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How To Use Fighting In A Sentence

  • Well, the good news is a few weeks ago they were talking about it being the main source of law, so there has been some concession there, which the Iraqi women leaders have been fighting for.
  • In Scotland there are groups of people who are fighting hard to keep Gaelic alive.
  • And the people who were subjected to hard yakka, slave labour if you want, or removal from islands because of drinking problems or fighting and they have complete hate and they've handed it down generationally.
  • At least 5,500 people have died during the past decade in fighting between government and rebel forces.
  • Which of us would want our lives to lay in ruin while those who are supposed to help are busy fighting over politics, power and property that does not belong to them? National Council of Churches
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  • There is grassland on the natural brae of Royal Garden, yellow and green, fighting with the autumn. In this grassland, an alley wanders forward, just like the traces from a big snake' creeping.
  • But spring is here now, the fighting season is upon us. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people who inhabited America at that time were fighting an uphill battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gulf War veterans fighting to prove hundreds of former servicemen have been crippled and killed by a mysterious syndrome caused by their time in the conflict have been dealt a massive blow - their own solicitors say the case is unprovable.
  • A successful fighting man must have a strong sense of pride and self-respect.
  • Sharpening his rhetoric, what they call contrasting himself with Senator Clinton before she started fighting back. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2007
  • For many years, along with the Department of Defense and many other federal agencies, the Department of State has been our partner in fighting terrorism around the world. CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2001
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Central Asian desert and grow cotton, which tsarist Russia lost access to when the American south, its supplier, began fighting the American north in the Civil A Conversation with Tom Bissell
  • Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • Founded in Sep of 2004, IrishEnvy. com has grown in to a premiere web portal upon a Internet for grown up as well as intelligent Notre Dame Fighting Irish entertainment discussion! Tunverified voracity
  • The run is a 825-metre stampede from the corral where the bulls are kept to the outdoor bullfighting arena where they will be invariably killed by matadors later in the day.
  • People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly ... The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparing Left and Right Blogospheres
  • These guys went at it like two tomcats fighting over the pussy next door.
  • We are heartened to see the counter-errorist troops in the SGPS fighting to gain a thought foothold among graduate students. Stephen Taylor - a blog on Canadian politics
  • They are fighting to defend their beliefs/interests/rights.
  • No fighting style remains a mystery to Hopkins inside the ring and he can box with you or brawl - it does not matter.
  • Four goals down with 20 minutes to go, Jock Nugent's side looked to be fighting a lost cause.
  • Similarly, the exaction of stiff reprisals for unexpected attacks on troops remote from the fighting front might cow the local population, or might stimulate them to more aggressive resistance.
  • Fighting erupted soon afterwards and lasted for more than three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet we make no apology for fighting for our independence as fiercely as we fight in our journalism to expose wrongdoing and hold the powerful to account. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are we going to see small clouds of dust when fighting on dusty grounds?
  • The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.
  • Dick Brewer had taken refuge behind a thirty-inch sawlog near the mill, just one hundred and forty steps from the window near which this fierce little fighting man was lying, wounded to death. The Story of the Outlaw A Study of the Western Desperado
  • The charges against the Commanchero members are for "affray" - fighting in public and causing bystanders to fear for their safety. The Buzz
  • He will be fighting on the undercards of the main BBC promoters during his first six fights.
  • The reports come amid fighting at the country's principal military airbase at Bagram, 40 miles from the capital.
  • At the end of the draft, the platform spells out the traditional Democratic support for fighting discrimination and protecting civil rights.
  • We will unite in fighting crime.
  • The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) demanded that South Africa "repatriate" all mercenaries fighting with government troops. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Even with the addition of the Morning Post to the publishing empire in 1924, Die-hard journalism was fighting a losing battle.
  • The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
  • And while you might think that you have all the right in the world to lead Orlath, I am not fighting merely to replace a madwoman with a fanatic.
  • You see, fighting about coulter is stupid, and it makes you no better. Think Progress » Matalin Defends Coulter’s Attack on 9/11 Widows
  • Fighting with a sabre is a very different kettle of the piscine variety compared to the rapier. Cold Steel and Hot Blood
  • Four people were gored and several others sustained scrapes and cuts yesterday as large crowds of enthusiasts in the Spanish city of Pamplona ran alongside six fighting bulls in the third bull run of the annual San Fermin festival.
