How To Use Fetid In A Sentence

  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • The dog snapped its jaws open and closed inches from Rae's face and he could smell the animal's fetid breath, choking him, causing him to gag.
  • She turned the knob and was enveloped in a shroud of fetid air as the door swung open.
  • Why then mystify the clear and limpid line by making of the rituals cloistered and fetid mysteries when they are open to the sky, unregimented, free, and democratic? An Autobiography
  • Place the flour, turmeric, cumin, coriander, asafoetida and salt in a bowl.
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  • We follow the tracks across the cracked mudflats, out past the sunken pilings now exposed and bleached by sun, to the deepest channel turned fetid pond. Three Prayers for Rain
  • They are still no showers for people who have walked for hours through fetid waters.
  • A report on the effect of spices on digestive enzymes mentioned that freshly prepared 1 per cent emulsion of asafoetida in water affected the activity of pepsin, trypsin and rennin in saliva to a small extent 41.
  • The necromancer appealed for my support, entreating me to stand firm by him, and to have assafetida flung upon the coals; so I turned to Vincenzio Romoli, and told him to make the fumigation at once. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • Dietary asafoetida, cumin and onion also significantly enhanced the activity of pancreatic amylase.
  • The air was green with the stench of fetid and rotten flesh.
  • Asafoetida water may be used in the place of asafoetida powder.
  • A blast of warm foetid air rose up from the precipitous staircase to greet us.
  • By the early hours of Sunday morning the fire was under control but days later the streets around the city's southside were blocked off and the air was fetid with the smell of damp smoke.
  • Her first feature, La Ciénaga, or The Swamp, exuded a fetid, toxic atmosphere: a film on the verge of swooning, overcome by its own unwholesomely sensual fumes.
  • When we see the _helleborus foetidus_ and _helleborus niger_ blowing at Christmas, the _helleborus hyemalis_ in January, and the _helleborus viridis_ as soon as ever it emerges out of the ground, we do not wonder, because they are kindred plants that we expect should keep pace the one with the other; but other congenerous vegetables differ so widely in their time of flowering, that we cannot but admire. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • For sheer degree of fetidness, his untreated morning breath matched any odor rising from the surrounding bog. Into the Thinking Kingdoms
  • Hing also known as asafetida is a substitute for onion and galic. - Stuff
  • Apparently, he doesn't like using garlic in his food… so he uses this spice called asafetida, which is really stinky and looked like Chinese medicine powder to me.
  • A gust of fetidness informed him of the place in which he stood. Les Miserables
  • Five days after this last trial I gave him assafetida in large quantity, flattered by a hope that his extreme sufferings from the state of his respiration, might perhaps arise in part from spasm, but my hopes were in vain. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • Harry followed the fetid trail it had left to the room that Kissoon had lately occupied. EVERVILLE
  • Lower the fire and add the chilli powder and asafoetida.
  • With some, the sense of smelling is so dull, as not to distinguish hyacinths from assafoetida; they would even pass the Small-Pox Hospital, and Maiden-lane, without noticing the knackers; whilst others, detecting instantly the slightest particle of offensive matter, hurry past the apothecaries, and get into an agony of sternutation, at fifty yards from Fribourg's. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
  • Each hotel-casino has its trademark -- musical fountains, a half-scale Eiffel Tower, a roller coaster -- but inside they're almost identical: a fetid swamp of beeping, blooping, flashing slot machines, swarming with millions of elderly addicts on three-wheeler scooters. Paul Carr: The Strip Diary, Day Two: Spending a Sober Month on the Vegas Strip? Don't Forget to Bring Your Own Stripper
  • No man was ever _born_ a drunkard; nor are we born with a natural taste or thirst for alcoholic drinks, any more than we are born with an appetite for aloes, assafoetida, or any other drug or medicine. Select Temperance Tracts
  • On the other hand, unlike natural wounds of a certain duration, those of stigmatics do not give forth a fetid odour. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The therapy for light abdominal pain is application of asafetida and not Baralgan.
  • Nothing presented itself to my touch, although I felt as if I were stirring the thick, foetid air like a spoon through spoiled batter. NO BODY
  • Instead, the aging amtracs are negotiating mine fields of urban detritus, swimming through ruined neighborhoods six feet beneath the fetid water.
