How To Use Fiendish In A Sentence

  • The words heard by the party upon the staircase were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror and affright, commingled with the fiendish jabberings of the brute.
  • New stellarators beat the confinement problem by creating a quasi-symmetric field - trading fiendishly complex magnetic fields for fiendishly complex magnets.
  • The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
  • People long ago produced fiendishly complicated analyses of visual forms: witness Nicholas of Cusa's tract on the all-seeing icon of Christ and Thomas Browne's labyrinthine meditation on the quincunx.
  • Local fishing crews had told him of the Lombok Strait's fiendishly shifting currents, vicious whirlpools, and unexpected waves far from shore.
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  • The setup is familiar, but Arvin calculates everything - the mystery, the office politics, the anti-death-penalty demonstrations, the race riots, the fiendishly escalating threats - so neatly that the whole package is an offer you can't refuse. Blood of Angels by Reed Arvin: Book summary
  • It was a “Faustian bargain,” wrote one journalist, a “fiendishly complicated scheme,” in which the young liberal ministers sold their souls to a cabal of unscrupulous tycoons. The Return
  • Further muddying the picture, the spread of radiation has been fiendishly unpredictable, skipping some areas and showing up in concentrated hot spots elsewhere. Murky Science Clouded Japan Nuclear Response
  • The lawyer's "ally is chance," and his "task is to disrupt an overhasty reliance on what appears to be the truth," says the rather fiendish omniscient narrator in one story. Suburban Tensions In a Gauzy Glow
  • I let out a fiendish, ear-splitting yell, finally cracking.
  • The background is simple enough - although it gets fiendishly complicated later on.
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unquestionably, if ever the halter was a fit instrument for ridding the earth of monsters, it is in the case of these murderous, fiendish traitors, who inaugurated and guided this colossal and gory treason. An Address in Commemoration of the Re-Establishment of the National Flag at Fort Sumter.
  • It didn't display any fiendish goblin or conniving fay, which disappointed me.
  • I seem to be stuck halfway between fiendish laughter and pathetic sobbing.
  • Remembering how white soldiers from eastern cities took the skin of a native chief for a trophy of victory, and recalling the fiendish glee of Mandanes over a victim, I can only conclude that neither race may blamelessly point the finger of reproach at the other. Lords of the North
  • The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
  • But many annona systems became fiendishly complex as the different political factions within the city wrestled over the power to distribute food: there were depots and distribution centers, inspectorates and tribunals; there were grain quotas and regulations on the precise size of a loaf of bread; in some places, storing corn in the countryside was banned. Delizia!
  • America's trade laws are fiendishly complex.
  • It is a fiendishly difficult task at a time when nothing seems to shake Labour's iron grip on power in Scotland.
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and puzzles? The Sun
  • The universe for a mechanician is a machine that requires an operator; for chemistry -- that fiendish employment of decomposing all things -- the world is a gas endowed with the power of movement. The Magic Skin
  • The tone was firm and sweet, and fiendish semiquaver flourishes attacked with unanimity and boldness. Times, Sunday Times
  • You want us to endorse some fiendish invention that will be the means of taking human life!
  • This is a fiendishly clever plot, and he is indeed the patsy.
  • There is a fiendishly rich item called a ‘chocolate cassata,’ consisting of ladyfingers built around a creamy chocolate-mousse center; there's a gourmet-quality slice of raspberry-jam tart topped with vanilla gelato.
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and puzzles? The Sun
  • Though anyone who knows me well also knows that if I were to begin prevaricating, I've a fiendish plan in reserve.
  • Whenever Britain is in a royal mess over some fiendishly tricky quandary, we beseech Queen Mary for her counsel.
  • It bore an expression which might truly be called fiendish, for it gave the idea of mental power, of cruelty, of malice, of intense -- of supreme despair. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 385. November, 1847.
