
How To Use Fesse In A Sentence

  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by outline shoot Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rustic MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by stipulate torpedo Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rancher MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • I know by my family history that a forebear of mine turned on the gods of Mother India and professed faith to the One True God.
  • You died near ninety, still unbelieving, unconfessed, and unreceived.
  • Indeed, Mr Kenyatta confessed that a number of his allies had asked him not to attend the harambee "because their people were still in IDP camps. AllAfrica News: Latest
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  • She's a self-professed supporter of prison reform.
  • During the whole of the thirteenth century, and for some time afterwards, the Hojo continued to govern the country; and it is noteworthy that these regents never assumed the title of shogun, but professed to be merely shogunal deputies. Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation
  • But concord and harmony were the professed and accepted norm for the conduct of relations.
  • One widow, she said, was carrying around $900,000 in uncashed cheques; another confessed to spending $15,000 on designer clothes.
  • The offender was dealt with leniently as he had confessed his crime.
  • He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
  • Lord George professed that he had observed the same thing; but then, as he whispered into Mr. Nappie's ear, Mr. Greystock was particularly known as a bashful man. The Eustace Diamonds
  • Lauren Bacall stars as Lucy, about to marry Kyle when Rock Hudson's Mitch professes his undying love.
  • It was as if a professed unbeliever in ghosts should be frightened by a ghost story.
  • The self-confessed "bushie" from Mudgee, NSW, has overcome the greatest of adversaries life has repeatedly thrown at him. Undefined
  • It must be confessed, however, that certain influences darkened the style even before it had reached maturity; chief among these was a gloomy hierarchical splendour, and a ritual rigidity, which to-day we yet refer to, quite properly, as Byzantinism. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The 'work hard, get good grades and go to college to get a job' mantra is dead," says twenty-something self-confessed hustler Scott Gerber, author of Never Get a "Real" Job: How To Dump Your Boss, Build a Business and Not Go Broke (Wiley, December 2010). Emily Bennington: 'Entitled' to What, Being Unemployed?
  • They confessed themselves to have made a great mistake.
  • The second unsuccessful attempt to be professed had a transforming effect on him. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a self-confessed occasional HYS commenter on the BBC, it seems even their 'moderators' are tarnished by the bias and the 'house rules' are taken from their 'little labour book of creating wooly, abusable, and loopholed and rules and laws'. OPEN THREAD
  • He is the only confessed believer in this symposium of essays.
  • Never for a moment did I doubt the acceptability to an investment banker of a professed love of money.
  • ‘It all leads to the same place - fear of the unknown, fear of letting go, facing your own death,’ she has confessed.
  • Some male executives make a point of brewing their own coffee to symbolize their professed non-sexist orientation.
  • Wuz that tenderfoot musicianer, Perfesser Vere de Blaw! A Little Book of Western Verse
  • Having confessed, according to the terms of the text, that the field or ground is not the Church, but the world, he proceeds, with a very strong animus against what he calls puritanism or separatism, [14] to argue in the usual way against every attempt to purify the visible The Parables of Our Lord
  • He had recently collared a car thief who confessed to breaking into 100 cars in one night.
  • My husband confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.
  • There's not much about ID in lotus land, but there's a Conservative Christian Bible belt which professes "God created the heavens and the earth" and the two apparently go hand in hand. The Memory Hole
  • The great standard, in the Maiden's wars, was to be used for the rallying of all her host; the pennon was a signal to those who fought around her, as guards of her body; and about the banner afterwards gathered, for prayer and praise, those men, confessed and clean of conscience, whom she had called and chosen. A Monk of Fife
  • The captain professed great annoyance and indignation at what he termed the desertion of his ward, and demanded to know when the tutor proposed to return to his duties. Roger Ingleton, Minor
  • The self-confessed drug addict admitted possessing heroin with intent, but claimed that he was only looking after it for another person.
  • Potter confessed City's second-half showing could not match that of the first but believed Radcliffe deserved credit for stemming the flow of goals conceded before grabbing a late consolation ten minutes from time.
  • Self-confessed shoplifter, embezzler and small-town deceiver. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • Sam, a self-confessed tinhorn, “expected to find masses of silver lying all about the ground and glittering in the sun on the mountain summits.” LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • He died on Christmas Day, 1946 — ironically appropriate for a disbeliever who once confessed to be studying the Bible “for loopholes.” Five People Born on January 29 | myFiveBest
  • The near-opaque video quality and confessedly basic skill level don't make this an extra you'll get a lot of mileage out of.