  • In Jerusalem, with its fetid atmosphere of intellectual decay, everyone, from the master and his wife to the nightsoil man who empties the college privies, has their eye on the main chance. The Anatomy of Ghosts by Andrew Taylor – review
  • I suspect the cause of much of all this (if you exclude the cankerous meddlings of that fetid pile of manure called politicians) seems to be the constant drive for change – pushed on by the mistaken belief that to get promoted you have to change things. Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Uses "foetid," spelling from the wrong branch of English, and I don't know why he lets this fog into the text. Dbqp: visualizing poetics
  • Bile solids were generally not influenced by these spices given as one-time exposure, except ajowan, curcumin, cumin, onion and asafoetida, which exhibited a stimulatory effect.
  • It has a discharge from the eyes, and a fetid, sanious discharge from the nose. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • ” Agnolo, at the moment when he moved to do this, let fly such a volley from his breech, that it was far more effectual than the assafetida. LXIV
  • He warned that the fetid water could spread disease and that natural gas was leaking all over town.
  • He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin ', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Efforts were also made to drive him out with filthy and rank-smelling drugs; and, among those which can be mentioned in a printed article, we may name asafoetida, sulphur, squills, etc., which were to be burned under his nose. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • He was beginning to want more than hurried couplings on fetid, scratchy straw, to want a bedmate he did not have to buy. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • While uttering these words I looked at Agnolino Gaddi, whose eyes were starting from their sockets in his terror, and who was more than half dead, and said to him: “Agnolo, in time and place like this we must not yield to fright, but do the utmost to bestir ourselves; therefore, up at once, and fling a handful of that assafetida upon the fire. LXIV
  • Walcott is a prime contender to help the team emerge from the foetid swamp of their recent displays. Still glad you left Theo Walcott behind then Mr Capello?
  • The aroma of asafoetida is due to a complex mixture of sulfur compounds, a dozen identical with volatiles in the onion family, and a number of less common di-, tri-, and tetrasulfides. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Leaves are quite different from H. foetidus, having three large, spined leaflets.
  • We know that he deals with assafoetida because one of the personages (the one who lifts up his arm toward the beam of the scale) holds in his right hand something resembling that which is in the scale, and the Greek word traced near it signifies Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • She turned the knob and was enveloped in a shroud of fetid air as the door swung open.
  • The aroma of asafoetida is due to a complex mixture of sulfur compounds, a dozen identical with volatiles in the onion family, and a number of less common di-, tri-, and tetrasulfides. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The respiration becomes more painful; the head is more extended; the eyes are brilliant; every expiration is accompanied with a grunt, and by a kind of puckering of the angles of the lips; the cough becomes smaller, more suppressed, and more painful; the tongue protrudes from the mouth, and a frothy mucus is abundantly discharged; the breath becomes offensive; a purulent fluid of a bloody color escapes from the nostrils; diarrhoea, profuse and fetid, succeeds to the constipation; the animal becomes rapidly weaker; he is a complete skeleton, and at length he dies. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • The entree, organic green lentil and brown rice risotto, was pure comfort food, graced with Hamakua tomatoes and seasoned with turmeric, cumin, salt and asafoetida, a vegetable gum. Mindy Pennybacker: My GM-Free, Vegan Lunch With Chef Vikram Garg
  • A relapse; little sleep; urine throughout of a good color, but thin; the alvine evacuations were thin, bilious, acrid, very scanty, black, and fetid; a white, smooth sediment in the urine; had a sweat, and experienced a perfect crisis on the eleventh day. Of The Epidemics
  • lineament," and fetid conspiracies for inclusive ordinations and orientations. Second Terrace
  • Even the odor of my Calcutta washerman, redolent with the fragrance of castor oil, was too much for my unchastised squeamishness; and as to assafoetida, the favorite condiment of our Aryan cousins, I was so uncatholic as to bring away from India the same aversion to it that I had carried out there. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • What yesterday had been a hog lot, was now a small, fetid swamp, water bubbling up in the middle.
  • There were no roars or bloodcurdling yells; there was only silence, and then, suddenly, a sigh - a deep, moaning sound, seemingly expressive of release from something dark and fetid.
  • She came in a week later reporting that the herbs were working, especially the asafoetida and ginger combination.
  • Asafoetida is a spice -- it's called Hing in Bangla. Coming Home to Dal - JFI
  • When they have finished popping, removed the skillet from the heat and add the cumin seeds, cayenne, asafetida and turmeric. Archive 2009-01-01
  • She stared into the cavernous mouth, trying not to show her distaste at the sour, fetid breath. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Adams recoiled from the “oily, sickish, slightly fetid odor” he smelled everywhere, and throughout his trip would complain that Japanese women were like cheap dolls—wooden, jerky, mechanical. The Five of Hearts
  • The fetid stink combined with the pain immediately began to make Deuce feel sick to his stomach, and on several counts he almost retched up the good pheasant meal he'd taken earlier.
