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How To Use Fevered In A Sentence

  • Knowing this neighbourhood as I do, I have sent out boy scouts armed with catapults and homing pigeons to locate and succour your undoubtedly acned messenger, who has, I suspect, been lured into a den serving potent drinks and fevered women who have taken his mind off his job and transferred it to his own gratification. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The rise of the viral right here has fostered the same kind of fevered imaginings. Mark Olmsted: The Evolution of Fascism -- Then and Now
  • Don Julián, wounded and enfevered, now at last believes the worst. The Theory of the Theatre
  • The last chukka saw both teams go all out and play some very fanciful and accurate polo, raising the excitement to a fevered pitch.
  • My friend Fiona and I were in a state of fevered excitement.
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  • My childhood dream was to be mother, at home with my children, making pictures out of macaroni, passing on my favourite bedtime stories, helping with homework, soothing fevered brows and wiping away snot.
  • The pure and fine essential qualities of the voices, the dizzying harmonies, the fugal calls and responses, the strange relief of the unisons, and above all the free, natural mien of the singers, proudly aware that they were producing something beautiful that could not be produced more beautifully, conscious of unchallenged supremacy, -- all this enfevered him to an unprecedented and self-astonished enthusiasm. Clayhanger
  • By this, she means the seemingly endless publicity tour to promote the movie, and the fevered tabloid attention that came to dog her every move.
  • It's just a product of your fevered imagination!
  • Is the film some kind of fevered dream taking place in Bill's sexually frustrated mind? Films I Love #14: Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
  • McMillan's already fevered imagination was fired even further, while Mexico gave Beresford the inspiration to take up serious painting again.
  • His soloing, particularly on Hootie's Blues and his confessed favourite tune Cherokee is said to have set off wild dancing and fevered excitement among the concert goers.
  • Fulfillment as sweet as a cold hand to a fevered brow, or cool mud to a bee sting can now be found in the digital realms.
  • It can be a tasty bit of pâté on a wee biscuit or a squirt of refreshing skin conditioner for the fevered brow.
  • Could a nonhysterical, non-leftwing editor even exist, or is that concept outside the bounds of your fevered imagination? Savage but untrue
  • I've got a decent collection of passiflora, and there's usually a run of a few weeks where people go simply nuts bidding on plants, along with a few weeks on either side of that where bidding isn't fevered, but still steady. Archive 2009-06-01
  • A more open market for college admissions, no matter how fevered, is still fairer than the old system, which petered out in the mid-1960s, whereby Exeter's headmaster could earmark a few dozen of each year's seniors for admission to Harvard. The New College Chaos
  • Seriously, I have these fevered memories of the ring producing a giant green photon hammer to conk some dude on the melon. Nathan Fillion is… Green Lantern
  • Roars of fevered excitement as the Yakin emerged from the forest, running on their six black legs; teeth sharp and yellow. A SONG FOR CARA • by Martin Turton
  • Meanwhile, out-of-doors, you could hear the stamping and roaring of the crowd, goaded into a frenzy by repeated hymns, enfevered by its earnest desire for the Divine interposition, and growing more and more enervated by the delay. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 2
  • Pathetic," he called the fevered satisfaction she took in the hovering attentions of our old black nurse, who gave us brief respites in the two sick-rooms by turns, and who had according to Mrs. Fontenette, "such a beautiful faith! Strong Hearts
  • The soreness of the throat, the fevered brow, the pumping headache, when will it ever end?
  • So he was ‘extremely sceptical of sightings of large cats in this country and used to consider them the product of someone's fevered imagination while walking home after numerous pints in the village pub’.
  • Last week's controversy over the standard of Scottish refereeing (minging, as ever) is a mere bagatelle compared to the state of anguish they get into at that most fevered game, cricket.
  • But like boils that erupt at separate places on the skin, they are fevered into being by one invisible short-circuited wiring in the body politic beneath.
  • His imagination was fevered, he thought of himself as a knight from a bygone era and moved around like one, riding a ragged horse.
  • I ever had a dream, I wanted to be a most professional and fevered traveler.
  • While the director does poor work of aping the classics of Italian neo-realism, he excels with the more fevered and fantastic elements.
  • He dabbed her fevered brow with the edge of his tunic that clung wetly to his broad chest.
  • Let them view with him the piles of unsuccoured wounded on the breach of Badajoz, and hear the shrieks and groans of men dying in helpless agony, without a friendly hand to prop their head, or a drop of water to cool their fevered lips. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • A fevered diplomatic endgame is now under way to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
  • I just can't remember any who've shown an "eye" or a shooting style that I would call fevered or amped-up and Hollywood Elsewhere
  • Waking from a fitful and fevered sleep to the sounds of hip hop blasting through the house is not the kind of experience I wanted this morning.