  • Their friendly customer rep said that Geocities was responsible for at least notifying me of the billing, so I hope I have a leg to stand on when fighting this charge.
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said military leaders wanted troops to remain through the end of 2012 to finish off the fighting season and give them the best chance to debilitate the Taliban. Military leaders: Drawdown plan aggressive
  • Mao led the Cultural Revolution Authority in stirring up more animosity by calling the factional fighting “an extension of the struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang”—without specifying which group was which. Wild Swans
  • He begins a race against time to find the real killer - fighting his way through a tangle of lies and deceit to uncover an act of evil which has destroyed the life of more than one young person.
  • He continues to govern -- fighting off legal challenges to his sovereign immunity and threats to his ruling majority -- until he dies in office.
  • Pensioners already fighting to keep their heads above water are being asked to pay extra council tax to fund the refugee crisis.
  • And, with global warming only getting worse, with us fighting wars over oil, etc., they should be stepping up production of greener vehicles, not making bigger SUVs and the hated Hummers.
  • A bout of fierce fighting gave the rest of the English fleet enough time to come to the rescue and begin attacking the convoy. Times, Sunday Times
  • `This ain't the equality I'm fighting for," she assured him, marking her outline with commensurate injuries. BAD MEDICINE
  • There was Symeon Star-Eyes, true, but he had years of experience fighting sightless. Suvudu Cage Matches, Round Two
  • The E-3A Sentry aircraft, better known as AWACS, and the smaller, lesser-known TR-1, flew their missions in boring circles or straight lines far behind the fighting front. Red Storm Rising
  • He doesn't have the build for the Jackie Chan stunts he uses to repel the onslaught of his friends in crime-fighting, and he doesn't bear himself with heroic presence.
  • Lewis has a fighting chance to win the gold medal.
  • ‘You defeat your opponents by out-thinking them, not by outfighting them,’ she said.
  • Back on the ship, the 14-man team were fighting against strengthening north-westerlies.
  • Can it be as painful as the spur of a fighting cock in one's heel?
  • I would there were no age between sixteen and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest; for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting. Horrible Boys
  • The country has been plagued by political scandals and infighting in government, and strikes and demonstrations are now the norm.
  • Bill O’Reilly, whom I generally find unwatchable, is in trouble and is fighting back. The Volokh Conspiracy » O’Reilly files extortion lawsuit.–
  • OH OH OH, one last thing: yes, I got the birthday package and it was filled with graphic novelly goodness that I didn't have and we are now fighting over the contents as to who gets to read which ones first EVEN THOUGH it's my birthday present. Greetings from the land of sunshine and wagging tails
  • For now there are two rival triumvirates - main owner, dedicated trainer and retained jockey - fighting it out for supremacy.
  • Manchester City football club's old warhorse, still fighting fit at 36, was sent off for fouling after half an hour.
  • At last the fighting ceases, giving Fleming time to contemplate his experiences.
  • Moreover, one can probably expect that ensuing fights will redound similarly, as the public appears to be internalizing the meme that the Democrats are fighting for the middle class while the Republicans are fighting for the rich. Jared Bernstein: A Holiday Message
  • A pig-farmer in Lethbridge has invented a pill, derived from pigfeed, that is fantastically effective in fighting clinical depression without nasty side-effects. Boing Boing: December 16, 2001 - December 22, 2001 Archives
  • Both forces used earth and logs to fortify their defensive fighting positions while fighting the 1864 Overland Campaign.
  • The fighting officers learned to specialise: in navigation, gunnery and torpedoes.
  • There is no use fighting intolerance by physically harming someone.
  • Fighting against her grip, I pull my hand out of the innards, and struggle against the urge to vomit.
  • I also increased the fighting time of losers of contests relative to winners of contests.
  • Last week a car ploughed into a lamp post leaving two men fighting for their lives, although it has not been suggested the car was speeding.
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • The key to productive disagreements is clearing the clutter from your communicationand not just when youre fighting. Enough Already
  • “We should work for redressal of public grievances instead of fighting with each other”, he said and called upon all legislators including opposition to work for fulfilling public demands and resolving their difficulties. Indian Kashmir Chief said,���I believe in pious political ethics,upright character & moral principle
  • Armitage has been fighting for balance within the interagency process for some time - and for that is probably considered disloyal to the President.
