How To Use Fight back In A Sentence

  • But it is not so clear that this weakening of states increases the possibility of the political independence or autonomy of oppressed nations within them, because the bourgeoisies of the weakened nation-states in question fight back.
  • The skin is not only tough but also loose, allowing it to squirm free from its attackers, and fight back with long claws and sharp teeth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since infancy, his father scolded him when he didn't stand up for himself and encouraged him to fight back if he was pushed around. Times, Sunday Times
  • A little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned Hungary will fight back if the 27-nation European Union interferes in what he calls internal politics while his country holds the EU's presidency. European Parliament Members Challenge Hungary Media Law
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  • It was unbelievable what happened - a little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back and win from that position. The Sun
  • To Dungarvan's eternal credit they mounted a magnificent fight back when teams of lesser resolve would have folded.
  • The parasites can fight back, with a range of eggs that mimic those of their chosen host.
  • The current expectation for spring growth is the fescue and lespedeza will take an early lead in the battle of the grasses, in which case TLC will be ready to fight back with herbicide. TradingMarkets
  • They are resolute that they will physically fight back whenever the law and order officers arrive.
  • It was unbelievable what happened - a little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back and win from that position. The Sun
  • I was too busy trying to suck in breathable air to fight back.
  • The reason why Bush was reelected is because people felt it was time to fight back. Think Progress » Coulter: Ongoing Rove Investigation Would Be “Worst Possible Scenario” For White House
  • It was tough on the Carlow girls who had put up a sterling second half fight back having trailed by six points at half time.
  • How to fight back against a bad bust or police harassment was something that he and fellow musicians had been discussing for years.
  • Her eyes narrowed into her infamous glare, and the woman was riled enough to fight back.
  • He didn't even fight back and he easily overpowered her in the strength department.
  • After a wobbly period Chelsea fight back: a long punt forward nearly puts Gudjohnsen in, and then Gallas's 40-yard thumper bounces just past Kahn's post.
  • We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  • It was unbelievable what happened - a little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back and win from that position. The Sun
  • Even psychiatrists feel that it is somehow disreputable to illtreat a woman who doesn't fight back. Operation: Outer Space
  • But we are going to fight back, make our voices heard and rebut these accusations, which very often have no evidence to support them. Times, Sunday Times
  • On this season, another contestant had an enormous fight backstage with Simon Cowell where she called him a 'perv' to his face, Rushfield says. New Idol Book: Inside Simon's Lair, Season 1's Love Triangle, This Year's "Three Paulas"
  • How else could employers strip women of their abilty to fight back against pay discrimination, and how else could the corporate sector create a biased system of corporate-owned courts that are virtually guarenteed to rule against consumers and employees? Wonk Room » The Biggest Supreme Court Case You’ve Never Heard Of
  • Robin Hood and his band of outlaws fight back against the tyranny of Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham.
  • Old Nick's a toughish customer d'ye see, and a glutton for punishment; wind him, cross-buttock him or floor him wi 'a leveller amidships, but he'll come up smiling next round, ready and willin' for more, an 'fight back at you' ard as ever, alas! Peregrine's Progress
  • But Mr. Christie was the union's first major foe in years, and the union says it had to fight back against what it called misinformation from the governor. Lobbyist Cash Flows in N.J.
  • Shaken up by the early goal against them, the team began to fight back.
  • There aren't many men that could fight back from tuberculosis and play cricket for England.
  • I could feel her trying to fight back the tears and sadness she had felt all these years, hidden behind a plastic smile put on so she wouldn't upset Dad.
  • We need to fight back by ensuring that hospital wards, theatres and departments are kept spotlessly clean.
  • Alternatively, they may have had their own justifiable anger repressed when they were powerless to fight back. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • Nature lashes out with floods and hurricanes, and people fight back with steel beams and reinforced concrete. Christianity Today
  • We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  • Alternatively, they may have had their own justifiable anger repressed when they were powerless to fight back. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • Secure in the knowledge he cannot fight back, the press is free to pursue him, committing to print whatever calumnies it likes.
