
How To Use Fetching In A Sentence

  • A glance at any probate casebook will demonstrate how often solicitous distant relatives, keen to do fetching and carrying as well as to sort out troublesome financial affairs, show up in the declining years of lonely old people.
  • Your nerdiness is my favorite of your many fetching qualities. (Inside A Black Apple)
  • Can you imagine a moggie carrying Sunday papers with all those supplements, or fetching letters without scratching them to shreds?
  • Jill plays his fetching daughter in charge of passing the collection plate.
  • The first semi-final round will have the debonair Tony O'Neill, representing 3: AM Magazine, facing off against the fetching Maureen Tkacik (pronounced "Tay-sick," the announcer is told), representing The Crier or something. July 2007
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  • Speaking in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, she said Zambian gemstones were fetching five dollars per carat, equivalent of five grammes, on the West African market.
  • Not so long ago, all six would have been busy at this hour fetching water from distant wells and lugging it back to the small subsistence farms, known as shambas, that dot rural western Kenya.
  • Features: Wears fetching grey jumpsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made a moue that must have been quite fetching thirty or forty years ago.
  • I crossed the hall and went into the den, fetching an old-fashioned glass and the bottle of Cutty Sark.
  • Much of Gaius's squiredom was spent fetching and carrying for the knight, lugging spare weapons and armour around while his master dispensed advice, ostensibly teaching the youth the virtues of humility and laboriousness.
  • Feminism which is, of course, expressed through the time-honored medium of a fetching Andre-the-Giant-esque sports bra and skin-tight low-rise Han Solo pants, just as it should be. Your Mileage May Vary | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The front desk was old-school, too - a weary homunculus behind a desk, reading a newspaper, fetching your key and your messages from the slots behind him.
  • They talk about running the easting down," Mr. Pike chortled to me, as we clung to the poop-rail to keep from fetching away and breaking ribs and necks. CHAPTER XL
  • The altogether fetching, ground-hugging alpine forget-me-nots are at their peak in mid-July (followed closely by such charmers as alpine sandwort, mouse ear, and rockjasmine).
  • Still debating as to whether or not wellies will be required I have a fetching pair of pink croc wellies so maybe I *will* need them... Normal service will resume shortly
  • Trained by Festival shrewdie Edward O'Grady, he's son of Montjeu who ran on the Flat in France after fetching a staggering 230,000 euros as a yearling. Undefined
  • Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying.
  • Features: Wears fetching grey jumpsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • You look very fetching in that hat.
  • Enjoying a sudden burst of confidence, primarily because he'd just spotted a particularly pretty classmate in a fetching skating skirt, he shot off and left me to my own devices.
  • I am wearing a fetching pink leotard with a lightning bolt on it. The Sun
  • This explains the somewhat rough hewn, fetchingly casual nature of his analyses of the game at certain key stages.
  • Very Italian, too, is the "Serenade" with accompaniment à la mandolin, which is the most fetching number in the suite "Captive Memories," published in 1899. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Often unsure, he seems to rely on Lucky for more than just fetching his stool and carrying his bag.
  • I expect Kylie would look quite fetching in any part of the collection, however, particularly in comparison with some mannish catwalk models.
  • So I'm talking to a rather fetching dame with a disco outfit circa 1970, when a nebbish second year inserts himself uninvited to our conversation.
  • A Third Secretary, a dogsbody, fetching and carrying for the ambassador, and sometimes only the counsellor. KARA KUSH
  • As mentioned earlier, the only childhood task I dreaded more than fetching things was hauling combustibles, like paper, down to the shacks by the creek.
  • He does and doesn't want to marry as he serially observes his friends' conjugal problems and dallies with three fetching bachelorettes.
  • She saw people along the riverbank, bathing, washing their clothing, watering their livestock or fetching a bucketful.
  • While you were fetching more potted meat he offered me a strange rolled-up cigarette. Times, Sunday Times
  • I saw Mary fetching about hither and thither.
  • Susan Sarandon pulls MILF duty in this widely panned remake of the 1960s classic about a fetchingly accented British womanizer.
  • Or would having no passport and a fetching electronic tag somehow alert airport security? Times, Sunday Times
  • The red trimming was very fetching, but we thought it quite appropriate, for there is always a lot of _red tape_ necessary in getting out of a country that is _At War_. Into the Jaws of Death
  • She saw people along the riverbank, bathing, washing their clothing, watering their livestock or fetching a bucketful.
