
How To Use Fete In A Sentence

  • -- This is the regulation relative to the dues legally established by Italis-Baal, the suffete, son of Bod-tanith, son of In Troubadour-Land A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc
  • The body was buffeted about in the waves.
  • On the ground she was fêted with lavish hospitality by friends waiting at every far-flung airfield to whisk her off to a celebratory feast.
  • She reached the doors of the college cafeteria, slamming them behind her and locking the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the soapbox speakers, the cafeterias offered working-class people places to debate and discuss a wide range of issues.
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  • It also protects skin from wrinkles and black spots and prevents such geriatric diseases as cerebral haemorrhage, myocardium and brain infarction by removing acid effete matters in time. North Korea Hails New ‘Anti-Ageing Super Drink’ | Impact Lab
  • The following year the ‘Marseillaise’ was adopted as the national anthem, and the 14 July as a national fête, to join the tricolor as the national flag.
  • That was until a gondola linking the village to the much fêted Verbier was installed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The village has been buffeted by mudflows, landslides, river debris, flooding and earthquakes.
  • Liminal phases of rites of passage, carnivals, and fêtes are often pervaded by images of chaos and misrule.
  • You're eating lunch in the cafeteria, wearing your scrubs, your high-tech stethoscope around your neck, a hemostat clipped onto you somewhere, tourniquets tied onto it. Excerpt: Never Change by Elizabeth Berg
  • To bake cakes for the school fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • Riens pour nous faisons in Singapore, unless nous allons La Sentosa pour la plage countdown, ou Zouk, pour la fetes. Rouflaquette Diary Entry
  • I recall focus groups in the last couple of weeks before election 2000, after the debates, when these swing voters were being fêted like visiting potentates by the networks.
  • His brief brush with crime came early yesterday morning while he was attending the annual UWI Splash fête at Bowen Marine, Chaguaramas.
  • You can't eat this food in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • M. le Comte's guests followed closely on the triumphant bridegroom's heels: M. le préfet, fussy and nervous, secretly delighted at the idea of affixing his official signature to such an aristocratic _contrat de mariage_ as was this between M.le. de Cambray de Brestalou and M. Victor de M.rmont, own nephew to M.rshal the duc de Raguse; M.dame la préfète, resplendent in the latest fashion from Paris, the Duc and Duchesse d'Embrun, cousins of the bride, the Vicomte de Génevois and his mother, who was Abbess of Pont Haut and godmother by proxy to Crystal de The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • Anywhere else, really, aside from a church summer fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
  • Wind buffeted her, chapping her lips and slowing her crawl.
  • I. unsōfte þonan feorh oð-ferede, 2142. of-ferian, _to carry off, to take away, to tear away_: pret. ōðer swylc ūt offerede, _took away another such_ (sc. fifteen), 1584. fetel-hilt, st. n., _sword-hilt_, with the gold chains fastened to it: acc. Beowulf
  • The story might have him playing an effete easterner converted into a "real" American by the Old West, or demonstrating manly American virtues in decadent Europe or corrupt Latin America, or good-humoredly asserting American common sense in response to vogues like health faddism or pacifism, but in all these plots he was the exact same wholesome, attractive fellow he had always been. The Silent Superstar
  • The aircraft dived as it was buffeted by turbulence at 34,000 ft, lifting passengers high out of their seats and leaving them in fear of their lives.
  • A school district can reduce pay for noncontract workers - janitors and cafeteria workers, for example - and it can reduce teacher salaries from one year to the next if notice is given at least 45 days before the first day of instruction, Texas Education Agency spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe said. Chronicle
  • The robust, authentic Polish home cooking is cheap and satisfying and served cafeteria-style.
  • An hour south is the Blue Lagoon, a lake with steam vents that has been developed into a beach, healing bath, and beauty spa with deck chairs, a bar, a cafeteria, massages, mud packs, and even a gift shop.
  • Nato is being buffeted by destabilising forces from within and without. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barry, it was pleasant seeing you today in the cafeteria. Barry I saw that you purchased the chef's salad. Apparently, you did not know that the chef's salad is kitchen trickery to utilize scrap meat.
  • For a rice eater like me, cafeteria tiffin in the morning comes nowhere close to filling.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Games were played across plastic mats resting on cafeteria tables.
