How To Use Fifteenth In A Sentence

  • Aconite root contains about 0.4 per cent. of alkaloid and one-fifteenth of a grain of the alkaloid is a lethal dose. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • Another glass passed, quietly, as Fifteenth Company followed the scouts down the southeast road and circled away Tom Fynhaven Estate, only to return to the lane bordering the casaran orchards on the south. Alector's Choice
  • The first great European ocean sailors were sent out in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to explore the world.
  • The technique of stipple goes back to the fifteenth century.
  • Some time in the fifteenth century, clockmakers started to use tightly coiled blades of metal - springs - to power their timepieces, instead of gravity.
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  • And on the fifteenth day, when that we had gotten up and washt and eat and drank, the Maid did look unto my bandages; and did consider that I be healed very good, if but that I not to overstrain my body. The Night Land
  • Justly indignant at our folly, for quarrelling is not allowed in his domains, the King laid us under sentence of banishment, decreeing that we should spend the fifteenth night of each month in this dreary forest until a tailor came who could mend the garments we had torn. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • In the first half of the fifteenth century, Gutierre Diaz de Gámez wrote an account of the deeds of his lord don Pero Nino, count of Buelna.
  • In fifteenth-century Italy, shoemakers created an eroticized platform shoe for women called the chopine. Leora Tanenbaum: Our Stripper Shoes, Ourselves
  • Two fifteenth-century icons set in beaten silver, studded with amethyst and quartz.
  • It is significant that the term entered the language at a time of ineffective monarchical rule, in the mid-fifteenth century.
  • Recently, literary scholars have been keen to discuss the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in terms of continuity as well as change. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Hungarian became a literary language only in the fifteenth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The name and the idea of academies had been revived in Italy in the course of the fifteenth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • But the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Fortunately, the remaining part of the music archive was undamaged by the disaster: this comprises an important collection of madrigals, vesperals and processionals, including an outstanding fifteenth-century Processional for Holy Week, well-known to scholars.
  • Tower of Zoraya, in Aldeire, in El Cenet, On the fifteenth day of the month of Saphar, Of the year of the Hegira 968. Stories by Foreign Authors: Spanish
  • The success of the humanists fostered a palpable sense of the difference between fifteenth- and sixteenth-century attitudes toward cultural inheritance and earlier attitudes.
  • William Caxton, the great fifteenth-century Brit-ish printer and translator, was first to render Aesop in our language.
  • It is first met outside of Rome, where, until the fifteenth century, the vestment was called camisia, alba romana, or succa (subta). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • But the hokku was not invented until the fifteenth century; before that, the tanka, in spite of occasional attempts to vary it by adding more lines, changing their order, using the pattern in combination as a series of stanzas, etc., reigned practically supreme, and it is still the chief classic form for all Japanese poetry. Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan
  • In his fifteenth year he enlisted in a fencible regiment, which was afterwards stationed at Inverness. The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume IV. The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • Of all the major versions of humanism, the Renaissance humanism that developed in Italy during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has been the most influential.
  • Katie said for what felt like the fifteenth time that morning.
  • These were plays performed in fifteenth century England by roving troupes of actors.
  • Wandering round to the façade, finished in 1886, it is a careful imitation of fifteenth-century work we see, saved from the mere routine of just that, in its design at any rate, by the vote of the people, who, against the opinion of all the artists in Florence at that time, insisted on the cornice following the basilical form of the tower, refusing to endorse the pointed "tricuspidal" design. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • This claims that ‘syllabus’ originally occurred as a misprint of a Greek accusative plural in a fifteenth century edition of Cicero.
  • This elite had no formal place in the fifteenth century constitutions and was therefore not subject to direct control.
  • For historians of reading and historians of the book, the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries offer particularly rich ground for tracing the evolution of the reading experience. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Gavston or Gauston twice encised, but to this "scribbling" Mr Weston S. Walford, who has a note on this tomb in the fifteenth volume of the Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Winchester A Description of Its Fabric and a Brief History of the Episcopal See
  • Although politically unified since the reign of the Catholic monarchs Ferdinand and Isabel in the late fifteenth century, Spain continues to be divided by regional loyalties.
