
How To Use Fiercely In A Sentence

  • They drew swords, and fought fiercely, cussing and insulting each other as swiftly as they threw blows.
  • Its plans are likely to be fiercely opposed by residents, conservation groups and some environmentalists concerned at the impact on the landscape. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its political culture, once fiercely democratic, is being eroded by a manipulated, bureaucratic legalism that identifies dissent as disloyalty.
  • Yet we make no apology for fighting for our independence as fiercely as we fight in our journalism to expose wrongdoing and hold the powerful to account. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.
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  • Again, the music's mood is ritualistic and almost fiercely celebratory.
  • The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.
  • Luke is placed in an isolated environment with strict rules, guards, and regimentation and his fiercely individualistic spirit immediately clashes.
  • They will always be fiercely competitive up front and totally committed in defence. The Sun
  • The noonday sun beat down fiercely; dusty air carried the stink of rotting garlic after a prolonged dry spell.
  • And here the conquered men of Ind, swarthy horsemen and sword wielders, fiercely barbaric, blazing in crimson and scarlet, Sikhs, Rajputs, Burmese, province by province, and caste by caste. CORONATION DAY
  • He heard footsteps approaching, and drove his spurs so fiercely into the roan as to force a surprised groan from the animal as it leaped forward. War
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • While such a sophisticated politician was well aware of the pitfalls involved in fiercely defending his policies and sticking unswervingly to his principles, with hindsight this decision can be seen as fatally flawed.
  • This was as fiercely contested a match as any international could be. The Sun
  • They're fiercely varietal: just one variety in each wine and as for the sheer concentration of fruit and perfume - wow!
  • The company, which has been based in Barlby Road, Selby, for almost 80 years, blames lack of demand for oilseed and a fiercely competitive market.
  • His deft movement to the right to push clear the fiercely driven shot was goal keeping of the highest standard.
  • Their countenances seemed fiercely writhen into the wildest expression of pride, hate, and a desperate purpose of fighting to the very last. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Opponents fiercely whittle down lap times in pursuit of the lead, but sometimes it is the smartest - not the fastest - racers who win the race.
  • But almost always from both there is evidence that fiercely alert predatory instinct is allied with genuine virtuosity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The host was politically incorrect, chain-smoking, and fiercely monarchist.
  • At the committee meeting the experts laid into each other fiercely.
  • We seem to be hard-wired into receiving streaming images from TV, film, print and our social media, fiercely flashing before us at strobe-light speed, yet never quite lingering long enough for us to take a really deep look into the energetics behind the images. Heather McCloskey Beck: Creating Peace Through Conscience and Creativity
  • he male mute swan, known as the cob, fiercely defends the territory that he and his mate, the pen, share.
  • The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.
  • With the quick march of life rhythm, people travel frequently, so transportation market competes fiercely.
  • He's a fiercely loyal person to his family and friends. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book is a riveting character study of a fiercely intelligent and insular man coming to terms with his sexuality.
  • 'If I slay thee, thou hireling dog, as I have often slain thy clodpated countrymen in other days,' and the Frenchman laughed fiercely, 'by St. Denis! The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • It's all a testament to the spendy tastes and fiercely pro-urban character of the people who live in this part of town.
  • This was as fiercely contested a match as any international could be. The Sun
  • However, they misread the temper of the dales, for a dalesman will fight fiercely for his freedom. The Crystal Gryphon
  • At once I stood up to move closer to him, but he said fiercely: `No, don't slobber over me! ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • They are fiercely competitive and offer lower prices year after year. The Sun
  • Her husband, Gray, loves her fiercely; together, they dote on their beautiful young daughter, Victory. Black Out by Lisa Unger: Book summary
  • A note from the other world will strike upon the chord of my being, and the spirit which has been dozing within me awakens and fiercely beats at its bars, demanding some nobler thought, some higher aspiration, some wider action, a more saturnalian pleasure, something more than the peasant life can ever yield. My Brilliant Career
  • It's such a fiercely unique movie, uncompromising in its visual excitement, that we're inclined to overlook the slightly dopey plot and shaky acting.
  • The latter was fiercely jealous, and if Parsons showed obvious affection toward someone, Patsy howled as though she were calling upon all her lupine ancestors to come forth and carry off the intruder.
  • In a fiercely tribal society, with traditions of internecine warfare that lasted at least until ten years ago, defensible towns and houses were vital.
