
How To Use Fervent In A Sentence

  • We expect to see a good deal more of the same as the appeals process commences, and fervently hope the courtroom will be stocked with an adequate supply of tissues.
  • In fact, children of heavy smokers are often fervent anti-smokers.
  • Many ships and squadrons in the Royal Navy fervently believe they are special - and some have good reason to make that claim.
  • He will be sadly missed from the sport, and will climb Everest with fervent wishes for safety and success. Times, Sunday Times
  • What was more we were at war and were fervently patriotic supporters of King and Country.
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  • Thus to this congregation of excellent, undeceiving refuge, we pray that by the power of this prayer expressed from a heart filled with fervent devotion and humility, may the body, speech and mind of the sole of the Land of Snows, the supreme Ngawang Lobsang Tenzin Gyatso, be indestructible, unfluctuating and unceasing; may he live immutable for a hundred aeons, seated on a diamond throne, transcending decay and destruction. The Long Life Prayer for the 14th Dalai Lama
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • Arab dreams: Qaddafi (left) spent his youth as a fervent admirer of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, the pan-Arab nationalist icon of the era.
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • This is his best film, and I fervently hope it will not be the last.
  • In the Hebrew text, immediatley after his eulogism of the high priest Simon, the writer subjoins the following fervent prayer: The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • All those so-called hipsters fervently awaiting Wes Anderson's follow-up to The Life Aquatic don't need to obsessively check IMDb; starting next week, they just have to turn on the TV. Bottle Racket
  • This statement of world-agreed fervent belief reminds us these values are everlasting and of perpetual beauty and may never be tarnished by any national politicians anywhere at any time.
  • The portrayals of factory life would make even the most fervent capitalists turn to Marx and Engels.
  • How I regret my fervent desires to be blonde. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a fervently political film that should compel viewers to action.
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • His fervent soap-box oratory, rhetorical literary style, and experience as secretary of the Timber Workers Union brought a growing reputation.
  • Yet at the same time, especially since the baby boomers came on the scene, many American women have treated the experience of motherhood as an exercise in self-expression - indeed, they do so more fervently than the kibbutzniks.
  • They were white Afrikaners and fervent supporters of apartheid; their daughter was black.
  • The try-outs are part of a concerted effort by World Wrestling Entertainment to reward their fans in the north west, who have been among the most fervent supporters of the company in the UK.
  • As a sophomore at Arizona State, he had come just as fervently to disbelieve in the ancient ways. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • Long an object of fervent Gnostic and Hermetic speculations, it was now extolled as the ideal type of the human being, and celebrated accordingly in literature and art, especially among the Symbolists and the Decadents.
  • He had hung crude crosses and other charms all around his home and regularly recited the Magnificat, and he fervently entreated the protection of the Lady every night.
  • It's my fervent wish that it will be closed at some point. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could smell his rank breath as he whispered fervently to her.
  • I wished fervently to be back in the safety of my room.
  • Coming out of the theatre in the cold and the rain, I felt a warm glow inside me and fervently prayed for a kinder new year.
  • One thing that may not be part of my own Dean wrap up is fervent appreciation for his success in 'activating the Democratic base', I'm afraid. United we stand...
  • I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.
  • Judging from the fervent clapping, only diehard fans bought tickets. Times, Sunday Times
  • He drew his hand across his forehead, signed with the Cross, louted low before an ikon of the Madonna, and I heard him say fervently: Border Ghost Stories
  • Though his parents had fallen away from strict religious observance, Podhoretz recalls his fervently Orthodox maternal grandfather for whom "613 mitvahs were not enough. J. Weekly
  • While I remain fervently committed to supporting President Bush's re-election, I think it best that I no longer play a role as an adviser in this year's campaign. 08/19/2004
  • It is my fervent hope that you will be able to take this project forward.
  • I remember this; when I was about nine or ten, and fervent into my Jewish education (I used to go to extra cheder (Hebrew school) on Tuesday, just because I wanted to), I took Yom Kippur very seriously.
