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How To Use Fettered In A Sentence

  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
  • The principle thus given is of great importance and ought not, in my opinion, to be unduly fettered or restricted.
  • Those blend at the chip with unfettered laser light to create a hologram of the tumor interior.
  • His diplomatic role ensured unfettered access to leading players. The Sun
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  • For one individual to have so much unfettered power goes against all sense of natural Justice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Radio, TV and newspapers remain uncensored, unfettered and unthreatened by the government. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • Wilberforce was quite prepared to allow science unfettered freedom to research, and to accepts its findings, just because he did not think that science was the sole truth; if facts emerged which proved that men were descended from some primordial fungus, he could agree, but go on to enter a further ` but ', and adduce further considerations that marked humanity off from the rest of creation. May 7th, 2009
  • Their ideal was the totally autonomous modern artist unfettered by ancestors, tradition, or nature.
  • I miss the innocent giggle and the unfettered laughter that used to be more forthcoming.
  • This is true by definition, for different individuals will always want and desire different and incompatible things and their unfettered pursuit of their own objectives will inevitably bring them into conflict.
  • Through the solid floor of the abode, the chill of winter seeped in, fettered little by the meagre warmth provided by the fire.
  • “What mechanisms currently exist or ought to exist to allow Good Scientists to continue their Good Work unfettered by big oil tricksterism, such as FOI requests, fake “audits”, FUDtank misinformation, the cyberwars, etc. – all of which are designed to serve the interests of the rich & powerful, not society at large?” Unthreaded #9 « Climate Audit
  • alleluia;" they clapped their hands, leaped up, fell down, clasped each other in their free arms, cried, laughed, and went to and fro, tossing upward their unfettered hands; but high above the whole there was a mighty sound which ever and anon swelled up; it was the utterings in broken negro dialect of gratitude to God. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Free speech advocates from Diogenes the Cynic to Frank Zappa have urged libertarian openness, arguing that unfettered expression is both the right and the duty of free people.
  • Most of us recognize the sense of comfort we feel when we arrive at a place where we are loved, a sense of ... de-burdening - the load lightens, the stress fades away, words flow smoothly, smiles are more frequent, expressiveness is more unfettered ... Acceptance
  • Thou think'st them to o'ertake, Thou thinkest to overtake them, for all thou'rt fettered fast; while thou bearest Thy sins from thy desire Follies, which slay thee whatso do hinder thee, perdie. way thou farest. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Martin Luther King Jr. was the major leader of the civil rights movement in the Untied States, not an unfettered Roman Catholic cleric.
  • It is for this string of real life problems that young people demanded unfettered media latitude to have their voice megaphoned far and wide on issues close to their chest.
  • That would be a tragedy for Parliament and the people who place their trust in us, who see us as their last protection from the unfettered power of an untrammelled executive, when we have no written constitution.
  • I wanted to drift like an unfettered balloon into the future.
  • I hope that I may yet find the rare chances to forget that I am an old, tired man who was enfettered by too many obligations.
  • The unfettered, pluralistic nature of the Internet is also changing the locus of power of the news media.
  • She followed obediently, moving in ridiculously small steps because her ankles were fettered to her waist.
  • Consumers instead flock to unauthorized sites offering unfettered music for free.
  • Because of the delicate nature of contemporary analysis, there is a penchant to lean in either of two ways: hagiography or unfettered antagonism.
  • What I do envy, self-possessed control freak that I am, is other people's ability to lose themselves in unfettered delight.
  • I should have the right to litigate the matter of consent to adoption freely, unfettered in any way by the Family Court or its decisions.
  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • And they call US ridiculous ... was "fettered" by government regulation. From On High
  • A free and unfettered press is the cornerstone of democracy and free speech. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately they are fettered and shackled, and have become mouthpieces and lackeys of whoever wants to promote a message.
  • They are fettered and gyved by what they have said and done. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 11 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Businessmen
  • Phil, I take your point, but Switzerland, for one, seems to be managing very nicely without being fettered by EU thraldom. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The myriad worlds of fantasy and science fiction are where our spirits are free to frolic unfettered by the weight of sin.
  • But he must be left unfettered to chart his own course, do the job as a true political leader and with all the powers normally associated with true leadership.