  • Over one million landless peasants are fighting for land rights and against a military takeover in the largest province of Punjab.
  • But there were no outward signs that diplomatic efforts would soon defuse the fighting.
  • At each fighting session, the animals are paired off against each other in a small pit or arena, enclosed by plywood or galvanised walls.
  • As a result, bullfighting was left to the plebeians who in turn enthusiastically took up to its practice, and took it to heart as a symbol of something genuinely Spanish.
  • He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue.
  • The infighting within his bloated campaign attracted as much, if not more, ink and airtime than his policy ideas.
  • Heavy fighting has been going on after the guerrillas had launched their offensive.
  • A YOUNG man was fighting for life last night after he was attacked by a gang outside an amusement arcade. The Sun
  • Tanks often spend time fighting each other, and their sights work much like the sights used to target and guide anti-tank missiles.
  • Republican: but really in this country Republicans are fighting with the shadow of an old hat and a cockhorse. Beauchamp's Career — Volume 6
  • Windows 7 beta gets a mascot - The Windows 7 beta features the Siamese fighting fish, also known as a betta fish. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • He was fighting the battle of the bulge from his early twenties and not always successfully. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will unite in fighting crime.
  • Most of the city was aflame, and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs.
  • BELGRADE Reuters – A routine appendix operation in Belgrade went badly wrong when two surgeons started fighting and stormed from the operating theater to settle their dispute outside, the daily Politika reported Wednesday. Surgeons leave surgery for a fist fight | YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
  • I am well content with my estates, and need no foot of English land, no share in English spoil I must fight for my liege lord as long as fighting goes on, but that over I hope to return here and live in peace. Wulf the Saxon A Story of the Norman Conquest
  • Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
  • Mr Milosevic is fighting for his political survival after a vicious campaign tainted by intimidation and haunted by fears of electoral fraud.
  • Tom and Mary are fighting a lot these days. We should do something about it.
  • See, capturing power is one thing and fighting the imperialists is another. ‘Nandigram can excel Naxalbari’ - Kanu Sanyal
  • A hollywood SciFi flic can pretend to be as progessive as possible, anti-imperialist eco-warriors fighting against a capitalist military-industrial complex, but it seems it is impossible to subvert the gender dichotomy even a little bit. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • Cockfighting (two roosters battling each other in a ring) commands a fanatical following.
  • Despite being illegal in Ireland, the blood sport of cockfighting still takes place in some parts of the country.
  • The only major sea battle in World War began with fighting between Royal Navy squadrons of battle-cruisers under Beatty and a German squadron under Rear Admiral von Hipper.
  • The first obvious difference from the manga is in the appearance of the central character, Deunan, who in the manga is more-or-less a regular self-capable woman with an unusual skill for violence and mayhem, but who in the anime has become a short-haired tomboy whose fighting skills ascend to the level of gravity-defying superpowers, as she is capable of backflipping over enemy gunfire in slow-motion. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Now the two bald men are fighting over a comb with no teeth. The Sun
  • Although there was stout opposition, the king's men stormed the town and history records that they used the alleyways to reach the town centre where there was some stiff fighting.
  • Then the You-Know-What Hits the Fan: The marlin leaps out of the water — almost as if to see where the angler is — then it suddenly tail-walks straight to the cockpit and knocks Schultz out of the fighting chair with 500 pounds of fury. Video Gallery: When Animals Attack
  • Now he is fighting a lonely battle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those basic risks and unique problems cannot be alleviated or removed and can only be addressed by the placing of permanent firefighting staff around the clock.
  • We all agreed to stop fighting.
  • Seventy plus males all fighting over the remote control, forgetting your birthday or nailing wonky shelves to the firmament without first reading the instructions?
  • They were fighting against repression and injustice in their country.
  • He and his wife are always fighting.
  • America's crime-fighting agency detailed cases of staff wrongdoing over the past year in a leaked quarterly report. The Sun
  • In the intervals between them endless open carriages moved along, lined with white, filled with white dominos, drawn by horses all protected and covered with white cotton robes, against the whiter 'confetti' -- everyone fighting mock battles with everyone else, till it seemed impossible that anything could be left to throw, and the long perspective of the narrow street grew dim between the high palaces, and misty and purple in the evening light. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • The union has been fighting a war of nerves with the management over pay.