  • He was a fervent anti-communist who could comprehend and believe that people everywhere would choose to throw off the communist system if they ever had the chance.
  • You need to be fervent to shift the forces of apathy and disempowerment in the global entertainment culture.
  • Everyone here seems excited about it, and I pray fervently it will be loved by its readers.
  • But, sir, according to my judgment, you do understand both of and by yourself that here stealth signifieth nothing else, no more than in a thousand other places of Greek and Latin, old and modern writings, but the sweet fruits of amorous dalliance, which Venus liketh best when reaped in secret, and culled by fervent lovers filchingly. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 3
  • The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Fervency in prayer
  • It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to reperuse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I knew, for the freedom of some of my expressions, Clarissa Harlowe
  • As a sophomore at Arizona State, he had come just as fervently to disbelieve in the ancient ways. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • The vanguard reported which a partial of has shown fervent seductiveness in assisting to horde a annual Apr cooking during a unequivocally tasteful as good as available site. Archive 2009-11-01
  • They have whipped up the crowd to fervently believe that Obama's a closet socialist and his economic policies have straight jacketed private business and Wall Street. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: President Obama Caught Between the Left and Right on Jobs
  • It seems illogical, particularly since dentists so fervently urge us to use it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yas'm, Ah sho is, " Prissy agreed fervently.
  • Marie clings fervently to the hope that he will soon return.
  • Students were working as fervently as ever.
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • Today, instead of monkey imitations, Poles now engage in fervent chants of "Oli, Oli" when he plays. - Olisadebe has countrymen feeling polar opposite
  • Such emotionally fervent piety was also provided with a catalyst in the devotional use of images.
  • O my dear, my dear, will you bless me as fervently to - morrow?'.
  • Aeneidi summam manum, statuit in Graeciam et in Asiam secedere triennioque continuo nihil amplius quam emendare, ut reliqua vita tantum philosophiae vacaret: sed cum ingressus iter Athenis occurrisset Augusto ab oriente Romam revertenti destinaretque non absistere atque etiam una redire, dum Megara vicinum oppidum ferventissimo sole cognoscit, languorem nactus est eumque non intermissa navigatione auxit, ita ut gravior aliquanto Brundisium appelleret, ubi diebus paucis obiit xi. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • His most fervent supporters occasionally sound like disciples rather than supporters.
  • I haven't cried like that in a very, very long time. Here's fervently hoping it serves as some kind of cathartic purge.
  • John Hockins begged to "putt the word ditto," and the negro fervently added, "Das so -- me too! The Fugitives The Tyrant Queen of Madagascar
  • “I feel the highest gratitude and attachment to my country—her felicity is the most fervent prayer of my heart.” Ratification
  • The oddly alliterated Fervent Fray of Fraternal Fervor, written and directed by Thomas Thompson, is the second festival offering.
  • People fervently pray, hoping to keep the calamities at bay.
  • This can lead to fervent acceptance or rejection uninformed by understanding, the imposition of one mode of thinking on another.
  • The New Yorker magazine devoted its lead comment piece to a fervently argued case against war.
  • If the author convenes religious beliefs in inoffensive and unobtrusive manner (King did this in “The Stand” and it was perfectly digestible) or turn it in a underlying message, that's perfectly fine with me - but don’t drop it fervently right on top of my head. Glen E. Page - The Last Plague (book review)
  • She took me into favor at once, told me all about her "rheumatiz," and "de spiration" of her heart, and kissed my hand fervently when I went away. The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865,
  • But for every new-found friend ready to stand a drink at the bar, there is a wisecracking motormouth, resentful of a footballer's many blessings, fervently determined to downsize the over-inflated ego attributed to all players.
  • It is fervent prayer that is effectual and that availeth. Fervency in prayer
  • Where the tall cypress shields thee, fervent chorist! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
  • His fervent approach to football manifests itself in rapid-fire delivery on all manner of convictions and opinions concerning his chosen profession.
  • With the average Welsh house price at 7 times my wages I am fervently hoping that prices crash, as are most of my friends.
