
How To Use Fha In A Sentence

  • His offhand manner put my back up.
  • In the last cliffhanger, downstairs lover Tony Head was caught sharing his Gold Blend nightcap with a mystery lady.
  • an offhand manner
  • America is set for a real cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each episode ends on a cliffhanger which means you have to keep right on going. The Sun
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  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • New York made it to the National League Championship Series as a Wild Card team last October, losing a cliffhanger series to the Atlanta Braves.
  • Honest serials play fair with these cliffhangers, putting the hero into danger and giving the audience a week to sweat over how he will escape the peril.
  • Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.
  • Many of Hitchcock's films are real cliffhangers.
  • `Oh, things could be worse," said Hunter, doing his best to imitate Yoller's offhand, sophisticated tone. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Ok, you were probably expecting this chapter to take place right after the first one and for the little cliffhanger ending of the first chapter to be resolved.
  • Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.
  • Complications arise during the surgery, but a cliffhanger ending leads the audience to wonder if Dr. Brown has managed a second miracle.
  • Where divers be Jub (iituied to one, whether they fhall fucceed equally orun equally* A treatise of testaments and last wills, fit to be understood by all men, that they may know, whether, whereof, and how, to make them
  • As with O'Reilly, offhand dismissal of critics is not a good practice for any business, organization, group, or individual.
  • I'm not sure, but offhand it seems to fulfill the criteria of the definitions offered by Bennett.
  • The best example I can think of offhand is from Michael Marshall Smith's Only Forward. On Prologues
  • In his offhand way, DeLillo teaches many important lessons in Libra, including certain etymologies, for instance the relationship in Arabic between the words assassin and hashish (on page 342). Confusion and Turbulence
  • we decided offhand to go to Canada
  • Most rewarding are seemingly unrelated stories, like Toby's impending fatherhood, that end up having a poignant payoff within the cliffhanger ending of the season.
  • I follow and offer refreshment, which is once more declined, though this time the Italian's manner is not offhand, but solicitous and somewhat grave.
  • She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon.
  • The doc says that there's a problem just so we can get that faux - dramatic cliffhanger before the commercials.
  • What makes you think women can just remember dates offhand this way?
  • I follow and offer refreshment, which is once more declined, though this time the Italian's manner is not offhand, but solicitous and somewhat grave.
  • (In passing, it should be noted that – as is so often the case – the journalist consistently appears to misgender her subjects with the offhand presumption which is a hallmark of so many cis writers. Be Like Others
  • Oh, and Mike getting married — though in cliffhanger fashion, we don't know to whom. Season finale frenzy: 'Desperate Housewives'
  • Nobody present could give the exact figures of increase in production offhand.
  • Nobody present could give the exact figures of increase in production offhand.
  • Can’t think of the title offhand, but it’s definitely on my list. Fiction Writing: Collaborating and Co-Authoring
  • Bringing together speakers from big-city tenants councils, neighborhood legal services, FHA insurance, savings-and-loans entities, and the Shannon and Luchs Realty Company, the Institute for Policy Studies "plinked" the first domino that led to the current crisis. RenewAmerica
  • BOOK Xr. 4j Branded the wretch, and be his name abhorr'dj But after-ages fhall thy praife record. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • The plot – trying to find the nutter responsible for the growing heap of corpses and the Welsh girl found in the hospital carpark with locked-in syndrome – kept us guessing right up to the cliffhanging moment when Tom got clobbered from behind and jabbed with a needle right in the middle of his favourite yodelling track. TV Rewind: Single Father; The Pillars of the Earth; Jamie's 30-Minute Meals; Nigella Kitchen; Food: What Goes in Your Basket?