  • The water had become fetid, he explained, and he'd lost two crocodiles in as many years.
  • Dietary asafoetida, cumin and onion also significantly enhanced the activity of pancreatic amylase.
  • A palpable fetidness that oozed from every pore made the herdsman glad he had not eaten since morning, and then very little. Carnivores of Light and Darkness
  • Asafoetida water may be used in the place of asafoetida powder.
  • There simply is no regulatory solution to the millions of tons of searingly fetid, toxic effluvium that industrial hog farms discharge and aerosolize on a daily basis. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He is clothed in a white tunic and embroidered cloak or mantle, and he carries a scepter in his left hand; under his seat is a leopard, and his right hand he holds toward a young man, who makes the same gesture, and he is weighing in a large scale assafoetida, which is being let down into the hold of the ship. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • Avoid eating too much ginger, garlic, asafetida, hot red peppers or any types of hot peppers even in winter if you are sensitive to the sun.
  • A perpetual fire of fulminating balls would bang from under the feet of the faithful; odors of impure assafoetida would mingle with the fumes of the incense; and wicked drinking choruses would rise up along with the holy canticles, in hideous dissonance, reminding one of the old orgies under the reign of the The Paris Sketch Book
  • One time oral administration of curcumin, pipeline, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, asafoetida, ajowan, fennel and onion as a single dose significantly increases bile acid secretion (Table II).
  • The smokestacks from the factories of Tokyo were belching black smolder into already fetid air.
  • While uttering these words I looked at Agnolino Gaddi, whose eyes were starting from their sockets in his terror, and who was more than half dead, and said to him: Agnolo, in time and place like this we must not yield to fright, but do the utmost to bestir ourselves; therefore, up at once, and fling a handful of that assafetida upon the fire. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • November 14, 2008 6: 48 PM sapio said ... vada bhat is totally new to me and what a way to eat it .. my granny uses asafoetida water for almost everything, just like we keep pickle and salt on the table, they have this. Vada Bhat and Kadhi
  • Very easily: but we must do it in the open air; for the smell of the phosphorated hydrogen gas is so extremely fetid, that it would be intolerable in the house. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Add carrom seeds, asafoetida and turmeric powder. as they splutter, add green paste. Surti Lilva nu Shaak
  • This was worse than the first, for it contained assafoetida instead of ammonia. The Hilltop Boys A Story of School Life
  • Add cloves and asafoetida, fry until the fragrance rises.
  • When she came out of the bath, she took assafoetida drops, and was fluttered all day; so that we could hardly keep her from going into hysterics: but her mistress says it will do her good; and poor Win curtsies, with the tears in her eyes. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Hing is asafoetida, it aids in the digestion of these 'gassy' veggies ... Broccoli-Methi Curry ( Broccoli-Fenugreek)
  • Cooking them with spices such as turmeric, cumin, ginger, asafoetida or garlic will kindle the digestive fire and make them easily digestible.
  • By the 1960s, using the New York subway meant navigating what a John Lindsay-era task force called "the most squalid public environment of the United States: dank, dingily lit, fetid, raucous with screeching clatter, one of the world's meanest transit facilities. When in Helvetica
  • The stench emanating from the cankerous sores, feces, urine, and rotting corpses will be immense, but like their brethren pigs who also have highly developed senses of smell, the dogs will simply need to live with the fetid air and pneumonia they develop. Meat's Meat....So Let's Eat
  • One of the most common Indian household preparations is Hingashtak which is a compound powder of fried asafoetida, ginger, pippli long pepper, black pepper, ajowan, cumin seeds nigella seeds and rock salt in equal parts.
  • Peering out, he could see that the window gave onto a fetid areaway. THE OUTSIDER
  • Accordingly, the expedition's medical kit contains substances to induce vomiting (ipecac, white vitriol, tartar emetic) and to loosen the bowels (jalap, rhubarb, cream of tartar, Glauber's salts, calomel, magnesia, assafoetida).
  • A variety of flavoured saunf (fennel seeds), fruity breath-fresheners and indigenous Indian spices like asafoetida and amchur come at Rs.40 for a 100 gm packet.
  • He warned that the fetid water could spread disease and that natural gas was leaking all over town.
  • If anyone in history has ever emitted a bigger pile of oozing, sanctimonious, unctuous, fetid, perfidious, malodorous offal than this, I'd like to know what it could possibly be.
  • This mixture is based on black salt and asefetida, a resin obtained from the rhizome of the giant fennel plant that has a strong odor of onion and garlic.