  • Unfettered by the strictures of plot, the movie homes in on local talent and captures the attitude towards taming the islands' cold waters.
  • There is an unfettered, unsuppressed subconscious mind at work in her arrangements.
  • Their obvious unfettered delight in denigrating these two prominent citizens made me feel sick.
  • Therefore we can not make the apriori assertion that private ownership and unfettered operation is always more efficient.
  • A husky black version and a slender white one reveal their forms unfettered by chroma.
  • By reading the amendment backwards, Scalia begins with an unfettered right "to keep and bear arms" (look, that's what it says!), and, having established such a right, the mere "prefatory" words of the first half of the amendment become nothing more than window dressing. Adam Freedman: DC v. Heller: Scalia's Decision Will Backfire
  • They were convinced that autonomy meant unfettered creativity.
  • The handsome, calligraphic script corresponds visually with Vega's unfettered strokes of paint, adding to the formal interest of these works.
  • If you're a conservative and you're gratified that the administration seems unfettered by political correctness in toughening up the nation's defenses, don't be so gratified.
  • The market will become unfettered by regulation - the modest controls on the internet to protect consumers, for example, are to be dumped on the grounds that they impose burdens on business.
  • Public health policy should be based on a thorough and critical review of the scientific evidence by open minds unfettered by custom and dogma.
  • Strange looking ships set sail from ports to vanish over the horizon, unfettered by the lethal and unnavigable reefs that so restrained the Hub ports.
  • Apparently, in the British Isles, another wild allium, allium ursinum, grows unfettered by cultivation, and is colloquially called a ramsen or ramson. Tigers & Strawberries » Appalachian Wild Leeks
  • A moment more and I had fettered him to the granite.
  • The spirit of open and unfettered academic inquiry must be preserved.
  • Cable television and the prospects of its narrowcasting have also played an important role, making the three networks truly dinosaurs and largely the buffoons of fettered broadcasting.
  • And unfettered advocacy for one, as you espouse, is clearly more Orwellian. Mark Steyn Debates Complainants : Law is Cool
  • Or maybe it's in the unfettered guiltlessness of how everyone acts.
  • I'd like to propose a toast to unfettered, abandoned appetite.
  • But perhaps more significantly, never has a single event so affected people's appreciation of their freedom to fly from place to place unfettered.
  • So much for the corporation's original justification that it could take risks unfettered by commercial pressures to attract new audiences.
  • Is you it that that meet regardless what all free and unfettered butterfly?
  • Though 'fettered' slave be none, her floors and soil HUMANITY
  • Anyone who says that the industry is 'fettered' by too much regulation and government interference, needs a swift kick in the ass! Archive 2009-07-01
  • Their ideal was the totally autonomous modern artist unfettered by ancestors, tradition, or nature.
  • owed unfettered as night down her back, and upon her head she wore a curious blue ornament, almost like a crown. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Now, for better or worse, the internet provides an unfettered outlet for twisted imaginations everywhere.
  • I wanted to drift like an unfettered balloon into the future.
  • Those who have pushed for copyright maximization over the past decade or so have been able to do so unfettered by inconveniences like public deliberation or even serious attention.
  • The plaintiff has an unfettered choice whether to pursue the action and serve the proceedings or not, being in breach of no rule or obligation if he chooses to let the writ expire unserved.
  • The cheney presidency in exile is giving us a taste of what unfettered political power has to do when they attempt to defend their promotion of uncontrolled big business and profit taking during an unnecessary war of choice. Think Progress » Rove: Obama ‘let a cowboy president…violate a fundamental principle of the Constitution.’
  • This is a voice utterly unfettered and its luscious purity is a gorgeous gift to the speakers from which I listened transfixed by the variety and high standard of the music!
  • Yet it seems that criminal activity has continued unfettered and undetected for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a Caliban, a monstrous phantom, fettered to him for untold ages, the penalty of some forgotten crime. In a Far Country
  • Here, huddled together in confused, hopeless misery and ruin, lie, fettered and prostrate, even priest as well as potentate, undistinguishable victims of crude, unblenching violence, with its climax of nefarious sacrilege. West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
  • That would be a tragedy for Parliament and the people who place their trust in us, who see us as their last protection from the unfettered power of an untrammelled executive, when we have no written constitution.
