How To Use Feudal In A Sentence
Meng-chia which is based upon oracle bone texts, -- The most recent general study on feudalism, and on feudalism in China, is in R. Coulborn, _Feudalism in History_, Princeton 1956.
A History of China
As the basic principle of the feudal law, "Criminate according to the five costumes"is of great significance to the legislative process and the judicial practice.
These feeling make you avoid generalizations and Russia is no more 'feudalistic' and USA is no more 'Paradise for handmaidens'.
On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
I was in a unique position to write these stories for a Western audience stories about the farm and the old feudal ways, the dissolving feudal order and the new way coming, the sleek businessmen from the cities.
Daniyal Mueenuddin talks about his life and his first collection of short stories In Other Rooms, Other Wonders.
He walked his audience through a litany of invaders: Mongol khans, Turkish beys, Swedish feudal lords, Polish and Lithuanian gentry, British and French capitalists, Japanese barons.
His thought, establish from Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty till Manchu Dynasty last years of the period China feudalistic society of the Rite cure mode of thought foundation.
During the Eastern Zhou royal power declined and there was a concomitant growth in the feudal fiefs, some becoming quasi-independent kingdoms.
The feudal system is cloistered and I welcomed the change as it gave me a chance to grow emotionally and spiritually.
A new type of human being was rising up from its subaltern feudal origins and making its demands known.
If not radically reformed, it will continue to consume our freedom and earnings like a swarm of locusts consumes a wheat field until we in America are no better off than the simple serfs of feudal times.
I., a tenant in fee simple might grant lands to be holden by the grantee and his heirs _of the grantor and his heirs_, subject to feudal services and to escheat; and by such subinfeudation manors were created.
Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Anyone who works at a law firm will certainly agree that it's a very feudalistic place, and they let you know right away that you are a serf and there is no hiding it.
The British are still reticent about their deepest fears - class war, a reversion to economic feudalism, the spectre of an all-dominant and all-vapid consumer society.
The Chalin sway, where Titus appears, is modeled after feudal China, and lends an exotic yet oddly familiar feel to that portion of the Entire.
REVIEW:Bright Of The Sky by Kay Kenyon
There had been a storm, though, I think, and the ship had run aground on an island ruled by some sort of nasty feudal overlord.
Most importantly, this kind of feudalism coupled with monopolism destroys the open commons nature of the internet.
Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Telcos Lobbying For 2 Tier System
They may be clamouring for democracy and progress, but Lebanon's chieftains are feudal at heart.
The feudal deference, and the ingrate privileges, crumble under the pressure for social equity.
The May 4 ( superscript th ) New Culture Movement launched an overall criticism on feudal moral principles.
The operation of these plantations resembled the feudal manors of medieval Europe.
Bourgeois monetary relations were breaking down the old feudal ties that had existed in England and which had been grounded in a largely subsistence agricultural economy.
Towns could be burghs of barony under a feudal superior.
In China, feudalism, as a social system, collapsed nearly a century ago when the country became a republic in 1911.
At the time, however, Old Beijing City was seen as a symbol of feudalism and eventually the Liang & Chen Plan was shelved, resulting in the wholesale destruction of hutongs.
This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism, from the Dark Ages.
It resulted in a basically feudal and totalitarian system of government that exists today in an adapted form.
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Since men from feudalistic societies tended to be unaccustomed to using their own initiative and there were political objections to giving them too much liberty, the success of these experiments varied considerably.
Here, he again paints a distressing picture of a church in denial, a feudal hierarchy where obvious facts and urgent problems remain undiscussed out of loyalty, ambition, or arrogance.
It is a poorly kept secret that the collective farms of Stalin kolkhoz were in many places resurrections of the communalized feudal estates that had existed prior to the liberation of the serfs under Tsar Aleksandr II in 1861.
The Russian Soul, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Ultimately the laws of the 10th and 11th centuries show the beginnings of the frankpledge associations, which came to act so important a part in the local police and administration of the feudal age.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Big farmers in the area come from a strongly patriarchal and feudal background.
The monarchy was now dominant, the nobles largely feudalized, the clergy (with royal grants) powerful, the bourgeoisie vigorous (fisheries and cattle raising), the yeoman class strong and independent.
E. Scandinavia
Feudalism was not abolished in England until 1660.
What he saw was a new form of human organization emerging amid the chaos of breakdown in the feudalistic order.