  • Per fesse indented quarterly or and sable, in each quarter an annulet counterchanged. Notes and Queries, Number 43, August 24, 1850
  • The self-confessed music lover, who has been studying it formally since he was a teenager, cannot sing enough about love.
  • Our bank manager confessed to being prohibited from putting anything in writing, which is why he expects clients to speak to him directly.
  • Besides the goat offered for the people the blood of which was sprinkled before the mercy seat, the high priest led forth a second goat, namely, the scapegoat; over it he confessed the people's sins, putting them on the head of the goat, which was sent as the sin-bearer into the wilderness out of sight, implying that the atonement effected by the goat sin offering (of which the ceremony of the scapegoat is a part, and not distinct from the sin offering) consisted in the transfer of the people's sins on the goat, and their consequent removal out of sight. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Although Moulsworth professes "love" for the "virgin Muses" (l. 41), she also realizes that too exclusive a devotion to them would have left her "a virgin to this houre" (l. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • This is when hundreds of communists and non-communists ‘confessed’ to make-believe crimes in show trials.
  • L'avocat général a requis vendredi de quinze à vingt ans de prison contre Jacques Viguier, professeur de droit toulousain jugé en appel par la cour d'assises du Tarn pour le meurtre de son épouse, Suzanne, mystérieusement disparue depuis le 27 février 2000. 19 Disappearance
  • A fault confessed is half redressed. 
  • As discussed below, there are relatively few votes at issue here; it is fair to infer that, notwithstanding their professed confidence, the Democrats are expecting a very tight Senate race.
  • Kate may be a self-confessed dag who loves hanging at home in her tracky dacks and footy jumper but after our image-conscious judges exposed appearance as a weakness, Kate has presented herself as a beautiful diva and tirelessly worked at her stage presence. Kate upsets Lindsay Lohan + Wins Aussie Idol
  • Her manner professed a gayety that she did not feel.
  • He had been told that morning by the boy's mother, Lazette Cherry, that he had confessed to her that he had inappropriately touched his three-year-old half-sister a few months previously.
  • The government professes to care about the poor.
  • Nurse Jamieson had got on a favourite topic, and would have expatiated long enough, for she was a professed admirer of masculine beauty, but there was something which displeased the boy in her last simile; so he cut the conversation short, by asking whether she knew exactly how much money his grandfather had left with Dr. Gray for his maintenance. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • According to St. Basil, forty soldiers who had openly confessed themselves Christians were condemned by the prefect to be exposed naked upon a frozen pond near Sebaste on a bitterly cold night, that they might feeze to death. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • He's a self-confessed rebel, a ‘poet-in-the-sky’, a prestidigitator who can do conjuring tricks and pick a pocket or two.
  • Bacher professed himself pleased with the Indian tour.
  • When he discusses his participation in a roadgeek-sponsored map-reading contest, he confesses that he "wimped out halfway. Lost in a Good Atlas
  • Seven per cent confessed to assuming another person's identity through forging their signature on letters or cheques.
  • He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.
  • I was beginning to feel all tingly as he gazed into the limpid pool of my eyes and professed his honorable intentions.
  • The false {198} teachers professed to be "teachers of the Law" (1 Tim.i. 7), which was exactly the title claimed by the Jewish rabbis (see Luke v. 17). The Books of the New Testament
  • More than a quarter of men are now self-confessed shopaholics, with 28% of them admitting to loving the thrill of buying new things.
  • As a life-long Sox fan, Thomma professed deep offense at being put in the Cubs section when he blogged: a crime against nature, your correspondent - a genuine White Sox fan, a man who attended his first twi-night double header at the Old Comiskey in 1963, who sat behind third base for the 50th anniversary All Star Game there in '83--has been assigned a seat in the Cubs section. Archive 2008-11-25
  • He confessed himself totally ignorant of their plans.
  • The marquise found Desgrais at the appointed spot: he gave her his arm then holding her hand in his own, he gave a sign, the archers appeared, the lover threw off his mask, Desgrais was confessed, and the marquise was his prisoner. Celebrated Crimes (Complete)
  • Adams' biography confesses to concentrating less on the later years and this deprives the book of a conclusive judgment about its subject.
  • It is the habit of men of all nations to want to have things both ways; the Englishman is unfortunately so unable to express himself, _even to himself_, that he has never realized this truth, much less confessed it -- hence his appearance of hypocrisy. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • Her secret work for social justice was an endless `Hail Mary ', penance for her self-confessed sins. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • He confesses to another, personal reason for preferring the incumbent.