  • Arab Media Corporation from Dictatorship of Saudi Arabia declares war on iranian Football Fans, Iran let, s fight back bit. ly Antarinejad (Ahmadinejad) vows to avenge Revolutionary Guard suicide bombing The Iranian armed forces have accused the - Articles related to No victory in war of terror till Pak"s ISI reined in: Karzai aide Home
  • Days past his 86th birthday, Carter seems intent on making his displeasures abundantly known and arguing again with the men who bedeviled him, even though most are no longer on this Earth to fight back. In church or in print, former president Jimmy Carter still preaches policy
  • Firefighters, police, council workers and Thames Water joined forces to fight back the flood and limit the damage.
  • I could feel my face crumpling, and I tried to fight back the flood of emotion.
  • Her eyes narrowed into her infamous glare, and the woman was riled enough to fight back.
  • Looking at those puffy eyes and enlarged nostrils I decided not to fight back.
  • To fight back, I have prohibited my employees from describing events in esoteric terms," Stewart joked. Jon Stewart To Larry King: 'You're The Last Guy Out Of A Burning Building' (VIDEO)
  • It's all very well telling some one to bite their tongue and not fight back.
  • Like the French Resistance, they're not taking it lying down, as they fight back with every scheming trick at their disposal.
  • They'd rather scavenge dead animals than try to bring down something that might fight back.
  • They're so outmanned, outmanoeuvred and outgunned that it's hard to think of what else they could do to fight back.
  • It seems to me that the word has gone out amongst the porky community, because they're beginning to fight back.
  • We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  • Tony Parkes had to fight back tears as he described his testimonial as one of the greatest nights of his life.
  • Crouching down, Lee sends two quick jabs and one uppercut to Kyoske as he tries to fight back.
  • Your behaviour bullied and your victims could not fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chairman of the Labour Group, Coun Norma Lincoln, said Labour would fight back.
  • I stood there with a lump in my throat and tried to fight back tears.
  • In recent roadshows in London and New York, Nestlé top brass told investors they would fight back by negotiating deals with discount retailers to put more Nestlé products on their shelves.
  • BATF has a history in rabid enforcement of gun laws against people who have little or no means to fight back. Video Topic: Freedom Under Fire?
  • He had to fight back tears of frustration.
  • Still she continued on relentless as I did everything I could to fight back and not beg for mercy.
  • Nokia, based in Espoo, Finland, hopes the N8, which runs on an improved version of its key Symbian software platform, can begin its fight back against rival smartphones like Apple Inc. 's iPhone and devices based on Google Inc. 's Android system. After Delay, Nokia Ships New Smartphone
  • People are sick of the say little, no fight back, triangulating party.
  • But he called the fliers unfair, because most candidates don't have the money to fight back. NBC Washington - Top Stories
  • He pulls me through the crowd, much as I try to fight back, hissing insults and cussing at him like a sailor.
  • Tough times take a tough hombre who can roll with the punches and fight back when necessary, and isn't afraid of violating some unwritten code by informing us of his opponent's flaws.
  • Workers can be held back from promotion, transferred to distant locations or moved into jobs that are unsuitable for them, with few options to fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd say to people who are immediately under attack from this, get yourselves organised, find allies and fight back.
  • In Drexler's hothouse world of boxers, gangsters and abused molls, women have to fight back.
  • It was still tender from the soldier's abuse, but the pain helped her fight back incipient tears.
  • too heartsick to fight back
  • Got an extinctive look at the one of a kind class he teaches, training sailors to do what, fight back against pirates. CNN Transcript Apr 9, 2009
  • We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  • A little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fight back against ignorance and prejudice in Ethiopia starts in a small warren of offices in a back street of the capital.
  • Studies have shown that women who resist and fight back are less likely to be harmed than those women who submit passively.