  • Although her economical style can sacrifice immediacy and intimacy, this is a fiercely indignant and justly cynical work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over his shoulders, clasped at the neck with a large gold-and-precious-stone buckle of the same mysterious form as the hieroglyphic crest at the head of the Programs, he wore a wonderful burnouse of white and gold fleece, the gold predominating over the white, and flashing fiercely, gorgeously in the sun. The Mark of the Beast
  • Soon enough he was scampering runs and cutting through point fiercely enough to send the fielders scurrying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Welcome to the fiercely competitive world of miniature golf. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they were divided into clans and tribes, they have fiercely guarded their independence, preserving what has since become a very diverse and fascinating culture.
  • The Marine's eyes blazed fiercely, her lips set in a grim line as her hair drifted, hiding the bandages on her face.
  • Each weight class and each division was fiercely contested.
  • It is fiercely vigorous, but in its execution there is no attempt at gracefulness; no attention to positions, of which the old dancing-masters told us there were five; there was little attempt at step—it was simply ‘jigging’ or as sometimes called clog dancing. A Renegade History of the United States
  • He gathered all the strength he had, grabbed Magarac's wrist with both hands, torqued it fiercely, and watched as the bearded man pitched out of the jeep. Nothing in the World (an excerpt)
  • Loyal and fiercely ambitious, she only sparingly shared need-to-know information with her own colleagues.
  • Any regulation that could potentially bankrupt the media and make investigative journalism too costly to publish should be fiercely resisted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Kodavas have fiercely guarded their tradition and customs as well as their uniqueness.
  • But plans to house the turbines at Pool Hill, near Kitchenroyd, have been fiercely attacked by residents.
  • Now the firm have given it a facelift to combat a host of new arrivals in the fiercely competitive family hatchback sector. The Sun
  • The attacks demonstrate that the guerrilla war is still being waged fiercely.
  • He demonstrates how fiercely technical a craft climbing is, solitary, dangerous and exacting.
  • The Tabarka is a blockship in Burra Sound, lying in around 12m of fiercely tidal water.
  • If the tide is not tugging too fiercely at your fins by now, you might wish to continue sternwards and view the most impressive area of the wreck.
  • She's fiercely proud of her roots there and never misses an opportunity to promote her native place.
  • But that's no 'what I call cannel, "grumbled Davie, glowering fiercely at the burning coal, as if meditating a fresh attack. Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
  • Condulmiero was already fiercely engaged, and soon his carack was a mere unrigged helmless waterlog, only saved from instant destruction by her immense size and terrific guns, which, well aimed, low on the water, to gain the _ricochet_, did fearful mischief among the attacking galleys. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.
  • His claims are fiercely denied by merchants and stores, which say consumers in France refuse to pay more than a tiny premium. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most important engagement of that first campaign was the fiercely contested battle at Freiburg against Bavarian forces.
  • He has always guarded his private life fiercely, arguing that talking about his off-screen relationships cheapens them and hampers his professional ability to be a chameleon.
  • Meanwhile British politics remained fiercely partisan, with the country mired in an economic quagmire. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.
  • The bald eagle never glanced so fiercely from his eyry. International Weekly Miscellany - Volume 1, No. 9, August 26, 1850
  • The sun had been beating fiercely down on her tear-streaked face as she saw her father lying there, dead.
  • She's fiercely protective of the man she married 29 years ago.
  • The dogs are urged into fighting more fiercely by loud shouts from the crowd.
  • Among love's hidden terrors is its capacity to knock away old crutches and breathe on fiercely, and arouse, comfortably slumbering life. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • And as fires kindled dispersedly in a dry forest and rustling laurel-thickets, or foaming rivers where they leap swift and loud from high hills, and speed to sea each in his own path of havoc; as fiercely the two, Aeneas and Turnus, dash amid the battle; now, now wrath surges within them, and unconquerable hearts are torn; now in all their might they rush upon wounds. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • That's how the spirit is controlled - daemons are fiercely independent beings, if they can get away - they will.
  • Yet civil servants and their unions fiercely resist job cuts. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, with rich velvet Somerset ale, charcoal grilled steaks, and a spitting, crackling inglenook fiercely roasting away their dampness, they gradually returned to humanity.
  • She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.
  • A fiercely independent man, he lived at home and enjoyed a busy retirement until shortly before his death.
  • It was raining hail and ice, and I looked on as the waves fiercely crashed against the shoreline.
  • Watch a serious game of cricket and you see two teams competing fiercely, but you also see astonishing collaboration. Times, Sunday Times
  • With poverty only as their stepmother, they are repelled violently from the nectared cup of philosophy as soon as they have tasted of it and have become more fiercely thirsty by the very taste. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
  • The Germans resist fiercely from bunkers, but the tanks systematically suppress enemy fire.