  • Hawkers moved among them, offering bibingka, turon and cassava cakes, as the crowd’s collective heart beat in fervent anticipation of the incredible event. V. At the Plaza Binondo
  • He is enthused by the huge crowds thronging the place on the first day of the festival and fervently hopes that the flow would continue at the same pace.
  • She appeared equally stoical until the prosecutor lit into her, charging that Tony essentially committed his alleged crimes for her - to make sure that should he predecease his mother, a distinct possibility when you're in your eighties yourself -- she wouldn't be left out of the will, which was Mrs. Astor's apparently fervent desire "There was no love lost between Mrs. Astor and Charlene," Ms. Loewy told the jury. Ralph Gardner Jr.: Inside the Astor Trial: The People vs. Anthony Marshall and Francis Morrissey
  • both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people
  • Bulls are colour-blind, so it is yet another myth that they are enraged by red shades; they react only to the fervent cape-waving.
  • I hoped fervently that we would be taking a different route on the way out.
  • Meantime the _figurant_ cherishes sanguine hopes that he may one day rise to a prominent position in the ballet, or that he may become an _accessoire_; and the _accessoire_ looks forward fervently to ranking in the future among the regular actors or A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to reperuse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I knew, for the freedom of some of my expressions, Clarissa Harlowe
  • And how fervent the good wishes for the Rebels could be for their part in the restoration of a national treasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her mind, she held the view of the dead horse, the ragamuffins and the seepy-eyed girl alongside her memories of seeing the shirtwaist strikers calling fervently for justice, seeing her dozens of dresses strewn across the floor the day she’d offered one to Bella, and seeing an image of herself, lying in bed. Uprising
  • He was a fervent Catholic and in gratitude for his survival he and his family built a chapel on their ranch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hitler was born an Austrian, and during the Nazi period many Austrians were among his most fervent supporters.
  • But we cannot refuse our admiration to the fervent and generous order of public spirit existent at that time, when we find that it was a popular leader who proposed to, and carried through, a popular assembly the motion, that went to empoverish the men who supported his party and adjudged his proposition. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • Probably the only effective approach is to run both at the same time; to get some people inside, but make sure they remain fervent by reminding them all the time of the campaigners on their side, and coordinating efforts from both angles. sexworkeradvocate, on January 29th, 2009 at 10: 29 am Said: Changing from within or not? « Bound, Not Gagged
  • It is a fervent desire, but not a destiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Make him strong, O God, -- make him strong_," requested William Sewall, fervently. On Christmas Day In The Evening
  • The theological concepts contained in these phrases are weighty ones indeed and have been the subject of fervent discussion for centuries.
  • He is fervent in his belief that if the officials do their part by consistently applying the rule book on hooking, holding, slashing and cross-checking, the game is better for it.
  • I bet this wazzock, who blithely writes "the more the merrier", is also a fervent devotee of AGW and sees nothing ironic in the inconsistency of his very odd and loathesome views. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • Jason Chimera argued the call fervently, but to no avail for the desperate Jackets, who had overcome a pair of two-goal deficits to get the game tied. Feature Stories
  • Yet despite all these obvious hardships, I have strived to remain resilient and I still cling fervently to the hope that one day my country shall rise again.
  • Pasting on a fake smile, I nodded fervently, no longer eager to study silly fossils of dead organisms.
  • What is your most fervent wish? Christianity Today
  • A fervent protester since her early college days, this is a woman who believes in action and follow-through rather than hollow promises made on election campaigns.
  • It was some days before I saw her: and this intervenient space giving me time to re-peruse what I had written, I thought it proper to lay that aside, and to write in a style a little less fervent; for you would have blamed me, I know, for the free-dom of some of my expressions. Clarissa Harlowe
  • You suspect it's not much of a stretch playing the reckless cynic who one day grows up into a fervent idealist, yet he never trips up.
  • Thus the man is just; and he goes towards God with fervent love in eternal activity; and he goes in God with fruitive inclination in eternal rest. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • That is certainly its own fervent hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is his fervent hope that early next year, in the company of a million or so other Muslims, he will be able to go on the haj and circle the black stone at Mecca.