  • Posner reviews them all in turn, in a hectic flurry of piled-up fact-bites, speculative calcula-tions, passing quarrels, and offhand policy dicta ” an orderless mixture of assertion, guess, remark, and opinion for which the term "farrago" would seem to have been invented. Very Bad News
  • In the settlement Countrywide is required to offer these borrowers a new fha fixed rate mortgage not to exceed 90% of the properties current value at an interest rate low enough that their current income qualifies them for the mortgage according to FHA guidelines. - Business News
  • Light housekeeping, standby assist for bathing* Two clients - women* Afternoon & evening hours (M-F) EXPERIENCED BATHER and HOMEMAKER* Must have reliabe transportation* Must have exp in giving showers & bed baths to men / women, light housekeeping* Willing to travel to Rio Rancho, Corrales, Bernalillo area*P / T to start - Must be open full day & possible week-endsPlease call 242-6236 and speak with ElaineEEO / AAP EMPLOYER BUY A HOME; GET A CHECK, UP-TO $8000.00, GOVERNMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMS, FHA Loans, New Homes Undefined
  • There is a certain irritating sort of journalist - perhaps unfairly, Zoe Williams of the Guardian is the first name that springs to mind - who affects an adolescent offhandedness in his of her writing. Simon Titley: Against jargon
  • He is a modest shirt-sleeved fiftyish guy who says dramatic things in an offhand undramatic manner and is frank about his hesitancy, uncertainty, and agony on certain matters. How the End Begins
  • Having Janet flatline is a little cheap for a cliffhanger, considering there was never any indication that her situation was close to critical.
  • He waved offhand, Toby said, he waved or gestured at what Toby thought was the desk. GOTHIC PURSUIT
  • If the lord prefame to doe it againft his tenant, he fhall. be punifhed by a great amerciament. The Second Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England: Containing the Exposition of Many ...
  • It has everything that makes a spy show great; hot chicks, nifty gadgets, and cliffhanger endings.
  • Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.
  • Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon! Archive 2006-01-01
  • I learned it from someone who formerly worked in the government and he mentioned it in an offhand manner, leading me to infer it was something that insiders were well aware of.
  • Super-dry jazz hi-hat work mixes with offhand synth-bass and slivered chirrups of sound sliced thin enough to be just impossible to place.
  • Chen achieved re-election by just 30,000 votes, beating Nationalist party leader Lien Chan, after a cliffhanger campaign.
  • Lewis had been very eloquent in explaining how things should be, even if he wasn't working with the whole story, while Mally had an offhand manner about her that gave her reasoning a little too much patness. Greenmantle
  • After everything he'd accomplished he was back where he'd started; the object of Hank's offhand contempt. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • She probably doesn't even realize her offhand remarks are offensive to you.
  • The text ends with a cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an afterthought, Taen recalled that the King of Pirates revered books; on Cliffhaven, his archivist was the only hale man not required to bear arms. Shadowfane
  • He repeatedly roiled the international currency markets with offhand comments about the value of the dollar and the inadvisability of bailouts of countries like Turkey, Brazil and Argentina.
  • The only answer I can think of offhand is the bond market & those who have an interest in fixed incomes since inflation would be painful for both. Politics vs. Economics, II, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • An FHA appraiser is much more stringent than a typical appraiser. cville_libertarian Bob Gibson Savages Scottie Griffin at
  • she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter
  • In the last cliffhanger, downstairs lover Tony Head was caught sharing his Gold Blend nightcap with a mystery lady.
  • His danger level continues to escalate toward an explosive season cliffhanger.
  • I see it turning into a mystery, cliffhanger story.
  • That book ended on a cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • she treated most men with offhand contempt
  • The thesis elucidates the ways and means to set the plot clue and cliffhanger.
  • Offhand, I would guess that this car repair will cost US $ 1,500.
  • The filmmakers, though, decided to leave us with a real cliffhanger. The Sun
  • Its high-impact narrative style employed cliffhanging conclusions to chapters, which gave the genre a reputation for ‘preaching to the nerves’.
  • While standing offhand is my best position I can't hit a thing with this particular gun beyond 40 yd because it is so light. Weight a Minute
  • This two-part episode aired several months after the season cliffhanger.
  • The cliffhanger from the previous episode gets resolved offstage, so that everyone can stand around having conversations.
  • Once you are in the trash zone, you will be hooked and unable to wait for the follow-up to the fantastic cliffhanger fade-out.
  • Last week 's cliffhanger was so tense I thought that my tiny brain would pop. The Sun
  • ‘They were quite abrupt and offhand,’ says Elliot, who is now 39.
  • I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.
  • I can't cite references offhand, but she's excellent.
  • As the young lovers sailed off into wedded bliss, the first series ended with a cliffhanger for the supporting duo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tyco, based in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, makes fire-prevention products and security components. Schneider Backs Away From Tyco Deal
  • In the 1970s, when community groups discovered that lenders and the FHA were engaged in systematic racial discrimination against minority consumers and neighborhoods -- a practice called "redlining" -- they mobilized and got Congress, led by Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire, to adopt the Community Reinvestment Act and the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, which together have significantly reduced racial disparities in lending. Peter Dreier: The Mortgage Mess and the Economic Meltdown: What McCain (and the rest of us) Should Learn from the Keating Scandal
  • • Fortitude is chara&erifed bv the fhaft of a columti, and is cloathtd in a lion's ficin. Anecdotes of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and of the Principle ...
