
How To Use Fiduciary In A Sentence

  • Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in accordance with the trust deed and for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
  • Drilling two new wells on the Fiduciary land can provide a short-term solution to the city's water problems.
  • The fiduciary estate is distinct from the fiduciary's personal wealth.
  • Today, the better view would appear to be that directors owe shareholders fiduciary duties in special circumstances.
  • And, last but not least, their fiduciary media are not likely to be based on a commodity, thus reducing the costs to them of overissuing. The Gold Standard, the Great Depression, and Some Current Monetary Worries - The Austrian Economists
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  • Thus, the bank instructed simply to buy or sell securities has fewer fiduciary duties than if it is the manager of a discretionary fund.
  • Few courts have addressed the fiduciary duty of loyalty in the context of churches or other nonprofit corporations. Christianity Today
  • The day we recovered a $60 million verdict against a bank for breach of fiduciary duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I inherit a lot of money, I may feel a fiduciary obligation to preserve the corpus," says Patrick Rooney, director of research at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
  • This positive mandate to create wealth however is in the context of our fiduciary responsibilities.
  • The incoming Department of Labor (DOL) should take immediate steps to disaffirm and reverse two interpretive bulletins issued by the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) on October 17, 2008 relating to fiduciary standards for employee retirement plans under ERISA. Joe Keefe: Sustainable Investing and the Financial Crisis: How Long-Term Investing Can Replace Short-Term Bubbles
  • Fiduciary is a legal term that comes from the Latin word fiducia, which means trust. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • It may be possible to go further and interpret Lord Browne-Wilkinson's somewhat ambiguous dicta as removing the requirement for a fiduciary relationship altogether.
  • A fiduciary is someone in a position of trust who is relied upon by a vulnerable person.
  • Fiduciary duties depend for their enforcement on the shareholders taking action against the wrongdoing corporate managers.
  • Today's topic was the fiduciary responsibilities of agents to their principals.
  • Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
  • Acting in a fiduciary capacity, the trustee is primarily concerned with preserving the rights of the investor.
  • To qualify as a professional fiduciary, CPAs would have had to pass a test, meet minimum educational requirements and agree to abide by a separate code of ethics.
  • However, before concluding that the Spill Trustee Council has violated its fiduciary duty as trustee, another explanation should be considered.
  • Am I saying Jon Stewart's grandmother is a spoiled, financial Peter Pandma with fiduciary diabetes fat from candy-ass advice? Bill Cusack: Time to Take Jon Stewart to Task!
  • in a fiduciary capacity
  • A title entity may earn interest on fiduciary funds as long as a disclosure is provided to all parties that interest has been or will be earned. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Legally, an executor is a fiduciary, who is expected to act prudently and be impartial. New Heirs Face Confusing Tax Choice
  • a fiduciary contract
  • The later the crack-up comes, the longer the period in which the calculation of the entrepreneurs is misguided by the issue of additional fiduciary media.
  • And through studying the system of voting right agency and voting right trust, cumulative voting, senior partners' fiduciary obligation, elimination of the concerned shareholders' voting right...
  • Every investment product or service ever devised by Wall Street and foisted upon the public demands what I refer to as a "fiduciary response. News
  • In certain circumstances, the customer's consent will never constitute a defence to breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Many church board members are unaware of the fiduciary duties they owe to the church. Christianity Today
  • A title entity may deposit fiduciary funds (money belonging to others) into a sweep account or any type of account that uses that money as an investment or revenue generator. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Sponge does not actively mislead Maxwell, the parties are dealing at arm's length and are not, for example, in a fiduciary relationship where disclosure would be necessary.
  • Sale is a commercially adverse relationship; agency involves a fiduciary relationship of trust and confidence.
  • The solicitor-client relationship thus created is, however, overlaid with certain fiduciary responsibilities, which are imposed as a matter of law. Conflict of Interests Taskforce Reports : Law is Cool
  • Derived from Anglo - American Equity, trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property.
  • A second contradiction is related to another limit on the circulation of fiduciary media mentioned by Wicksell, the limit set by the use of precious metals for industrial purposes.
  • Economy in order to articulate what I am going to say with the other possible tropical system of usure, in the sense of usury, thus of interest, surplus value, fiduciary calculation, or interest rate, which Ricoeur indicates but leaves in the shadows, although it forms a heterogeneous and discontinuous supplement. a tropical divergence irreducible to that of being-worn-out or worn down. Archive 2009-05-01
  • We can have many reasons for our conservational efforts - not all of which are parasitic on our own living standards and some of which turn precisely on our sense of values and of fiduciary responsibility.
  • If a representee does not elect to avoid a voidable contract, the representor is not a constructive trustee of property transferred under the contract, and no fiduciary relationship exists between him and the representee.
  • In fact, this is a demanding standard, since the beneficiaries of the fiduciary duty must give their fully informed consent.
  • The question in this appeal is whether there are different policy objectives animating the breach of a parent's fiduciary duty as compared with incestuous sexual assault.