  • And that fervent intensity so early in the morning… somehow a man gets to thinking too.
  • On another occasion a gnarled and fervent Radical of the bootmaking persuasion hobbled to the door of his establishment, and waving clenched and uplifted fists, called down upon us and our retreating equipage all the curses at the command of a rather extensive vocabulary until we were out of earshot. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • In the fervent chant of prayers, this energy rises to join with the prayers of thousands of other voices invoking the Goddess Liberty.
  • The striking contrast with the revolution in sexual mores, fervently opposed by so many religious Americans, makes their relatively untroubled adjustment to these other two social revolutions particularly notable. American Grace
  • Had the fire of divine love glowed more fervently in her heart, she would feel the joy of ecstasy, such as consoled the death-bled of the mothers of the saints when the revelation of the sanctity of their children was the last crown of earthly joy. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
  • Exactly 100 years ago this week, Wales was in the midst of a fervent religious revival led by a young Methodist, stoking fanatical excitement and emotional excesses.
  • Finally, dear readers, imagine the many opportunities for growth through pilgrimage to sacred sites, the handling and viewing of relics that retain the energies of the great man - the mind, that is to say the bundle of neurons and fatty tissue that fills my cranium through wholly fortuituous accident and yields no claim to any kind of speciesist preeminence on my part ... the mind so understood I say thrills at the prospect of living such a holistic and fervent faith ... Latest entries from
  • He subsides on the seat, and starts talking again, loudly, and fervently, into his mobe.
  • I beg you," he said fervently, "I _beg_ you never to allow yourself to think of it. Robin
  • Cherishing the most fervent hopes, embarked on the waste ocean, we saw with delight the receding shore of Britain, and on the wings of desire outspeeded our well filled sails towards the South. The Last Man
  • with november quickly approaching, coy and i have been fervently making plans for our escape to mexico aka coy's 30th birthday vacation bash! September celebrations
  • Magnard was also a fervent feminist.
  • As a tear-jerker, the film could tug at the ducts a little less fervently and still maintain its desired effect.
  • A spellbinding orator and a man of great charisma, he was able to whip up crowds with his fervent speeches about the colonial exploitation of his country.
  • The nationalists believe fervently in independence for their country.
  • I enjoy good health, altho now octogenary; but am too weak to walk further than my garden; yet I ride daily and without fatigue. my elder daughter, mrs Randolph, is well and greets you kindly. she has given me 11. grand-children, of whom 4. liv e with me, and all make me contented in the prospect of their worth and good qualifications. my happiness is greatly increased too by the prosperity of our country, and it's exemption from the oppressions & eternal wars of Europe. that you days may pass in peace, in health and comfort, are the fervent prayers of your sincere & constant friend. Letters to and from Jefferson, 1821-1822
  • The letter bears no signature and no address; it's at once passionate and oblique, fervent and cryptic.
  • While the rhetoric may speak of a learning year for the team and drivers alike, there is a fervent passion and desire for success within the squad.
  • I prayed very fervently for my mother's recovery.
  • To enter this realm is to fervently believe that such a physique is not exclusive to the genetically gifted but is attainable by anybody, young or old, male or female, fat or skinny, rich or poor.
  • I drove there more in fervent hope than expectation. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the beacons of the Romantic reform movement, Hugo was among the most fervent partisans of English drama during the Restoration period in France.
  • A fervent supporter of Home Rule, he had converted to the Roman Catholic faith.
  • Regardless of whether the songs featured distorted guitars or oboes and clarinets, Downes' lyrical romanticism remained constant and fervent.
  • A new generation of fervent Sikh preachers is being educated in this seminary near Amritsar.
  • Fervent disputes were aroused by prayer in the vernacular, chorales after Protestant models, mixed choirs, and organ-playing.
  • Venus liketh best when reaped in secret, and culled by fervent lovers filchingly. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He had brought back from Rome thick notebooks and portfolios which he turned into paintings during those years of fervent activity and retrospection.