  • Although her economical style can sacrifice immediacy and intimacy, this is a fiercely indignant and justly cynical work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who are these two, these fiercely attractive men who want me to stick their needle in my arm?
  • Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.
  • The allegations will be fiercely contested, but if the charge is proved, retailers and dairy companies can expect swingeing fines running into millions of pounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 30 fiercely imagined stories in Jon McGregor's collection share an extraordinary topophilia: each bears as its subtitle the name of a fenland town or village, and even in tales that range widely across space and time we never lose touch with the flat Lincolnshire landscape. This Isn't the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You by Jon McGregor – review
  • He had been fiercely loyal to the king and had a promising future in the army.
  • Mr Lamb is fiercely against any kind of fiscal union in Europe and rejects federalism, unlike his fellow Lib Dem Andrew Duff MEP.
  • We warred fiercely and valiantly, but I now question the honor in all that if it wiped out a village in the process—which many times it did. Surrender the Dark
  • No other contemporary band is this fiercely unique or devilishly immediate.
  • Her heart pounding fiercely out of her chest, she leaned out the window a little further, preparing to slide her right foot along the ledge.
  • There was a huge explosion and the fireball burned fiercely as the tanker's load of fuel ignited.
  • Howling wind blew fiercely from all directions as thick clouds covered the sky, shrouding the graveyard in an almost complete darkness.
  • But it was her performance on the Wasilla High School basketball team that earned her the nickname "Sarah Barracuda"— supposedly because of her fiercely competitive nature.
  • The Nizam was a Muslim, but he had no love for his coreligionist, the Tippoo, and the men of Hyderabad's army fought fiercely. Sharpe's Tiger
  • When I was living on the reservation in south dakota for a short while I tried learning a bit of Lakota, which is the fiercely dying out language of the Sioux tribe. Lily-white Diary Entry
  • At the time, dogmatists fiercely defended the view that an artificial lens would be impossibly difficult to implant, and would also be rejected by the immune system.
  • He's loyal, knows the corridors of power and is fiercely territorial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The adult males are extremely pugnacious and fight fiercely with one another.
  • The lionesses are fiercely protective of their young.
  • When this exploded, fortunately not fiercely enough to breach the wall of the vessel, the operators realized what was happening.
  • They will always be fiercely competitive up front and totally committed in defence. The Sun
  • Fiercely independent, many Indians preferred to set up their own businesses, as street pedlars, entertainers and fortune-tellers.
  • I suspect they actually think the Chinese are fiercely nationalistic, which is true. Free Advice for the Free Tibet Crowd
  • Mia cried out in surprise of the brilliance of the light while the vampire hissed fiercely.
  • Gold medals and the highly coveted'best in show' are fiercely competed for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their lone protector is a fiercely libertarian logger, once a river driver, who befriends them. Last Night in Twisted River by John Irving: Book summary
  • This race is always fiercely contested but a high draw is a massive help. The Sun
  • Here he was already locked in grapples with the great Guggenhammers, and winning, fiercely winning. Chapter XIII
  • When that failed she grabbed him round the waist like a rugby player and clung on fiercely. The Sun
  • There are two Hollywood heavyweights competing for this fiercely contested prize. The Sun
  • You have to create boundaries in the fiercely hierarchal world of rock-chickdom, or you do not survive. Times, Sunday Times
  • He competed fiercely and his goal was not the happiness of the beloved but his own gloire and reputation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • After the legalisation of KKE in 1974, the two parties competed fiercely against one another before remerging under the banner of the Coalition of the Left for Progress in the late 1980s. back Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • In her book, market researcher, Selina Goober says those 26traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal and retailers so interested.
  • And therewithal came the rest of the martial heroes returning to meet the foe before they reached the height of outlook, and they fell to the slaughter of the Earthborn, receiving them with arrows and spears until they slew them all as they rushed fiercely to battle. The Argonautica
  • If he was the quintessential Parisian (in his autobiography, he describes himself as “a Parisian from the heart of Paris”), she was the fiercely ambitious arriviste. The King Is Dead
  • This race is always fiercely contested but a high draw is a massive help. The Sun
  • Throughout a pulsating and fiercely-contested match, Kendal were unable to please the zealous match official.
  • They are fiercely competitive and offer lower prices year after year. The Sun
  • Well now, I must admit this is a new one on me; not something I had ever heard of before and at this point in time I am undecided whether to feel embarrassingly demure and uneducated or fiercely proud and superior.
  • Despite their size, hummingbirds are aggressive and will fiercely defend their territory from other species as well as other hummingbirds.