  • At the end of last season's cliffhanger final episode, he was heard shouting, ‘Weapons of mass destruction!’
  • Some scenes are excellently staged and acted, while others are done in an offhand, parodic manner which makes me wonder how historically accurate everything is. Weekly Mishmash: April 11-17 :
  • W'alle'tsIWCSe*nator 'Na. vigator _Chro'nograph_C-artierSch_affha, u_sen Mark. Directorio y Buscador de Blogs Latinos
  • It's going to be a cliffhanger, and you're going to have the same story in 2000.
  • I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.
  • Evidently not, because on both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue policy makers are busy giving the FHA even more business while easing its already loosy-goosy underwriting standards. The Next Fannie Mae
  • Knights supporters took over South Leeds Stadium yesterday and witnessed the latest in a long line of heart-stopping stories stolen from the script of a comic-book cliffhanger.
  • I could have otherwise dallied around for years, interviewing cheesemakers on a sort of casual offhand basis and never really pulled it all together. Artisan cheese and blogs-to-books
  • The cornerstones of the old time serials, such as a cliffhanger ending, a brief recap at the beginning, and brisk pacing made for exciting television.
  • Let me open up the category of muddling through, and there are two or three different ways offhand, of doing that.
  • Watch out, the caravan is coming to a fhalt, I hope Clinton doesn't fall off, Even if she does, It doesn't matter since the Caravan has already come to a final halt. Clinton in Puerto Rico: Caravan rolls on
  • I hope I didn't appear offhand with her - it's just that I was in such a hurry.
  • IWC Schaffhausen has produced only a hand full of women's watches but the brand's unabashedly masculine output has been seen on female wrists lately, including those of Cate Blanchett and Elle Macpherson. An Icon That Withstands the Test of Time
  • He was rather offhand with me.
  • In the original film, the ending was a ‘cliffhanger’ when the gang's coach carrying the Minis and their gold bullion loot was left balancing on a precipice.
  • I offhandedly expostulated whilst continuing to read her two page monologue.
  • Incredibly, the series ends on a cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself--her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham: The New York Review Of Books
  • Nobody present could give the exact figures of increase in production offhand.
  • It would be difficult to think, offhand, of a simple explanation of why a young woman, a total stranger, wearing only a nightdress, rang our doorbell at 7.45 in the morning.
  • Shooting offhand is a humbling experience, it's much more fun to shoot tiny groups but it has little to do with hunting unless you're out west with your rifle laid on a bedroll. Too Much Accuracy?
  • offhand excuses
  • I can't remember the name of the actress who played Nan offhand and don't have time to look it up.
  • He says the was against terrorism should not be fault in Agfhanastan's villager.
  • The filmmakers, though, decided to leave us with a real cliffhanger. The Sun
  • Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.
  • Nobody present could give the exact figures of increase in production offhand.
  • Its American equivalent would be a hybrid of FmHA, FHA and the old VA mortgage system. Dognappers
  • IWC Schaffhausen's Portuguese Hand-wound 5454 dips into the company archives to revive an old line—super-precision pocket watch-style wristwatches originally launched 70 years ago. Time Warp
  • The falls are at Neuhausen, an extension of Schaffhausen to the south, rather than a suburb of it.
  • Cue a major cliffhanging CGI shot and the Tron Legacy logo. Could a Lack of 3D Screens Be the Only Roadblock to Avatar’s Continued Success? | /Film
  • But even in the tiniest detail, in apparently offhand remarks, there is a sense of his determination to confine himself to a list of terse, pre-scripted lines.
  • I'm sure there must be a reason why Dean's comment is different, but offhand I can't think what it is.
  • Calcaratum ne£tarium; a calcarate or fpur - fhaped nectary. The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
  • It indicated the FHA is more biocompatible and bioactive than HA.
  • Now, you can do this in an offhand manner, casually noting results, but you'll be much further ahead if you do it somewhat scientifically.