  • It recognises that predicting life expectancy is fiendishly difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • For want of a better name they are called sentimentalists, and they are among men what the morbid females who bring bouquets and sympathy to fiendish murderers are among women. Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • Four times he raised his voice, four times a cry of indignation drowned his words, and at length, seeing that he could obtain no farther hearing, he resumed his seat with an expression fiendishly malignant, and a fierce imprecation on Rome, and all that it contained. The Roman Traitor (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Their task was to complete 40 fiendishly fiendish puzzles against the clock and against each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the project is beset from the start by a fiendish enemy, and also that weird phantom of outer space, Zero Gravity. Tom Swift and His Outpost in Space »
  • It is the key to not having to write in lots of different possibilities and usually unlocks all but the most fiendish Su Doku puzzle. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one talked about the fiendish plot twists after that episode. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the fiendishly tricky 10 - 15 foot sets of the final rounds, resident Pipeline specialists began with a huge advantage.
  • It was a high-pitched laugh and if a sound ever deserved to be called fiendish that one did. Crime On the Coast
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • Here's a fiendishly clever game that will keep you engaged until Halloween, or Christmas, depending on how unbusy you are.
  • No one talked about the fiendish plot twists after that episode. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, there's a lot of research showing that calories overall are what matters but there's also a lot of research -- and clinical experience -- that shows that high carb high sugar diets produce metabolic reactions that make it fiendishly difficult to lose weight by contributing to cravings and blood sugar fluctuations. Dr. Jonny Bowden: Dietary Guidelines 2010: Not Much to Write Home About
  • The enemy, supposing we were disabled, set up a fiendish yell of triumph.
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we've been looking at in all this mess is some kind of fiendishly subtle manufacturing error. Codgerspace
  • ANTHONY: Yes, during World War I, Franklin Roosevelt and his cousin Alice took a kind of fiendish delight in taking on as volunteers some of the assignments of the tapings, and usually it was after folks that were suspected of being German spies. CNN Transcript Feb 1, 2006
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Word of Nagano got to Frank Zappa, who in 1983 enlisted him to conduct his fiendishly tricky classical works with the London Symphony Orchestra.
  • All over the world, cryptographers are trying to unlock Kryptos, a coded message of fiendish complexity that stands inscribed on a sculpture on the grounds of the CIA's headquarters.
  • Rohr cackled as he dug into the sloppy meat with fiendish glee.
  • Ryder looked after him, and her black eye glittered with a kind of fiendish beauty. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
  • He is a fan of Su Doku and rattles through the difficult and fiendish puzzles at a fair speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they have come up with a fiendish plan to wipe Black Caviar off the menu. The Sun
  • It is, I think, the duty of Canada to give trumpet-tongued expression to Canadian public opinion against such fiendish doctrines; to broadcast her views throughout the world; to take the lead, if needs be, in arousing other nations, and thus to produce a world opinion that man is subject to divine laws. A Complimentary Luncheon to The Right Honourable Sir William Mulock, Chief Justice of Ontario, Chancellor of the University of Toronto
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and visual puzzles? The Sun
  • But the only common instances of animal infrasound - inaudibly low frequencies - were the 20 hertz songs of fin and blue whales, and these proved fiendishly hard to investigate.
  • Only four or five compromised client machines can cripple a server; in this way it's a fiendishly economical attack.
  • You want us to endorse some fiendish invention that will be the means of taking human life!
  • Ironically, it's simultaneously harder because correctly handling Plug and Play and power management is fiendishly difficult.
  • His iron-man work ethic has produced more than 80 films since 1991, ranging from serialized crime dramas to fiendishly sophisticated entertainment for children, costume Westerns to contemporary folk tales. Extremes on Screen
  • They had me and the rest of those scrags and scalawags gyrating all over in some sort of fiendish trance!
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • Yet they are fiendishly difficult to stop, track or predict because jellyfish have no hearts and thus avoid any attempts at heat detection. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its best to get in reasonably early as it can be fiendishly difficult to get into, and the doorstaff can be unyielding and obdurate, despite your silver-tongued attempts to gain access.