  • Sinjun prayed fervently they'd accept her into the fold.
  • Otherwise, how are we to explain Neruda's fervent and impassioned commitment to the working class?
  • He almost pranced along the passage with his pet and I hoped fervently that I would not see them in there again.
  • Chen's speech may have disappointed pro-independence voters in Taiwan who are his fervent supporters.
  • And their love of the game was as fervent as anything you get in the more established footballing nations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The previous government of Jose Maria Aznar was one of the most fervent supporters of military action.
  • It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
  • Like the old religious fetishism, with its convulsionary raptures and miraculous cures, the fetishism of commodities generates its own moments of fervent exaltation. The Society of the Spectacle – Guy Debord (translated by Ken Knabb)
  • And how fervent the good wishes for the Rebels could be for their part in the restoration of a national treasure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arab dreams: Qaddafi (left) spent his youth as a fervent admirer of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, the pan-Arab nationalist icon of the era.
  • Her exposed skin tingled against the cold, and she was so fervently trembling she was certain she would faint.
  • The motive of this assiduity was at length revealed to me, by a violent and fervent declaration of love, which astonished and perplexed me. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • Tales Of Bounty, who has been in good form in point-to-points, looks the one to be on in the race named in memory of jump-racing's most fervent supporter.
  • In a sense the Romans took to history more fervently than the Greeks, who had their “antihistorical” side; and at least their genius was more adapted to history than to philosophy. HISTORIOGRAPHY
  • Among the Democrats' richest and most fervent supporters, this may be the number one issue.
  • This phrase fervent in spirit is literally a picture of water coming to the point of boiling. Living on the Edge
  • He became the most fervent sort of convert.
  • My fervent hope is that there is no new series - I couldn't stand another 22 odd episodes of that cack again.
  • The more fervently humans believe, the more fervently they feel that contrariness is a threat.
  • The fervent hope for these anti-democratic, anti-Semitic, antimodern and anti-Western reactionaries would be to find Russia's future in its past. The Stakes For Them--And Us
  • Judging from the fervent clapping, only diehard fans bought tickets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most fervent Jansenists opted for a life of severe self-denial and constant prayer, in retreat from the world.
  • In that he was successful beyond the wildest dreams of even the most fervent supporter.
  • Kirstie found herself wishing fervently that she was within earshot of the others.
  • It had also distanced itself -- as much as was possible -- from the present government foreign policy by alleging that it was not based on consensus and fervently pursued a 'swadeshi' economic policy that allegedly sought to keep India safe from the clutches of wily 'foreign' powers. Asian Tribune
  • I fervently (but prayerfully and unspiritually!) hope that these will be revised before the fourth edition appears.
  • Her fervent hope though is that any such negotiations would be with a different Greek government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Converted to Christianity by a fervent American evangelist.
  • One of the beacons of the Romantic reform movement, Hugo was among the most fervent partisans of English drama during the Restoration period in France.
  • The sheer reverence and admiration for these legends could be readily manipulated into fervent nationalist passion.
  • The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  • French poets, almost bigotedly French: and French classical art had no more fervent disciples than these Anglo-Saxons and Flemings and Greeks. Jean Christophe: in Paris The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House
  • the fervent heat...merely communicated a genial warmth to their half-torpid systems
  • Timothy Dwight, the fervently reactionary and comically pompous head of Yale University, was a strong Federalist supporter who predicted that the accession of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency would lead to "a frenzied dance of Jacobinism. Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
  • Her fervent hope though is that any such negotiations would be with a different Greek government. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if — as Elie writes — we simply don't know everything about sexuality, upon what basis does society frown upon incest, polygamy, and beastiality while increasingly, with fervent insistence, singing the praise of homosexual sex? Cause and effect
  • Alan Keyes, an eloquent black talk-show host who fervently opposes abortion, has never officially abandoned the race.
  • In 1984 he was granted his fervent wish to acquire a Picasso.