  • You wouldn't know his name offhand, but he wrote and executive-produced my favorite episode of my favorite TV show of all time. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Does the assumability option on FHA loans offset their high mortgage insurance premiums? Inman News - The first word in real estate.
  • They can even build internal cliffhangers into a half-hour or hour-long program and use the interruptions to their advantage. March « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • On the other hand, I am clearly missing the Dan Brown gene: the calculatedness of the pacing short chapters, cliffhangers at the end of virtually every chapter, etc. is weirdly exhausting to me. BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » Good Bad Books
  • ‘They were quite abrupt and offhand,’ says Elliot, who is now 39.
  • Instead, we are introduced to necessary elements in offhand, haphazard fashion.
  • I couldn't think offhand of a creative use for this thing, a non-business use, but maybe with some pondering…
  • Or will the series end on a cliffhanger? The Sun
  • Therefore, after the cliffhanging events of The Search For Spock (the Enterprise destroyed, the crew fugitives), I was thrilled to see that DC's Star Trek comic was picking up directly from the movie. Young as when the world was new | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Hackneyed and sterile, the Rockwell is ideal if you are looking for vastly overpriced drinks served by offhand waiters with pathetically slow service.
  • The hype has worked, but the reality is a lumbering, unconvincing tale that is filled with one cliffhanging moment after another but never builds into a satisfying thriller.
  • With the capital of the private mortgage insurers tied up in backstopping those earlier policies, the industry has ceded substantial market share to the FHA since 2008. Mortgage Insurers Rise on FHA Proposal
  • C other other purpofe •, for he cannot juftify the committing an affrayer to gaol till he fhall be punifhed for his offence: and it is faid, that he ought not to. lay hands on thofe, who barely contend with hot words, without any threats of perfonal hurt, and that all which he can do in fuch cafe, is to command them under pain of imprisonment to avoid fighting, i Hawk. The law of a justice of peace and parish officer: containing all the acts of Parliament at large concerning them, and the cases determined on those acts in the Court of King's Bench. To which is added, a collection of precedents revised and settled by
  • The execs ixnayed the female first mate from the pilot, and he basically smuggled Nichelle Nicholls in under his coat, only mentioning offhand he was ‘going to add a little colour’ to the bridge crew.
  • We do tend to dismiss offhand such phenomena as human artifacts, and because of good theoretical and inductive preconceptions.
  • The 1969 film ends with a real cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • One offhand comment he made haunted me for years, how art history since had been based on a misinterpretation of Cezanne.
  • I had seen several of the men snip the head from a rattlesnake with a single offhand shot -- yes, they all carried their weapons easily and wontedly. Desert Dust
  • The weirdest thing is that people always make these offhand comments as if I know exactly what they're talking about, as if everyone knows.
  • She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon.
  • Yet another respondent pinpoints Taylor's offhand indictment of ‘older feminists’ as the basis for her ire.
  • Teens, especially reluctant readers, will enjoy this fast-paced action novel marked by cliffhanging chapters and realistic snowboarding and skiing action.
  • The girls defeated Carrigallen from Leitrim in a tense and exciting cliffhanger on a scoreline of three goals to two.
  • * Though, in this experiment the refulc is difierent, yet, wheft. the caufe of this difierence is afeertained and ej4laiiied, we fhall find it will in no wife contradiA the condufion drawn from our former experiment. — The Monthly Review
  • Consumers found the attitude of its staff offhand and generally offensive to the paying customer.
  • The show temporarily becomes Seattle Medical: Road to Recovery, with sensational teasers amid other infotainment hoopla, as hand-held cameras follow the doctors along the usual rounds of triumph (a double arm transplant, a regenerative trachea procedure in the pediatrics ward) and tragedy (Mandy Moore, from the shoot-em-up cliffhanger, is back, but goes into an irreversible coma after Bailey's routine op). Matt's TV Week in Review
  • However, as punishment for staying beyond a year, he had to figure out how to resolve the cliffhanger episode ‘Best of Both Worlds.’
  • Jeep-Fu on Aug 4, 2008 what i originally thought. was that the second movie would focus more along starscreams reign over the decepticons and as a cliffhanger in the end, say after the credits, it would a be shot roaming over the ocean where megs was dropped and they would zoom in to the top of the ocean and you would see 2 red eyes begin to glow thus confirming the return of megs. but i like the fallen concept. not alot of modern day fans know who the fallen is and i think they should. mattg on Aug 4, 2008 The Fallen Will Show Up in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen?! «
  • If an inventor is unable to sell his idea without assistance from the State, offhand I would simply consider him a poor businessman, unless Zeus or Keynes was holding him back. Intellectual Property, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Only the other day the Evening Press reported that the cliffhanging House In The Rock had been bought by a Pateley Bridge antiques dealer.