  • Alberti was a fifteenth-century architect, and is known as the true grandfather of contemporary Western cryptology. POPCO
  • Sir Peter Carew claimed the barony of Idrone as his inheritance on the basis that his ancestors had held the land but had been disseized in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth century.
  • Elsewhere (and prevalently) confusing or misleading information is given (e.g., [at brail] "Earlier spelled brale, it came from Old French, braile, belt."): Is the inference to be that the modern English word brail was borrowed from Old French in the fifteenth century? VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
  • It was the striker's fifteenth league goal of the season. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dressing a fly by winding the hackle the length of the body is mentioned in fly fishing books of the fifteenth century. It is called the palmer style of dressing.
  • The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the fifteenth century.
  • It is Mr. Roe's opinion that the defensive armour on the quarter jacks dates from the first half of the fifteenth century, the plain oviform breastplates and basinets, as well as the continuation of the tassets round the hips, being very characteristic features of this period. Vanishing England
  • The Latin word clausus entered Old French as clos, meaning “confined”, and in the late fifteenth century the sense of the English adjective close shifted to “near” by way of "closing the gap between two things. Address/speech, shut/shutter, close/shut
  • Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.
  • ‘They see people in the country as hoity-toity but nothing could be further from the truth,’ he said as we pulled into the driveway of his fifteenth-century home, Kilhenzie Castle.
  • Accordingly, Hitler was made Germany's fifteenth post war Chancellor in January 1933.
  • Well then pardner, come on down to Dirt Rag territory for the Fifteenth Annual Punk Bike Enduro.
  • The Word, "the," being interlined between the seventh and eighth Lines of the first Page, the Word "Thirty" being partly written on an Erazure in the fifteenth Line of the first Page, The Words "is tried" being interlined between the thirty second and thirty third Lines of the first Page and the Word "the" being interlined between the forty third and forty fourth Lines of the second Page. Archive 2008-11-01
  • He's an expert on fifteenth century Italian art.
  • Thus, the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were years of struggle to keep Ukrainian lands from Poland, Hungary, and Lithuania, as well as free of the boyars or noblemen who tried to take control.
  • Prague Castle has had an orangery since the middle of the fifteenth century.
  • My father grieved with exceeding grief to hear these words; but reared me in tenderest fashion and educated me excellently well until my fifteenth year was told. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Amongst fragments set into the background of a fifteenth-century panel depicting St Mary Magdalen in the east chancel window are quarries with fragments of the Lovell rebus.
  • By the fifteenth century groundsel was grown extensively with other medicinal plants in many monastery gardens. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • Some Negro slaves were brought to Europe by the Spaniards in the fourteenth century, and a small trade was continued by the Portuguese, who conquered territory from the "tawny" Moors of North Africa in the early fifteenth century. The Negro
  • The per capita use of energy throughout the developing world is a mere one-fifteenth of the consumption enjoyed in the United States.
  • The futhark was an alphabet of runes, used by Germanic people until the fifteenth century.
  • The illuminators of fifteenth-century manuscript books are generally shuffled off by art historians into corners, niches and footnotes.
  • Upstairs, besides the bedrooms, was a little chapel with some remains of Gothic carving, and a few interesting pictures of the fifteenth century; a cunningly contrived priest-hole, and a long gallery lined with dusty books, whither my lord used to repair on rainy days. Vanishing England
  • Fifteenth and sixteenth verses gives them a fifty day's Sabbath; twenty-fourth verse says: "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying in the seventh month in the first day of the month, shall ye have a _Sabbath_, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. The Seventh Day Sabbath, a Perpetual Sign, from the Beginning to the Entering into the Gates of the Holy City, According to the Commandment
  • Here too the church has the faded remains of fourteenth - fifteenth century frescoes. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • In The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony are accurately described a large number of antimonial preparations, and as Basil was supposed to have written this work some time in the fifteenth century, these preparations were accordingly concluded to have been, for the most part, his own discoveries. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • Regarded as a major ancient source on tyranny and tyrannicide, it was the only text attributed to Plutarch known and taught during the fourteenth and much of the fifteenth century.
