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fig leaf

  1. a covering consisting of anything intended to conceal something regarded as shameful
  2. a leaf from a fig tree

How To Use fig leaf In A Sentence

  • Within a few days of its unveiling Achilles was modestly kitted out with a fig leaf.
  • This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape.
  • The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.
  • NATO gives a "multilateralist" fig leaf to brutal buccaneering expeditions. People's Weekly World Blog
  • As it is, whenever sport-led regeneration is proposed in this country, the public is fobbed off with stat-free waffle about how it will benefit and regenerate local communities – and in some cases, we seem to be dispensing with even that fig leaf. Stanley Park will bring little benefit to local community in Liverpool
  • But this fig leaf fooled no one.
  • They are hiding behind the fig leaf of the UN to give their misgivings about war an air of high-minded internationalism.
  • The fig leaf, however, helped little.
  • But there is more fig leaf than fact in this rationalization.
  • Wrap each halibut fillet completely with a fig leaf, securing with a toothpick if necessary.
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