  • In the self-same hour it was that Zeus changed the radiant courses of the stars, the light of the sun, and the joyous face of dawn, and drave his car athwart the western sky with fervent heat from heaven's fires, while northward fled the rain-clouds, and Ammon's strand grew parched and faint and void of dew, when it was robbed of heaven's genial showers. Electra
  • He was largely self-educated, a militant atheist, and believed fervently in man's capacity for self-improvement.
  • My most fervent hope is that this work has been done with the accuracy and fairness intended.
  • Labour also believes that fervent Tory supporters were among the team counting the votes, and believes it to be unjust.
  • With stinging regret and profound gratitude, we return your work to you in fervent hope that you soon find literary representation worthy of your supernal ability. SPECIAL CONTEST ACTIVITY
  • My fervent hopes, and quite a few of my banknotes, ride with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alan Keyes, an eloquent black talk-show host who fervently opposes abortion, has never officially abandoned the race.
  • Within a few seconds, she had accidentally slammed the door in his face and was fervently shampooing her hair.
  • A lively and enlightened faith, a solid and fervent piety, and a superior mind, convinced him that since the time of the abasement of the Son of God, humiliation is honorable, and adds to the splendor of the highest dignities; a truth which is not understood by persons of little faith, by the proud, the indevout, and those of little mind. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • The beaming sun is shining with dazzling radiance on its white walls, telling, in fervent whispers, that a shelter from the heat will be desirable; so here we will enter, where the shadowy trees, and bright stream glancing through the garden flowers, speak of inhabitants from the olden world. Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
  • Poe continued to write fervently and was published in several magazines of his day.
  • It's my fervent wish that it will be closed at some point. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, dressed in yellow, she led her musicians with a fervent intensity.
  • They were sent on their way with the good wishes of the fervent crowd. Times, Sunday Times
  • To some degree this seems to be rooted in religious tradition, and to some degree these are flames that are deliberately fanned today by the most fervent Israeli and other chauvinists. Norwegians Aren't the Problem With Mideast Peace
  • Still, the sides, more dutiful than fervent, were drawn.
  • In spite of her fervent devotion to the virtues of participatory democracy, localism and the educational imperative, the works only partially exhibited these principles.
  • He was a fervent French nationalist and a strong leader, a man who took on the United States and Britain.
  • Reviving the spirit of Dada, Fluxus was fervently opposed to artistic tradition and to everything that savoured of professionalism in the arts.
  • You would think that she would be championing gay rights more fervently.
  • As the nation observed the fifth anniversary of the victory in Kargil, a mother made a fervent appeal to the President for expediting the process of bringing back her son languishing in a Pakistani jail as a prisoner of war.
  • Nobody believes more fervently in the American Dream than he does, yet the dream has somehow eluded him.
  • It is written by a retired artillery colonel who is a fervent defender of his old arm of the service. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They joined the gentlemen of the Ashwood Abbey for lunch the next day, who were all in fervent denial that they had anything to do with it. Hunter campaign continued
  • It is my fervent hope that you will be able to take this project forward.
  • It seems illogical, particularly since dentists so fervently urge us to use it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Black bicycle is fervent sell, lose lose line feed is quickly.
  • The letter bears no signature and no address; it's at once passionate and oblique, fervent and cryptic.
  • a fervent desire to change society
  • They were no longer disrespectful of authority, and their worship was anything but emotionally fervent.
  • Plus, people who fervently believe in stupid ideas have a quite consistent track record into reacting against dissent with violence.
  • Is it given fervent expression liturgically, sacramentally, through prayer, acts of charity, a concern for justice, and respect for God's creation? Archive 2008-04-13
  • R'shiel fervently hoped it was Dranymire pausing for dramatic effect, not fighting for control over the meld. TREASON KEEP
  • Suffice to say there was a fervent desire on both sides to get things over and done with as quickly as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • They advocated more fervently pursuing the souteneurs - who managed the trade - and tightening passport and emigration regulations for young women.
  • Women believe more fervently in God, they aver that religion is more important to their daily lives, they pray more often, they read scripture more often and interpret it more literally, they talk about religion more often—in short, by virtually every measure they are more religious. American Grace

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