admit or acknowledge a wrongdoing or error
the writer of the anonymous letter owned up after they identified his handwriting
How To Use fess up In A Sentence
- 'Fess up, Mets fans: After these last two delusory seasons, aren't you even a little tempted to walk the wire with Ollie? The One Thing the Mets Don't Need
- They would no more fess up to a face lift, nose job or liposuction then they would the commission of a major felony.
- Just about any lawyer would advise bosses to fess up about a gun-toting supervisor.
- Truth & Reconciliation: The Israeli neo-cons need to 'fess up! yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Truth & Reconciliation: The Israeli neo-cons need to \'fess up! ' Truth & Reconciliation: The Israeli neo-cons need to 'fess up!
- EC, fess up – you copy your codswallop from a large book collection of Keynes-Samuelson cant, don’t you? Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
- He didn't fess up to the religious slurs in the first one, and it really read like it was written by a press agent.
- Come on, fess up. I know there's something you're not telling me.
- Call them collectors, in other words - even though it's not a moniker they fess up to. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
- If you give them the right information, you kind of fess up, chances are that you can get out of this by paying a fine and paying your back-taxes. CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2008
- But the likelihood that some people failed to fess up about straying wouldn't undercut the study.