Fortunately, reason prevailed, the feudal overlords decamped, and no-one (apart from an unfortunate Indonesian border policeman) was killed.
Much later, during the mid-1800s, Kathak had a renaissance and gained prominence among the kings and feudal overlords not only as a form of entertainment but also as a classical art form.
Although the American colonists had objected to the demands of feudal land tenure, they found it difficult to escape the sense of social hierarchy that it imbued.
Of course, if we were to ask a medieval king to describe feudalism, he would not really know what it was we were asking of him.
Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
Second, the knights and burgesses soon realized that they held the purse strings: the Second Statute of 14 Edward III (1341), sometimes called the Statute de Tallagio non Concedendo (no taxation without representation) required that all nonfeudal levies receive parliamentary approval.
It was, instead, a futile and costly detour in making the transition from a feudalistic system to a market economy.
An institutionalized civil service was the example that stood before his eyes in contrast to a feudalized service.
Disencumbered of its books, the feudal turret had become warlike again and that Guer-mantes was more himself in death — he was more of his breed, a Guermantes and nothing more and this was symbolised at his funeral in the church of Saint-Hilaire-de-Combray hung with black draperies where the “G” under the closed coronet divested of initials and titles betokened the race of Guermantes which he personified in death.
Time Regained
Calvinist missionaries dealt with a culture that had aikane by calling christianist and capitalist culture "manly," Hawaiian society "feudal," and feudalism "effeminate.
Archive 2006-11-01
Revolutionary pamphleteers denounced it as a resurrection of discredited feudal privileges.
You view your employer more as an equal and you begin to think of ways that you can add value to your services instead of thinking of ways to wheedle more benefits from your feudal overlord.
The freemen were the inhabitants of chartered towns, and in some countries the yeomanry, or small farmers, who did not hold their lands by a regular feudal tenure.
General History for Colleges and High Schools
Royal finance: (1) nonfeudal revenues: Danegeld, shire farms, judicial fines; (2) the usual feudal revenues: relief (inheritance tax on great fiefs), scutage (paid in lieu of performance of knight's service).
B. The British Isles
The superior glutton is the shark, -- that mouth with fins, that natatory intestine which swallows with equal indifference the dead and the living, flesh and wood, cleanses the waters of life and leaves a desert behind its wriggling tail; but this destroyer brings forth only one shark that is born armed and ferocious ready from the very first moment to continue the paternal exploits, like a feudal heir.
Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
Therefore, opposing feudalism is a fundamental task of the Chinese revolution.
The second part talks over from Norman Conquest to "The Great Charter". In the process, Feudal monarchy had sharp conflict and compromise with the power of Christian Religion.
The complicated impact of officials on the feudalist management was also revealed sufficiently in this book. It had opened a new important chapter for the genre of discursive remarks.
The icon refers not to the Transylvanian terror of lore but to the 15th-century feudal lord and mass murderer Vlad the Impaler, whose fiefdom was in Wallachia, a more southern region of Romania.
When Chinese dissenters claim that Chinese socialism is a form of feudalism they know whereof they speak.
Although the American colonists had objected to the demands of feudal land tenure, they found it difficult to escape the sense of social hierarchy that it imbued.
But that fact hides dramatic income inequality: while wealthy citizens live luxuriously in sequestered Guatemala City neighborhoods, the poor are barely noticed, living like feudal peasants in the countryside.
Hungry in Guatemala
The German, emancipated from feudalism and kaiserism, is a pretty good citizen.
The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
Provenal literature in the medieval period consisted chiefly of the lyric poetry composed by the troubadours for the feudal courts of the Midi, northern Italy, and Spain.
With its prehistoric burial mounds, barrows and encampments, its feudal laws and time-trapped settlements, the New Forest is anything but dull.
They regard the 1917 Russian revolution as merely a capitalist revolution overthrowing feudalism.
It was, rather, an attempt to establish and define the rights of nonfeudal groups, and aimed at economic prosperity and personal security.
C. France
Villain_ once had none of the odium which is now associated with the term; but it signified one who, under the feudal system, rented or held lands of another.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
This story is about the rise and the fall of the three unifier and pacifier of Japan towards the end of the 16th century after generations of feudal wars of powerful local rulers.
Even in the middle of their bloodstained feudal period, in the year 597 B. C.-forty-six years before Confucius was born-Prince Chuang of the State of Ch'u, proclaimed: "The ideograph for 'prowess' is made up of the signs 'to stay' and a 'Spear' -- in other words, the cessation of hostilities.