  • I was lying on a bed in South Vietnam, watching the endless rotation of the fan above me, and sweating profusely, fevered and unable to sleep.
  • Alongside the real, material Rome, a parallel, mental Rome, or a succession of such Romes, has long enfevered the brains of pontiffs and panjandrums. The Heirloom City
  • Each fevered quest for a true love left me more adrift than ever.
  • One man cooled his fevered brow there, while another washed the dirt from his eyes and claimed he could see better than before.
  • Despite the fevered prattle of conspiracy theorists, the say-so of a few doesn't take America to war and certainly doesn't keep it there.
  • In rural Ireland we were the flying doctors to a generation of fevered imaginations.
  • Its timing could hardly have been bettered and should do a great deal to calm the fevered brows of the Lanarkshire club's supporters.
  • She could only marvel now at the fevered urgency that had so utterly consumed her so short a time before. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The "engage" phase of the ritual is the tricky one, as there is no guarantee these excitable young men, geed on by the crowd in the fevered atmosphere of international sport, will wait for the call before diving into action with the party opposite. Square-dancing at the scrums engages full force of Brian Moore's law | Martin Kelner
  • In the pure heart of a girl loving for the first time -- love is far more ecstatic than in man, inasmuch as it is unfevered by desire -- love then and there makes the only state of human existence which is at once capable of calmness and transport! Eugene Aram — Volume 02
  • Either you have not gone bed to yet, and you need something to assuage your fevered brow, or you are waking up and you need something to assuage your fevered brow.
  • Both sides see a political significance to World Cup fever that exists only in their fevered imaginations.
  • Maybe a glass of water would suffice, also to cool my fevered brow.
  • Olivia hugs herself, staring at Frank as he lies on the floor of the tent in a state of fevered agitation.
  • The chill provided a welcome cool to his fevered temperature.
  • Though Wildeve's fevered feeling had elaborated to real poetical compass, it was of the standard sort.
  • However, I was delighted to discover that the most disgusting content was that I had created myself out of my fevered imagination, although Peter and the Beeb got the most hits.
  • A fevered diplomatic endgame is now under way to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
  • A fevered diplomatic endgame is now under way to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.
  • cleanse itself"; to succeed they must first soften and liquefy the dry, hardened feces and scybalous masses (little ancient, bullet-like formations) imprisoned above an inflamed and fevered lower bowel, even colon. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • I'll have them bring some wet rags, to cool your fevered brow.
  • Seventy years later my mother can still remember her tender father staying up half the night stroking the fevered brow of his sickly youngest daughter before going to work at three in the morning.
  • Not by my bed mopping my fevered brow but, for much of the time, tucked up beside me in a queen-size bed in a luxury hotel.
  • Each new record is greeted with the kind of fevered hope and fear and anticipation unique to those cult bands who are truly adored: Will it be too populist? Love, Belle and Sebastian-style
  • Big Ben has more recently figured in fevered truck bomb scenarios that result in it crashing down.
  • It's just a product of your fevered imagination!
  • Their painful awakening was enfevered by the thought; a final agitation arose amidst the morning discomfort, as the abominable sufferings began afresh. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Volume 1
  • An admonishing chat from Butcher, coupled with the birth of his daughter, Courtney, at the beginning of last season prompted a change in Partridge, like a cool hand soothing a fevered brow.
  • Water for drink, for fevered wounds and burning throats, they had in abundance; but the last "hardtack" had been shared, the last scrap of bacon long since devoured. An Apache Princess A Tale of the Indian Frontier
  • Once your friends and family start getting married and having babies, the nightmare that is chronic singledom takes on an even more fevered pitch. Live and Let Love
  • The film is clearly the product of a fevered imagination.
  • Passing through Nockcliffe plantation, a half-mile of woodland that straggled along the steep sides of a clough, a drop of rain fell between the branches and coursed down her cheek -- a cheek fevered from want of tears, and flaming with a sense of shame. Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • Mao's next fevered move to push China into socialism was the Great Leap Forward to communize agriculture. Deng's Revolution
  • But after all this excitement and even some fevered dance-floor action I became tired and had to lie down for a bit.
  • But it's a confoundingly original -- and often funny -- nightmare, a one-of-a-kind "found object" that captures an underbelly of America you never dreamed existed -- or exists only in the fevered imagination of its creator. Splendors and Challenges at the New York Film Festival
  • The publication of each new volume prompts fevered speculation on the story line and late-night queues of children outside bookshops.
  • The collection has aroused a mixture of fevered excitement and disgust.
  • Your face is all red and unless I am mistaken that is sweat on your fevered brow.
