How To Use Fice In A Sentence

  • Moreover, Mr Webb's point about what he calls disinterested management -- that is to say, the management of banks by officers whose remuneration bears no relation to the profit made on each piece of business transacted -- is one of the matters in which English banking seems likely at least to be modified. War-Time Financial Problems
  • Having drop-dead gorgeous, private, windowed offices makes it a lot easier to recruit the kinds of superstars that produce ten times as much as the merely brilliant software developers.
  • Commander Laurel D' ken smiled wryly as the blue haired officer said to Allison, ‘We'll need to nursemaid them a bit but I think they'd be able to manage well enough.’
  • Suffice to say there are a few bruised knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got a good education.
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  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Could be that, or maybe she's a little wigged out working in an office full of blabbermouths.
  • The coulpe or peccavi, is made for a very small matter — a broken glass, a torn veil, an involuntary delay of a few seconds at an office, a false note in church, etc.; this suffices, and the coulpe is made. Les Miserables
  • McCarthy remains dismissive of the allegations and defensive of the former sergeant, saying he was "brutalized" by his colleagues, in particular, by a few senior officers "exerting locker room peer pressure" in the department ranks. MPNnow Home RSS
  • The officer was then subjected to a torrent of racial abuse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obama "cherishes" a trinket and a book given to him by Gordon Brown, and he worships them like tiny gods by keeping them in a little pagan altar he set up in the Oval Office. Wonkette » top
  • Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The affair isn't the thing that makes me believe he needs to be removed from office – it's the monumental lack of judgment he displayed in abandoning his states and his duties as governor. Sanford should stay, two top South Carolina papers say
  • Construction here would include offices, retail and hotels with the objective of integrating the docklands with the city centre and extending its functions to the east.
  • Nursing commissioned officer ( NNCO ) is a special necessary colony. Educate to NNCO is a new thing.
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • Remember that even if your surgery is performed in an office or surgicenter, your surgeon should have hospital privileges to perform that procedure. You: On a Diet
  • The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • Over 20 factors were analyzed amongst the DUI attorneys sampled, including whether free consultations are offered, if a lawyer is willing to do 'outcall' (meaning they will meet with potential clients outside the office), how aggressive the defense of the client is, the degree to which each client is offered access to their lawyer, how much time is spent with each client talking by phone or over email, and other factors. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
  • And when Elliot Spitzer got caught fooling w/a prostie, he resigned on the spot … saaaaaaaaaaaay … WHY is Vitter still in office? Think Progress » Vitter receives standing ovation at Southern Republican Leadership Conference.
  • Why not put in some overtime at the office and find the company a way to save money, increase efficiency, or improve on a product?
  • In all the sale extends to 800 lots, ranging across plant, machinery, tools, office equipment, furniture and computers.
  • A police officer ordered me to get out of the car.
  • It highlights key facets of presidential policies and priorities, difficulties and conflicts, while charting the developing nature of the office.
  • Curiously, for a politician who made much of the fact that what happened in the rest of the world was not always Washington's concern, diplomacy has been the keynote of his first months in office.
  • Inconveniences and time requirements are cited as cause for avoiding or procrastinating office visits.
  • For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • Officers ushered her into a side room with him. The Sun
  • Minister for Defence Robert Hill talks with an Australian Army captain and warrant officer at a Middle East base.
  • Probation officers were supposed to have been keeping a close watch on him. The Sun
  • Vatican a magnificent porphyry labrum found in one of the imperial baths; and Baccius, a great modern authority on baths, speaks of labra made of glass. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.
  • Paper Gummeed Tape, Carbon Paper , Computer Paper , Opffice Stationery, Table Stationery Paper Products.
  • Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer.
  • burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • And try to minimize contact, she suggests. Write memos instead of dropping into his office.
  • Officers used a digger to carve out a trench 10ft deep and 40ft long to get to the van. The Sun
  • Meanwhile, the hard-working dweebs in his office who have not benefited from hypnotherapy get canned.
  • Traffic officers claim the new gun can't be picked up by speeding motorists who use radar detectors to avoid being caught.