  • It was big, with pink frosting and sugary lettering arranged across its uneven, bumpy surface: ‘Happy Fifteenth Birthday Roberta’.
  • The word mons which literally means an accumulation of wealth or money, now called capital, seems to have been a generic term used in the fifteenth century to signify lending-houses in general; and hence the montes pietatis or monti di pietà were a species of charitable lending-establishments not, perhaps, unlike our modern pawnbrokers 'establishments, but possessing, of course, none of the sinister features of the latter. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The Jewish presence in Romania dates back to the fifteenth century, but it reached significant proportions only in the seventeenth century with the major waves of emigration from eastern and northeastern Europe and, as a result of the Chmielnicki massacres (1648 – 1649), from Ukraine, Galicia and Bukovina as well. Romania, Women and Jewish Education.
  • The country set sail in the early fifteenth century and never looked back, its explorers and navigators opening up lucrative trade routes to Africa and India.
  • Hanswurst was a fat glutton of the fifteenth century who aimed to be clever but made blunders. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • ‘Europe is a more complicated continent above 20,000 ft than it was in the fifteenth century, with all the dukedoms, kingdoms and little tribes,’ he said.
  • She knew exactly which key to go to, counting the fifteenth in from the right.
  • In mid-fifteenth-century Florence, the husband typically spent about a third to two-thirds of the dowry on clothes for the new wife and furnishings - often well above the cost of the trousseau.
  • Buried in the sand near the Australian cities of Sydney and Perth are what are apparently the wrecks of fifteenth-century Chinese ships.
  • This elite had no formal place in the fifteenth century constitutions and was therefore not subject to direct control.
  • According to legend, those who pray to this Katpawi Buddha, on the first and fifteenth full days of each month on the lunar calendar, will achieve their desires.
  • Many of these, including tiding of magpies, murmuration of starlings, unkindness of ravens, and exaltation of larks, are poetic inventions that one can trace back to the fifteenth century.
  • THE private view of the paintings and drawings of the Brush and Pencil Club on the evening of the fifteenth was a great success. Miss Billy's Decision
  • Even more important is the testimony of the fifteenth-century Warwick chantry priest John Rous, who died in 1491.
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • At the beginning of the season we gave them an 11 per cent chance of the drop and expected them to finish fifteenth. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the fifteenth century in England, even the regular clergy were rarely so tightly cloistered as to cut them off from social relations.
  • The figure of the circle that delineates the library was seen by fifteenth- and sixteenth-century humanists as an essential aspect of the encyclopedia.
  • It is in the fragments, now so rare and precious, of some alphabets -- of some small grammars published for the use of schools about the middle of the fifteenth century -- or in the letters distributed in Germany by the religious bodies commissioned to collect alms, that bibliographers now seek to discover the first processes employed by the inventors of xylography and typography. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
  • By the fifteenth century, retablos combined individual paintings, often of different sizes and in large groups, in a fixed architectural frame that was frequently at full architectural scale.
  • It may be necessary, therefore, to explain to those who are unacquainted with the Italian mode of speaking in this respect that the Italians always speak of what we should call the fourteenth century as the "trecento," what we should call the fifteenth, as the Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • Judging by the talent on display at the trials, a fifteenth Varsity win and a place in the final eight appear once again to be imminent.
  • Mustang, a small feudal principality whose kings trace their lineage back to the fifteenth century, lies within the boundaries of Nepal which treats it as a semi-autonomous dependency.
  • Graham Barrow's side currently sit fifteenth in the League Two table.
  • By the fifteenth century, many Western artists were using it in frescoes or in gesso on wood panel paintings.
  • The emergence of colleges such as Winchester and Eton in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries spearheaded the transition to modern forms of school organization and buildings.