  • For as long as Germany are in the competition, the country will remain en fête and that will be a wonderful thing to live with. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Trotsky the f-word was a sign of slavery, the sigh of the oppressed, but for Steven Berkoff it is ‘a sign of passion’, a mark of working-class resistance to an effete and effeminate middle class.
  • It's beautiful in summer, he says, but not quite so today, the back of the house buffeted by howling winds and Biblical rains coming in across the river.
  • Taking cues more from tweedy George Plimpton ( "Paper Lion") than schlumpy John Madden ( "Ultimate Tailgating"), herewith some tailgating essentials that which should raise the stakes on your own football fete. The Gentleman
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • The Jesuit astronomers at the Roman college fêted him at a special conference.
  • He also had a certain masculine mystique about him, unlike the intellectual, artistic and sometimes effete men who were part of her set.
  • Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.
  • She has buffeted about from pillar to post for ten years.
  • As Bluto Blutarsky in "Animal House, '' John made cinema history by smashing a guitar, imitating a" zit "in the cafeteria and inspiring his fraternity brothers with the rallying cry:" Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Our Guide to Famous Brothers
  • At that, she pulled out a can of root beer and one of the small cups of ice cream that the cafeteria served.
  • The food was hearty and good value, served cafeteria style. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it has been buffeted by the recession on two counts: it is in the south-east and in the services sector.
  • Community Club and supporting a gym, billiard room , table tennis room , cafeteria, laundry room , reading room , swimming pool, restaurant, beauty salon.
  • There are all sorts of what are called fetes here in England, along with flower shows and boot sales. Frenchless in France
  • Cafeterias on northern routes also have Class B liquor licences, which serve wine, beer and coolers.
  • You'd have jibbed at the third Conservative fête you were expected to open. DOUBLE DECEIT
  • On festal occasions, Christmas, Easter, or his fête-day, he became a magnificent figure in brocaded coat and white-satin waistcoat and knee-breeches; he had diamond shoe - and knee-buckles, diamond buttons on his waistcoat, and golden aiguillettes looped across his breast and shoulder. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • After graduating from the same high school as his partner and childhood friend, he enrolled in Ohio's Oberlin College to study pre-med, supplementing his income as a scooper in the college cafeteria's ice cream kiosk.
  • Perhaps bond yields are signaling an economic slowdown, but it appears more like they are being buffeted by financial instability.
  • It's a cosy, less effete way of nodding to the trend. Times, Sunday Times
  • I walked from the valley below to both of the fog-free summits, buffeted by ocean winds.
  • I think it's important to read because it makes clear that he's not some effete urbanite like me: he's a sober heartland working-class American who knows whereof he speaks.
  • The fêted Worcester quartet's latest is a triumph of loose-limbed chutzpah: breezy, funky rock'n'roll to brighten the shortening days. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teh hankee, teh 2 pence coyne fur teh merge end sea fone cawl, a littlo teenee sowing kit, wif teh obligatoree safetee pins Pete ignored his hoomins obsession with Twilight to a point… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Virginia Charles never carried much more money than carfare and other change to get dinner at the hospital cafeteria. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Never was a fête given by a sulkier host than King Otho that day proved to be. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • We bless and we curse effetely all the livelong day, vaguely cognizant of some long lost momentousness, too jejune in our materialism to believe in anything.
  • In a moment all the wrongs he had suffered at their hands were forgotten; he accepted the position of dictator or _suffete_, he caused more humane laws to be passed, and not only saved the people from ruin and enabled the merchants again to sell their goods, but paid the large sum demanded as a war indemnity by Rome within the year. The Red Book of Heroes
  • I smiled unsurely back at him, and then compliantly replied to his comment about the disgustingness of our cafeteria's food, and soon enough a conversation had started.
  • She always paid for their meals during rehearsals and they would troop off to the Express Dairy cafeteria opposite.
  • Yet it is to my best recollection that it was not you I invited to make plans for my upcoming fête, but your dear sister.
  • To help him, I hold his pen, and click the ballpoint in and out, so it won't go effete and lazy between clues.