  • For example, Emperor Norton said that Governor Wise of Virginia was to be removed from office by royal decree.
  • Paul took up the post of County Accountant in the mid-Seventies, leaving for a short spell, only to return to take up the post of Finance Officer.
  • So far, this scribe detects two "fortissimo" candidates -- people palpably impatient to get in office and shake things up. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • But often our dream date is the loudmouth down the hall, our office adversary, even the scary boss -- in short, someone we avoid even standing near in real life.
  • Two officers, the subadar major, by name Mangol Singh, and three or four The Story of the Malakand Field Force An Episode of Frontier War
  • If you have more than the duty-free allowance or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer.
  • The Stabat Mater has been retained as an optional Sequence for September 15 in the reformed Roman Missal and as the hymn for the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer in the new Liturgy of Hours. Archive 2009-04-01
  • But neither of those initiatives, expensive as they are, approach the civic munificence displayed by the Federal Reserve. The Fed's Cash Machine
  • Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before bed.
  • After an interim administration, the new president took office this past October.
  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • An employee or player likes to know when he/she walks into the manager's office that whatever is discussed between them is in confidence.
  • I went into the office to find the offender, and saw a worried woman crumpled in a chair in the corner, wearing a look of weariness and doubt.
  • It surprised me that she was helloing at me when I passed her on the way to my office.
  • Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator. Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
  • This magnificent bit of luck, the finding of the calisaya, awakened in the susceptible bosom of Mr. Marcoy an ardent desire to explore for himself the site of its discovery. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Environmental health officers hope the cotes will keep pigeons off the streets and discourage them from feeding on waste food and titbits offered by tourists.
  • From his driveway, Benelli dispatches patrol cars and sends officers to new assignments.
  • Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. The Scarlet Letter
  • The Dominion through her Indian officers and her mounted constabulary is showing herself the inheritress of these traditions. Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses
  • He had to wait for the first-class passengers to deplane, of course, since even flag officers fly coach. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.
  • (How far can he get without a license or credit cards .. or the help of close relations?) opened with testimony from the "jailbird" and his arresting officers Baltimore Crime
  • At last, after wise deliberation of the concerns of either side, she assumes the office of arbitress which is offered to her by both parties.
  • Except for the frequent conferences now in the new Forty-second Street offices that commanded a view of two rivers and a vast battledoor and shuttlecock of the city, it was the first time in all those years that stretched from the night at the Waldorf that they had sat thus tête-à-tête. Star-Dust
  • The present answer to that question is that a company's mind is the mind of its senior officers.
  • Tayside Police admit the whistle-blower's inside knowledge shows he has to be a high-ranking officer - at least an inspector and probably a superintendent.
  • This shocking series meets the law enforcement officers who are on the front line. The Sun
  • Washington accused Dinwiddie of claiming that he had exceeded his authority by allowing batmen and transport for the officers of the Virginia Regiment. George Washington’s First War
  • He can try to save those countless millions but only by the sacrifice of his ship and crew.
  • Suddenly, seeking high office, Liddy Dole was described as over-ambitious, chilly and nasty under the "syrupy" Southern accent. Caryl Rivers: Bad, Mad Michelle
  • He resigned from the Council in 1990 when new rules prevented paid council officers sitting as elected members.
  • He has totally screwed things up in West Yorks for his officers and police staff alike. on April 12, 2010 at 5: 59 pm jaegerdude Crime And Immigration In Britain SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In the offices, there was an explanation of the computerised administration processes, grave search and interview room facilities.
  • It is thought officers will name 13 hospitals - including at least one hospice. The Sun
  • The council officers and the planning councillors are to be congratulated on it.
  • But protecting the right of a people to run no-accounts out of office and to have a real voice in decisions that affect them is dear to US and Taiwanese hearts.
  • A hard-nosed unmoveable man, who sacrifices his lovely daughter to ward off future kidnap threats on his beloved son.
  • This product series adopts bridge commutation mode with rectiformer attached , featuring energy saving And efficency.