  • Only one or two openly professed what may be called anarchistic views, and these were young students, recent arrivals, who looked more like robbing an orchard than threatening a throne. From Paris to New York by Land
  • Should the rebellion succeed, as he professes to believe it will, his instrument and accomplice, Maximilian, will be discarded with as little ceremony as the first Napoleon discarded some of the puppet kings whom he saw proper to crown and discrown according to the exigency of his occasions. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1864
  • She professed to find all the fuss a bit much. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the 22-year-old defender confessed the final result soured any celebrations he had planned.
  • I won't comment on his self-confessed psychological flaws as that would force me to include similar comments on that other nutter, Derek Draper. Alastair Campbell starts a blog
  • To ask the laws of the universe be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy. Living on a Prayer: the value of Barack Obama's prayer breakfast
  • It was a German ship, and the captain confessed that he had had a sealed envelope containing instructions given to him when he went on his first vogage, which he was not to open until he received a wireless message with the word "Siegfried" in it; he was to understand when he received that, that he was to open the package and get the message interpreted. Britain At War
  • The criminal confessed to the priest.
  • The conversation arrested its discursive nature, to settle upon a political chief, the highest in fame and station of that party to which Mivers professed -- not to belong, he belonged to himself alone, but to appropinquate. Kenelm Chillingly — Volume 04
  • Susan Smith was professedly guilty of the murders
  • P.M. to my Samoan lesson from Whitmee — I think I shall learn from him, he does not fool me with cockshot rules that are demolished next day, but professes ignorance like a man; the truth is, the grammar has still to be expiscated — dined with Vailima Letters
  • True sore winners, they bristled with outrage at being judged for their results, not their professed intentions.
  • Why was there no discussion about helping her, rather than forcing her to publicly allocute the ways in which her life was made a living hell, by the man that professed to love her. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Is it the village maiden alone who confesses to a secret charm in dare-devilism? The Hunted Outlaw or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy
  • She confessed hating the boss.
  • She also reported that the malefic cleric had confessed bewitching other people and recruiting a teenager into the ranks of the witches.
  • We shall, doubtless, please him by discussing the doctrine he professes, which is that of Jesus crucified. Thais
  • We had a kind of unconfessed idea that she did not take half pains enough to make us like her. My Young Days
  • She confesses to having been shocked to learn that Makiki created rooms filled with erotica.
  • But he knew it wasn't possible to have that many people sing together without having at least one person, most likely a soprano or tenor, guilty of unconfessed sin or of not toeing the official line on some theological point.
  • She knew Jesus personally as Saviour and was not conscious of any unconfessed sin in her life.
  • A Novato man named Robert Page, 25, an unemployed musician, confessed to the crime.
  • Being upon it examined and committed, in the end he not only confessed the fact with that beast at that time, but sundry times before and at several times with all the rest of the forenamed in his indictment. Pervy pilgrims punished! « raincoaster
  • Until a few months ago 31-year-old Denise Cannon was a beauty therapist who confesses that her knowledge of the technicalities of the average automobile was little more than rudimentary.
  • I'm rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.
  • Mrs. Jones is a confessed alcoholic.
  • The tears of a self-confessed stoic will always grab the headlines, but it should be noted that this match was extraordinarily absorbing, with Rezaï producing shots of unplayable depth. Victorious Serena Fails to Ward Off Tears
  • And I found what is professed to be a Zone-4-hardy raspberry-pink silene (catchfly). Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • She ignored my professed desire to help people. TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
  • a self-confessed plagiarist
  • It must be confessed that there is an air of sophistry about this argument - and I certainly have doubts about its cogency.
  • More than half of people quizzed confessed to avoiding wines whose names they could not pronounce.
  • An armed robber is appealing against his conviction claiming that he was high on a mind-bending cocktail of drugs when he confessed to police.
  • But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • She's a self-professed supporter of prison reform.
  • The self-professed vegetarian craved and ate chicken regularly during the first year of her recovery. Globe and Mail
  • While four other teachers had some experience in computer use, one had only a very low level of computer competency, and another was a self-confessed technophobe.
  • He once confessed to owning the prized possessions of a superb board of bird's-eye maple and Moluccan ebony, edged in sycamore, an 1871 boxwood and ebony Staunton set, plus a chess clock by Grant's of Stamford.