  • Finally, Fifteenth Company reached the back of the casaran orchards to the east of the bluecoat encampment. Alector's Choice
  • Ye are a bonny lass, too, an ye wad busk up your cockernony a bit; and a bonny lass will find favour wi’ judge and jury, when they would strap up a grewsome carle like me for the fifteenth part of a flea’s hide and tallow, d — n them.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • She was a poet living in the early fifteenth century.
  • Around the fifteenth would be the best for me,’ she said and dug into her salad, Kat just stared at her.
  • Effondrer, to thrash a man, to give him what for; otolondrer, to annoy or to "spur" him; cambrioler, doing anything in a room; aubert, money; Gironde, a beauty (the name of a river of Languedoc); fouillousse, a pocket -- a "cly" -- are all French of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
  • On the morning after Alania Beruthi's fifteenth birthday -- although he didn't yet have the slightest notion that she existed -- Danlyk woke early, though how he knew it was early, he couldn't have said. My preview of Globe Theatre's production of Mesa...
  • He traces his family back to about the fifteenth century.
  • Which premise logically entails the fifteenth day of March and sails - a street of blue-black sails like shark.
  • Congress at its last session having made no provision for executing the fifteenth article of the treaty, by which the United States assume to make satisfaction for the "unliquidated claims" of our citizens against State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • This thesis will examine the iconography of late-thirteenth - through fifteenth-century images of St. Veronica's veil, also known as vernicles.
  • The tales were known long before the extant ballad versions began to be copied or printed in the mid-fifteenth century.
  • For that reason one is amused rather than taken aback by a Flemish diptych of the turn of the fifteenth century from the Catharijneconvent in Utrecht.
  • As the announcer calls fifteenth through eleventh place, the Memphis women look calm. Cheer!
  • But also contains some fifteenth anonymous chansons which appear in no other manuscript of the period, and which may be attributed to a school of Savoyard composers whose names are now lost. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Artistic authorship itself, which emerged in the early fifteenth century as a purely performative mode, later learned to manipulate substitution.
  • He embraced them as practitioners of the money trade whose credit served to induce economic equalization and prosperity in the monetized society of fifteenth-century Urbino.
  • The town hall is the only edifice surviving from the fifteenth century.
  • Buckley's Hospital (a fifteenth-century foundation here), and whatever a feoffee may be he is not the kind of man to toy with in Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, March 26, 1919
  • An elaborate version, with four arches surmounted by an orb, is found on Henry V's chantry at Westminster Abbey, in fifteenth century English manuscripts, and on the pilgrim badges made for the putative saint, Henry VI.
  • From September twentieth to October fifteenth is a busy time in the garden. A Woman's Hardy Garden
  • Officially it had been referred to as a palatinate from the fifteenth century, because of its special role as the inherited land and patrimony of the Grand Duke.
  • Alphonso X. (died 1284); (2) "The Chronicle of the Cid", perhaps extracts from the first, and (3) Various Poems and Romances of the CID from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century. Song and Legend from the Middle Ages
  • The fair, as a harvest festival with distant pagan origins, takes place in the hot mid-September (the fifteenth, as we can work out from Henchard's great oath the next day).
  • St. Guenolé consists of an unfinished square tower, with crocketed pinnacles and a porch of considerable size, under a large mullioned window of the fifteenth century. Brittany & Its Byways
  • A fifteenth-century observer described artist's brushes made of miniver fur mounted in quill handles.
  • Both the helmet decoration and the roundel have been identified in this way because of their compositional connections with a sardonyx cameo traceable in the fifteenth century to the collections of Pietro Barbo, and now in Naples.
  • notitia" of the fifteenth century the see is no longer mentioned. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Yesterday's left them fifteenth in the table and their smallest crowd for six years fretting anxiously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreouer, through the kings request, pope Celestine this yeare made the archbishop of Canturburie legat of all England by his buls directed to him, bearing date at his palace in Rome called Lateran the fifteenth kalends of Aprill, in the fourth yeare of his papasie. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • By the fifteenth century, the spirituality of the mendicant orders had thoroughly permeated Florentine society, not only through preaching, but also through private reading and meditation.