  • We protect their anonymity to allow them unfettered access to the rich. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those were the days when the public, including cyclists, were allowed unfettered access to the street. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from creating "embargoes" on the exchange of cultural property, as has been claimed by groups having an interest in maintaining the unfettered "anything goes" atmosphere of the art trade, the CCPIA is helping to make long needed distinctions between the legal, documented trade and that fueled by illicit and clandestine sources. UNESCO Convention Under Fire
  • Through the solid floor of the abode, the chill of winter seeped in, fettered little by the meagre warmth provided by the fire.
  • Her joy and amazement are particularly well suited to such an unfettered process.
  • Some whose natural endowments would, under less unpropitious circumstances, qualify them to reach the summit of fame, are fettered by want of patronage and pecuniary distress, while others are cramped in their efforts by a complexional sensibility which they cannot overcome, and checked in enterprise by diffidence and timidity, the natural offspring of a refined and delicate structure. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
  • Chenault expects to sacrifice some of his margins to grasp the opportunity presented by unfettered competition.
  • He does exceptionally good figure work (full figured?) with a perfectly spartan but juicy brushwork and fairly unfettered backgrounds ... everything I do NOT do ... hmmm .. MIND MELD: Recent SF/F/H Book Covers That Blow Us Away
  • Is you it that that meet regardless what all free and unfettered butterfly?
  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • Unfettered by the bounds of reality, my imagination flourished.
  • The manner in which the saga has been dealt with in France, by the media and also by political figures, really shines a light on what we already knew was there: unfettered sexism, said de Haas, one of several feminists to find her voice just as France's reaction to the Affaire DSK looked like settling into lachrymose tributes to an alleged attacker and scorn for an alleged victim. How Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest awoke a dormant anger in the heart of France's women
  • Even today only the rarest company can claim unfettered independence.
  • Let loose for his first full 90 minutes this week, in a reserve match against Montrose, he says he was refusing to be fettered by any constraints.
  • The slightest breach of a commitment to free and unfettered inspections - any place, any time - should be met by force.
  • Multiple vocals, searing wah-wah, unfettered drums; it sounded like four bands bleeding together in an apartment fire, and it was fiercely exciting.
  • He also placed great emphasis on effective and unfettered communication.
  • Her roller coaster life gave her that, at least - unfettered joy. MOON PASSAGE
  • If he experiences a pleasant feeling, he feels it as one unfettered by it.
  • The official excuse is that it will make the national economy more competitive, and therefore overcoming its 'rentier' history; the sort of foolish assertion that could only be accompanied by an unfettered capitalist agenda. Indymedia Ireland
  • The business which he had built up so zestfully in the autumn had enfettered him, and was shaping his leisure moments like an inexorable machine, and the realization of it gave him moodily thoughtful moments during the remainder of the week. A Son of the City A Story of Boy Life
  • Slesser numbered himself among the last generation to be unfettered by political correctness.
  • Be sure that news reporters and your attorneys have unfettered access to these training sessions, including preparatory meetings.
  • Unlike in occupied Germany, they were unfettered by any need to accommodate the concerns of other Allies or public opinion at home (which would surely have supported hanging the Emperor).
  • In fact the Academy did, in 1890, enter into an agreement to "give, grant, assign, transfer, convey, and make over" to the State its collection of antiquities; but the agreement also specified that the "charge and custody of the said collection… shall remain with the said Royal Irish Academy, subject to such regulations and directions as may from time to time be prescribed by the [State] … but so as to leave the Royal Academy as unfettered in the charge and management of the Museum [collection] as circumstances will allow. 'Treasures of Early Irish Art': An Exchange
  • For example, I do not think even Bryan would agree to allow unfettered immigration of men in uniform from a country with which we are at war. Rosen and Responsibility, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • So we believed him and he ceased not to cozen us till he cast us into jail and fettered us and tortured us with exceeding sore torments; and we are strangers in the land and have no helper save Almighty Allah and our lord the The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Future work will not be fettered by previous constraints.