  • He was carefully conveyed to the boat; the _Osprey_ was safely beached, high and dry, and loaded with stones to prevent her being buffeted by the winds again, until such time as she could be removed; and the boys, with lightened hearts, scrambled into the haaf-boat, carrying with them all their campaigning effects. Viking Boys
  • "What's going on in here, " a rough, stern voice suddenly growled into the cafeteria microphone.
  • But all this was only a prelude: the true celebration came Saturday night, when forty or so of my parents' friends joined us to fête David and Carée's engagement.
  • Then the prime minister's Tristar jet was buffeted by freak 200-mile-an-hour winds before being diverted from Ottawa to Montreal due to fog.
  • The kids are ankle-deep in water when it rains because of the drainage around their cafeteria.
  • TayLan - 17.01.2008 abii bende simdi leprop war biizm yanimizdaki cafeteryada net war ben bunun netini kuLLanamiom yani ikimiz kuLlanamiyoz tabi onun haberi yoq abiLer bi yardimci olrsaniz sevinirim papatya - 09.01.2008 En Son yazılar - Ferruh Mavituna
  • He wished he could hate them all at the same time, so his hatred would be dissipated, causing him to become an effete nobody sneering at the majority's intellectual pygmyism. An East Wind Coming
  • German fox-hunters tended to be aristocratic, in his view effete and probably Anglophile.
  • The streets of Yuma and Somerton are crowded with the automobiles of farmers, enriched by thousands of acres of splendid long-staple cotton, alfalfa, corn, and feterita. Community Civics and Rural Life
  • An older lady, one of the servers, walked into the cafeteria dressed in a white apron, hairnet, and black-framed bifocals, carrying a portable radio. Show Stoppah
  • It also boasts a sauna, massage rooms, a hydrotherapy pool, weight room, squash, and basketball courts and a cafeteria for the players.
  • Sarah Gaventa, who organises the V&A's annual fête, says it is thanks to these artists that many British industries still exist.
  • The nation had been buffeted by a wave of strikes.
  • He gladly took the ride to the school, where he sat on a simple cot yesterday in the cafeteria.
  • It used to be part of the church fête but we decided to have a separate flower show in its own right so it could be a bigger event.
  • I assume they've already replaced the cafeteria with a state of the art protein pellet dispensary. Would you trust these people with your kid?
  • For this reason he has encouraged the social committee to widen the scope of this year's fête, drawing in helpers from outside the congregation and offering to share any profits for the benefit of the town.
  • Tomes have been written on how, in late 18 th-century France, an effete and ineffectual monarchy was replaced by the tyranny of the sans-culottes and the bloodlust of the Committee for Public Safety.
  • He stood up on top of a table in the cafeteria and laughed for five minutes. 21 DOG YEARS
  • Supporters of this show even insist that being dumped in the Australian jungle is good for celebrities: the weak are culled but the strong are released into the wild, to appear on chat shows and open fêtes.
  • Mr Farline said: ‘When we got there we saw a lady on a bodyboard and we saw a girl to the south of her getting buffeted by the breaking sea.’
  • But it was not our fault that, in translating village feast into _fête de village_, she had allowed her imagination to mislead her with false hopes. Six to Sixteen A Story for Girls
  • They flew from the southeast toward northeast, buffeted lightly by some crabbing winds.
  • The event included a recreation of an American Civil War battle, a funfair, dog show, and fête stalls.
  • To go to the cafeteria, students have to go up a ramp and follow a hallway which led to the lunchroom in a different building.
  • The restaurant is cafeteria-style, so there's no waitstaff to rush you out.
  • My grandstand view of Nelson's Column would also have been considerably better had I not been sitting on a stiff plastic seat of the kind you'd expect to find in a cheap cafeteria.
  • The city is en fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is to be observed that as the cecum is only three inches in length and two and a half in diameter, and as its contents are necessarily propelled in opposition to gravity, a slight casualty will hinder or obstruct the upward movement of the pultaceous mass of the effete ingesta. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • They had just finished their lunch in the cafeteria.
  • The cafeteria plans of most large employers contain one or both of these arrangements as an integral part of the plan.
  • Three years later, the worker wounded two coworkers and killed three others in the company cafeteria.
  • The fete is Oscar-like, with a daunting line of photographers and smartphone-waving bloggers and fans. Fly Girls: TV series follows flight attendants at home and in the air
  • Meanwhile a new school in Maine tried to do the same thing with its library, cafeteria and science lab.