  • Your morality, as you have confessed, is no better than a deluded theist's, so I can't do that. Contentment
  • Summers soon confessed to his ideological revisionism and commenced a round of self-criticism.
  • In Brazil, where Germany made one of its strongest thrusts into Latin America, German immigrants professed greater loyalty to the Brazilian state than to the kaiser.
  • An adolescent confesses to the murder, but Tennison does not believe him.
  • L'avocat général a requis vendredi de quinze à vingt ans de prison contre Jacques Viguier, professeur de droit toulousain jugé en appel par la cour d'assises du Tarn pour le meurtre de son épouse, Suzanne, mystérieusement disparue depuis le 27 février 2000. Disappearance
  • Date one was with a self-professed witch. Times, Sunday Times
  • When, however, the little insignificant figure we have described approached so nigh as to receive some interruption from the warders, he dashed his dusky green turban from his head, showed that his beard and eyebrows were shaved like those of a professed buffoon, and that the expression of his fantastic and writhen features, as well as of his little black eyes, which glittered like jet, was that of a crazed imagination. The Talisman
  • Breton, Surrealism's leader and a past master of character assassination, claimed in the final issue of Minotaure that Dali was a self-confessed racist, and Dali chose not to respond.
  • After his death, three days after the barn-yard speech, the socialism he professes is drastically altered when Napoleon and the other pigs begin to dominate. Animal Farm Character Profiles
  • Yet when some bozo on a talk show confesses to an addiction or a perversion in front of millions of viewers, he's lionized as ‘courageous’ for speaking out.
  • In spite of their professed desire to modernize, many Qing officials believed that the basic principles of Chinese statecraft were based on Confucian prescriptions.
  • He confesses that he had the bad luck to cross both Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush.
  • Mr Foster confessed that he'd broken the speed limit.
  • His soloing, particularly on Hootie's Blues and his confessed favourite tune Cherokee is said to have set off wild dancing and fevered excitement among the concert goers.
  • The inherent dialectic of desire itself had in a way already shown me this; for all images and sensations, if idolatrously mistaken for joy itself, soon honestly confessed themselves inadequate. Surprised by Joy
  • As a confessed workaholic, who packs in 14 hour days, seven days a week, a social life comes low in her priorities.
  • The dissyllable termination, which the critick rightly appropriates to the drama, is to be found, though, I think, not in Gorboduc which is confessedly before our authour; yet in Hieronnymo, of which the date is not certain, but which there is reason to believe at least as old as his earliest plays. Preface to Shakespeare
  • Let us remember, in our judgment of what may appear to us even grave errors of opinion in the book, that its author has fought for every step of ground that has been gained of late years by spiritual religion in Germany; and, while we lament the "dimness" which this great man confesses with such Christian-like humility, let us acknowledge the grandeur of his idea of the kingdom of God, and the earnestness of his devotion to it. The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connexion and Historical Developement.
  • As a self confessed car nut I was in my element examining pictures of Formula 1 cars and drivers, rally cars, scale models, trucks and bikes.
  • Those feelings were reinforced by news reports saying McVeigh confessed to the bombing during interviews with his defense team.
  • It says such self-confessed limitations should make the department hesitate before going further.
  • Whoever first "confesses" that he or she has been in long-term (preferably, psycho-dynamic) therapy, is able to openly talk about what he/she had worked on in therapy, and is able to articulate a no-nonsense meditation practice (not just prayer), is likely to be more emotionally self-regulated and better self-aware. Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: Psychology of Presidential Ambition?
  • She shrieked and wailed but professed ignorance. Times, Sunday Times
  • a group of effete self-professed intellectuals
  • Her secret work for social justice was an endless `Hail Mary ', penance for her self-confessed sins. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • But I can't help seeing that unless one of the accomplices confesses, which is highly unlikely, it will be next to impossible to bring it home to him. The Path to Honour
  • Sanford who confessed his mistress is his soul mate on a national TV Republicans react to Palin news
  • In Dreamsongs Volume I, Martin confesses that he would never be able to write as well as one of his childhood idols, J.R. R. Tolkien, and yet has now been labeled as the “American Tolkien” of our time. “Dreamsongs, Volume I” by George R. R. Martin (Bantam, 2007) « The BookBanter Blog
  • The problem is that their professed ideals are at odds with their lack of self-awareness.
  • The rush to remove Estrada is bound up with broader issues than the accusations of corruption or with the moral condemnations of his own self-confessed drinking, gambling and womanising.