  • All three, and particu - larly Bruno, extend Ficino's anthropocentrism into cosmic dimensions, as they unfold a universe to be explored and understood through the unfettered inter - rogation of nature rather than by a perusal of tradi - tional authors — an ideal consecrated by Bruno's martyrdom. PLATONISM IN THE RENAISSANCE
  • The benign prerogative of mercy reposed cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.
  • Merely opening up the floorplate and providing unfettered opportunities to communicate, however, actually placed too much focus on interaction.
  • The idea of voluntarism - of unfettered individual action - which guides so much of market and social behavior also permeates the culture of love.
  • An extraordinary attack on a candidate purely because of youth from a party advocating voting, candidacy, porn acting, freeform yobbery and unfettered drinking for 16 year olds. Archive 2007-04-22
  • And if the argument-ender is dropped and it's recognized that questions of design and designers can't be ruled on in either direction by science, it's a step backwards for a side that used to enjoy relatively unfettered BS rights. Bunny and a Book
  • The direct link between economic freedom and unfettered self-expression is the unarticulated subtext of the many biographies of stars from this era.
  • Therefore we can not make the apriori assertion that private ownership and unfettered operation is always more efficient.
  • But our economy and our way of life both depend on comparatively unfettered road transport.
  • More urgently, we want to be free to trade unfettered with the rest of the world. The Sun
  • If the freed slave was not fettered by this social contract (self-disciplined productive laborer and consumer), she was criminal.
  • His companions were fettered and handcuffed, and were carried in a bullock cart to Delhi.
  • The plans could result in Lords and MPs temporarily moving out to allow unfettered access to builders. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it be argued that the policy aims at securing for China her right to live as an unfettered nation, then we ought to ask for the cancellation of the entire Boxer Indemnities, the abolition of exterritoriality, the retrocession of the foreign concessions and the repeal or amendment of all unjust treaties after the war. The Fight for the Republic in China
  • They are fettered, and can only see shadows of objects carried behind them, projected by the light of a fire onto the back wall of the cave.
  • Would it not have been better to allow internal reform, political evolution, and moral suasion combined with unfettered commerce to work change?
  • And within that, we must have a strong, equal and unfettered opportunity to compete and gain access.
  • So, all of these so-called "great intellects" who are godlessly guiding society and destroying the world for their personal ambitions, unfettered by moral or religious persuasions are actually a bunch of road apples. بالاترین
  • But a federal court turned the company down, noting that the rights of the public to information about the penal system do not include a promise of unfettered access.
  • But the effectiveness of schemes of this kind is unproven, and in today's world of unfettered trade flows, their implementation is often beset with legal difficulties.
  • The inspections mechanism is a far cry from the initial western demand of unfettered access to any suspicious site at a moment's notice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just a little woozy… sane enough, but of course, to spit out the entire chemistry of the substance that fettered us with its silken strands.
  • So the Caliph bade lay him in bilboes and write thereon, “Appointed to remain here until death and not to be loosed but on the corpse washer’s bench;” and they cast him fettered into limbo. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Examination of countries where unfettered free market measures have been applied shows what would really happen.
  • Your sardony bears the stain of the Old Republican mind: unfettered liberalism breeding questioning and hesitation when decisiveness is key. I Am Surrounded By Idiots
  • Those of us who believe in the essentialness of openness and freedom of choice on the web must continue to remain vigilant about such abuses, distortions and misappropriations of the term “open” — and do what we can to spread awareness of the importance of free and unfettered technology development. Parsing the “open” in Adobe’s Open Source Media Framework announcement | FactoryCity
  • In the past, when markets were more unfettered, swindlers were flagrant.
  • The continuance of a free and unfettered press is of critical importance to a free and democratic society.
  • We have rejected the calls of a few extreme voices that wanted to see the Resource Management Act ripped apart for the sake of unfettered development.
  • The horses were now hobbled, that is to say, their fore legs were fettered with cords or leathern straps, so as to impede their movements, and prevent their wandering from the camp. A Tour on the Prairies.
  • Prithee, good Motley," he questioned, "what should bring so rare a Fool to lie in dungeon fettered and gyved along of innocent rogues and roguish robber? The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • Such misgivings are precisely the result of being fettered by circumstance and habit.