  • These stories are merely a product of her fevered imagination.
  • For all the fevered prebudget speculation about taxing the rich, the truth is the chancellor has little room for manoeuvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sheer size of the superjumbo - the largest ever built - led to fevered speculation about what might be on board. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Roche's fevered imagination his leader is a combination of Mother Teresa, St Francis of Assisi and metrosexual man, finely attuned to the sensitivities of those around him.
  • Dave's body was now a shredded 235-pound testament to fevered training.
  • He had bled her twice already, in the hopes of relieving her fevered mind, but it had not made any visible difference.
  • Fink, not surprisingly, gets writer's block and at some stage the film becomes his fevered imaginings.
  • The film is clearly the product of a fevered imagination.
  • Have you considered the possibility that ‘podcasting’ is a nonsense phrase that is the product of your fevered imagination?
  • The child's puppet dolls are miniatures of herself and Miss Jessel, dangled menacingly over the canopy of the big four-poster bed where the virginal new governess endures her fevered nightmares. The Turn of the Screw; Ariadne auf Naxos; Les pêcheurs de perles; Mitsuko Uchida
  • Only in the fevered mind of a right-winger tortured by sexual thoughts he finds threatening can the desire of a population to be able to get married be plopped in the same category as the decadence of biblical lore. Think Progress » Portugal’s parliament approves same-sex marriage.
  • By keeping 'schtum' the news people are reduced to facile, idle speculation from their fevered imagination. Should Tory Bloggers Be More Aggressive in Defending Themselves?
  • So good luck with that, Rupert. have a delightful, Howard-Hughesian dotage, acting out a crazed, Moby-Dick dumbshow against the Internet, hoping that the world's politics and economies will reform themselves to suit your fevered imaginings. Rupert Murdoch vows to take all of Newscorp's websites out of Google, abolish fair use, tear heads off of adorable baby animals - Boing Boing
  • Lying in a crib, Mary was lethargic, fevered, and unable to swallow any liquids for four days.
  • Her fevered dreams and the many reflections arising from conversations with her sister travelers begin to help her unburden herself of her complicated past.
  • When it comes to soothing the fevered brow, there are few more calming sights than the early-morning view across the world-renowned golf links of St Andrews.
  • The intensity of the raw, vitriolic malice in the sibilant voice was beyond anything in even his fevered, psychotic dreams.
  • The spirit and the message of the season (as they communicated themselves to him) began, as opiate among enfevered senses, to steal about his thoughts. If Winter Comes
  • Event TV was thought to be dying as channels proliferated, people timeshifted their viewing and audiences fragmented in a way that made the viewing figures of yesteryear 21.6 million to find out who shot JR, 28 million every time Eric and Ernie popped their Christmas hats on, 32.3 million for the 1966 World Cup seem like the fevered dream of an overstrained ITV exec. How Twitter saved event TV
  • He spent most of his days in bed, trying to keep himself from throwing up his medications, moving from time to time to take the pressure off his bedsores, and listening to music as he faded in and out of fevered consciousness.
  • But we -- I mean, I think that they must leak a certain amount in order to build up that kind of fevered (ph) anticipation. CNN Transcript Sep 9, 2009
  • No one will wipe my fevered brow, no one will sooth my aching head.
  • When they meet, tens of thousands of fevered supporters converge on an intimidating stadium believing it to be the greatest derby on earth.
  • Not since the lobbyist ‘cracked’ and confessed to bribery has there been such fevered excitement surrounding the planning corruption tribunal.
  • I will take steps to learn my way around Seattle better, so that I don't feel trapped indoors/stir crazy/cabin fevered. Happy New Year!
  • If you didn't see them on the news pages of respected newspapers, you would think they were figments of a fevered imagination.
  • The rest of the ride was an enfevered phantasmagoria. Your United States Impressions of a first visit
  • Meanwhile, President Obama must deal with the inheritance from the past with fifth columnist "left-behinds" in every corner of his administration, not to mention a moronically strident Republican "followership" prattling the fevered imaginings of Boss Tweed Limbaugh and the rest of the naughty boys and girls on Fox, stirring up anger, fear, race hatred, and, yes, sedition. Sack Rahm
  • The thought of reclaiming what had been wrongfully wrested from him began to sough through every fevered fiber of his being.
  • Yesterday Allison was able to fuel me with soup and hot chocolate and occasionally mop my fevered brow with the damp sleeve of her dressing gown.
  • Obviously, it's preferable to have another very good actor to work off because it raises your game, but if you've got a little cross of tape and a fairly fevered imagination you can get reasonably far.
  • a fevered imagination
  • As Roy complied, he looked down on Vincent, at his flushed cheeks, his fevered brow.