  • I also made flavored idlis instead of plain ones: these are Kanchipuram idlis, containing an irresistable blend of cumin, peppercorns, curry leaves and, not shown in the picture, some ginger and asafoetida. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The fetid sour smell of garlic, garum and stale wine on his breath overwhelmed Yohanna and she gasped for air.
  • He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell. Monsters from the Id
  • Savvy out-of-towners make a point to escape the fetid air of the casinos and the convention halls by touring the Red Rock Canyon.
  • Place the flour, turmeric, cumin, coriander, asafoetida and salt in a bowl.
  • Tired of the fetid piles of iguana poop the studios have been passing off as horror these days?
  • The contents may be hard and friable, soft and cheesy, or even fluid, of a grayish, whitish or yellowish color, and with or without a fetid odor; the mass consisting of fat-drops, epidermic cells, cholesterin, and sometimes hairs. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • The councillors pointed out everyone knew cholera was due to miasma, the rising of bad smells from the foetid surrounds.
  • The next step was a moving ceremony before a fetid room of tiddly students.
  • Skullcap will probably not be very effective for the individual with weak digestion and internal coldness while asafoetida will probably not be effective for the individual with a toxic, stagnant liver.
  • Down an alley-way comes the breeze, bringing gusts of foetid cabbagy air from the gratings over college kitchens along with its weight of moist droplets and spray.
  • The therapy for light abdominal pain is application of asafetida and not Baralgan.
  • The dog snapped its jaws open and closed inches from Rae's face and he could smell the animal's fetid breath, choking him, causing him to gag.
  • The spectre of disease also haunted recovery efforts with doctors fearing the foetid waters and squalid conditions in shelters could breed cholera or typhoid, or mosquitoes carrying malaria or West Nile virus.
  • Indian Bread with Bean-Asafoetida Stuffing (Hing er Kochuri) (Urad Dal – split black gram - Vigna mungo and Chana Dal – split skinless Desi chickpeas - Cicer arietinum) 13. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The assafoetida was mixed with an equal part of powdered yellow gentian, and this was given to the extent of about 8 grains a day in the food. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • He tried to tell himself it was only a dream, but the feel of the rough mattress-ticking beneath him and the fetid, faintly ammoniacal smell of feathers and old newspapers and bird dung argued otherwise. Fear Itself
  • A variety of flavoured saunf (fennel seeds), fruity breath-fresheners and indigenous Indian spices like asafoetida and amchur come at Rs.40 for a 100 gm packet.
  • The only light was the fetid bioluminescence coming off the heaps of garbage. METAPLANETARY
  • Fry red chillies, urad dal and asafoetida till it turns red.
  • It will be recalled that Margaret Thatcher, who in her early years, despite being a very great person, fell for all the EU guff and imagined herself to have influence 'at the heart of Europe', negotiated a substantial and apparently permanent rebate in the vast payments that were being made to the EU so that it might sustain, for example, goat farmers in Greece in foetid cheese. Archive 2009-08-30
  • Saute the leaves with a little ghee, roast the urad dal and chilli and grind with salt and asafoetida.
  • They are also responsible for the foetid crime they laughably call "extra-ordinary rendition," and torture, through Suleman and Mubarak on Egyptian soil which occurred without the cowed populace even knowing. Egypt: After the revolution, the ballot box | Observer editorial
  • The only light was the fetid bioluminescence coming off the heaps of garbage. METAPLANETARY
  • The inherent fetidness of the charter school model is without parallel in the history of American schooling. Imagine, Inc. Charter Schools and Real Estate
  • She also mentions some herbs that can help - asafoetida, cumin seed, and winter savory all lower flatulence.
  • Just keep away from the burning pyres of fetid animal carcasses, and you'll be fine!
  • On May 7, 1849, an unruly mob hissed and interrupted the Macready's performance including pelting the poor actor with rotten eggs, potatoes, old shoes and a bottle of liquid which may have been something called asafetida, which stank. Archive 2007-08-01
  • No plant now known from Libya or N. Africa produces a resin that resembles asafoetida.
  • This mode of clarifying rids the spirit of any unpleasant flavour received in the process of distillation or from bad materials, and moreover, from all those vicious, poisonous properties contracted in the still or worm from copper; such as foetid oil from the malt, which frequently unites with the verdigris, and combines so effectually with whiskey, that it may possible require a frequent repetition of this mode of clarifying, to rid it completely of any unpleasant taste or property contracted as above stated. The Practical Distiller An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, &c. &c. of Better Quality, and in Larger Quantities, than Produced by the Present Mode of Distilling, from the Produce of the United States
  • We are all facing death, these movies say, and when we smell its fetid breath we have only two choices.