  • Yonder magnificent astronomy he is at last to import, fetching away moon, and planet, solstice, period, comet and binal star, by comprehending their relation and law. Tehachapi News
  • Abbas, the late Pasha, did his best to buy first-rate Arab stallions: on one occasion he sent a mission to Al-Madinah for the sole purpose of fetching a rare work on farriery. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • You look very fetching in your green shorts.
  • It will be controlled by some rather fetching running tights. Times, Sunday Times
  • However straw and good quality hay are a different story with good hay making up to and over E28 a round bale while square bales of straw are fetching E2.40.
  • [Sidenote: A diuell fetching gambols.] togither, they brought it vnto him, and laid it altogither vpon an heape, so to delight his eies: but he declaring that he saw a diuell plaieng and fetching gambols about that heape of monie, commanded that it should be had awaie, and restored againe to them of whome it was leauied. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) The Eight Booke of the Historie of England
  • Candles are glimmering, a piano is playing, pretty women in slinky dresses and high heels sway fetchingly down the staircase.
  • For I once referred to Ms. Landrieu as ‘somewhat fetching.’
  • She lay long hours by the wharf-boats of busy towns, exchanging one cargo for another, in that anarchic fetching and carrying which we call commerce, and which we drolly suppose to be governed by laws. Short Stories and Essays (from Literature and Life)
  • To start with we stripped the old paint (a fetching shade of blue) using a metal paint stripper.
  • He will be fetching old claret from the cellar in no time! Jackson just wanted to say hello...
  • This spring, Jantzen launched its "Heritage Collection," which features fetching swimsuits and other pieces of casual apparel adapted and updated from a hundred years of maillots, bandeaux, maxis, cowls and bikinis. Susan Kim: Eye Candy
  • Here also she gets her lines right, she is still poised and graceful, she is still fetching on the dance floor, but she has precious little to do.
  • The smiles was coquettish, fetching, and she traced the modest neck on her dress as if an invitation to seeing what was under it.
  • Land like this is fetching significant prices which does not compare with the rental income.
  • Features: Wears fetching grey jumpsuit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, they remember that Karl had been robbed shortly before his death by a fetching young mechanic, Rudolf.
  • The tastefulness of his treble viol playing and the more resonant, lower lyra viol is fetching, and his rhythmic liveliness is always in evidence, but 28 dances are slightly too much of a very good thing. Jordi Savall: The Celtic Viol II – review
  • This hardtop convertible is fetching from any angle and will undoubtedly be a big hit with the rich and famous.
  • It struggles greatly to hold your attention, despite the presence of the fetching Lane, who has been here before to far better effect in A Walk On The Moon and Unfaithful.
  • I don't think it is Problem, because it is clear from the name itself that "datareader" is used to Read data and nothing else, so you can say datareader is used for fetching records from the database in forwordonly mode. ASP.NET Forums
  • The decision to go with my rather fetching moleskin jacket was looking like a victory for style over practicality.
  • After fetching the wagon bed, they rolled out the wheels and axles and assembled the vehicle.
  • Opposite, there was a dress shop selling some rather fetching one-piece bathing suits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problem of delivering and fetching non-through wagon flows for the dedicated industrial lines distributed in actinoid shape is studied.
  • Among my own more active endeavours was an attempt to hire a man to help with fetching water and doing laundry, both considered women's work.
  • Australian aboriginal art is not only fashionable on the international art scene, it's also fetching huge prices in the salerooms.
  • With a free wheeling expressive mind-set the band seem incredibly focused, displaying fetching guitar rifts demonstrating a resemblance comparable to a Libertines stage show.
  • Once we reached the library, we three signed in, and Kelsey surreptitiously drifted away, fetching the large tome and bringing it to the room where we were doing our shift.
  • Ticket stubs are now hot collector's items, with many fetching unheard-of prices.
  • Unfortunately, the flash in the following photo misses what I was trying to capture - that being the fact that Minnesotan women can be quite fetching.
  • Nice to meet you," he said in a voice that recalled the smarmy tone of Eddie Haskell complimenting June Cleaver on her fetching outfit. My Drifter Doppelganger
  • We hike down a surprisingly gentle trail, passing through stunted pinons to a Ponderosa coppice and a fetchingly derelict bridge at river's edge.