  • At Campobello there were not more than half enough young men, and there was not enough flirtation to affect the prevailing social mood of the place: an unfevered, expectationless tranquillity, in which to-day is like yesterday, and to-morrow cannot be different. April Hopes
  • Few experiences can match the fevered, full-bodied excitement of a good island fête.
  • He's reverted to his pre-convention state of fumbling and foundering and flummoxing and falling into a fevered form of flabbergast. Will Durst: Old Piranha Pants
  • These thoughts spun around in my head, making my fevered brow sweat.
  • What distinction do cold and fevered phenomenon have?
  • Fine fevered stuff, in my best heroic style - a deathbed variation on the theme I'd used when I talked Wheeler into running up the white! lag at Cawnpore two years earlier. THE NUMBERS
  • It isn't about numbers, be they player stats or the staggering sums spent by top-tier franchises, even though the story seems at first to be asking us to root for the gimlet-eyed statistician, rather than the sharp-eyed pitcher or batter; for data, rather than intuition; for the cool satisfactions of science, rather than the fevered romance of sport. 'Moneyball': Stars, Stats and Perfect Pitch
  • That image just seems to have appeared unbidden in his fevered little fantasy about nefarious Anti-American Red Cross workers with foreign sounding names.
  • The maître d' looked so sympathetic at this display of luvvie neediness that I would not have been at all surprised if he had returned to the table carrying a cold compress with which to mop Callow's fevered brow.
  • Her enfevered senses had come to perceive in the conventionally clothed and spoken figure of the young attorney, a concentration of the repugnant things before which she cowered. Erik Dorn
  • I do not see why we should agitate our already fevered minds by these false notions.
  • The show is rounded out by heavy duty wordsmith Fortner Anderson, the quiet intensity of Jason Selman's poetry, and a sampling of Harris's own fevered flights of fancy.
  • The nurse wiped my fevered brow.
  • They could be met at the fashionable summer resorts; they were effulgent on first nights; they were familiar in Kearney Street on other afternoons than Saturday, and their little world was gay in its way; but Society, that exclusive body which owned its inchoation and later its vitality and coherence to that brilliant and elegant little band of women who came, capable and experienced, to the fevered ragged city of the early Fifties, still struggled in the Eighties to preserve its traditions, and did not admit the existence of these people; feminine curiosity was not even roused to the point of discussion. The Californians
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 8/21/09: On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'On \'death panels, \' \'socialized medicine\ 'and other red herrings'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Ain\'t it a shame our so-called liberal media is obsessed with "death panels" of fevered imaginations rather than death panels that exist in the real world, notably in our present health-care system?' On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings
  • From a thousand schemes for revenge he had chosen the most frightful and ignoble that a brain maddened and enfevered by hatred could possibly conceive. The Honor of the Name
  • He was perhaps too carried away with the fevered pitch of the movement, taking it at too quick a clip.
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 8/21/09: On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'On \'death panels, \' \'socialized medicine\ 'and other red herrings'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Ain\'t it a shame our so-called liberal media is obsessed with "death panels" of fevered imaginations rather than death panels that exist in the real world, notably in our present health-care system?' On 'death panels,' 'socialized medicine' and other red herrings
  • An aft to apportion At relief* by the fevered fiatutes mm in force directed to bo ghat* to the families of non-eommifioned office, drummers* fifers* and private s y ferving in the mttkia* between the county at large and the peculiar di/Mfts therein not contri - buting to the county rate* according to the number of menferv - ingfor each infuch militia 9 and to remove certain difficulties in rejpeft to the relief of families affithftituUs* hired men* or w lunteers* ferving tn the militia* — - [May 22, .1795.] The Statutes at Large from the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great ...
  • It looks like a scene from Dante's fevered imagination: An ancient, soot-blackened, windowless workshop lit by a volcanic display of sparks.
  • Then, Mara was there, eyes and entire being glowing with purple fire, and he laid a gentle hand on the girl's fevered brow.
  • He gradually came to perceive the greatness of the religious and yet free ideas, the immense, serene, and unfevered mysticism which permeated the priest's whole mind, the every action of his daily life, and his whole outlook on the world, -- leading him to live in Christ, as he believed that Christ had lived in God. Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House
  • Nolan watched the race from the inner of the racetrack and every manic tic of his fevered reaction was captured by the television cameras.
  • But, if you pursue that argument to its logical conclusion, then there really isn't any reason why prisons shouldn't be holiday camps in reality and not just in the fevered imaginations of tabloid headline writers.
  • These stories are merely a product of her fevered imagination.
  • The missus read it with fevered excitement since she has previously expressed an interest in playing the piano.

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