  • An interesting, rare misformation was _grefessen_ for "gefressen. The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • The Secret Millionaire9pm, Channel 4Chris Brown is a gadget-obsessed, self-confessed geek who has made millions from his travel website, but lives an unostentatious, family-based lifestyle and wants to put his wealth to good use. The weekend's TV highlights
  • A self-confessed optimist, he says that having unsolved problems is what makes life interesting.
  • When she isn't working, Joanna is a self-confessed shopaholic.
  • He, however, confesses that he is not very fluent in the foreign languages since he does not get too much of a chance to converse in those languages.
  • Le Prince's comments were echoed nearly forty years later by another visitor to the library, the British antiquarian and self-professed ‘bibliomaniac’ Thomas Frognall Dibdin.
  • He was certainly closely acquainted with her before her marriage and, according to three 16th-cent. accounts, confessed to the king that she had been his mistress and was not fit to be a royal consort.
  • My husband confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.
  • a professed philosopher
  • A true Christian is a person who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved from the guilt and the power of sin and is surrendered to Him as his Lord and Master - and confesses Him as such before the world.
  • She professed to find all the fuss a bit much. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hani-meijin confesses that the necklace or magatama that Shion is always wearing is not a memento of her mother — it’s something that he dropped that night. Shion no Ou ep 21 « Undercover
  • Two daimi [= o] s had confessed their faith, and in the The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Typically, despite the fact that the city's police confessed that more damage was done on the average Saturday night in the city, it was the anarchists and their infantilism that stole the headlines the next day.
  • L'avocat général a requis vendredi de quinze à vingt ans de prison contre Jacques Viguier, professeur de droit toulousain jugé en appel par la cour d'assises du Tarn pour le meurtre de son épouse, Suzanne, mystérieusement disparue depuis le 27 février 2000. 19 16 posts from March 2010
  • Hi Tom, I never knew if the wag was the school board man or the school! just knew if I skipped school without Mum knowing and she alway, always found out, call it Mothers sixth sense .. even before I confessed and had to ask for a note for the teacher because in the old days as well we all know it had to be supplied first day back at school ... if pushed Mum would write down 'I poor suffering child had another bilious attack' which went down reasonably well with the teacher until she asked me what it was ... London SE1 community website
  • She confesses to wearing an occasional daub of men's cologne so as to seem tomboyish and to using masking tape at night to flatten her bouncy curls. The Scary Future, the Embarrassing Past
  • He confesses modestly, "I am a beauty merchant, a trader in song," as he waits for checks from the sonnet and triolet magazines to come in. “I ain't never goin' to work again. . . . I'm plum tired out.”
  • All through the long sorrow of that night I, who had rejected him, confessed his sway with tears and inappeasable regrets .... In the Days of the Comet
  • And their professed adhesion to the economic formula of Socialism would not of itself be good enough to alter my attitude towards them.
  • Mivers professed -- not to belong, he belonged to himself alone, but to appropinquate. Kenelm Chillingly — Complete
  • Everyone has a sad, want to hide but he who denies all confesses all.
  • A self-confessed soft spot for wine and women reputedly put a hasty end to his vocation, but he is still an ardent Christian.
  • For instance, Magdalena de la Cruz confessed, during a serious illness in 1543, that her stigmata had been faked.
  • In the Catholic tradition, absolution from sin is obtained through confession, in which the penitent confesses to a priest who then absolves the sin and administers penitence.
  • In the Rabourdin bureau was a clerk who played the man of courage and audacity, professed the opinions of the Left centre, and rebelled against the tyrannies of Baudoyer as exercised upon what he called the unhappy slaves of that office. Bureaucracy
  • When Brennan rides up to the way station, the stationmaster confesses that he is lonely out in the wilderness, and that being lonely is no way to live.
  • As the trip progressed, many in the group confessed they had travelled to China with misgivings.
  • No one in my day ever confessed to anything as low as wishing to make loadsamoney.
  • The coat of the Hobys of Bisham, as correctly given, is "Argent, within a border engrailed sable, three spindles, threaded in fesse, gules. Notes and Queries, Number 219, January 7, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • It bears the coat of the Vyells (gules, a fesse raguly argent) with no less than twenty-four quarterings: for an Odo of the name had fought on the winning side at Hastings, and his descendants, settling in the West, had held estates there and been people of importance ever since. Lady Good-for-Nothing
  • A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.
  • her professed love of everything about that country
  • I am rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.
  • The police were then notified and, with minimal interrogation, the alleged firebug confessed to the gamut of crimes he was accused of.