  • Often, alternative claims of breach of fiduciary duty are routinely dismissed as included in, or "coextensive" with the legal malpractice claims. New York Attorney Malpractice Blog
  • And their executives have a fiduciary obligation to the owners of the business, their shareholders, to minimise their tax payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having been in fiduciary positions in which I was responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of the public's money, I've demonstrated proven ability. Jennie M. Forehand (D)*
  • Thus the fiduciary must disgorge the profit that he makes as a fiduciary without the informed consent of his principal and the fact that if the principal had been asked he would have agreed is irrelevant.
  • The Defendants' fiduciary relationship only came into being in the course of the fraud and was incidental to the means by which the fraud was perpetrated.
  • I agree that fiduciary media *in a central banking* system are highly problematic because they are likely to be overissued. The Gold Standard, the Great Depression, and Some Current Monetary Worries - The Austrian Economists
  • A corporation is not endowed by its creator with any inalienable rights, and not only does a corporation have no moral interest in forgoing some profit in exchange for helping a person in their time of need, but it arguably has a duty not to do so, because of its fiduciary responsibility to stockholders. Matthew Yglesias » Promises and Penalties
  • And the reason I say that is because government has a fiduciary responsibility to the rest of the tax payers whose money they're spending, and most of the bureaucratical delay — now I have to say, I think we've cut that delay down tremendously over the years — most of that delay is verifying that you're owed the money. Oral History Interview with Richard H. Moore, August 2, 2002. Interview K-0598. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Such undisputed facts do not support the existence of a fiduciary relationship between defendants and plaintiff. Christianity Today
  • Few courts have addressed the fiduciary duty of loyalty in the context of churches or other nonprofit corporations. Christianity Today
  • If she let someone else be responsible for her well being she is a spoiled, financial Peter Pandma with fiduciary diabetes all fat and sick from taking candy-ass advice from the happy happy fun clowns on TV. Bill Cusack: Time to Take Jon Stewart to Task!
  • However, even with the existence of a central bank that guarantees their solvency, it is not in the interest of the fractional reserve banks to issue fiduciary media as quickly as possible.
  • Curricular authority derives from two sources, the expertise of the faculty and the fiduciary duties of trustees, presidents, and key academic administrators.
  • The fiduciary relationship which subsists between solicitor and client comes to an end with the termination of the retainer.
  • He sees the writer beginning as a cultural worker, a pieceworker in a cottage industry, who must enter into a ‘fiduciary’ relationship with agents and publishers, middlemen, in order to find an audience and earn a living.
  • The action arises out of a claim by the Plaintiffs against their former solicitors for negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Intel executives could see it coming, but as is their fiduciary obligation, they try to stay in monopolistic control on the laptop market for as long as they could. TED: Negroponte Says OLPC Started Netbook Craze; Will Open-Source Its Hardware
  • In addition, the Department of Labor is looking at tightening requirements for advisors who serve the retirement market, including by raising the definition of fiduciary. News
  • A receiver appointed by the court must act fairly and honestly as a fiduciary on behalf of all parties with an interest in the debtor's property and undertaking.
  • To serve as an inspector, liquidator, bankruptcy administrator, or executor of a will, or in any other fiduciary capacity.
  • Lord Haldane held that the fiduciary relationship between the parties imposed a duty on the solicitor.
  • In fact, U.S. law, unlike Ontario, adopts the view that majority shareholders have a fiduciary duty to minority shareholders; see Perlman v.
  • This, perhaps, raises a semantic question which need not detain us, but it is certainly the case that the mere separation of the legal and beneficial ownership does not ipso facto create a fiduciary relationship.
  • Does a director, as an insider, owe fiduciary duties to his shareholders?
  • Only later did I also become convinced that fluctuations in general business condition were completely dependent on the relationship of the quantity of fiduciary media in circulation to demand.
  • In certain circumstances, the customer's consent will never constitute a defence to breach of fiduciary duty.
  • Institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity should disclose how they manage material conflicts of interest that may affect the exercise of key ownership rights regarding their investments.
  • Dedalus's response to Ms. Banach's lawsuit is to countersue for more than $5 million, claiming "breach of fiduciary duty, self dealing, theft of corporate opportunities, conversion, replevin, and spoliation of computer evidence. Behind the Veil: Questions About Art Authentication
  • First there are straight forward clauses which purport to exclude or limit liability for breaches of fiduciary duty.
  • Fiduciary Issue has been the highlight in the construction of securities market.
  • Moreover, dishonesty was not a necessary element in the cause of action of abuse of fiduciary position. Times, Sunday Times
  • So long as target boards make full, accurate and timely disclosure of relevant information, and comply with their fiduciary duties, they are free to use whatever measures they prefer.
  • No prudent investor would overweight his or her portfolio in speculative stock, given that the funds belong to an Estate, to whom the investor owes a fiduciary duty.
  • The word "fiduciary" comes from the Latin word for trust. Nancy F. Koehn: Leaders and Fiduciaries
  • This may or may not sit comfortably with his noisy insistence that governments need to meet their own fiduciary duties. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the same way it may be worth mentioning and drawing a parallel to the retirement fund industry where they face similar problems of having to educate the Board of Trustees in fulfilling their fiduciary duties.
