

  1. being six more than fifty

How To Use fifty-six In A Sentence

  • He also wrote Golasara which is written in fifty-six Sanskrit verses and shows how mathematical computations are used to calculate astronomical data.
  • Before this royal residence was demolished, however, its fifty-six bas-reliefs were cut out of the walls and stored throughout the palace.
  • Admiral Carden was given the new superdreadnought Queen Elizabeth with eight 15-inch guns, the battle cruiser Inflexible with eight 12-inch guns, and twelve British and four French predreadnought battleships carrying a total of fifty-six 12-inch and eight 10-inch guns. Castles of Steel
  • Angelo, on the other hand, has fifty-six lines before he meets with Isabella which contain few rhetorical devices, in keeping with forensic speech.
  • The popular pair made a Broadway debut in 1927 in Lady Do, in which they tangoed, waltzed, and foxtrotted through fifty-six performances at the Liberty Theatre.
  • Away she went, harness, shafts, and all, leaving the stanhope in the ditch, and sending Jack and me flying, like experimental fifty-sixes in the marshes at Woolwich, halfway across the meadow. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • When it was daylight a racing droshky was brought up to the front door and the old man got jauntily on to it, pulling his big cap down to his ears; and, looking at him, no one would have said he was fifty-six. The Witch, and other stories
  • She was only fifty-six and was stuck-up, snobby and prissy and disliked most everyone in the group.
  • He commenced with being a jockey; then he became an electioneerer; then a Methodist parson; then a builder of houses; and now he has dashed suddenly up to London, rushed into the clubs, mounted a wig, studied an ogle, and walks about the Opera House swinging a cane, and, at the age of fifty-six, punching young minors in the side, and saying tremulously, Godolphin, Complete
  • Fifty-six matches are on display and feature a variety of mechanical beasties built expressly to beat the Valvoline out of other mechanical beasties.
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