used primarily for counterterrorism operations to a sea-air rescue copter to compensate for the grounded Bell 412s that were both rescue copters The NYPD currently has five helicopters that are operational. Inspection Leads to Grounding of NYPD Copter
  • All three fans are configured to exhaust the air through the top of the unit.
  • Broker figured fourteen to sixteen hours of nonstop paddle and portage to the lodge. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • And going further, he figured, "There had to be at least one television network looking to identify or reidentify itself that had a news and public affairs base" – a network that would be game to take a successful cable-TV host and build itself around him. Keith Olbermann: Current TV Will Be All News In Prime Time
  • We told her not to worry -- she had already won over some of our crustiest clients and she worked hard, was very efficient, and we figured we'd find a way to work something out. March 2008
  • The cleverer little kiddies figured out which keys worked the lock.
  • I cannot help but wonder if Erikson has it all figured out, or he wanders in proverbial dark a bit himself. Steven Erikson - Midnight Tides (Book Review)
  • At the end of the season their leaves are frequently dulled and disfigured by powdery mildew.
  • The commentator compared it to the cartoon strip of a couple who explain to a marriage counsellor that they don't talk any more as ‘we figured out that's when we have all our fights.’
  • The police here have figured out that, instead of targeting two-wheelers, cars, auto rickshaws, buses and lorries, many accidents can be avoided if jaywalkers are kept off roads.
  • The Clark holdings played no small part in these events; they also figured prominently in the critical counterpunch.
  • The aircraft was configured with three external fuel tanks and four missiles on the wing pylons.
  • The skyline is disfigured by pylons carrying electricity over the Pennines. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know but I figured it would be harder for them to switch from home-schooling to regular school than you.
  • Looking closer, they might just see the edge of the prosthetic nose she is forced to wear to disguise her disfigured features. The Sun
  • They can be configured for linear, square, or rectangular excavations to depths of 30 ft. or more for such uses as pipelines, pits, retaining walls, and bridge abutments.
  • There was a lull in the conversation and I figured that they had gone into the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or that no one has figured out yet. Christianity Today
  • In an era of waifs and buffed bodies, the full-figured beauties in Rubens's works have a graceful nobility.
  • We hadn't figured on a long delay at the airport.
  • Analysts had figured the bad news from the giant microprocessor maker would put a damper on technology stocks.
  • Welcome to my blog! I'm swinginpixie and, as you might have already figured out, I am a bi-sexual woman who wants to express her sexuality.
  • Based on actual costs, Norris figured the real costs were $ 258 per machine.
  • I figured that parallel valleys all drained to the same place, so I tramped downstream along a creek until it emptied into a river adjacent to an unfamiliar trail.
  • I had always figured the reclusive Yeti as being a mysterious, private creature who lurked in some backwoods plot of land slowly being bulldozed and turned into apartment complexes.
  • In iconography and metaphor, women figured as symbols of knowledge, or as the object of knowledge, but in practical terms, they were not supposed to conduct scientific investigation themselves.
  • During the 1970s and 80s emphasis in basal whale research began to shift from Africa to Asia, at first because Sahni & Mishra (1972) described primitive whale remains discovered in India, and later as West (1980) figured and identified lower jaw specimens from Pakistan. Archive 2006-02-01
  • I figured I don't have to go out there and be a high-flying junior heavyweight.
  • I measured the hat, went out and got ribbon and silver trim, came home and figured out that the silver trim was just not powerful enough to overcome the gold trim, took the gold trim off, found out that the danged gold trim had also been helping to keep the wire in the edge of the brim, resewed that with invisible thread, and now Kauri's Katharsis
  • The contravention of intactness and operation efficiency in board-level simulating model is figured out by PCL program, associate with software arithmetic model.
  • I figured this idea could make me a millionaire, but it looks like someone beat me to it.
  • What they now figured out is that this is more of what's called a comminuted fracture, sort of a common high energy impact, flipped over the handlebars. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2009
  • The fitting also includes a male end portion configured to engage female threads on the hub of the receptacle.
  • Happy that he'd finally figured it out, he tested his grip on the weapon, and swung it experimentally in the air.
  • She released pictures yesterday showing her disfigured face in the hope that witnesses will come forward. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not nearly enough for a walk in the jungles of Vietnam, but he figured it was plenty for the dark environs of a city. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests is more newsworthy, and less excusable in the aggregate, than abuse committed by relatives, clergy of other religious bodies, or teachers in public schools, because Catholic priests have been ontically configured by ordination to be "other Christs" in a way in which the Catholic laity, Protestant clergy, and of course non-Christians are not. The sex-abuse scandal in the Church: five years on
  • Bored and whimsical, he indulges an idle, faintly epicurean interest in a beautiful boy sporting on the beach; then he is transfigured by epiphanic agony as the older man falls in love with the younger.
  • If you now run your application using mvn tomcat:run, you will not see any logs on the console because you have not configured any bean to monitor.
  • The company also accepts that it still has not figured out how best to put advertising on mobile phones. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Java and the Moluccas, giant burrs on the stem give rise to finely figured gnarl wood (also called wavy or curly wood). Chapter 8
  • They could notionally be adapted, reconfigured and resurfaced over time for new tenants. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is something the airlines figured out long ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • At our church, a small nativity was set, beautiful, with hand carved figured, painted with extraordinary detail.
  • They didn't say anything about shoulders and backs, so I figured that spaghetti straps, halters, and strapless tops were okay, but I took an overshirt just in case.
  • Within a very short period, humanity has no doubt transfigured the face of the earth by obliterating space and time through the revolution in communications and urbanisation of the world.
  • You wanted to talk to Marshall about what had happened that day, but figured the issue was best left undiscussed.