  • Being hungry, I stopped at the cafeteria and asked if they had kosher food.
  • He was feted with academic honours and positions, including the directorship of a masterclass in composition in Berlin.
  • To carry the analogy a little further, the Japanese would be the English of Asia - reserved, effete, cultured to the point of snobbery, at least in the face they present to outsiders.
  • He shakes hands with the principality's reigning monarch, Prince Hans Adam II, at a garden fête.
  • It would have applied to any food produced or sold in Oregon (but not to food sold in restaurants, cafeterias, or venues such as sporting events).
  • I changed into a fresh set of clothes quickly and headed for the cafeteria for a bite to eat.
  • The book of the feted Sydney restaurant features dishes such as "slow braised Berkshire pig jowl, maltose crackling, prunes, soubise cream perfumed with prune kernel oil" and another that uses 20 varieties of radish and turnip. The 25 best cookbooks of 2010
  • Decadent, adults-only desserts that warm over your soul provide an escape from hum-drum food found in university cafeterias and surrounding student-oriented restaurants.
  • Consumer groups were urging school cafeterias to serve healthier food.
  • Customers line-up cafeteria-style, filling red plastic trays with pastries, using not their hands, but a pair of tongs taken from a rack.
  • It is described as being a cafeteria and bistro serving simple food.
  • a group of effete self-professed intellectuals
  • She adds that the entire area of foodservice, including restaurants, hotels, cafeterias, and health care facilities, are now catching on to the aseptic phenomenon.
  • Under the aegis of the church a fete was going to be held in the rectory grounds in Church Road. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • What made things worse for Williamson was that the British Olympic Association had fêted her as a gold medal prospect.
  • I had not fully declared these words, when as behold all the servants of the house were assembled with weapons to drive me away, one buffeted me about the face, another about the shoulders, some strook me in the sides, some kicked me, and some tare my garments, and so I was handled amongst them and driven from the house, as the proud young man The Golden Asse
  • An immigrant buffeted by war and with little formal education, he learnt his trade as an intern before marching out on his own as a photojournalist.
  • To recuperate some of the money lost, trash and treasure was sold in a mini-fete at the school last week - and there was plenty of community support.
  • Arthur Ashe Stadium is deluged by rain and buffeted by gale force winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Results were consistent whether the venue was an upscale bistro or a university cafeteria.
  • We get buffeted through life like a ball-bearing in a bagatelle, bouncing off chance encounters, opportunities, unforeseen obstacles.
  • Sophia bought two hot cocoas from the school cafeteria and the two of them drank them vigorously.
  • There were also outrageous exaggerations on the cafeteria scene circulating around the school.
  • For dining, resort cafeterias often serve hearty, inexpensive breakfasts.
  • It was to that place he began to attract the world by fêtes and gallantries, and by making it felt that he wished to be often seen.
  • The country is buffeted by oligarchs and their nets of businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consumer groups were urging school cafeterias to serve healthier food.
  • The fêted quokka selfie smile is not an indication of happiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • After rehearsals, we'd all troop off to the cafeteria.
  • It helps tremendously that Montrealers haven't yet felt the first pangs of festival fatigue - timing is everything in fête season, especially in film.
  • It must have seemed so simple for a man once fêted as one of most glamorous entrepreneurs of his generation. Times, Sunday Times
  • “It looks like GEO600 is being buffeted by the microscopic quantum convulsions of space-time,” says Hogan. Shadows on Plato's Cave: Giant Hologram Version
  • Unfortunately, National Minorities Commission is effete because the persons, who hold positions there, have personal interests above their constitutional obligations.
  • Inevitably it is fêted by the critics as ‘raw and authentic’, optioned by Hollywood and nominated for a major literary prize.
  • Anywhere else, really, aside from a church summer fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet her effete husband paraded his catamites in front of her; Piers Gaveston even flaunted the Queen's wedding jewellery on his person.
  • Alain and Enguerrand were ushered up the grand staircase, lined with tiers of costly exotics as if for a fete; but in that and in all kinds of female luxury, the Duchesse lived in a state of _fete perpetuelle_. The Parisians — Volume 05
  • Like airline food, university cafeterias rarely have a strong and loyal following among the discerning gourmands they serve.