Two Thousand Years of Democracy
In an earlier period, when they were directed against feudal particularism and colonialism, struggles to form nation-states had a progressive content, were unifying movements.
The middle thane was feudal, but not honorary; he was also called a vavasor, and his lands a vavasory, which held of some mesne lord, and not immediately of the King.
The Commonwealth of Oceana
This would have conflicted with Haile Selassie's intention of curtailing the power of the feudal Rases and centralizing the administration.
Up to the late 1700's, everybody travelled on the left side of the road because it's the sensible option for feudal, violent societies of mostly right-handed people.
In the first place, the revolution, the abolition of the feudalistic system of exploiting land, the abolition of the latifundium and something else, the abolition of the minifundium, the establishment of adequate agricultural structures, the application of technology and scientific methodology in agriculture -- In two words, we can state that here in
Under the clan system they were pressed into feudal military service by their clan chiefs.
The essence of the original feudal system introduced by William I was that tenants of manors or other substantial units of land had obligations to their lords, of which fealty, suit of court, and military service were the most common.
Thus, the Web is rolling back modernity's affordance of mass access to the best of culture -- and may, Keen fears, result in the restoration of a feudal class system when it comes to culture and knowledge.
David Weinberger: Andrew Keen's Best Case
But as generations proceeded, and the relationships within the family diverged beyond the degree of second cousin, a natural breaking up seems to have taken place, though in the direction of subinfeudation under the feudal enforcement of the rule of primogeniture, instead of the practice, more in accordance with tribal instincts, of equal division and enfranchisement.
On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
He, who had ever boasted of being an Elliot, and whose feelings, as to connection, were only too strict to suit the unfeudal tone of the present day.
She grew up in a democracy and freedom of the family, there are many strange ideas, not bound to comply with the feudal ethical code.
Instead, they were answerable to a complex of hereditary or franchise jurisdictions in the hands of the feudal nobility.
It swept away the old feudal order of aristocrats and kings.
The stability of feudal society had always depended upon a relationship of trust between lords and vassals.
At that time, the concept of the feudal ethical code is still serious, women should not be public appearances, had signed "Mad Phoenix", and care brother Jiangfeng transmitted.
Industrial feudalism, communism, capitalism, things we never even thought of.
Though not often discussed in polite company, seigniorage, that is, the ability to coin or print cash (the right held by a feudal seigneur) and have other folks hold it, is valuable: Those who hold the $100 bills have, for many, many years, been providing a substantial loan to the U.S. government -- and it's interest free! Main RSS Feed
The Feudal System: 3. vassalage: warriors (knights) swearing an oath to their lord land itself was called the "fief":
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The conditions upon which was engrafted this compact were of great antiquity, had indeed been brought across the Rhine by the German conquerors; but the Northmen were the impelling cause of the swift development of feudalism in France.
A Short History of France
According to Ravina, the autonomy of domains in early modem Japan was based on three sources of legitimacy: feudal authority, patrimonial authority, and suzerain authority.
House service was the older feudal idea of personal retainership, developed in Virginia and
The Negro
Military resources of the crown: (1) (nonfeudal) the old Anglo-Saxon fyrd (including ship fyrd) was retained (i.e., a national nonfeudal militia, loyal to the crown, was used, as against the Norman rebellion of 1075); (2) (feudal) about five thousand knights 'fees owing service on the usual feudal terms.
B. The British Isles
Japan has advanced from a rural, feudal society to an urban, industrial power in a few short decades.
The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
Feudal armies were not permanent institutions, but temporary assemblies put together by the crown for specific objectives.
This was true of knights, nobles and princes - all ranks of the feudal aristocracy produced younger sons prepared to maintain rank through military force.
Ferdinand IV also alienated the rural masses by failing to abolish the feudal system and alleviate the tax burden.
There were also refinements, if not the introduction, of the system of landholding and social relations known as feudalism.
The influence of feudalism has been most predominant in the political sphere.
To have this quasi-feudal law in the 21 century is an outrage, but what sticks in the gullet is the contempt the sneering Beeboids have for us while they take our money. stanley Jerusalem
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Productive activity was carried out by peasants, who lived on and cultivated the land which was controlled by the feudal lords.
In Scotland the role of the feudal lord was superimposed upon the more ancient status of chief of a clan or kindred.