  • VII were naturally blank-faced idiots before the virus came, or maybe the virus was forced to damage some vital part just in order to fight back -- but it was the _virus_ that was being killed by its own host, not the other way around. Star Surgeon
  • But a second half full of passion, belief, guts and mental toughness saw the Knights fight back to win in another mesmerising finale.
  • But we are going to fight back, make our voices heard and rebut these accusations, which very often have no evidence to support them. Times, Sunday Times
  • To frame the matter ungenerously but with real precision, the question came down to whether you fight back against the terrorists by striking back at the terrorists or at someone else.
  • A little miracle that we summoned the strength to fight back. Times, Sunday Times
  • He correctly calculated that the others would not dare fight back.
  • Here are some ways to fight back. The Sun
  • They also help you build up the reflexes you need if you're ever in a pickle, and give you the confidence to fight back - which leads me to my next topic…
  • Since infancy, his father scolded him when he didn't stand up for himself and encouraged him to fight back if he was pushed around. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one foresaw his capacity to take punishment in the ring and to fight back against criticism out of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most important way in which the present system makes people cooperate with each other is when it drives them to fight back against it.
  • A real Chinese martial arts hero never strikes his enemy if the latter is unable to fight back.
  • Decent, law-abiding people can fight back by ensuring they show officers the respect they deserve. The Sun
  • Henman is looking sluggish and lacking in confidence but manages to fight back from - 30 down to hold.
  • As much as our scientists would love to study these things, people are in danger and we need to fight back.
  • Since infancy, his father scolded him when he didn't stand up for himself and encouraged him to fight back if he was pushed around. Times, Sunday Times
  • In movies we get to vicariously fight back against the things or people that do the dirty on us.
  • The talk should have been of his tremendous fight back, a late rally that saw last year's beaten finalist's escape to victory over a brave East Kerry side.
  • It was difficult for her to fight back her tears.
  • Reality is biting these people in the ass, and they have no choice but to fight back with racist slurs, innuendo, McCarthyite claims and third-grade-level smirky jokes. Think Progress » GOP Rep. Nunes Excuses Racist, Homophobic Tea Partier Slurs As A Response To ‘Totalitarian Tactics’
  • Tough times take a tough hombre who can roll with the punches and fight back when necessary, and isn't afraid of violating some unwritten code by informing us of his opponent's flaws.
  • No one foresaw his capacity to take punishment in the ring and to fight back against criticism out of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're biting her, cutting her, whipping her, beating her, and she cries and screams but doesn't fight back.
  • Absolutist tyrannies are far more likely than democracies to breed absolutist tyrannical resistance groups willing to do anything to fight back.
  • It is one of the various small ways in which the public can fight back against the people who are undermining their quality of life.
  • We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  • Alternatively, they may have had their own justifiable anger repressed when they were powerless to fight back. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • She laughs uncontrollably, trying to hit me and fight back, but her blows glance off.
  • The defenders had been bombed and napalmed by Japanese airplanes, shellacked by Japanese artillery and doused with poison gas, and they had no ammunition of their own left to fight back.
  • The dripless candles that he used for illumination could fight back only half the darkness. FLASH POINT
  • Not wanting to shatter his family, Charles pays up at first, but when more and more money is demanded he decides to fight back, but with disastrous consequences.
  • There aren't many men that could fight back from tuberculosis and play cricket for England.
  • There needs to be enough wax on the paper to fight back the paint.
  • Can the New Zealand bowlers fight back after their thrashing at Christchurch?
  • The indifferent look on my face is only there because people like you are being unkind to me and I can't fight back.
  • The problem is when you try to fight back against this machine, well, it's a machine," said Michael Alex Wasylik, an attorney for homeowners in Dade City, Fla. For foreclosure processors hired by mortgage lenders, speed equaled money
  • As a former self-defense instructor, I can safely affirm that the best way to avoid injury by an attacker is to fight back.
  • However it happens, once you know the score you need to start work immediately to fight back.