  • Furthermore, this tendency is now strengthened by the decrease in the objective exchanged value of money following the increase of fiduciary media issued by the banking system.
  • If Bank of America is barred from trading the Securities during the pendency of these Bankruptcy Cases because of its duties to other creditors, it may risk the loss of a beneficial investment opportunity for itself and/or its clients and, moreover, may breach its fiduciary duty to such clients," Bank of America said in its filing. BofA, Distressed-Debt Bettor Look to Trade in MF Claims
  • I have found Chester's sons had at least constructive knowledge of Chester's breach of fiduciary duty/trust in respect of the 1981-1982 bonuses.
  • Before the judge and before us there was some debate whether such a claim lies for breach of fiduciary duty generally or only those which also involve the misapplication of property.
  • We'll also be featuring a Research Room, "manned" by a bevy of bodacious, brainy beauties, who are fully "equipped" to give you insider tips about which games best suit your skills, value and long-term fiduciary goals. David Henry Sterry: Goldman Sachs Resort & Casino
  • Institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity should disclose how they manage material conflicts of interest that may affect the exercise of key ownership rights regarding their investments.
  • Fiduciary duties depend for their enforcement on the shareholders taking action against the wrongdoing corporate managers.
  • Moreover, it is obvious that if (as here) a fiduciary holds trust property at the cesser of his fiduciary relationship, he remains accountable for it.
  • Institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity should disclose how they manage material conflicts of interest that may affect the exercise of key ownership rights regarding their investments.
  • Borrow writing down card is a kind of fiduciary contribution to the bank, the risk is very big still.
  • Directors are usually agents of the company, and owe it duties both of a fiduciary nature and of care and skill.
  • Indeed, the word fiduciary comes from the Latin word fides, meaning faith. David McWilliams
  • The distinguishing obligation of a fiduciary is the obligation of loyalty.
  • The duty arose from the fiduciary relationship of guardian and ward, as established by statute.
  • In my view, the plaintiff has failed to establish a causal link between the defendant's breach of fiduciary duty and the plaintiff's past loss of income during the period claimed.
  • The various obligations of a fiduciary merely reflect different aspects of his core duties of loyalty and fidelity.
  • Nor, given the fiduciary duty of the Trustee, is there any reason to imply any such limitation.
  • Your editorial accurately depicts what a Labor Department proposal to change the regulatory agency's definition of the phrase "fiduciary" might to do the retirement-investment industry. Please Don't Make Something Worse That Is Working
  • Not every breach of the contract of retainer is a breach of a fiduciary duty. Conflict of Interests Taskforce Reports : Law is Cool
  • Non-agency relationship: where no written agreement nor fiduciary relationship exists, a real estate broker (and his agents) works with a principal who is then known as the broker's customer.
  • It was said there that a key factor in determining whether there was a breach of a fiduciary duty is a finding that the fiduciary acted disloyally in placing its interests ahead of the beneficiary's.
  • The categories of relationships giving rise to fiduciary duties are not closed.
  • If elected, they are elected by all shareholders and they have a fiduciary duty to act in the interests of all shareholders. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was in the nineteenth century that fiduciary duties were extended to company directors.
  • Federal and state politicians make efforts to impose a fiduciary duty on them.
  • it is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain
  • The fiduciary relationship which subsists between solicitor and client comes to an end with the termination of the retainer.
  • In my view, the law draws a clear distinction between fiduciary duties and other duties that may be owed by a person in a fiduciary position.
  • Loss-making firms sustained through the issue of fiduciary media are artificial forms of life, consume accumulated savings, and impoverish society.
  • Best execution will also apply in principle to agency and other fiduciary transactions for non-private customers.
  • They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.
  • The pleading against the solicitor is in the alternative, in negligence for breach of duty of care and in equity for breach of fiduciary duty.
  • The $146 billion joint bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund formalized earlier this week could take care of the country's short-term fiduciary problems, but major questions remain over how the country will look in the long-term, if it will ultimately be able to avoid default, and whether its problems will spread to other countries. Financials Slip But Don't Trip On Greece
  • You have a fiduciary duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Solicitors and other fiduciary agents who fraudulently misapply moneys of their clients often expect, or hope, that no loss will ultimately result to the client.
  • Another important area of concern to fiduciary investors is information transparency, in particular contingent liabilities.
  • Charter brought proceedings against the defendant on the basis it received the sums transferred with knowledge of breach of trust or fiduciary duty of the manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, the clearing system and the clients of other banks demanding redemption set narrow limits to the issuing of fiduciary media.
  • The power would have to be exercised in accordance with the terms and purposes of the trust, the trustees' duty of care and their fiduciary position as trustees.
  • Sustainable investing is prudent and farseeing, meeting the fiduciary duty of both the companies and investors. Sustainable Investing Doesn't Mean You Have To Lose Money

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