  • Lifting her arms skyward, the beautiful Sara Baras thrusts out her chest and fiercely stomps her feet, embodying the tragic Mariana Pineda, the complex heroine of her most successful theater piece.
  • I watched the topography that I had grown to love fiercely become leveled, watered, and consumed by sterile stuccoed cubes.
  • Although she had various boyfriends, Madeleine was, and remains, fiercely self-sufficient.
  • Everyone complains about the state of education, and yet most people remain fiercely loyal to their local schools.
  • Two wins from two starts is his record and this highly-rated gelding is fancied for a hat-trick in a fiercely competitive event.
  • She's fiercely competitive/independent.
  • Fiercely protective of their own place in the presidential nominating process, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada - known as the "carve out states" - would almost certainly push their dates into January in response to Florida's move. ABC News: Top Stories
  • He did not once glance at his listeners and seemed fiercely defensive.
  • She was fiercely loving, too, and self-sacrificing, patient, proud and terribly vain. THE BROKEN GOD
  • They are fiercely attached to Sadr's guidance and his family's lineage of revered clerics.
  • After 10 years of steady touring and recording, the fiercely independent, Austin, Texas-based band has won a following among discerning Latin music fans for their funky take on older music styles such as cumbia, salsa and norteno. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Sam glared fiercely up at the half-moon peeking through the branches of the weeping willow.
  • The feature tries to touch on some of the more controversial points of the Gospels that have been fiercely debated by academics and clergymen over the years.
  • Blocked in the valley, the fire, as if animated by some deadly purpose, crept into the mouth of a brushy canyon and ran uphill with demoniac energy until it was burning fiercely over a benchland to the west of Hollister's timber. The Hidden Places
  • Much of the Act was fiercely argued over because of the very real conflicts of opinion that exist in these areas.
  • When this exploded, fortunately not fiercely enough to breach the wall of the vessel, the operators realized what was happening.
  • I am as spottily informed and fiercely opinionated as the next kibitzer about these potential calamities.
  • Hicks is a true American original: handsome, well spoken, intelligent and quick-witted, intensely passionate and fiercely political.
  • China is fiercely opposed to the plan. The Sun
  • I fear I ply my battledore so fiercely that the best of shuttlecocks has not time to right itself between the blows; but I will be steadier.
  • It's warm to hot in the south and Corsica, but the mistral can blow fiercely in summer making Mediterranean seas too rough for diving.
  • The name descended from a Celtic tribe called the Santoni, a fiercely independent people with a strong sense of their own ways. Champlain's Dream
  • I began my training in a fiercely eclectic psychiatric residency program about 30 years ago, wherein both psychodynamics and research-based biological psychiatry were taken very seriously.
  • The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.
  • And yet beneath the mellow exterior lies a fiercely independent, and at times disputatious, thinker.
  • The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.
  • There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
  • He can play the daylights out of full-on postbop or explore north-Euro ambience, but he calls his hard-hitting Karma fusion group his "grunge band" – a misnomer for a rare splicing of rich-toned, pipe-like themes, fiercely guttural up-tempo tenor improv, Arabic and Irish music, and tight grooving. This week's new live music
  • They remain fiercely opposed to outside intervention.
  • Similarly, Woods is attacked for fiercely defending his privacy.
  • The flame flickered and then burnt fiercely, casting a warm yellow light over the small study.
  • Time Warner, fiercely protective of its stake in the Harry Potter phenomenon, has been issuing licences to dozens of manufacturers to produce spin-off merchandise from the film.
  • He was an awe-inspiring sight, his beard jutting out fiercely and his brow knotted in anger.
  • It was Nietzsche who had made current the dream of a new music, a music that should be fiercely and beautifully animal, full of laughter, of the dry good light of the intellect, of "salt and fire and the great, compelling logic, of the light feet of the south, the dance of the stars, the quivering dayshine of the Mediterranean. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • China alone has 8,000 toy makers competing fiercely for contracts by shaving pennies off production costs.
  • It is fiercely competitive, but it is brutal and it leaves strong teams at risk of missing out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Achon and Ioppe, neere to a towne called Assur, Saladine with a great multitude of his Saracens came fiercely against the kings rereward, but through Gods mercifull grace in the same battell, the kings warriers acquited themselues so well, that the Saladine was put to flight, whom the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 Central and Southern Europe
  • In his opening salvo the speaker fiercely attacked the Government's record on health care.
  • she was fiercely proud of her children
  • He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive.
  • In the fiercely private corporate world, the boardroom has been a pretty serene place. ONE MORE PINK SLIP?