  • I hope I didn't appear offhand with her - it's just that I was in such a hurry.
  • Kidnapping a Sidhe child was cause for war-between Elfhame Misthold and Elfhame Bete Noir at least; between as many of the hames as each side could draw in at worst. Music To My Sorrow
  • Traveling from Zurich to Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in October 1913, Jung was roused by a troubling vision of "European-wide destruction. Jung Confronts His Demons
  • I've seen worse documents, I suppose, but it's hard to think of one offhand.
  • He agreed the threat of a dramatic cliffhanger vote on a flagship policy was ‘not a good situation’ for a government with a Commons majority of 161.
  • At that point and on your show I didn't know what that meant at all because it was such a casual offhand remark.
  • In the cliffhanger from the episode before, the Joes have been mostly knocked out by a noxious gas emitting from a Cobra canister that S.ake Eyes used to bring back some of the eradiated crystals for the M.A.S.S. Device. Branded in the 80s!
  • It was an offhand revelation from this official, who is no partisan gunslinger.
  • My decision to interview rural women in the immediate aftermath of the warand not about the war itselfhas been described as insensitive, and my interest in women's cultural production (tattoos especially) as irrelevant, another unfortunate case of First World privilege ignoring "real" Third World needs. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Tate care, however, cried I, that you. do* not carry matters too far: fhe muft not fufpect you act by my orders; oa £he contrary, if I find any feverity ha* been, ufcd, though I may fecretly approve, nay, certainly fhall approve* in cafe it anfwers fhy purpofe; yet you myft lay your account with being* fharply reprimand - ed — you underftand me. Lucinda Osburn: A Novel ...
  • ‘The NRA should understand that we are not second class citizens and will not stand for this offhand treatment,’ he concluded.
  • Death of Muhammad Amin al-Muhibbi (b. 1651), a Damascene scholar who compiled a biographical dictionary of 17th-century personages in the Middle East (Khulasat al-athar) and a massive anthology of contemporary poetry (Nafhat al-rayhana). 1695
  • It was a traumatic episode with a distressing cliffhanger.
  • i is compreffed on the fides fo, that one fharp edge goes upwards and the other downwards: the hind feet are not palmated, or joined by a moveable fkin, but are peculiar for having on both fides of the feet, long, white, clofe, pectinated, off - fbnding hair, befides the fhort hair with which the feet are quite covered. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curiou
  • The last few days have been feeling like the cliffhanging episode in the so-called thriller that is [not] my life
  • It has everything that makes a spy show great; hot chicks, nifty gadgets, and cliffhanger endings.
  • trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
  • Jhara'dof'it •, and they are in the right, 'for there's always fome fhame in being burdenM with an ufelefs knowlede. Moral Essays: Contain'd in Several Treatises on Many Important Duties
  • And I don't recall right offhand what exactly that was.
  • Schaffhausen, or if you lay below an axe, which a thread of silk alone kept back from the fall. Anne of Geierstein
  • The state always has been disputed territory in war and politics, but never more than it is now, in the final, cliffhanging days of a close-run but unedifying presidential campaign. Who'll Have The Last Laugh?
  • The following dramatic cliffhanger essentially decided last year's match. Times, Sunday Times
  • The text ends with a cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lives hang in the balance, and yet we have typically relied for our choices on happenstance—offhand referrals, late nights at the office, or the dream of meeting cute.
  • The cliffhanger is good, but not aggravating the way some books are. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Worryingly, this final episode ends on a cliffhanger, which implies that there is another series to come. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'd said it in such an offhand and nonchalant manner, though, that I decided to let it drop.
  • The only real problem is the final episode ends in a cliffhanger, as Kira, his friends, and their Alliance allies seek haven from the pursuing ZAFT forces.
  • Everyone in these offhanded portraits looked fabulous, in a debauched and groovy way, and even the characters who weren't familiar looked as they though should be, somewhere under the smeared mascara and opiated grins. The Club Everyone Wanted to Be In
  • Cherry says he realistically needs to know by the end of February if he will be ending the current season with another nail-biting cliffhanger or wrapping up his Wisteria Lane shenanigans for good. Keck's Exclusives: Desperate Housewives to End In 2013?