  • In accepting the resolution, Iraq accepted full and unfettered inspections.
  • By harnessing this freely available history as well as unfettered cooperation, we advance the common good.
  • Although unshackled from the 15 kg iron chains that fettered them for three years, they are yet to come to terms with their freedom.
  • The first mystery of the Kalahari, the wellspring of original spirituality, is natural movement unfettered by the constraints and limited manipulations of mind, but not the kind of physical exercise in which you make yourself move. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • I want to fly, I want to be an unfettered bird.
  • He has been, your Honour, conveyed back to the same strict custody, manacled and fettered.
  • He has been given unfettered access to Murdoch's papers, and his list of acknowledgements is impressive.
  • Instead, the multi-millionaire enjoys the unfettered licence of an owner and, as a local princeling, the adulation of fans stupid enough to believe in his undying loyalty.
  • And in the utter desolation of the desert, Akhenaten declares his unfettered love.
  • The credit-card industry may get help from an unexpected quarter: Bank regulators are hinting that they won't allow the home equity binge to continue unfettered.
  • Instead they championed reactionary renegades and unfettered capitalist expansion.
  • He has been given unfettered access to Murdoch's papers, and his list of acknowledgements is impressive.
  • A man lay fettered on the floor of the prison cell.
  • Yeah, we get it, the man may be restricted by physical handicaps but his spirit still soars unfettered.
  • Although unshackled from the 15 kg iron chains that fettered them for three years, they are yet to come to terms with their freedom.
  • I can relay whispered words, unvocalized phrases straight from my fettered tongue to the ears of whoever I wish to hear my message. Jaxraven Diary Entry
  • It was the classic behavior of unfettered freebooters, and it ended in the familiar way.
  • I mean, sure, Verizon provided the government spy agencies "fettered" access to my private, confidential, personal phone records that they were supposed to keep to themselves for the past many years that I've been a Verizon customers - and they didn't. 05/12/2006
  • It would be interesting to see how well she'd compete against such "fettered" rivals as Germany, France and even Italy. Can Britain Really Prosper 'Unfettered' by the EU?
  • It preaches the doctrine that individuals should be allowed to do anything they wish unfettered by social conventions.
  • Although its contents have not been drawn from works of unfettered fancy, it is hoped they will be found to blend the real with the imaginative in such a degree as to render their knowledge not the less useful for its being amusive. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 549 (Supplementary number)
  • Papua solidarity groups typically rely on voluntary support to promote the cause of Papuan self-determination and are often unfettered by institutional affiliations.
  • Some of them were publicly promulgated; but such as appertained to religious matters were kept secret chiefly by the pontiffs, that they might hold the minds of the people fettered by them. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • I totally support the idea that you are going to be the navigators of your own destiny, unfettered and untrammelled.
  • What you get is a bland, slightly boomy sound unfettered to meaning or emphasis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Black Narcissus, Sister Ruth's transition from the dour, ascetic domain of nunhood into the unfettered, sexualised outside world is heralded by that unforgettable big close up of red lipstick metamorphosing Kathleen Byron's sensuous mouth. DVD Times
  • In writing poetry, one is unfettered by the normal rules of sentence structure.
  • He unfettered his mind from grief.
  • They point too to dicta of the highest authority indicating that the Secretary of State's discretion is unfettered and that it exists mainly for the benefit of the accused, not the requesting state.
  • We may -- we do -- rebel against it, and speak with rapture of an unfettered existence without material ties: but even in material things the nomad is the least creative, the least civilized of his kind. Sex and Common-Sense
  • The combination of unfettered finance and activist monetary management has been a recipe for momentous inflation.
  • There is a distinct literary style to the blook: edgily direct and intimate, inchoate but passionate, responsive and unfettered. Times, Sunday Times
  • In numerous poetry collections, books of essays and fiction that followed, he closely adhered to this view of an unfettered aesthetic - not yoked to any ideology or dogma.
  • While thus fettered I was seized and flung down by a heavy sea which retreating suddenly left me lying naked on the sharp shingle from which I rose streaming with blood.
  • Free and unfettered, the press can shut people out, ignore their views, or unfairly constrict debate.