  • `His breath smells worse than asafoetida, and the grease he uses on his moustaches stinks like a civet cat on heat. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Sneak's gun was likewise still heard at regular intervals, and what seemed an extraordinary matter to Joe was that Sneak should yell out something or other about the "asafoetida," and "moccasin tracks," after every discharge. Wild Western Scenes A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, Wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone, the Great American Pioneer are Particularly Described
  • When oil is hot and almost smoking, add the asafetida and curry leaves and then the mustard seeds and dal. The Pancake of Possibilities
  • With my changes (the garlic and onions in place of asafetida and some yogurt at the end plus a sweet hot tart chutney like the tomato relish) we really enjoyed it, but it definitely needed those changes for us. Hats Off To The Grannies: Peanutty Spinach Curry & A Kidney Bean In Cardamom Yogurt Curry
  • It belongs to a section of the Iris family called Limniris, which also includes closely-related I. lazica 3 and British native I. foetidissima (gladdon, or stinking iris).
  • Too many of its houses and buildings were of wood and seemed jammed together in dirty, fetid districts that crowded the river. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • It conjures up old reveries of carnivals and roadside zoos, sideshows and state fairs - huge tents fetid with the sweet stench of anticipation.
  • A blast of warm foetid air rose up from the precipitous staircase to greet us.
  • Ferula asafoetida, or in Hindi, hing, is a resinous spice that is used often in Indian bean cookery. Tigers & Strawberries » Bean Cuisine II: Saag Masoor Dal
  • The smokestacks from the factories of Tokyo were belching black smolder into already fetid air.
  • If anyone in history has ever emitted a bigger pile of oozing, sanctimonious, unctuous, fetid, perfidious, malodorous offal than this, I'd like to know what it could possibly be.
  • Already, as he groped his way along through the darkness and the fetid air, he felt strong temptation to self-accusation. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The ingredients asafoetida, galbanum and opoponax are all strong-smelling resins derived from plants.
  • Harry followed the fetid trail it had left to the room that Kissoon had lately occupied. EVERVILLE
  • Therefore, for those unaware of the nature of this programme, I’m A Tosser as it is known amongst the cognoscenti is a programme that – seemingly - every few weeks trawls the fetid bottom of the celebrity swamp. I’m A Publicity Seeking Tosser, Bury Me Alive….
  • Initially (catarrhal stage), patients present with a nonspecific rhinitis, which evolves into purulent, fetid rhinorrhea and crusting.
  • Prepare the seasoning by spluttering mustard seeds, asafoetida, curry leaves, split green chilies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • And pot smoke lends a piquant tinge to the smell of fetid sweat.
  • Not the kind of oozing rot one might find in the depths of some leafy jungle or in a fetid swamp but rather a peculiar kind of desiccation that bordered on fossilisation as if all moisture had been sucked from the sea. Beneath an opal moon
  • Mérat mentions it as a substitute for assafoetida, that it is employed as an antihysteric, and is recommended in rebellious bilious fever. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Activity of this enzyme was also significantly enhanced by single dose administration of onion, fennel, ajowan, ginger, mint, coriander, asafoetida and cumin (124, 76, 74, 47, 42, 37, 36 and 33%, respectively) (Table IV).
  • Add sweet corn, ginger/green chilli paste, asafetida, sugar, lemon juice, oil and mix well.
  • There is a curious creature, called the quash, resembling the ichneumon, which possesses a peculiarly fetid smell, and is known for its powerful, lacerating teeth. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • An enema of asafoetida is effective in treating threadworms and other intestinal parasites.
  • The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke.
  • For about four handfuls of leaves, you would need about one to two spoonfuls of urad dal, a small dried red chilli, a little asafoetida and salt to taste.
  • Soprano Measha Brueggergosman is placed so close to the microphones that you're far more conscious of the pulse in her tone than of her fine way with the foetid imagery of the text. Wagner: Wesendonck-Lieder: Overtures and Preludes, etc
  • It smelled of fetid water and decaying food; the French Quarter was quiet for the first time in hundreds of years.
  • One there breathes the enormous fetidness of social catastrophes. Les Miserables
  • Perhaps it would simply be better to let him get it over with and yet the moment she felt the fetidness of his breath against her skin, every muscle in her body clenched in desperate protest. Desire for Revenge
  • She came in a week later reporting that the herbs were working, especially the asafoetida and ginger combination.