  • Chong Wei has no peers in the tournament, which starts in Johor Baru today, and he should cruise to the title leaving the back-up players fighting for the right to meet him in the final. Nst online
  • On another a man in airman’s costume is fighting barehanded against a rat somewhat larger than a donkey. Boys' Weeklies
  • They supported the pork-barrelling and protection of special interests, fighting a desperate rearguard action against the advancing dries.
  • And I just visited an outpost, what we call a provisional reconstruction team in Zabul Province, where this fighting is going on. CNN Transcript Jun 18, 2006
  • So fighting the flab is a big boost for your health in many ways. The Sun
  • He'll have to stomach the invasion of his small little Baraboo in Sauk County as the uncleansed, the unshaven, the Communists, the Marxists, and the all out who-knows-what come for "Fighting Bob Fest. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Almost all the homes have been damaged in the recent fighting.
  • For example, the industry is still fighting mandatory labels on the irradiated meat products that may appear in supermarkets this summer.
  • Who started fighting back with stones in response to mortary rounds. World Blog
  • We sat out the war, which helped bring down the Soviet Union, in Karaganda, far from the fighting. Afghanistan's Struggle Has Wide Resonance
  • Women also took on managerial roles for the first time, but relinquished their positions as soon as the men came back from fighting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Father spread the world map out flat on the floor and tried to find out the town where his son was fighting.
  • I seek the consulship, which is immortality—a prize worth fighting for, yes? Imperium
  • When fighting out an epic duel with Courier in the Australian Open a few years ago Sampras appeared on the verge of collapse from cramp.
  • The union has been fighting a war of nerves with the management over pay.
  • In July, crews fighting a blaze in a three-acre manure lagoon at a dairy farm in Washington smothered the flames with more of the same - a blanket of wet cow manure.
  • It largely reduces the strength of recoil during shooting, but its greatest usefulness is apparent during bare-hand fighting.
  • Beowulf meets Grendel, and a battle ensues - Beowulf uses no weapon against Grendel, and fighting barehanded, rips off his arm.
  • The country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.
  • This new freedom offers the opportunity of choice and was, in my humble opinion, worth fighting for. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her latest dispatch, Clare Duggan, our war correspondent, reported an increase in fighting.
  • We were treated to the unedifying spectacle of two cabinet ministers fighting over a seat.
  • But how can our economy get better if we are always engaged in fighting and brawling with each other?
  • Government forces said yesterday that they had pushed the rebels back another three miles after heavy fighting earlier in the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've gone off bear-baiting and cockfighting, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a new study, researchers from London inserted the firefly gene that activates bioluminescent light into modified cancer cells, hoping to set off a chain of events that has a proven track record at fighting the disease.
  • Students were fighting and overturning desks and the teacher was shouting, ‘they're animals.’
  • Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.
  • Highland Territorial battalions crossed the Grand Ravine and entered Flesquieres, where fierce fighting took place.
  • In ancient Roman times, where a sea battle, Gladiator fighting, and killing animals and other performances.
  • Most recently it has been fighting threatened redundancies at the Corus steelworks in Scunthorpe.
  • Their countenances seemed fiercely writhen into the wildest expression of pride, hate, and a desperate purpose of fighting to the very last. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Three company are fighting for first place in the home computer market.
  • The next morning his battalion came under heavy machinegun fire and conducted a fighting withdrawal. Times, Sunday Times
  • This connection was expressed in their religious behaviour, in the pattern of closely related families fighting over territory, and in their disease riddance customs.
  • The fighting is taking place in one of the remotest regions of southeast Asia. Times, Sunday Times
  • A sightless masseur who roams 19th-century Japan fighting injustice, he is easy to love and hard to kill.
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Fighting took place in a giant petrified forest of blackened chimney stacks, where the defenders had little cover except the charred remains of the matchboard bungalows and workers 'settlements that ringed the town. Barbarossa
  • Through this experience, I developed boldness and confidence for fighting with humans.
  • But a simpler, more robust fighting game would have been preferable to this mishmash of styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the micro level, there are a number of well-defined rules, set out in the Geneva Convention and other war crimes/war-fighting agreements.
  • In July and early August, firefighting crews have battled blazes in nearly every Western state.