  • I support a troop's right to disobey his or her commanding officer, to desert, to subvert the system that enslaves him.
  • Some pro-ana websites feature anorexia prayers and sacrifice rituals.
  • Officers had been shown a dirty white T-shirt which he said he had worn on the day his girlfriend vanished.
  • [116] A chaplaincy is a pious foundation made by any religious person, and elected into a benefice by the ecclesiastical ordinary, with the annexed obligation of saying a certain number of masses, or with the obligation of other analogous spiritual duties. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Always , KGB officers try to remain invisible.
  • the office next door
  • We need our renegade cowboy president out of office
  • The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.
  • She sacrificed family life to her career.
  • Moreover, a law is to be enacted for the initiation of criminal procedures against governors and their removal from office.
  • For many the sacrifice of British sovereign power was too great a price to pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Preparation for the top government officers' visit are almost complete.
  • Had I been more attuned to racism in the office, I might have anticipated the reaction.
  • UK gov/Scotland Office are spending £1.5M on their public info campaign on new devo powers.
  • Throwing himself into one of the office's numerous squashy chairs, Irvine admits to a last - minute attack of the collywobbles.
  • We will review this after about six months and see if abstaining from interviews has in any way helped box office collections.
  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity amid the surrounding chaos.
  • When he got to the office he found a mountain of mail waiting for him.
  • Ramping up the subsidies is a relatively cheap way for the French to go as it usually falls to the UK, as a net contributor to the EU, to have to fork out to keep French politicians in office. The French Protection
  • From a pure box-office point of view, all of us can surely relish the sort of muscular macho, the one-on-one confrontation on view when a Phil Vickery meets a Christian Califano.
  • Queensland Orienteering Association development officer Liz Bourne says that probably more than any other sport orienteering has suffered from the loss of bushland, particularly around Brisbane.
  • And I was, at what seemed to me to be the munificent salary of $20,000 a year, plus expenses.
  • From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
  • A day later, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis, a black man accused of killing a white police officer more than 20 years ago, despite what GOP Rep. Bob Barr called the conviction's reliance on "the skimpiest of evidence," and, in the words of former FBI director William Sessions, "pervasive, persistent doubts" about Davis' guilt. Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
  • Bosses announced the company was consolidating three offices into a new building on the Turnpike Business Park.
  • Surely, no flame of piety, idealism, or self-sacrifice could burn in the cold hearts of its citizens.
  • I'd like to escape the office treadmill.
  • Over the years in Mumbai, she spends time as an advertising copywriter, a freelance journalist and a publications officer for the World Wildlife Fund.
  • The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.
  • She weighed in on the issue more than a year ago, officially requesting that the Minister's office do something to stop the apparent rot at the company.
  • Mr Cole remained sombre, straight-faced and silent as the returning officer pronounced Ms Greene, a local school governor, the victor with a 2,000-plus majority.
  • It will be remembered that this short period suffices to give only a nucleal point in the matter of writings. The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama Their Leaders and Their Work
  • Now the servants and officers who had made a fire of coals stood there, for it was cold, and they warmed themselves.
  • George Bush developed a policy, he annunciated it in a magnificent speech 10 days after 9 / 11, and then he went into a war in Afghanistan that everybody thought was going to be impossible.
  • Out-of-office autoreply rules until 9am the next day. Times, Sunday Times
  • The officer leading the inquiry has been taken off the case.
  • Grayson is one of the most progressive politicians the Democrats have and, thankfully, he does what is necessary to remain in office. Christopher Sprinkle: Alan Grayson Is a Street Fighting Man
  • At first, she did odd things like rearranging her shoes and alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf in her office.
  • Just shy of an hour after I got in, my manager came in and asked me to step into his office when I had a chance.
  • But despite the favorable atmosphere, police remained on alert for possible security threats on the session, the officer said.
  • The NDTV network broadcast footage from the scene, about 170km southeast of New Delhi, showing debris strewn across the tracks and police officers carrying bodies covered with sheets on stretchers.
  • From his swank corner office on the 50th floor, Cuban-born Jose Fernandez really is at the top of his game.