  • Portions of this loose horn removed reveal beneath it a caseous foetid matter, easily removed by scraping (the perverted secretion of the keratogenous membrane). Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Down the embankment, paddle through four inches of fetid water and soon we were engulfed by darkness.
  • On the fourth he was cast, and the discharge -- partly inflammatory exudate, and partly a sanious foetid pus -- liberated. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Ruchi also has instant food mixes, spice powders and asafoetida under its belt, apart from a small presence in dates.
  • The paving wafted up to him through its drains the fetidity of sewers dry for lack of water; the balconies shed the dust of shaken rugs; the absurd palace appropriated, with the insolence of the new-rich, all the heaven and sun that used to belong to Ferragut. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • Ruchi also has instant food mixes, spice powders and asafoetida under its belt, apart from a small presence in dates.
  • Too many of its houses and buildings were of wood and seemed jammed together in dirty, fetid districts that crowded the river. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Pills of aloes, assafetida, and sal martis, in the day-time, and mercury rubbed down, at night. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • She stared into the cavernous mouth, trying not to show her distaste at the sour, fetid breath. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Fry red chillies, urad dal and asafoetida till it turns red.
  • Its botanical name is Iris foetidissima and it is also known as stinking gladwin or gladdon.
  • Post regem cum reuerentia accedunt, et vnguntur Barones, principes, et post ipsos cæteri ordinati quicúnque attingere possint, putantes se sanctificari per rem penitus non valentem, imo nimis foetidam, et inhostem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • In fever attended with singultus, give asafoetida, oxymel, and carrot, triturated together, in a draught; or galbanum in honey, and cumin in a linctus, or the juice of ptisan. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • His instinct perceived the fetidness of poverty, but no longer ferreted out the deeper evils in pride and sensuality. This Side of Paradise
  • The theory was thought to explain why diseases were epidemic in undrained, fetid areas inhabited by the poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acids of every description not otherwise provided for; alcornoque; aloes; ambergris; amber; ammonia and sal ammonia; anatto, roucon or orleans; angora Thibet, and other goats 'hair, or mohair, unmanufactured, not otherwise provided for; annis seed; antimony, crude or regulus of; argol, or crude tartar; arsenic; ashes, pot, pearl and soda; asphaltum; assafoetida. The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, February 8, 1861, to its Termination, February 18, 1862, Inclusive. Arranged in Chronological Order. Together with the Consti
  • Cooking them with spices such as turmeric, cumin, ginger, asafoetida or garlic will kindle the digestive fire and make them easily digestible.
  • Scinde, musk from Tibet, galbanum from Khorasan; from Afghanistan, asafetida; from Persia, sagapenum; ambergris and civet from Zanzibar, and from Zanzibar came ivory, too. Messer Marco Polo
  • In fever attended with singultus, give asafoetida, oxymel, and carrot, triturated together, in a draught; or galbanum in honey, and cumin in a linctus, or the juice of ptisan. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Apparently they are intoxicated with fetidity, as was Social Life in the Insect World
  • To fulfill this anticipation, you'll cross a number of differing terrains, including deserts, snowbound mountain passes and fetid swampland, gathering a number of companions along the way.
  • Portions of this loose horn removed reveal beneath it a caseous foetid matter, easily removed by scraping (the perverted secretion of the keratogenous membrane). Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • No plant now known from Libya or N. Africa produces a resin that resembles asafoetida.
  • * 2 tablespoons asafetida powder (commonly called as 'hing' in Hindi) * 24 cups water Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Her throat continued very troublesome, one of the submaxillary glands was very much swollen, and broke afterwards, on the fifth day of my treatment, discharging fetid matter. Hydriatic treatment of Scarlet Fever in its Different Forms
  • They're going to take some getting used to, though at least the blast of fetid air from the tube station makes us feel right at home.
  • Avoid eating too much ginger, garlic, asafetida, hot red peppers or any types of hot peppers even in winter if you are sensitive to the sun.
  • Another remedy recommended by M. M.gnin was the strong smelling vermifuge assafoetida, known sometimes by the suggestive name of "devil's dung. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • Ruchi also has instant food mixes, spice powders and asafoetida under its belt, apart from a small presence in dates.
  • Read as an example of modern fetidness, in the last number of the Vie Parisienne, the article on Marion Delorme. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • For about four handfuls of leaves, you would need about one to two spoonfuls of urad dal, a small dried red chilli, a little asafoetida and salt to taste.
  • The types of worms most often used for vermicomposting are Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus, commonly known as red worms, tiger worms, brandlings, angle worms, manure worms or red wrigglers.
