

  1. in a feudal manner
    a feudally organized society

How To Use feudally In A Sentence

  • a feudally organized society
  • The ‘historicising’ approach, the aristocratic strangeness of a highly artificial, elaborate, feudally coded language, falls away.
  • Like Thatcher, who learnt this game from traditional Labour, Welsh socialism talked all too easily and feudally about ‘our people’.
  • The Tower on the Hill, that is the meaning of the word "Dunster," and the name fittingly describes it; for it dominates many miles of beautiful and fertile country, and stands feudally above the village, perceptible from every angle of the street, at once a guardian and a menace. Lynton and Lynmouth A Pageant of Cliff & Moorland
  • The fact that feudal tenure commonly served an ostensibly military purpose, that of providing armed men for a lord's host, licensed kings to express their superior lordship by manipulating the descent of feudally held lands.
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