  • We had a whole 4 floors of a town house between Park and Madison my parents rented and when it became available for $60K, my dad figured it was way too expensive.
  • We figured someone had tried to produce an extra virgin olive oil version, as it had an unpleasant green tinge; it also lacked a generous glug of milk, or, better still, buttermilk, to give it a creamy edge.
  • We figured that she was a single woman alone in a big house and had decided that it was time for her to move on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rapid assays are generally configured as flow-through, lateral flow, or agglutination assays.
  • Sotheby's An Attic red-figured hydria, attributed to the Marsyas Painter Spring Art Auction Highlights
  • These problems were compounded by his use of liquid silicone injections that in some cases disfigured his patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, call me naive and slightly innocent… but I figured this was a safe thing to do.
  • I chose to disregard it - I figured we had just hit rough seas.
  • And so, I went ahead in the laboratory and figured out why it is that women are stress overeaters, and there was beautiful science behind this.
  • UFO Disclosure would also expose advanced energy-generating and anti-gravitic propulsion technologies, which have been figured outby those involved with the UFOtopic in the black world, and would free us from our energy problems. OpEdNews - Diary: Obama's To-Do List-- Open Thread; Add your to-do items
  • Engineers in Germany configured the tooling, programmed the robots then ran the entire body shop in the computer before a single piece of equipment was uncrated at the plant.
  • I figured we would be heading to a restaurant or the mall, but we were making our way to the quiet side of town.
  • I always figured Triathlon was a clever spambot, as the posts lack coherence and seem to be more cobbled together with words than written. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • In the ensuing decade, Performance has regularly figured in lists of the best British films.
  • I tossed up calling Katelyn and telling her, but I figured that we probably weren't meant to know.
  • Also, I've always figured hating a sportswriter is the same thing as supporting their career. Gelf Magazine
  • So rather than hurt your feelings, he figured he'd keep his trap shut.
  • After a few more rounds of drinks, I began to get lightheaded and figured I'd better stop drinking.
  • a disfigured face
  • Distributing the goods gratis, he figured that you could make an honest wedge creating company-specific applications and customisations to run on the basic system and he was right.
  • If we will arise and shine, drudgery becomes divinely transfigured.
  • ITV chiefs figured the viewing figures were dented because the show was pre-recorded. The Sun
  • The Fault Analyzer task searches the database configured for Fault Report documents and determines whether or not the stack matches a crash that has already been seen by a user or server.
  • Maybe the descendants of whoever was buried here wanted to reinter the remains in a churchyard or family gravesite and figured the park service wouldn't let them," Anna suggested. Hunting Season
  • The one on the auction description but still smallish, the forend is sorta plain but the butt is wonderfully figured! A Semi-Painful Reunion
  • It is conceivable, of course, that some parents might have figured out that particular cluster of deceptive behaviours without the aid of this book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cornelia figured to him while he walked away as, by contrast and opposition, a massive little bundle of data; his impatience to go to see her sharpened as he thought of this: so certainly should he find out that wherever he might touch her, with a gentle though firm pressure, he would, as the fond visitor of old houses taps and fingers a disfeatured, overpapered wall with the conviction of a wainscot-edge beneath, recognise some small extrusion of history. The Finer Grain
  • They're containerized and preconfigured for easy movement by land, air and sea.
  • The sealed-off, disfigured, and newly militarized spaces of the New York through which I have always loved to wander at all hours seemed to have been put beyond reach for the duration.
  • So I just figured I'm going to do everything nude from now on, Kutcher tells her before disrobing. PHOTO: Ashton Kutcher Gets Naked for Ellen DeGeneres
  • The elder Poole has figured out vocal chops and isn't consistently burying them behind filters and oddball delivery.
  • We hadn't figured on a long delay at the airport.
  • Of course, both marketers have figured this out and the images arew no longer seen to be on their sites. Who’s copying Who?
  • I figured this last revelation would give him something to think about, but he barely flinched.
  • He quit the job when he didn't get a raise ——it figured.
  • A further advantage of SEPIC converters is that almost any low-side regulator or controller can be configured as a SEPIC without the need of polarity inversion or level shift circuitry.
  • Even had we, however, a perfect and trustworthy transcript of Shakespeare's original sketch for this play, there can be little doubt that the rough draught would still prove almost as different from the final masterpiece as is the soiled and ragged canvas now before us, on which we trace the outline of figures so strangely disfigured, made subject to such rude extremities of defacement and defeature. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Political parties have always figured prominently in Congress since the earliest days of the American Republic.
  • for centuries jellies have figured importantly among English desserts, particularly upon festive occasion
  • However … now that I have figured out there is a restaurant in my burb called Freestyle Tout, (not trout, must see optometrist or remember to hit Enlarge Font) this seems reasonable. Cheeseburger Gothic » Kinda buried.
  • Modern clothes are unwearable and the fashion industry has been disfigured by big business and nudity, says a legendary designer.
  • Or that no one has figured out yet. Christianity Today
  • Once a tiny, flitting waif, she had become a graceful, full-figured woman.
  • Their fighter's brutally disfigured foot cancels any hopes of victory.
  • Each can be configured from any of nine output modules, spanning voltages from 1.45 to 59V.
  • To emphasize my apartness from these ballerinas, I disfigured my body into unpleasant shapes.
  • On my devices, I have three keyboards configured: English, Italian and Emoji.
  • All figured specimens were coated with ammonium chloride prior to macrophotography and with gold for scanning electron microscopy.
  • Similarly, the statute refers to “knuckles of any substance” that can be “put to the same use with the same or similar effect” as metallic knuckles; nunchaku, zoobow “or any similar weapon” configured with two sticks connected by rope, chain, or wire; and shuriken or “any similar pointed starlike object intended to injure a person when thrown.” The Volokh Conspiracy » What is a zoobow?

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