  • His foot caught on it in mid-leap, and he stumbled out onto the bridge wing, fetching up against the alidade. Nuke Zone
  • Her whole morning was spent in fetching and carrying.
  • I am wearing a fetching pink leotard with a lightning bolt on it. The Sun
  • The soloists, too, delivered a fetching geometry onstage, delightful to Balanchine aficionados anytime.
  • She nodded and gave him her fingers and the most fetching and wreathy of smiles, and he, eager to the point of folly, added: “Oh, so do I.” An American Tragedy
  • Could it be that he looks rather fetching in that green hat? The Sun
  • The panties are equally fetching and - thank goodness for small miracles - very wearable.
  • a fetching new hairstyle
  • Alex FouldsDevelopment director, Southern Railway• On seeing the crocheted apple cosies in G2 (Crafts, 23 May), who can have failed to be reminded of the fetching "Shawl-Coatee for Winter Turnip" in the Practice and Fury of Knitting chapter of And Now All This by Sellar and Yeatman (1932)? Letters: Brighton early
  • -- When an author has a number of books out a cunning hand will keep them all spinning, as Signor Blitz does his dinner-plates; fetching each one up, as it begins to "wabble," by an advertisement, a puff, or a quotation. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The collection of kitwear's finest posted online includes one mog in a fetching blue cardigan. The Sun
  • I saw Mary fetching about hither and thither.
  • You can imagine my disappointment when I was issued with my flying suit, a dowdy navy blue number complete with fetching leather skullcap.
  • However, she is funny (read Esquire interview), clever (Harvard A student whilst pursuing acting career) and quite fetching.
  • Fetchingly clad in a scarlet trouser suit, Dallas launches into the songs with the minimum of fuss and gush: her business is to deliver the number.
  • Like a log of wood I crossed the Cabin, fetching up at last against Traveller, whose strong hand propelled me to the porthole frame. ANTI-ICE
  • She is always fetching, and quiet unnerving as the silent stalker.
  • - When an author has a number of books out a cunning hand will keep them all spinning, as Signor Blitz does his dinner-plates; fetching each one up, as it begins to "wabble," by an advertisement, a puff, or a quotation. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
  • He even considered fetching his sphygmomanometer and taking his blood pressure, simply out of curiosity.
  • From my gawking spot across the cafe, I can't testify to her firmness or fashionableness, but I think everyone in that cafe was busy facing it - she's fetching.
  • Summoned by casting assistant Vincent Conniff, these fetching unknowns with marquee-friendly names — Teddie Blue, Dona Dax, Iris Gaye, Maren Marlin — were outfitted in felt cowboy hats, belted bolero jackets, leather-studded cuffs, short suedette skirts, and black boots. It Happened One Night ... at MGM
  • I was aware of her fetching another bottle, then of her rubbing something cool into my skin. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Combined with a fetching ensemble of white leather belts and straps, the effect is arresting.
  • Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bedjacket.
  • I am wearing a fetching pink leotard with a lightning bolt on it. The Sun
  • Like a log of wood I crossed the Cabin, fetching up at last against Traveller, whose strong hand propelled me to the porthole frame. ANTI-ICE
  • I am wearing a fetching pink leotard with a lightning bolt on it. The Sun
  • The goalie, in fetching golden boots, slides out to collect the ball with the look of a frightened animal.
  • Very fetching undress uniform I shouldn't wonder.
  • These are all rather fetching names, though few of them are ones it would have occurred to me to choose.
  • Cash-strapped sponsors of table tennis, billiards and badminton are seriously considering a change in uniform so that its women players look less dowdy and more fetching.
  • “crying vehemently Zelmane help me, O Zelmane have pity on me”; and the old King, in whom the beautiful strange Amazon has awakened a senile amorosity, shows himself old and foolish, looking “very curiously upon himself, sometimes fetching a little skip, as if he had said his strength had not yet forsaken him”. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • This Naxos CD brings together three of his best concertante works in fetching new performances.
  • The doors were opened and a familiar woman with long, luscious blond hair and an elegant and fetching air was admitted.
  • Among my own more active endeavours was an attempt to hire a man to help with fetching water and doing laundry, both considered women's work.