  • The light above the elevator indicated that the elevator was then at the fifteenth floor.
  • He's an expert on fifteenth century Italian art.
  • Did you know that the last British wolf was shot in Scotland in the Fifteenth Century and that the last wolf living wild in England was trapped and killed nearly a thousand years ago?
  • Starting in the mid-fifteenth century, the decorative stone serpentine was quarried in many small mines in Zoblitz, near Marienberg in Saxony.
  • Towards the end of the fifteenth century Gaspar Visconti mentions in a sonnet the watch proper (certi orologii piccioli e portativi); and the “animated eggs” of Nurembourg became famous. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The castle was enlarged considerably in the fifteenth century.
  • In the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters of _Lavengro_ he is pleasantly described by his pupil, who adds, with characteristic 'bluff,' that d'Eterville said 'on our arrival at the conclusion of Dante's _Hell_, "vous serez un jour un grand philologue, mon cher."' George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • There is promise that, as the demology of aboriginal America is pushed forward, the records relating to the Siouan Indians and especially to their structure and institutions will aid in explaining why some stocks are limited and others extensive, why large stocks in general characterize the interior and small stocks the coasts, and why the dominant peoples of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were successful in displacing the preexistent and probably more primitive peoples of the Mississippi valley. The Siouan Indians
  • When fifteenth-century Portuguese explorers arrived in West Africa and discovered that local peoples believed that their religious carvings possessed similar spirit powers, the word fetich was applied to their holy artifacts as well. Come Hither
  • The museum contains polyptychs, illuminated antiphonaries from the end of the fifteenth century, silverware, chalices, reliquaries, and a precious manuscript by Lotarius, king of Lorraine, dated 840.
  • This issue of the journal, the fifteenth in the New Series, contains contributions on an array of topics written by scholars in the United States, Spain, Italy and Australia.
  • Their vehicles bore the blazon of the Afghan Fifteenth Infantry Division. KARA KUSH
  • Descriptions of the malady from the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries relate the horror of its effects: the terrible sores and swellings, often extending into the mouth and throat, and leaving the body covered with scabs that turned from red to black; severe fever; pain in the bones so intense that patients "screamed day and night without respite, envying the dead themselves"; and, often early death. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • An English Dominican friar named John Siferwas, he is also identified in the monumental missal commissioned for the Dorset abbey of Sherhorne at the beginning of the fifteenth century.
  • Amongst fragments set into the background of a fifteenth-century panel depicting St Mary Magdalen in the east chancel window are quarries with fragments of the Lovell rebus.
  • Now we give them an 8 per cent chance of relegation and again expect them to finish fifteenth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as the bell ended the fifteenth round, Frazier put his hands up and yelled something at Ali.
  • Looking southward I can see the fifteenth-century tower of the university's Saint Salvator's College chapel.
  • By the fifteenth century the practice of uroscopy was falling into disrepute and the uroscopy flask became a symbol of ridicule.
  • E. down to the fifteenth century, the initial b remained the stop or explosive (like English b) that it was in Latin, it has become in more recent times a bilabial spirant and as such is now co-equal with the Spanish v, which early gained this value both initially and medially. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • They are wonderfully ebullient and foppish monuments dating from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with domes swelling out of all proportion to the base, each like a watermelon attempting to balance on a fig.
  • ‘I think you made that clear sometime between the first and the fifteenth time you said it,’ he told me.
  • Posterity has agreed to call Lorenzo "the Magnificent", but this is, in part, a misunderstanding of the Italian title "magnifico", which was given to all the members of his family, and, indeed, during the fifteenth century, applied to most persons of importance in Italy to whom the higher title of "Excellence" did not pertain. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • So far as science is concerned, the thirteenth century was an aurora followed by a long period of darkness, but the fifteenth was a true dawn that brightened more and more unto the perfect day. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • It was their fifteenth year as a band and, after enduring some lean times commercially, they were now one of the biggest concert acts in the US.