  • There had to be a way to resist, to fight back and turn away.
  • It was a performance packed with spirit, determination and confidence as they had to fight back from an early 10-0 deficit.
  • The grand final rematch was a defensive scrap with Thornlie showing great resilience to fight back to win by a goal.
  • If they try to make us leave the house, we will fight back with all the power at our command.
  • Here, the waves are strong enough to fight back, lifting you up and then spitting you out as they break, the undercurrent clasping you again and again, leaving no time to recover before it returns to grab and crash once more.
  • You can fight back for a failed or delayed delivery and demand compensation. The Sun
  • He correctly calculated that the others would not dare fight back.
  • It was violence that made gay activism explode in the United States: The Stonewall riots of 1969, when a police raid at a bar in New York spurred gays to fight back.
  • Absolutist tyrannies are far more likely than democracies to breed absolutist tyrannical resistance groups willing to do anything to fight back.
  • Too often, it's an abuse of power against those too weak or unknowledgeable to fight back.
  • When did we on the left forget how to fight back in dark alleys and call our enemies what they are: degenerate psychopaths who wear women's corsets, have smelly feet and hermaphroditic tendencies? Clancy Sigal: Wimps Don't Win
  • If he hit you, why didn't you fight back?
  • The skin is not only tough but also loose, allowing it to squirm free from its attackers, and fight back with long claws and sharp teeth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, they may have had their own justifiable anger repressed when they were powerless to fight back. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • While REEF has organized local fishing "derbies" to hunt the lionfish, including handling tips and tasting sessions, Akins said making humans the invading species' top predator was the best way to fight back against the threat it posed. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • But we are going to fight back, make our voices heard and rebut these accusations, which very often have no evidence to support them. Times, Sunday Times
  • LYRICS: THE BIG MAC COUNTER ATTACK [sample from Mclibel documentary] This is a Big Mac counter attack Organic fanatics are sick of being stabbed in the back with clown fat So we get phat with beat, not with the meat, And fight back with phat funk against this fast rude junk Propaganda pumpin punks calling it food I think theyre confused, Killer sweet-treat deceit let-loose abuse For a fast-food attitude mad cow cash-crop mentality Growing instant gratification sewing seeds of slavery Its amping up the pace of the lab rat race The soma coma kamikaze selling pig fat as milkshakes A rorter slaughter trauma sick cows line mass graves Serve you up a dead planet on the skin bones of slaves! - Financial News
  • The DP faithful were treated to a 15-minute video documenting the DP's "Fight Back" campaign on a massive screen looming over the sometime tennis court, while lasers played the DP's logo on to the ceiling and a netful of balloons were dropped from the rafters. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The only way the republican manufactured pseudo-grass roots revolt against President Obama can be effectively counteracted is for those of us who supported him and voted for him to stand with him now and fight back with our words AND actions. WH set to release text of controversial Obama school speech
  • Here are some ways to fight back. The Sun
  • You can fight back for a failed or delayed delivery and demand compensation. The Sun
  • If one likes, this could be called extensional self defense, since humans are acting on behalf of animals who are so vulnerable and oppressed they cannot fight back to attack or kill their oppressors. Who's Afraid of Jerry Vlasak?
  • Decent, law-abiding people can fight back by ensuring they show officers the respect they deserve. The Sun
  • It seems only fair that if the foxes can be hunted by a load of chinless, inbred yahoos with roughly the same IQ as them, they should be allowed to fight back.
  • Chairman of the Labour Group, Coun Norma Lincoln, said Labour would fight back.
  • The defenders had been bombed and napalmed by airplanes, shellacked by artillery and doused with poison gas, and they had no ammunition of their own left to fight back.
  • We're sheepish about it because we're too dumb to know how to fight back against the microscopic murderers.
  • Nia paused and stared up at the coral stone tower with its mother-of-pearl facing, and had to fight back tears again. WATER BOOK THREE: TRANSFORMATION
  • In today's pop culture the pretties fight back.

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