  • What's the law about him fetching himself all Gabriel's lives? THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • The collection of kitwear's finest posted online includes one mog in a fetching blue cardigan. The Sun
  • Could it be that he looks rather fetching in that green hat? The Sun
  • In Joey's adult-child personality and fetching narrative voice you will find an echo of Huck Finn, whose situation, remember, was not so different.
  • Instead we get a boozily celebratory Don striking out again at the Waldorf bar that night with Dr. Faye, the fetchingly manipulative consulting psychologist for the agency. William Bradley: Mad Men Makes the All-Time Television Pantheon and Unspools Another Fine Episode
  • The dye also ran, but as long as your crossbelts were pipeclayed and hair powdered, who cared if you were dressed in a fetching shade of pink?
  • Director Pradip Sarkar realises there is no beauty in vanity, hence his girl is beautiful without being vain, she is fetching without being beguiling.
  • An Old Etonian from a military family, a "rugger" fan and a Marylebone Cricket Club member, he ought to be ensconced in a Mayfair private members 'club or doing something in private banking - not designing ostentatious, colourful jewellery fetching up to hundreds of thousands of pounds. Top stories from Times Online
  • Mirinda sings a fetching aria about being like a jasmine flower - two harpsichords provide a charming accompaniment - and Elena Cecchi Fedi makes the most of it.
  • After noticing recently that the originals were fetching £1,500 on eBay, Saville decided to produce 500 re-editions of the poster which will cost £100 each.
  • Fetching the stick about,he strokes her in the forehead.
  • 9: 18 PM comments: gomer said ... gomer is itching to do a quick one thousand words on kim darby's appearance but he is going to refrain out of respect for the site owner who may or may not appreciate it. that is a nice pink argyle vest though, kin of fetching. i dont see angie dickinson though. at least not in a form i, or anyone else, would recognize. True Grit Days
  • I am convinced I would look fetching in one of these.
  • Children specialize in scaring birds from cornfields with slingshots, fetching water, and carrying a hot lunch from home to their fathers and brothers in the field.
  • Sure, the gals look fetching in their outfits - and Cook and Dawson aren't bad as Josie and Valerie.
  • The other horses were brought in and the two girls were kept busy, fetching fresh water and hay for the horses, while the horsemen groomed the animals and bedded them down.
  • Fortunately, true to the title, he does go to hell, where he's assaulted by demons, propositioned by demonettes in pasties and g-strings, and stripped to his overample but still fetching flesh.
  • He hired the country's only female brewmaster and plastered her fetching image on posters.
  • He was quite a tunesmith, offering such fetching melodies at will.
  • And thence they steadily left behind long leagues of sea and stayed on the beach of Aegina; and at once they contended in innocent strife about the fetching of water, who first should draw it and reach the ship. The Argonautica
  • Most comparison sites also use prefilled forms when fetching quotes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is Nelson turning his alakazam wordplay skills, fetching singing, and rapscallion rocking into straight-ahead songwriter territory, long overdue. Three Imaginary Girls - Seattle's sparkly indie-pop press
  • After fetching the wagon bed, they rolled out the wheels and axles and assembled the vehicle.
  • Flitches of bacon and 'hands' (_i. e._, shoulders of cured pork, the legs or hams being sold, as fetching a better price) abounded; and for any visitor who could stay, neither cream nor finest wheaten flour was wanting for 'turf cakes' and 'singing hinnies,' with which it is the delight of the northern housewives to regale the honoured guest, as he sips their high-priced tea, sweetened with dainty sugar. Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1
  • As she conducts household errands, fetching apples or replating candlesticks, she seeks ‘her own secret’.
  • She looked very fetching in a little red hat.
  • The gatefold sleeve is rather fetching, but the music within is anything but.
  • I am wearing a fetching pink leotard with a lightning bolt on it. The Sun
  • She looked far more fetching in person than she'd appeared in the transmissions enthroned on her mustardy leather sofa. -And Lurking Behind Quasar 3C295 . . .
  • You look very fetching in that hat with the purple dress.