  • Jessica/Lucy Liu .... lawks, what fiendish scientist might splice those genes, I don't think I'll ever close my eyes again in a public place The New Charlie's Angels
  • The only downside is that the complex joypad manoeuvres make the action fiendishly tough going. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes Fklo bad luck on broon to come up against such fiendishly cunning foe Dear Aquaintance ...
  • This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.
  • The enemy, supposing we were disabled, set up a fiendish yell of triumph.
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and visual puzzles? The Sun
  • business competition can be fiendish at times
  • Rain is man's mortal enemy, foiling our fiendish plans at every opportunity!
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and visual puzzles? The Sun
  • They hatch their fiendish plots in shiny new science buildings in schools, and you know they are around when the food tastes disgusting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • The universe for a mechanician is a machine that requires an operator; for chemistry — that fiendish employment of decomposing all things — the world is a gas endowed with the power of movement. The Magic Skin
  • So, we came up with a fiendish plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • The competition is open until the end of June, and having had a look at the questions, I can safely say thatthey arenot as fiendish as those of a certain retired health-care professional, who also points out a similarity between Camilleri and another featured author here, Nesser. June 2009
  • Yet in what is now an election countdown, ending such protections will be fiendishly difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike Bernie he doesn't take a back seat but competes in the events whose fiendish formats he invents.
  • So too the fiendish destruction of the public and private Hermes figures in Athens two years earlier, on the ill-omened eve of sailing of the Athenian armada for Sicily.
  • There's no telling what fiendish acts I may now commit based upon post-hypnotic suggestion that he may or may not have planted in my tender brain.
  • It is the key to not having to write in lots of different possibilities and usually unlocks all but the most fiendish Su Doku puzzle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Human beings over the ages have delighted in the most horrific and fiendish methods of inflicting extreme suffering, pain and mutilation.
  • This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.
  • Pretty Little Liars Tuesday, 8/7c, ABC Family It's midseason finale time, so expect cliffhangers galore as "A," in retaliation for the Fearful Foursome having blabbed about "A" to MIA therapist Anne, sends each of the girls off on assignments to do her fiendish bidding. Matt's Picks of the Week: Aug. 29-Sept. 1
  • It came out very well, though it was fiendishly difficult - the house dates to the 1630s and has very idiosyncratic windows arranged with total lack of symmetry.
  • She triumphed over a field of men and women of all ages with a winning time of 13 minutes 48 seconds for a super fiendish puzzle.
  • If you saw my shelf full of Elvis soundboard recordings 1969 - 77 you'd know you were in good "fiendish" company. His shrine
  • I didn't see them for about two weeks, during which time they cemented their relationship to fiendish allday-allnight-talk proportions. 'On the Road'
  • The horror of the unearthly, corpselike pallor of this truffle's complexion is only offset by its fiendish deliciousness. August 19th, 2008
  • Can you work out the answers to these fiendish riddles and visual puzzles? The Sun
  • They hatch their fiendish plots in shiny new science buildings in schools, and you know they are around when the food tastes disgusting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • Gretchen is his ideal with her delicacy and restraint, but Mephistopheles in all his fiendish devilry aims to thwart the lovers.
  • This is a fiendishly clever plot, and Burkett is indeed the patsy.
  • So fiendishly busy; so incoherently cramped; though sporting accommodatingly ample open space.