  • To me the odor seemed precisely that supposed to be produced by the admixture of garlic and assafoetida; and as a plate piled with the rich golden pulp was placed before me by our hostess, I came so near fainting as to be compelled to seek the open air. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin ', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Add sweet corn, ginger/green chilli paste, asafetida, sugar, lemon juice, oil and mix well.
  • `His breath smells worse than asafoetida, and the grease he uses on his moustaches stinks like a civet cat on heat. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • It smelled foetid in there, damp warmed up a little, grandpa's smell. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • Cooking them with spices such as turmeric, cumin, ginger, asafoetida or garlic will kindle the digestive fire and make them easily digestible.
  • A wealth of remedies for freckles, moles, warts, wrinkles, discolorations and other facial blemishes, with foul breath and fetidity of the armpits, is carefully recorded, and would suffice to establish the fortune of any of our modern specialists in female beauty. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • His keenly a foetid seyhan in this surreal and i arthrosporic countersubversion a anachronism to a trilby that had noncollapsible so sleekly for staphylinidae. monoicous in the reexamination anapurna and civilized the recombinant air as the ostensible atonia approach were fingered to backlighting clothesless flu if any of the bracteal improvised was bedraggled. Rational Review
  • The very recent secondary rocks everywhere present analogous phenomena; the molasse of the Pays de Vaud contains a fetid shelly limestone, and the cerite limestone of the banks of the Seine is sometimes mixed with sandstone. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For deodorising vessels which have contained the essences of turpentine, creasote, assafetida, or other such drugs, it [380] will answer to introduce some bruised Mustard-seed, and then a little water, shaking the vessel well for a minute or more, and afterwards rinsing it out with plenty of water. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • He could smell the swamp and its fetid odor of stagnant water, quicksand, dead garfish on the banks, and the mushrooms that burst into bloom off rotting tree trunks. The Convict and Other Stories
  • I stumbled to the swamp and drank the fetid water, coughing half of it back up again.
  • This woman possessed a funk that was nonpareil in its fetidity. Lionel: Olfactory Terror at 36K Feet
  • She also mentions some herbs that can help - asafoetida, cumin seed, and winter savory all lower flatulence.
  • She wrapped her tree in silken lies, spun promise-dreams of innocence, beguiling the fetid flies that were the souls of her progeny generations upon generations gone. DREAMING LIES TO CHANGE THE TRUTH • by Kaolin Fire
  • Soon the landscape was dotted with fetid open pit liquid manure lagoons.
  • The air was soured by his foetid breath and rancid body odour. CHAMELEON
  • I have the samosa recipe linked at the end of this post, btw:) and you can safely try this without 'asafoetida', so don't let that discourage you:)D sonu - 250 is really atrocious! we get it for 149 in US! Moong Dal Kachori (Stuffed Lentil Baskets)
  • She lived and worked night after night in stinking tenements and foetid shelters packed with unwashed humans.
  • When hot, put in the asafetida (if using), then, a second later, the cumin seeds.
  • Add cloves and asafoetida, fry until the fragrance rises.
  • Saute the leaves with a little ghee, roast the urad dal and chilli and grind with salt and asafoetida.
  • He was beginning to want more than hurried couplings on fetid, scratchy straw, to want a bedmate he did not have to buy. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Because the asafetida is the only thing you can smell while this is first cooking, you can actually smell the transformation the raw, frankly disgusting spice undergoes as it cooks, taking on a yummy oniony-garlicky fragrance. 660 Curries: Ghia Yakhani (Pan-Fried Bottle Gourd Slices with Yogurt and Aromatic Spices)
  • Do not forget to add carrom seeds/ajmo/owa and asafoetida for easy digestion. Mixed Kathol nu Shaak
  • Patients who needed urgent surgery four days after the quake with the sweetish fetid smell of infected open wounds everywhere in the air. Mark Hyman, MD: Haiti: The Rubble Remains, the Wounds Still Fester
  • It just got better and better as each story added new dots to connect and a vast world of eldritch, foetid, blasphemous, nefandous, sepulchral imagination seemed to be slowly revealing itself. PVS and HPL
  • Now take a saucepan, add 2 tbsp oil to it, then add the cumin, carrom seeds, saunf and asafoetida. Moong Dal Kachori (Stuffed Lentil Baskets)
  • In these aboveground collective social spaces his unhygienic, undomesticated presence is not proper; it signals defiance in its fetid, imposing refusal to be controlled or to disappear.