  • On the ‘digital’ battlefield there is a real likelihood that brigade commanders will talk directly to sergeants or corporals commanding sections and that intermediate officers will be sidelined.
  • A good police officer is not fulfilling his role if he neglects this vital aspect.
  • So an embarrassed clerk in the table office wrote to Mr Wilson, advising him of proposed amendments to his motion.
  • Then to take that used (2002 model) ca on a trailer to (let's say Brownsville, TX) unload it and meet my wife at the Mexican border office in Matamoros and both of us put our names on it after paying the duty so that we could both drive that car with Mexican plates in Mexico. Need Advice on Retiring to Mexico & Getting Married to a Mexican National
  • The office is closed at the weekend.
  • The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
  • The guard ushered me into the office of a burly fiftysomething man in a police uniform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shakespearean tales of love as sacrifice, conquest or unrequited passion are beyond reason.
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
  • The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.
  • Post offices serve many functions apart from postal services and many elderly people cannot travel a great distance to reach one.
  • She had to leave school aged 16 and worked in a tax office and as an assistant stage manager for a theatre group. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the office I decided to bring Arnie Bloch up to date with my latest information about the Finnegans. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Secondly, research looked at the relationship between these councillors and the local government officers employed to implement their decisions.
  • The impressive fort in the centre of the town presently houses the collectorate and other district office.
  • There are fractional erbium:YAG lasers the type I use in my office and fractional CO2 lasers, which are much more intense. Simple Skin Beauty
  • We've simply never seen someone so completely unmoored from the normal requirements of national office before. Transition: How Obama is Building a Government - Swampland -
  • Shelters are constructed for officers, and depots for the storage and distribution of supplies are also erected.
  • The court martial highlighted confusion among high-ranking military officers about whether conditioning was lawful or not.
  • The ten purebred dogs, most of them Labrador retrievers, were rescued about a year ago when U.S. law-enforcement officers raided a rural Colombia veterinary clinic.
  • My largest contributor was my friend Anne Bartley, Governor Winthrop Rockefellers stepdaughter, who later ran the Arkansas office in Washington, D.C., when I was governor.
  • Several persons unfit to hold public office were pitchforked into high office.
  • All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
  • The opposition formed a seven-party coalition and ejected the governing party from office for the first time since its formation in 1955.
  • Accidents must be reported to the safety officer.
  • In the 1960s, open-plan offices were introduced, though not without some controversy.
  • So the theories are that perhaps somebody intentionally detonated this weapon in what's sometimes called fragging, an intentional effort to kill officers, and in this case, two officers. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2005
  • It's regulation to wear suits at the office.
  • Once the appointment is made the independence of office puts its holder more or less beyond reach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Antropophagites (so called for that thei liue by mannes fleshe) of all menne, are the worste condicioned, without lawe, or officer, appareilled like the Scithiens: but in language like vnto no bodye but them selues. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Sure enough, this Heller language has served to protect a remarkable variety of federal gun restrictions challenged since Heller, including bans on gun possession by felons, domestic violence misdemeanants, and persons under restraining orders, bans on sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, laws restricting guns in school zones, post offices, and other public property, and others. Dennis A. Henigan: The Gun Issue Is Back in the Supreme Court: What Does It Mean?
  • The Group is supplying to a many Global 1000 companies in the Automotive, Health Care, Medical, Industrial, Office Appliance, Consumer Electronics and Home Appliance sectors.
  • The Rhemists, and Dr. Hammond, are for retaining the Greek word Paraclete; we read, Acts ix. 31, of the paraklesis tou hagiou pneumatos, the comfort of the Holy Ghost, including his whole office as a paraclete. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Look at the uproar from the Police auth in the Met over officer (gulp) carrying guns on duty in public! Have You Heard The One About……. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The best way of summing up the situation in our office is to say that it is 'absolute chaos'.
  • Keep your office space looking good, particularly your desk.
  • Whether she's in the office, at home or out to lunch, these chic cozies will keep her phone off the floor and out of danger from being stepped on.