  • In the revival of the motif of the psychomachia that occurs in the fifteenth century personified virtues sometimes ride on animals that symbolize their own characteristics, rather than the opposed vices. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The 1275 lay subsidy of a fifteenth fell also upon their temporalities.
  • Bakers, victuallers, taverners, hostelers, and sometimes attorneys were disqualified from election as mayor or bailiff in the fifteenth century.
  • The little shillingsworth is in its fifteenth edition, so that many thousand persons must have taken many million doses by its prescription, and in some cases become their own medicine chests, with this book as their companion. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 533, February 11, 1832
  • Whereas this same sort of native poetic dearth will inspire fifteenth- and sixteenth-century humanists to link themselves genealogically to classical antecedents, for Horace such a linking is unthinkable.
  • Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.
  • This year's chairman, Roger Keverne, exhibits a very rare early fifteenth-century Chinese red lacquer box and a massive Tang Horse, among other treasures.
  • The palace was built in the fifteenth century.
  • The night of the fifteenth is the Guy Fawkes night of Islám. The Faith of Islam
  • Nevertheless, the St Francis continued to be considered as a work in the style of Botticelli dating from the last decade of the fifteenth century.
  • We lost our fifteenth in Seattle, and I reached a decision.
  • Just left me with a mother gone half-crazy from loving a god and a note to be opened on my fifteenth birthday. Valentines, part the first
  • Fifteenth and sixteenth verses give them a fifty day's Sabbath; twenty-fourth verse says: "Speak unto the children of Israel, saying in the seventh month in the first day of the month, shall ye have a _Sabbath_, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. The Seventh Day Sabbath, a Perpetual Sign 1847 edition
  • Leonard Bertipaglia, perhaps the most influential surgeon of the fifteenth century, added his own admonishment: Those who pretend to cure cancer by incising, lifting, and extirpating it only transform a nonulcerous cancer into an ulcerous one. . . The Emperor of All Maladies
  • My only comment is that my own home state, Virginia, is horribly misrepresented at fifteenth from the bottom of the barrel, New Jersey! IS your state Zombie-Safe? The results of the Keller Study « Third Point of Singularity
  • One trunk of a tree in its fifteenth year sometimes yields six hundred pounds weight of sago, or meal (for the word sago signifies meal in the dialect of Amboyna). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Rockers were found on cradles as early as the fifteenth century.
  • Then, in mid-fifteenth-century Germany, printer Johannes Gutenberg happened upon a discovery: By creating type pieces out of metal -- known as movable type -- and arranging them to form words, you could make multiple copies of a document far faster than a monk could write. 'The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging'
  • July fifteenth, that is to say twenty-five days later, the blood was tried again. The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
  • The Latin Bible was the first complete book to be printed when Gutenberg introduced his new technology in the middle of the fifteenth century - and it has remained in print to this day.
  • And though the "lubricity" of these poems is free from some ugly features which appear after the Italian wars of the late fifteenth century, it has never been more frankly destitute of shamefacedness. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • Many of the local indentures of the fifteenth century survive too; at first glance they seem informative, but can be misleading as to electoral method.
  • The market was supervised by a warden and by the fifteenth century that officer was farming revenues due the city from the market (e.g. stallage).
  • Though almost no one refers to the entire medieval period as the "dark ages" anymore, the years from the fifth through the fifteenth century were often gloomy. Christianity Today
  • Through the fifteenth century rowels became smaller and spur necks became longer.
  • Consisting of assorted gold beads that have been randomly strung together, this type of ornament was documented by European visitors in the fifteenth century.
  • The hare and the rabbit were well enough known, and with the leveret form part of an enumeration of wild animals (animalium ferarum) in a pictorial vocabulary of the fifteenth century. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Which premise logically entails the fifteenth day of March and sails - a street of blue-black sails like shark.