  • It's a cosy, less effete way of nodding to the trend. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone had gained access to the cafeteria's speaker system and was playing music.
  • Cotnari is a natural white dessert wine; pale, delicate and aromatic; the result of botrytis attacking the indigenous Grasa and Frincusa, perfumed with Tamaioasa and Feteasca.
  • Whether you get a hot dog at the cafeteria or you're having a state dinner at the Tavern, people need to give us more credit than what they do sometimes," said Solobay, referring to a pricey restaurant near Harrisburg. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The Iraqi Bar Association cafeteria is one of the few public places in Baghdad where Sunnis and Shiites can openly have conversations, al-Dulaimi says. Shortage of Iraqi lawyers no joke
  • Today, though, Lowry is effetely lamenting the fact that McCain was booed at a highly politicized college by liberal students when McCain praised the Iraq War. Archive 2006-05-01
  • But Save Montreal shaped the city we know, so much so that last week city hall - its former foe - formally fêted its main dude Michael Fish.
  • He goes around the cafeteria and floats from table to table, talking with everyone and mooching off them at the same time so he doesn't have to pay for lunch.
  • As the Bowery fete ably proves, Superdrag's back catalog is loaded with power-pop bullets-such as the cheerfully bitter post-major-label plaint "Keep It Close to Me Village Voice - The most recent 10 stories
  • Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.
  • (with the blood-poisoning and delirium above-mentioned), sometimes after an overdose, but oftener seeming to occur spontaneously, or in the midst of physical or mental agony as great and irrelievable as men suffer in hopeful abandonment of the drug, and with a colliquative diarrhea, by which -- in a continual fiery, acrid discharge -- the system relieves itself during a final fortnight of the effete matters which have been accumulating for years. The Opium Habit
  • If I had my choice of roles, I'd opt for Peter Ustinov's part: Lentulus Batiatus, the slave dealer and slightly effete villain.
  • Weeks after the grand fête, the garbage generated festers in an illegal dump strewn along the Troumassee river bank.
  • Her husband and daughter were across the hall, at the Republican precinct caucus being held in the cafeteria. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was the first of the 20th century's great couturiers, fêted by all.
  • Then the gathering of the vraic was a fete, and the lads and lasses footed it on the green or on the hard sand, to the chance flageolets of sportive seamen home from the war. The Battle of the Strong — Complete A Romance of Two Kingdoms
  • The hero was feted wherever he went.
  • More on Minnesota's Angry Humorist: The New York Post's Page Six column calls him an effete egghead, but that doesn't quite capture it.
  • She presided over fêtes and bazaars and kept our mild vicar and his ` woolly-minded " wife in order. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Are we so effete that we get queasier over objects and records than lives? Globe and Mail
  • The trial, held in the cafeteria of the Youth Guidance Center, lasted four weeks.
  • Tears were ripped from her eyes as she was buffeted by the blast.
  • Lester was being junketed, feted, and celebrated all over the place, having people kiss his ass up and down, writing articles in big magazines for a living, and getting his name printed in big bold letters. I slept with Joey Ramone
  • Why would I give all that up to live in a hooch and eat cafeteria food for a year?
  • The frail craft, though buffeted by violent winds and sudden air pockets, stayed aloft.
  • Extensive flower gardens, an adventure playground, and cafeteria, all help to make this a delightful place to visit.
  • Other diners in the cafeteria cast sidelong glances as they hear his Québécois accent decry the injustices of the street.
  • They will also have to host an annual fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • The nation had been buffeted by a wave of strikes.
  • During the dot-com boom, software engineers became celebrities, fêted by the press.
  • My sister and I stood in the funeral home's back room, painted a washed-out green like an old cafeteria's kitchen.
  • Student assemblies, cafeterias, and libraries provided a semi-institutional network within which radical ideas and literature could circulate.
  • Yeah, I saw him in the cafeteria and tried to say hi, but he was all podded up. "It’s peculiar and unnerving in a way to see so many young people walking around with cell phones and iPods in their ears..."
  • Danielle Salamon was also four when she was feted as a musical genius in 1953.