  • So I can vouch for his genial generosity, wise humanity, and the glint in his eye with which he would, with reasonable content, have surveyed Wales's sometimes fetching performance in last month's World Cup, although the old hoofer would have snorted at their pathetic goal-kicking. Tons of reasons to support the monarchs of sport | Frank Keating
  • High school as American exceptionalism in the bang of a locker is a fetching idea, but unfortunately, Milner's specialty is pecking orders: his best-known work, Status and Sacredness (1994), examined India's caste system. The Kids Are All Right
  • As our evening wound to a close, she openly worried that her purse - though incredibly fetching with its come-hither stitching - could not contain the funds to accommodate such an evening.
  • Ensconced on a giant rucksack, wearing camouflage paint, a helmet and some fetching pink frillies, Lydia's mum Jodie, agreed: ‘It's absolutely fantastic.’
  • Emily looked great, as always; Dasha had that tall blonde thing working to perfection, and Helen was quite fetching in a stylish ensemble and a devilish gleam in her eyes.
  • The red haired nurse eventually left after plumping my pillow and fetching me some water.
  • I like to keep active, and was chopping wood, general fetching and carrying," said Wood, known as a dab hand at DIY. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Flirting shyly with that Spanish gigolo in the parking lot and then lumbering off to skinny-dip in the ocean with his fetching male student. Watch John Wayne in The Quiet Man: live!
  • Plus, they're fetching prices of $299 a piece, which could easily buy a regular pogo stick plus a decent skateboard to boot.
  • Each lash is fetchingly tapered to a point, and is much thicker and almost double the length of my old substandard wisps.
  • In Russia, an employment service company, GogoJobs, uses as its fetching Global English web address.xviii In Peru, some job seekers respond to advertisements for white-collar jobs offered by the Lima branch of the medical outfit Merck & Co., while others apply for far more dangerous jobs in nearby copper mines. The English Is Coming!
  • Here also she gets her lines right, she is still poised and graceful, she is still fetching on the dance floor, but she has precious little to do.
  • The catalogues were fetching in six times the printing costs. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • She was looking fetching in a chocolate-colored dress with her flaming red hair blown out straight.
  • Paul Smith has some fetching bobble hats that fit well into this winter's glamping ethic.
  • It will be controlled by some rather fetching running tights. Times, Sunday Times
  • You look very fetching in that hat with the purple dress.
  • She has a mane of black hair, sloe eyes a fetching smile and a cute giggle.
  • The tires are brown, there's pretty arcing streaks along the car, in fetching pale beige, and blackened handprints round the bonnet and door handle.
  • And honestly, I found him to be quite fetching, this Pappy of the Southern Wood.
  • She was in some kind of nightie, and actually looked somewhat fetching; I hadn't really looked at her before. Question Quest
  • Martin's hilarious account of Boswell's attempting to impress the King of Prussia by wearing a fetching Scottish bonnet is matched, deliciously, by Sisman's description of Boswell's announcing his connection to the Scottish royal line to the Hanoverian George III, who was distinctly unamused. Bozzy's Life
  • I am frequently towed along to these places by my girlfriend as my gruff exterior conceals a metrosexual's eye for a fetching piece of fashionable apparel.
  • a fetching new hairdo
  • But the hopefulness with which Joey starts the summer rapidly devolves into confusion and fright as he tries to manage his remorseful, fetching, intemperate, hyperactive, and alcoholic father.
  • We even got to roam around Television Centre with them a bit today - Mena making a particularly fetching weather presenter.
  • So I'm talking to a rather fetching dame with a disco outfit circa 1970, when a nebbish second year inserts himself uninvited to our conversation.
  • In June of the following year, another refulgent sculpture from Koons's iconic "Celebration Series," the similarly candy-colored "Balloon Flower (Magenta)," surpassed that price, fetching $25.7 million in a Christie's showroom. ARTINFO: The Blue Flower: How Jeff Koons's "Balloon" Sculpture Could Make History, Again, at Christie's
  • Mick offered his services as a dance partner and was a big attraction with the ladies, fetching the highest price of €200 in the bidding.
  • Fetching the stick about,he strokes her in the forehead.
  • The springers are very intelligent dogs and they love fetching and playing with toys.
  • Ken Griffey Jr.'s 1989 rookie card was fetching $150 -- a small fortune my buddies and I who used to ride our bikes across town to the nearest card shop to slap down a couple bucks for a pack.
  • But her leg from ankle to knee, whatever she wore, remained long, slim and fetching. SPLITTING
  • It's currently fetching $40.25 seppo dollars, which is all kinds of alarming.

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