  • I totally support the idea that you are going to be the navigators of your own destiny, unfettered and untrammelled.
  • The deployment of foreign inspectors at Rafah would have given Palestinians relatively unfettered access to the world for the first time in decades.
  • But China's nonconvertible currency makes it difficult for Beijing to offer foreigners unfettered access to its financial markets. In Shanghai, Banks Get a Haven and a Hub
  • The health service gave him unfettered access to some of the most secure places in the UK. The Sun
  • Instead they championed reactionary renegades and unfettered capitalist expansion.
  • It is the quality of unfettered imagination. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Greek law enforcement officials have been found allowing migrants free and unfettered access into the country, the report claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • He valorises a kind of consensual, unfettered sexual freedom.
  • He had worked his way from the humblest station in life to his present eminence, unfettered by promises, unpledged to anybody and anything but the people and the welfare of our country.
  • Instead of protectionism and taxes, we could insist on free and unfettered trade in food. Times, Sunday Times
  • The swifts are wild, daring, and free, unfettered by cables, canvas, or clocks.
  • It is all about imperial arrogance unschooled in worldliness, unfettered either by competence or experience.
  • A unique romantic comedy, unfettered by the normal expectations of the genre, is a rare and wondrous thing.
  • What if there was even a slim chance that unfettered coverage would have goaded the inmates into killing the hostages?
  • He is a man in the know, whose voice is now unfettered.
  • There is no ‘leaning’ into phrases, no unfettered rubati, no search to impose expressivity.
  • This indicates the challenges of green politics to the unfettered market economy or the excesses of capitalism.
  • In fact, the board — proposing both pay cuts and a reduction in personnel — is attempting to exercise classic monopsonistic power, which usually manifests itself in keeping wages and employment rates lower than an unfettered market would produce. Bread and Roses
  • The owner of a patent does not have the unfettered right to make an invention available only on onerous terms.
  • The former argued that unfettered free trade contributed to sweatshop labour in the Third World.
  • When you unfetter corporate entities, when you have unfettered capitalism, everything is turned into a commodity, human labor as well as the natural world, and they are both exploited until exhaustion or collapse. Hedges Laments The 'Death Of The Liberal Class'
  • But talkback will always have a place, because the views that you get are unfettered.
  • Human cells have an additional barrier to unfettered replication - most lack the chromosome repair enzyme called telomerase that rat cells possess.
  • The spluttering defensiveness, the creepy vindictiveness, all signs of a brain fettered with incipient rot. Matthew Yglesias » Der Dolchstoss
  • owed unfettered as night down her back, and upon her head she wore a curious blue ornament, almost like a crown. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • For before this I had no Lord, nor King; but I was enfettered by the power of Satan, condemned to death, and entangled in sin and blindness.
  • It will have to be acknowledged that as long as the black rats were in power they were as much shunned by all other living creatures as the gray rats are in our day – and for just cause; they had thrown themselves upon poor, fettered prisoners, and tortured them; they had ravished the dead; they had stolen the last turnip from the cellars of the poor; bitten off the feet of sleeping geese; stolen eggs and chicks from the hens; and had committed a thousand depredations. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
  • This pedantry of costume and the circumspect carriage which it exacted, were pleasantly contrasted with the flowing vivacity of the wearer, engendering by their concourse an amusing compound, which I might call a fettered and pinioned alacrity of demeanor, the rigid stateliness of exterior seeming rather ineffectually to encase, as a half-bursting chrysalis, the wings of a gay nature. Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
  • Ever since the 1290 statute it has been a principle of the law that generally an estate owner should have a free and unfettered power to alienate his property.
  • Oakum, without any farther hesitation, ordered the fellow to be unfettered; at the same time, threatening to make Morgan exchange situations with him for his spite; but the Briton no sooner heard the decision in favour of the madman, than he got up to the mizen-shrouds, crying to Thompson and me to get out of his reach, for we should see him play the devil with a vengeance. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • It is a peculiarly elegant disguise for one of the market's heftiest, noisiest and most unfettered bulls. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Murderers,” a lone voice lit the fuse, causing the crowd to erupt into a cacophonic barrage of unfettered hatred. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The Department cannot have an unfettered discretion to operate it in whatever way it chooses.

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