  • Rugby remains a fiendishly difficult game to control and it seems the referee is going to be with us, wherever we go, for some time yet. Heineken Cup's clash of styles putting referees under huge scrutiny
  • He has been finding it so fiendishly difficult that he has switched to the belly putter - the club he once said should be banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they have come up with a fiendish plan to wipe Black Caviar off the menu. The Sun
  • I fiendishly love it, which is definitely a function of my mother's loving salads, too; we've always been green heads. Food-World Royalty
  • A sort of solemn hush, in company with the night, caused comparative stillness to brood over the scene, in contrast to the pandemoniacal noise that had previously reigned so fiendishly. Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • Femme Gougeon, as leader of a horde of viragoes, was rushing among them shrieking more fiendishly than ever. The False Chevalier or, The Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette
  • He took love unmanfully; the passion struck at his weakness; in wrath at the humiliation, if only to revenge himself for that, he could be fiendish; he knew it, and loathed the desired fair creature who caused and exposed to him these cracks in his nature, whence there came a brimstone stench of the infernal pits. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 2
  • So, we came up with a fiendish plan. Times, Sunday Times
  • How she negotiated the fiendish pedalling and half-pedalling, on which whole essays are written, must remain a secret, since her feet were all but hidden beneath her flowing jade and aqua outfit. The Turn of the Screw; Ariadne auf Naxos; Les pêcheurs de perles; Mitsuko Uchida
  • The luxe look of the past 20 years has been minimalism, but it is ruthlessly disciplined and fiendishly expensive to achieve.
  • In Britain, a sudoku book is a bestseller and national newspapers are competing feverishly to publish the most, and the most fiendish, puzzles.
  • He has been finding it so fiendishly difficult that he has switched to the belly putter - the club he once said should be banned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon, though, the difficulty ramps up, with teleportation gates to find and fiendish traps to avoid. Times, Sunday Times
  • That all politicians are fiendish scofflaws is a given, as is their role as lackeys greasing the money chutes of big business.
  • He is a fan of Su Doku and rattles through the difficult and fiendish puzzles at a fair speed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, in an effort to cheer myself up, I've devised a fiendish and cunning plan to turn myself into a local celebrity.
  • To some of you, he'll be best known as the fiendish Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter films, but to me he is, in the words of David Bowie, chameleon, comedian, Corinthian and caricature. The Guardian World News
  • One never knew what kind of fiendish devil'try the prisoners might get up to if left too long to their own devices. The Chronicles of Riddick
  • One can only marvel at the fiendish and diabolical powers of darkness under Hillary's wicked command.
  • Their task was to complete 40 fiendishly fiendish puzzles against the clock and against each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the Nineties they gripped a generation of gamers with their fiendish puzzles and cutting edge humour. The Sun
  • The rest remain to be mined by solving the fiendish puzzles that guard them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Difficulty is frequently fiendish, while problems that are merely hard are not. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Chinese a script so fiendishly complicated that they cannot produce a proper keyboard.
  • They expected to get dashed to death at the bottom as they went flying down past the different floors, and heard a fiendish chuckle from the Frenchman above their heads. The Bradys and the Girl Smuggler or, Working for the Custom House
  • It recognises that predicting life expectancy is fiendishly difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rest remain to be mined by solving the fiendish puzzles that guard them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will Robin solve the fiendish crimes?
  • At least, it would be if the fiendishly clever designers of the particular variant we had did not have access to the same anti-virus web sites we did.
  • Difficulty is frequently fiendish, while problems that are merely hard are not. The Times Literary Supplement
  • What can the perpetrator of these crimes use to justify his brutish means to achieve his fiendish ends?
  • But can the governments really have been to blame for inducing irrational exuberance in the bidders through the fiendishly cunning auction processes they devised?
  • a fiendish despot
  • He is fiendishly bright, well-spoken in a very clipped, Scottish kind of way, but streetwise too; a bit like a smartly dressed bookie who views the world through a veil of tobacco smoke and shrewdness.
  • There isn't anything fiendish, knavish, or snitchy about him — at least, that I know of.
  • Back in 1999 when Thomas Keller's "French Laundry Cookbook" came out with fiendishly difficult recipes, he raised hackles by asserting that cooking is not about shortcuts. Modernism on a Fork
  • Mrs. Bradley was grinning with a kind of fiendish blandness at Burt, whose neck was beginning to swell. The Saltmarsh Murders
  • The superlatively analytical Inspector Hemingway reveals his unnerving talent for solving a fiendish problem.
  • America's trade laws are fiendishly complex.

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