  • In like manner the interchange of persons produces a vivid impression, and often makes the hearer feel that he is moving in the midst of perils: -- "Thou hadst said that with toil unspent, and all unwasted of limb,/They closed in the grapple of war, so fiercely they rushed to the fray;" (Iliad XV. 697, at Perseus) Archive 2010-03-01
  • I finished my Christmas thank-you notes by hand, which meant they wandered fiercely off topic and communicated little beyond a continuing existence and a desperate appreciativeness.
  • In the area of the Mani where the fiercely independent Maniots lived, there were thousands of wild cyclamen, scarlet anemones and bee orchids among the tower houses that had been the refuge of this ancient tribe.
  • Many Cubans remain fiercely nationalistic and resentful of what they see as US meddling in their country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evolutionary biologists debate fiercely about how macroevolutionary change emerges from microevolution.
  • Austrians quickly gave up on most of the Italian regions, but fiercely defended the Tyrolean territory.
  • But civil liberty groups and some MPs fiercely opposed the proposals last night. The Sun
  • It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.
  • They can climb and they fiercely defend their territories (under our cotoneaster!), which extend from 200 to more than 1,000 sq metres. Country diary: The Burren
  • It's all part of Nige the showman's lumpy mix of music hall, jazz club Dvorák on harmonica, anyone? and rock concert, all chivvied along with lashings of bonhomie but set within the context of fiercely disciplined music-making. Nigel Kennedy/ Orchestra of Life; Sir Charles Mackerras Memorial Concert; Jonas Kaufmann
  • He is adamant that he will never marry again and guards his new-found freedom fiercely.
  • The midfielder's fiercely hit left wing cross was scrambled clear.
  • She was fiercely proud of family traditions and continuity.
  • Toronto's huge literary jamboree is both aggressively international and fiercely Canadian At the International Festival of Authors
  • Very few domestic rooms have the proportions of a grand hall that are needed to carry off one of those huge wrought-iron chandeliers sporting fiercely flaming torches.
  • He's fiercely proud of his native land.
  • What about fiercely competitive schools which encourage academic self-assertion?
  • Yet he lived too fiercely and was careless with his life. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He fought fiercely, but his opponent easily got the better of him.
  • Within half-an-hour the lipper has gathered size, and in a terribly short time there are ugly, medium-sized waves bowling fiercely and regularly westward. The Romance of the Coast
  • Thrust onto Egypt's most powerful throne at the age of nine, King Tut's reign was fiercely debated from the outset. The Murder of King Tut by James Patterson & Martin Dugard: Book summary
  • French laws have been fiercely laic for the longest time now. Think Progress » VIDEO: Zahn Interviews McGovern, Defends Rumsfeld
  • When daylight came, already the roof of the dome, with its cupola and lantern, had fallen in, its timbers burning fiercely.
  • The new deals are fiercely opposed by independent wholesalers, who say that they stifle competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shain from the label kindly took time out to give us a little insight and history of this fiercely independent label. Rock Sellout
  • Doubtless the French thought this would prove a sickener, for great was their consternation when, before the smoke had well cleared away, they saw the shattered but dauntless brigade advancing fiercely and steadily upon them. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • The new deals are fiercely opposed by independent wholesalers, who say that they stifle competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The international airline business is a fiercely combative arena, where competitors enjoy nothing more than slitting each other's throats.
  • And so, after the first few, heavy, swinging steps, the reflection of the fire behind him showed him the outline of a _keddah_ just in front, and with a shrill roar of rage Rataplan turned suddenly and fiercely round, dashed headlong through the line of fire, and, with a mighty trumpeting, disappeared into the forest. Rataplan, a rogue elephant; and other stories
  • What evolutionary advantage has this extra effort conferred on cats? a. Cats are fiercely territorial but very socially aware creatures.
  • A great peeler, keen, intelligent, slightly bolshie and fiercely proud of the RUC, the sort of guy we could do with now, but whom some within the PSNI would like to see less of. Police Response Times – A Serious Debate SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I envy those stolid people who can talk so contemptuously of frailty -- I mean I envy them their self-mastery; I quite understand the temperament of those who can be content with a slight exhilaration, and who fiercely contemn the crackbrain who does not know when to stop. The Ethics of Drink and Other Social Questions Joints In Our Social Armour
  • The eugenics movement lobbied fiercely in favour of measures of forced sterilization for entire categories of the population.
  • Unsurprisingly, he is fiercely protective of the elder sibling he called brother until a few years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they began to feutre their spears, and they met so fiercely together that they smote either other down, both horse and all. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table

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