  • It may even date to Kay-drub's tenure as the second Holder of the Throne of Ga-den during the first half of the fifteenth century. The Shugden Affair: Origins of a Controversy (Part II)
  • The Fifteenth Amendment does not specifically exclude right of male citizens to vote, because they are _male_ citizens, therefore, male citizens are of necessity included in the right of voting. An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting
  • The privatisation of cultural expressions corresponds to the enclosure of public land in the fifteenth to eighteenth century.
  • The situation reminds us of fifteenth-century Italy, where casualty-averse mercenary condottieri conducted protracted and nearly bloodless warfare.
  • On her fifteenth birthday, Alania Beruthi sat alone in the cavernous main dining room of Quarters Beruthi and awaited the arrival of her Guardian. My review of the Regina Symphony Orchestra's concert with Trio Frontenac...
  • That the victor was a midland dialect was in large part due to the substantial migration of midlanders and easterners to London in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
  • In its preference for elaborate geometric figures, ogival forms, and complex molding, the Netherlandish Gothic of the sixteenth century differs even from that of the mid-fifteenth century.
  • Bakers, victuallers, taverners, hostelers, and sometimes attorneys were disqualified from election as mayor or bailiff in the fifteenth century.
  • On her fifteenth birthday she had stupidly agreed to jump off a branch of a willow tree over a shallow ravine some ten feet below on a dare.
  • Capitalism was born in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and expanded throughout a significant portion of the globe during that time. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The pious ejaculations they contain, their allusions to the manners of the times, fix them to the fifteenth century.
  • The franchise was first extended to African Americans under the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution, passed during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War.
  • From the middle of the fifteenth century, it was governed by a lay confraternity and was completely independent of episcopal control.
  • The vernacular is a Creole, which is essentially fifteenth-century Portuguese with a simplified vocabulary and influences from Mandingo and several Senegambian languages.
  • From the fifth to the fifteenth centuries the dominant power in the area was the Khmer empire, in which various forms of Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism were popular.
  • There is a fine medieval fifteenth-century bridge at Yalding across the Beult, long, fairly level, with deeply embayed cutwaters of rough ragstone. Vanishing England
  • It has a very old parish church, St Mary's, and the Lamb Inn opposite is fifteenth century.
  • The site lies on the south-west corner of the city's popular, bustling market square, opposite the fifteenth-century church of St Peter Mancroft.
  • The word privy is one of the earliest euphemisms used in England; an anonymous writer at the turn of the fifteenth century advised VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 4
  • Since the fifteenth century, in English Heraldry, a narrow bendlet or baton sinister, couped at its extremities, either plain or charged, has usually been the mark employed as difference by the illegitimate descendants of the Royal Family. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • This relief is based on one fifteenth of the average annual pay for the last three years of service to the date of leaving minus any tax free lump sum entitlement receivable under the company pension scheme.
  • This pattern of shifting between his pet mutations and the new annona became established by the middle of the thirteenth volume and continued through the fifteenth. Blood Test
  • Main character established between twelfth and fifteenth centuries, with the choir later restored for use as parish church.
  • Rising dowries also impinged on patrician men, forcing almost half of them to remain unmarried during the fifteenth century.
  • The Sybil was towed into port on the fifteenth “totally dismasted and without anchor or chains.” CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • It is unusual to find documentary evidence earlier than the fifteenth century, and extremely fortunate to find actual details of buildings.
  • In his study of religious art in thirteenth-century France, Emile Mâle's discussion of Marian iconography includes this observation, "their presentation of the Virgin, a woman old before her time, who weeps over the bleeding face of her Son, became even more purely human, but the figure of the 'Mater dolorosa" which inspired so many masterpieces in the fifteenth century does not belong to the period of our study. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Wallachia and Moldavia became tributaries of the Ottoman Empire from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries, but kept their own princes.
  • The palace was built in the fifteenth century.
  • A twelfth century date has been suggested for the carving, but it is more likely to date to the fifteenth century.
  • It was his birthday, his fifteenth, but there would be no celebration.

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