  • Maclachlan, who was much the fharper man of the two, no fooner heard that this lady came from Chef - ter, with the other circumftances which he learned from the hosier, than it came* into his head that fhe might poffibly be his friend's wife; and prefently ac - quainted him with this fufpicion, which had never once occurred to Fitzpatrick himfelf. The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With the Life of the Author. In Twelve Volumes. A New Edition ...
  • V.S. RAMACHANDRAN: Offhand, I can't tell you when they started using the term "anosognosia" for other types of denial.
  • Some were definitely fleeting — too much so in the fantastic Carnivale, which never returned after the last cliffhanging episode. Matthew Yglesias » TV Show of the Decade
  • I can't quote the exact statistics for you offhand, but they're there for you to see in the report.
  • The lower petal is fhaped like a boat, and is called carina or the keel: the upper petal, which ipreads and rifes upwards, is called vexillum, flandard or banner: the two fide ones {land fmgly, being feparated by the keel, and are called a! The language of botany : being a dictionary of the terms made use of in that science, principally by Linneus ...
  • Schaffhausen, your lying upon straw, your black bread, and your broken berline, are proper seasonings for the greater fatigues and distresses which you must expect in the course of your travels; and, if one had a mind to moralize, one might call them the samples of the accidents, rubs, and difficulties, which every man meets with in his journey through life. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • The 1969 film ends with a real cliffhanger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where we left off with the BBCA series was a wrenching, traumatic cliffhanger in which friendly ghost Annie Lorena Crichlow, so much more appealing than her Syfy counterpart is trapped in purgatory, reaching out to her friends through staticky TV screens as she pitiably weeps in a sinister waiting room and anxiously waits for whatever comes next. Roush Review: Being Human and More Weekend TV
  • I can't answer your request offhand.
  • Before the hour of noon and visitation came, everything was once more reinstated, my glaziery performed to a miracle, and the life of my worthy Gelfhardt preserved! The Life and Adventures of Baron Trenck, Volume 2
  • The group is receiving steps to return it to plain monetary footing, FHA Commissioner David Stevens said. Archive 2009-11-01
  • He examines my belay and says offhandedly, ‘Guess I won't fall.’
  • The film ends with a cliffhanger, leaving the audience hungry for more.
  • As the young lovers sailed off into wedded bliss, the first series ended with a cliffhanger for the supporting duo. Times, Sunday Times
  • And yes, the Americans have cliffhanger endings down to a fine art. The Sun
  • I know of no good way to explain the divisions and/or contrasts offhand.
  • I can't say offhand how much money I earn.
  • For all the outward signs of casualness, these works are not quite as offhand as they might seem to be at first.
  • Super-dry jazz hi-hat work mixes with offhand synth-bass and slivered chirrups of sound sliced thin enough to be just impossible to place.
  • It did not contain my Family Railcard, driving license photocard, Kew membership card, or, um, anything else I can think of offhand. Punctuality!
  • At that point and on your show I didn't know what that meant at all because it was such a casual offhand remark.
  • They presumed their shows and careers would last forever and spent every penny they made on clothes, jewelry, fast cars, and cliffhanging Hollywood Hills homes with eye-popping views of Los Angeles and the ocean beyond. Starlit
  • The great thing about watching TV shows well after they've aired is you don't have to wait months to see the resolution of season ending cliffhangers (that that LOST!). Stargate SG-1 Watchathon - 'Serpent's Lair' (S02E01)
  • As early as the 1970s, Strupp explained, "blockbusting" practices developed as FHA loans were used by banks to get owners to sell quick, with the banks then reselling the homes to minorities at inflated prices. Congressional Hearing Looks into Wells Fargo Predatory Lending
  • When close to the whale, in the very death-lock of the fight, he handled his unpitying lance coolly and offhandedly as a whistling tinker his hammer.
  • Pretty Little Liars Tuesday, 8/7c, ABC Family It's midseason finale time, so expect cliffhangers galore as "A," in retaliation for the Fearful Foursome having blabbed about "A" to MIA therapist Anne, sends each of the girls off on assignments to do her fiendish bidding. Matt's Picks of the Week: Aug. 29-Sept. 1

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