The need then for an alternate development model that was pro-poor, pro-women and anti-caste was urgent as caste and feudal values inhibited the process of development.
Barons or lesser feudal chieftains replicated this structure, which was not a flexible or adaptive one.
And in feudal states, plutocrats with the greatest wealth owned the apparatus of governance and held absolute control over the lives of average people.
Fighting in that country during the feudal period was considered to be the work of professional men-at-arms.
But female always hold an error attitude of sexuality and they think it is dirty and shame to talk, due to the deep influence of feudalist ideology and the view that men are superior to women.
The overall result is an upper chamber modernised with Twitter and iPads but which feels increasingly anachronistic and feudal.
Times, Sunday Times
-- E.] [Footnote 314: It will be seen in other voyages, that the Malays, who are widely diffused over the Indian archipelago, often live under a kind of aristocratical republican government; even where they are subjected to kings, partaking much of the feudal semblance.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
This is the fundamental difference between kingdoms, theocracies, feudal states, and a democratic republic.
The grant of the lordship of Ireland could be interpreted as leaving the papacy as ultimate feudal overlord and thus make possible a native appeal against the king of England.
Can people move directly from a clan-based system to democracy, skipping monarchy and feudalism?
In feudal society , its denotation is personality - killing and absolute integrity and super stability.
I have flaunted these truisms before you in order to exorcise that modern slang of yours which is more false than the overstrained forms of a feudal France.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
Merchants were allied to feudal lords who protected their interests.
A code of behavior, chivalry, evolved from these feudal contests of skill.
Calling himself the "shogun" (a Japanese war lord who served as the virtual ruler of the country in feudal times), he said all the other big men "have to come upstairs and see me.
All feudal lords made a show of charity and good works.
Christianity Today
The party faithful admired him, like tenants doffing hats to their feudal lord, but I am very confident that no one else ever found his words persuasive.
Stromata Blog:
The feudal past comes alive in the splendid portraits of royalty in full regalia, the photographs of palaces and luxurious interiors, and curiosities such as the Bahawalpur bed.
It was normally possible to make a payment, known as scutage or shield money, in place of performing feudal military service.
After the Opium War of 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semicolonial and semi - feudal society.
The Model Feudalistic Officials undertake a particular obligation in making progress of the culture and society.
Cheng Bailu complicated character is the image that she was semi - colonial and semi - feudal China metropolis socialite.
a feudally organized society
Under feudalism, people were born with a permanent position and vassal.
The famous anti - feudal and anti - imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.
Until Texans get a candidate they can get enthusiastic about, the rest of the world will rightly look at this state as a hotbed of regressive and feudalistic politics, fueled by dirty oil money.
Cheney endorsing Hutchinson in Texas governor's race
The ‘historicising’ approach, the aristocratic strangeness of a highly artificial, elaborate, feudally coded language, falls away.
Feudalism was a society in which the status of an individual was fixed: he was underman or overman in a rigid social scale according as he considered his relation to his superiors or to his inferiors.
The Armies of Labor A chronicle of the organized wage-earners
A distorted habit of mind and the incredible difficulties of communication in the remote West during the first half of the nineteenth century had gradually caused James Ruan to sink his gentlehood in a wilful boorishness that left him a fierce pride of race and almost feudal powers, but the tastes and habits of his own labourers.
Secret Bread
The white snake"s tragedy is caused by feudal Confucianism durance, little townsman"s character defects and self ethical consciousness.
Like Thatcher, who learnt this game from traditional Labour, Welsh socialism talked all too easily and feudally about ‘our people’.
Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
Deviate from socialism and China will inevitably retrogress to semi - feudalism and semi - colonialism .
Especially in the province of Moray, there were also feudal groups which adopted clanship.
When the concept of love coming over the family from God was introduced to China, it brought great impact on the feudal paterfamilias system and strongly impacted the Chinese family relationship.
So it's pretty much like a feudal system of the kings where people are thrown into prison and they have no way of getting out.
Ministers should bring to heel their overmighty subjects in Historic Scotland and end this haughty reign of feudalism.
Thirty-four years after a massive nuclear war, New York City is almost entirely submerged in caustic water and dominated by brutal gangs who live in a semifeudal society in the city’s battered skyscrapers.
Dark Horse Comics for August 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
This is reinforced by the final exchange between Gawain and the Green Knight where the poet shows the way he feels feudalism should work - by banishing courtly love and women from the code of chivalry.