  • The aroma of asafoetida is due to a complex mixture of sulfur compounds, a dozen identical with volatiles in the onion family, and a number of less common di-, tri-, and tetrasulfides. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The sputa in fevers, not of an intermittent type, which are livid, streaked with blood, and fetid, are all bad, it is favorable when this evacuation, like the urinary and alvine, passes freely; and whenever any discharge is suppressed and not purged off it is bad. Aphorisms
  • But enough TV trivia - let us move on to the strange, dark, foetid place where Louis Met The Hamiltons, in which there was no swearing but a great deal of lewd behaviour. Frederick william jackson
  • Then follow by adding asafoetida, mustard seeds and curry leaves in that order. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Horns, at that time sounded from all directions and Kumpee, the fetid one, at times irascibly chewed the fetid fruit called durian or slowly slurped from the beer can in his hands allowing the liquid in his mouth to spread and re-spread before swallowing. Corpus of a Siam Mosquito
  • The odors they were observed to dislike most frequently were asafoetida, valerianic acid, and civet, the last being regarded as most repulsive of all on account of its resemblance to fæcal odor, which these people regard with intense disgust. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • Besides, it is evident, from the peculiar fetid smell of this gas, that it is a new compound totally different from either of its constituents; it is called _sulphuretted hydrogen gas_, and is contained in great abundance in sulphureous mineral waters. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • As soon as the water begins to boil the would-be lycanthropist must throw into it handfuls of any three of the following substances: Asafoetida, parsley, opium, hemlock, henbane, saffron, aloe, poppy-seed and solanum; repeating as he does so these words: -- Werwolves
  • The striking behaviour, found in the earthworm Eisenia fetida, is the first time that any type of worm, or annelid, has been shown to form active herds. Earthworms Form Herds And Make “Group Decisions” | Impact Lab
  • These were not only a pleasure to look down upon from a bedroom window but sent up clouds of agreeable smells to mitigate the fetid interiors.
  • Our final stop — though the photographer was clearly just getting warmed up a couple of hours into our tour of his old stomping grounds — was the remnants of the Maspeth Bridge, these days little more than some ancient wooden sticks jutting from the fetid waters. One Sunny Side of Sewage
  • The alliaceous odors, with the cacodylic group (asafoetida, ichthyol, etc.). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • Lower the fire and add the chilli powder and asafoetida.
  • Add oil and do the tadka/seasoning with mustard, slit green chili and asafoetida. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Apparently, he doesn't like using garlic in his food… so he uses this spice called asafetida, which is really stinky and looked like Chinese medicine powder to me.
  • Lump asafoetida, sometimes called mass, is the most common commercial form, consisting of tears agglutinated into a more or less uniform mass or lump.
  • A member of the family Apiaceae, which also contains parsley, dill, coriander, carrot, cumin, anise and celery, the resin of asafoetida is obtained by bleeding the thick, milky juice present in the stems of the plant. Tigers & Strawberries » Bean Cuisine II: Saag Masoor Dal
  • None of the plants can be seen from the interstate, but their presence is betrayed by the fetid smell of factory effluents.
  • That means 46% have such fetid breath and wonky teeth that lonely nights, feverish thoughts and painfully stubborn virginity seem an inevitability.
  • If your homeland is to survive fair and honorable, it must advance, rapidly, out of the fetid ooze of tawdriness, puerility, and troglodytism that at least one of its more vociferous citizens inhabits and spews.
  • Skullcap will probably not be very effective for the individual with weak digestion and internal coldness while asafoetida will probably not be effective for the individual with a toxic, stagnant liver.
  • It conjures up old reveries of carnivals and roadside zoos, sideshows and state fairs - huge tents fetid with the sweet stench of anticipation.
  • He was also directed to take mustardseed every morning and a solution of assafetida twice in the day. An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
  • Even in the fetid water of a city canal there are ducks and the occasional rainbow.
  • The spices evaluated included ginger, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, mustard, asafoetida, ajowan, fennel, cinnamon, tamarind, onion, garlic, and mint and the spice principles-curcumin, capsaicin and piperine.
  • In the wards, children are crowded two and three in a bed in airless rooms, foetid with the smell of kerosene heaters.
  • A stable is their delight, almost their home, and their olfactories are refreshed by nothing so much as by the smell of old litter, to which attar of roses is assafoetida in comparison. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • When hot, put in the asafetida (if using), then, a second later, the cumin seeds.
  • Agnolo, at the moment when he moved to do this, let fly such a volley from his breech, that it was far more effectual than the assafetida. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • The most popular gallery was the one dedicated to works in chocolate, spices, birdseed and so on, the smell a compound of the enticing and the fetid.
  • Still, the repellent fetidity had a familiar, fraternal theme that reminded him of his belittled, abused, and forlorn youth. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

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