  • said Michael with revulsion as if Charley had confessed to infecting Holly with some unmentionable disease. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The case for the prosecution rests, m'lud: Marvin is a self-confessed robot.
  • So much, to say the truth, seems to be ad-milted, by all but professed Atheists. Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Entitled "Essays and Reviews."
  • For to what else was owing our ruinous war of the Two Roses than to an original demur in our courts of law whether the descendant of an elder son through the female line had a title preferable or inferior to that of a descendant in the male line from a son confessedly _junior_? The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
  • The PM had a strong personal interest in the dealings, being a self-confessed "cricket tragic".
  • For all his claims to resilience in the face of criticism, he is not as thick-skinned as he professes to be.
  • In short, he had as many offices as Scrub in the play, and went through them all with great dexterity; this of surgeon was, perhaps, the only one in which his skill was somewhat deficient, at least that branch of tapping for the dropsy; for he very ingenuously and modestly confessed he had never seen the operation performed, nor was possessed of that chirurgical instrument with which it is performed. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • One-eyed Zeke and a celebrated hunter of the Bad Lands are the only men I have known who professed to have acquired the habit of hunting the Grizzly in such a fashion, and the celebrated Bad Lands ranchman did his killing with a rifle and always shot for the eye, which was the more remarkable because he was very near-sighted and wore eyeglasses. Bears I Have Met—and Others
  • He professed that the Emperor was the true sovereign of Japan.
  • It must be confessed, however, that the field of English slang verse and canting song, though not altogether barren, has yet small claim to the idiomatic and plastic treatment that obtains in many an _Argot - song_ and _Germania-romance; _ in truth, with a few notable exceptions, there is little in the present collection that can claim literary rank. Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896]
  • He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.
  • “I have never known or felt that I am a Jew,” confessed Nordau.39 He and Herzl wanted to be accepted as good Western European citizens. Bloodlust
  • The most dignified of the many comments which this feature of the trial elicited was by Senator Fessenden, in the official _opinion_ which accompanied his vote: -- "To the suggestion that popular opinion demands the conviction of the President on these charges, I reply that he is not now on trial before the people, but before the Senate. Twenty Years of Congress, Volume 2 (of 2) From Lincoln to Garfield, with a Review of the Events Which Led to the Political Revolution of 1860
  • Diplomacy is often compared to poker, even when conducted between professed friends.
  • But since his wife, Desdemona, confesses straight away to the Metropolitan commissioner of police that she murdered her husband, there is not much in the way of narrative suspense.
  • After initially telling police that she had been carjacked by a black man – and making tearless pleas for the safe return of her kids on national TV – Smith later confessed to strapping the two children into her Mazda Protege and letting the car roll into John D. Long lake in Union County. Haley To Oprah: Talk To The Hand
  • Names of a half dozen snitches have been listed as prosecution witnesses to whom Wooten allegedly confessed.
  • MICHAEL Jackson's two eldest kids face a tug-of-love battle after their mum Debbie Rowe confessed he was not their father. Jim Impoco: Hurricane Michael
  • A self-confessed nibbler, Di felt she had always been on the large side, and was a serial yo-yo dieter.
  • Burton also confessed he and Helena laugh off claims they are eccentric oddballs.
  • Meanwhile, Amin confessed that the post of IPL chief was "thrusted" on him, but now that he has accepted it he would give it his best shot.
  • It must reluctantly be confessed that one of the most fascinatingly vital of them all, Alexandre Dumas, is one of the exceptions, born improvisator as he was; yet immense research, it needs hardly be said, went to the making of his enormous library of romance -- even though, it be allowed, that much of that work was done for him by his "disciples. Imperishable Fiction: An Inquiry into the Short Life of the 'Best Sellers' Reveals the Methods Which Brought into Being the Novels that Endure
  • He confessed that after two days of the Games, and two gold medals on the opening night before an exultant home crowd, he was mentally drained when he faced van den Hoogenband on the third day.
  • Mr Foster confessed that he'd broken the speed limit.
  • When that sin remains unconfessed and unforgiven it remains here in our bodies creating all sorts of problems.
  • But would there be any need for them to give her the third degree if she confessed at the outset? MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Soros professes his allegiance to two masters: maximizing private profit in his market dealings and the public good in his philanthropy.
  • The police were then notified and, with minimal interrogation, the alleged firebug confessed to the gamut of crimes he was accused of.
  • is only professedly poor
  • Do I mean everybody who professes an orthodox creed, and bows his head at the belief?

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