  • A police officer witnessed this blatant disregard for the law and attempted to ticket the student for jaywalking.
  • He asked to see an Italian military intelligence officer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1974 campaigners occupied the office building to protest about it being left empty during a housing crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • They were bagged up to be taken away by Trading Standards officers for investigation.
  • The police officer gave us a ticket for going through a red light.
  • She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation.
  • I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.
  • Post Office of the said City of Montreal; that every such election or amotion shall be subject to the review of Our said Visitor, whose determination thereon being signified in writing to the said Governors within sixty days after such delivery as aforesaid at the said Post McGill and its Story, 1821-1921
  • Gesturing with one fleshy, clawless manus toward his shorter, more cranially hairy companion, he added, And this is my senior diplomatic officer, Commander Deanna Troi. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • However, the officer in charge of the investigation said it was the only way to gather compelling evidence.
  • According to the police report, Officer Steven Kuhnau attempted to call the scammer, posing as a student in need of software. News
  • As former chief fire officer, Pat Forkan, recalls, his ability behind the wheel was unmatched.
  • However after learning Yang great wild goose this factory arms the security office staff status truly, the new hundred personnel depart low-spirited.
  • Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office. The Sun
  • John, you have my word we'll talk about those other officers and what they're struggling with right now.
  • Having done with him I took boat again (being mightily struck with a woman in a hat, a seaman's mother, -- [Mother or mauther, a wench.] -- that stood on the key) and home, where at the office all the morning with Sir W. Coventry and some others of our board hiring of fireships, and Sir W. Coventry begins to see my pains again, which I do begin to take, and I am proud of it, and I hope shall continue it. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1666 N.S.
  • In the times which we call barbarous, great benefices and abbeys were taxed in France to the third of their revenue. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Police officers have allowed themselves to be redefined as crime fighters rather than peacekeepers and protectors of the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie bombed at the box office.
  • This is an attempt to intimidate and blackguard the prison officers and this is an attempt that will fail.
  • consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
  • Pickles has earned widespread plaudits since taking office for his energetic and radical approach to reforming local government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enveloped in that smell, I would play grown up and sit in the office sometimes, studiously recording the numbers of the vehicles that came in for work on the twin ramps over the six-foot-deep pit where the mufflers were installed.
  • U.K. police arrested a female police officer on suspicion of corruption, as a multipronged probe into alleged wrongdoing tied to the News of the World tabloid continues to gather momentum. What's News—
  • Süleyman the Magnificent in the sixteenth century extended his reach from the Sudan and the northern shore of Africa to Baghdad and far into Europe, where - twice - Turkish rams would batter at the gates of Vienna.
  • When they take that habit back to their own office, they often dream up better ways to accomplish their goals.
  • Sehwag let a couple go by, 'hipped' one away and then reverse swept him magnificently past point. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • The fourth class (officers of the British Empire and Lieutenants of the Royal Victorian Order) and fifth class (members of the British Empire and Royal Victorian Order) wear their respective badges on medal ribands or bows (women).
  • Detectives who searched his home found a holdall, items snatched from the post office, a police scanner and his bingo membership card.
  • During the divorce proceedings the husband got his assistant to front for him at the office.
  • Sources say that in city divisions such as Howdenhall, which covers a large part of south Edinburgh, there can be as few as four beat officers available on day and night shifts.
  • Boy, being the office manchild sure is tough, isn't it?
  • The units will have fully fitted offices with suspended ceilings, recessed lighting, painted and plastered walls, perimeter trunking and gas fired central heating.
  • Foster also designed the office chairs with leather thong seats inspired by Greek vases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Absently coiling a blonde curl around her fingers she re-examined the office she was gradually growing familiar with.
  • The paper ballots will be checked at election offices while votes recorded in the machines will be examined at an army base.
  • I could clearly imagine the scene in the office.
  • Police cars were parked outside the address yesterday as forensics officers examined the scene. The Sun
  • His proposed business was flogging office chairs that healed back ache. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a very special moment when such magnificent birds make their first flight.

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