Those once obliged to be content with the role of feudal serf could now demand high wages and withdraw their labour if they didn't get the freedom and social mobility they requested.
The castles were built by the dukes, and barons, and other feudal chieftains of the middle ages, and they are placed in these commanding positions in order that the chieftains who lived in them might watch the river, and the roads leading along the banks of it, and come down with a troop of their followers to exact what they called tribute, but what those who had to pay it called plunder, from the merchants or travellers whom they saw from the windows of their watchtowers, passing up and down.
Rollo on the Rhine
Following the Opium War, China gradually became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and foreign powers stepped up their aggression against China," he added.
The Scottish Parliament is already in the process of dismantling our antiquated feudal system of land laws.
There is only one way to properly understand the role of Stalin - it is through the love of that 'feudalistic' Russia we here so unfortunately despise.
On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
Both Feudal Japan and Ancient Sparta are renowned for their outstanding soldiery.
Indeed, a few members of that institutional survivor of a feudal era, the House of Lords, pursue manual occupations.
It has the universal features of any semicolonial, semi-feudal society under the grip of finance capital; it also has many a specificity, which requires deep study and analysis.
Archive 2006-11-01
The famous anti - feudal and anti - imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 1919.
Comare that to Tonga where the country is ruled by a feudal system consisting of a linage of kings and Nobles whom pass their rights onto their sons.
Global Voices in English » Fiji faces suspension from Pacific Islands Forum
One could argue that the feudal system of lords and serfs was a form of sharecropping.
Indeed, promoting capitalism often results in a system that resembles medieval feudal societies.
Occasionally a feudal lord reserved a wild patch of forest from destruction for his game hunting.
Their fleets were their satrap, their feudal fiefdom, and the crews were their serfs.
Since the coins minted by feudal lords and kings were hard to pass except in limited districts, and since the danger of counterfeit or light-weight coins was far greater than now, the "money-changers" who would buy and sell the coins of different countries did a thriving business at
A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
Many of those buried here contributed to the modernization of Japan in one way or another during the Meiji Restoration -- a revolutionary period beginning in the late 1860s that was marked by the downfall of the shogunate ( "shogun" was the title given to the hereditary military commanders who ruled the country for 700 years) and feudalism and the creation of the modern state.
The Communist Party's basic claim to legitimacy has always been that they've rescued the country from the twin evils of feudalism and foreign imperialism, he said.
150 Years Later, Destruction of Beijing's Summer Palace Still Inspires Patriotism
However, because of the special social status Pinger cannot get rid of the shackles of the feudal society, which leads to her tragic life.
For better than half the worlds population that had been mired in the muck of socialism for half a century and several millennium of feudal slavery before that, to suddenly break free and to begin to realize some of their innate potentials as human beings is truly one of the great events in human history.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Thought for the Day
With the abolition of the feudal system, the superior's right to enforce these restrictions will disappear.
Mustang, a small feudal principality whose kings trace their lineage back to the fifteenth century, lies within the boundaries of Nepal which treats it as a semi-autonomous dependency.
The dissolution of the feudal estates by the Revolution produced a purely atomistic society, characterized by the assertion of individual property right.
Whether you live in a feudal system or a meritocracy, the only ambitions worth having are for your soul.
She was, he tells us, as indeed she had been in the preceding feudal centuries, often what we should nowadays call a virago, of violent temperament, with vivid passions, broken in from childhood to all physical exercises, sharing the pleasures and dangers of the knights around her.
On Life and Sex: Essays of Love and Virtue
Shankar himself broke away from the stranglehold of feudal culture where the patron's command was total.
His band of desperados specialized in looting feudal landlords and Mughal treasury.
The conquest by William of Normandy through the wholesale confiscation and regrant of lands, and through his military arrangements, brought about an almost sudden development and spread of feudalism in England, and it was rapidly systematized and completed in the reigns of his two sons.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
The court of the king, usually known as the curia regis, consisting as it did of magnates, royal vassals, and court officials (mainly chosen from the baronage), was essentially feudal in spirit and tradition.
C. France
In 1163, he attempted to firmly define his rights as feudal overlord of the Welsh princes by demanding oaths of vassalage from them at the Council of Woodstock.
Feudalism was abolished along with the Inquisition and the Church's military orders, and two-thirds of monasteries and convents were dissolved.