  • What does kind of disturb me is the possibility that this fete might involve hiring a michael jackson impersonator. Regretsy – WTF Alchemy Request
  • I used to eat at a Scandinavian cafeteria in San Francisco that called itself a "smorgasbord" and advertised its reindeer meatballs over pasta as superior to the Italian meatballs at the U.S. Cafe next door. With Best Countries Like These…
  • As you might expect, the path is exposed to the elements; sometimes it is blessed by sun and clear skies while the rest of the peninsula is in rain, and at other times it is buffeted by strong winds and rain coming in from the sea.
  • The Hall of Fame at Barcelona is full of great names such as Cruyff, Stoichkov, Rivaldo and Ronaldo but very few have been fêted like Lionel Messi, whose name rolled down the steepling terraces as he walked off, almost bashfully, bouncing the match ball like a little kid. Top stories from Times Online
  • In lotteries incidental to exempt entertainment - for example those conducted at a school fête - the proceeds must be used for the benefit of any deserving section of the public.
  • At cafeterias, you complain that the gelatin is too tough. You Know You’re Over The Hill When… « You Got to be Kidding's Blog
  • Let Hobart thrill to levees and martial parades of Her Majesty's arms, and fêtes champêtre served by liveried flunkeys.
  • Is it the unadorned simple man that you welcome to your bosom, or a thing of stars and garters, a patch of parchment, the minion of a throne, the lordling of twenty descents, in which each has been weaker than that before it, the hero of a scutcheon, whose glory is in his quarterings, and whose worldly wealth comes from the sweat of serfs whom the euphonism of an effete country has learned to decorate with the name of tenants? ' He Knew He Was Right
  • He apreciat un notable ascens dels comentaris i del diàleg al meu mur del Facebook … precisament de les piulades fetes amb #fb. Sobre “Selective Twitter Status” | [bauen]
  • This was followed by Station facilities at Pant with its cafeteria, licensed restaurant shop and toilet facilities plus local workshops.
  • An immediate roar deafened the cafeteria as everyone surged to gather around the battle.
  • A red streamer with white lettering drawing attention to the fete had been mounted above the rectory wall. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • The warehousemen are responsible for distributing food supplies to the program's school cafeterias in the north of Haiti.
  • If you have ever made the mistake of eating merguez in a French motorway cafeteria you will know how horrible the commercial kind can be: gristly, fatty, staggeringly salty.
  • the young man spoke in effete, accented English
  • Melinda sat in the hard plastic chair opposite of him, with a long square nail slitting open her perfect little brown paper bag containing her lunch, she never ate cafeteria food, never.
  • It might seem sorta whatevs nowadays, but in an era when the whole point of American underground rock was to define oneself against the eyeliner-effete English, it took either much focus-grouping and/or mad naiveté to dream up a whole new rock identity.
  • Behind them trails the Jumbo Queen, feted by her weighty ladies-in-waiting, waving gaily at the crowd.
  • BP's stock gyrated similarly last year, buffeted by everything from bad weather to robotic snafus on the sea-bed, not to mention a steady drip-feed of comments from politicians and clean-up officials. BP's Parallel With Japan Crisis
  • San Rafael, when the soldiers surprise the Penitentes at mass in the early dawn of their fete day, will appeal strongly to the dramatizer. Lazarre
  • We raked the water's mirrored edge and poled in willow-shrouded brakes, plumbed the deep and darked ledge, traced dimensions of despair and waked in light to fete your coming home – Archive 2008-06-01
  • He was wildly popular and yet fêted by the critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also inaugurated a multipurpose hall, cafeteria, teaching block and library building.
  • Everyone uses the cafeteria, from the managing director down to the office boy.
  • On the staff front, support facilities would include a staff-only cafeteria, windowed break rooms with outside access, and a health club.
  • He took plenty of hard knocks and got up to give plenty of hard knocks, took a good pack mark, buffeted Richardson out of position in marking duels, punched the ball clear and is a stylish left foot kick.
  • They will also have to host an annual fête. Times, Sunday Times
  • NOTHING at a fete should ever be $12! and beware the bloody salvos store in Ballarat where a used paperback was $14, and the counter nong flew into a rage when I said Fairy beard
  • It's 1981: the world has fallen under the spell of music performed by effete blokes in frilly shirts and trowled-on make-up.

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