  • And this really is a pity, and this is a shame, because what does that mean for United Nations to expulse people who are fighting day after day at the local level to change what's happening, to try to defend the poor people, to defend the farmers, the indigenous people and so on? Democracy Now!
  • World is a fine place and worth fighting for. I agree with the second part.
  • The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
  • More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.
  • After the invocational four-poem opening of 'Let's Just Say,' the book moves to 'Some of These Daze,' Bernstein's prose dispatches in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and on to the acerbic intimacies of 'World on Fire,' which critiques clichés like 'what are we fighting for?' The Chicago Blog: Press Release: Bernstein, Girly Man
  • As he tried to separate two bulls that were fighting, he was knocked over and trampled, receiving multiple injuries including fractures to his ribs and spine.
  • I was not averse to fighting with any boy who challenged me.
  • We're all fighting about that, either for software or courseware.
  • He also claimed he had been fighting with a heavy cold.
  • Forgetfulness and Famine and tearful Sorrows, Fightings also, Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • The notion that bureaucratic infighting and occasional abruptness of manner should disqualify one from high office is laughable.
  • Michael Chabon is fighting the good fight for science fiction. [via swivet] August 2008
  • In a sandy field of half-grown cassava plants, a group of 30 farmers were fighting a plague of locusts with long-handled weeding hoes and improvised brushes.
  • He won as much by intimidating the enemy as by outfighting them. Advance and Retreat
  • He watched the stranger flirt with his girlfriend and got fighting mad.
  • There was some fierce fighting.
  • They are not fighting for breath as some people believe, but are instead feeding on the dense clouds of daphnia that gather just below the surface.
  • But sporadic fighting continues between militiamen, rebels and government troops in the lawless north-east.
  • An Eagle Named Freedom (Powells City of Books, @7:30pm): An Eagle Named Freedom (Morrow) chronicles how Jeff Guidry nurtured an eaglet with two broken wings back to health — and then, when Guidry began fighting his own battle against non-Hodgkins lymphoma, the eagle guided him to fight for his own life. Portland Book Events: May 22-28 - Reading Local: Portland
  • Legal scholars warn prebirth decrees are still rare, but advocates are fighting for such arrangements. The Lee Case: 'No Smoking Gun', Gender Isn't The
  • Ryan closed his eyes, fighting tears of frustration.
  • He may be a bit of a Republican: but really in this country Republicans are fighting with the shadow of an old hat and a cockhorse. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • So fighting the flab is a big boost for your health in many ways. The Sun
  • No one wants to end up fighting a patent battle in court because financially only the lawyers win.
  • I think the Tory's have a fighting chance of winning the next election.
  • The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace
  • The officials were conducting a special session of Parliament to discuss crime fighting measures at the time of the protest.
  • It is not weakened and would be able to carry on fighting off infection and disease. The Sun
  • The Irish are red-hot favourites after winning their first three matches while Wales are fighting to avoid the wooden spoon after losing to Italy, Scotland and England.
  • They likewise claimed that they were tricked into fighting their fellow citizens and used as cannon fodder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the patients were men of fighting age, but many were old - far too old to wield weapons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, the smaller firms are fighting back by picking up laid-off bankers from big firms or entering partnerships.
  • Within two hours of fighting, the royalist army was routed and Montrose fled to the hills. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one is fighting her for the task of serving school dinners to the juniors.
  • Today bullfighting is big business in Spain with the top matadors earning comparable salaries to the nation's top soccer stars and rock idols.
  • The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
  • But sports titles, racing games, fighting games and certain types of flying games work better with gamepads, simple joysticks and wheels.
  • Today, the Al-Arabiya TV (owned by King Fahd's brother-in-law) anchorperson, Rima Maktabi (whose father died fighting with the Phalanges Party) started the news cast by devoting a special segment to: Where are Hamas leaders? Saturday, January 03, 2009
  • There is no doubt we have the finest tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the world.
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • Locals continue to stream out of inner-city areas to flee the fighting. The Sun
  • Staff shortages mean that one is always firefighting and coping with the inadequacies of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the gameplay, senior producer Jeronimo Barrera took the "brawler" genre -- 2-D fighting games like Double Dragon that had become passe -- and spectacularly reinvented it by incorporating advances from its more recent titles, most notably the ability to give orders to one's fellow gang members. Why Rockstar Is the Leader of the Pack

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