U.S. monopoly capitalism has impacted on the Philippine economy to shape it into a semifeudal one, and put it firmly within the orbit of the world capitalist system.
Crisis of the Semifeudal Economy - Lectures on Phillippine Crisis and Revolution
The power of feudal lords was reduced, and the richest settlers progressively gained control of uncultivated land.
The training of officers improved, as new men replaced the older feudal generals.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
The Chamberlain brought in revenue, locally supported by the officials of royal burghs, and feudal barons.
In many districts no revenue whatever is levied, the land being held free on a sort of feudal tenure in requital of military service; in general the tent-dwelling eels pay no tax on land, the quantity cultivated by those tribes being small.
Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
What he saw was a new form of human organization emerging amid the chaos of breakdown in the feudalistic order.
BEIJING -- China marked 50 years of direct control over Tibet on Saturday, raising the national flag in the regional capital and commemorating a new political holiday honoring what it calls the liberation of slaves from brutal feudal rule.
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The Tower on the Hill, that is the meaning of the word "Dunster," and the name fittingly describes it; for it dominates many miles of beautiful and fertile country, and stands feudally above the village, perceptible from every angle of the street, at once a guardian and a menace.
Lynton and Lynmouth A Pageant of Cliff & Moorland
In the feudal society of absolutism, derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily.
In classical Marxist thought slavery is a mode of production that characterizes primitive communities, feudalism, and pre-industrial agrarian societies.
This transition from feudalism to capitalism naturally led to the maturing, preparation and implementation of the national movement for liberation.
He seems much less concerned with conquering territory than with exerting what might be termed feudal control over his neighbours.
I had already done a theocratic technocracy, so why not a feudal democracy?
Indeed, over the centuries Catholic kings and popes gradually abolished the institution of slavery replacing ancient slavery with the Feudal serf and then replacing the serf and the unfree villeins, bordars and cottars with a free, land-owning peasantry and villeinage.
The State's Obligation to Recognize and Protect the Catholic Church
a feudal or ritualistic society
Industrial feudalism, communism, capitalism, things we never even thought of.
I pulled the car into gear, throttled it onto the road no idea where I was going - just drove toward a feudal kingdom's frontiers.
At one point, Communists said that bourgeois democracy was a step forward from feudalism.
The ages of this world were marked by great struggles against Evil, and the interregnums were medieval dark ages, mired in feudalism and ignorance.
The church, with estates spread across the whole of western Europe, was a vast feudal corporation.
The right to teach at the universities was often granted like a title of land in the feudal system.
She has become the noble and marriageable daughter of a wealthy feudal lord.
Industrialization destroyed the great pyramid of feudal social order.
It was only by slow degrees that the native laws and customs were ousted by Anglo-Norman usages and the machinery of feudalism.
China has declared today a new political holiday, honoring what it calls the liberation of slaves from brutal feudal rule.
This abolition of feudalism resulted in a controlled taxation system.
The revolution had overthrown the brutal domination of feudalism and ended crown monopolies over trade.
At the root of that corruption is Pakistan's system of semi-feudal land ownership, which, ironically, the Chinese Communist Party is more than happy to prop up.
We meet with other forms of tenure in the partition of land in the days of the French régime -- for instance, _franc aleu noble_ and _franc aumone_ or _mortmain_, but these were exceptional grants to charitable, educational, or religious institutions, and were subject to none of the ordinary obligations of the feudal tenure, but required, as in the latter case, only the performance of certain devotional or other duties which fell within their special sphere.
Lord Elgin
The well-known form of martial arts known as jujitsu was created by the renowned Samurai warriors on the ancient battlefields when Japan was ruled by feudal lords.
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Royal finance: (1) nonfeudal revenues: Danegeld, shire farms, judicial fines; (2) the usual feudal revenues: relief (inheritance tax on great fiefs), scutage (paid in lieu of performance of knight's service).
B. The British Isles
In feudal society , its denotation is personality - killing and absolute integrity and super stability.
That of the Ottos' was, at least in its ideology, universal and feudal.
Feudalism into the earlier form of Capitalism; and the equally great change from what might be called the individualistic capitalism which displaced Feudalism, to the system of Co-operative Capitalism and Wage
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Feudal ways like offering gifts for favors is widespread and starts early; even parents do it for their kids' teachers.
A feudal magnate could exercise more power over his tenants than the king who was his overlord.