
fertility rate

  1. the ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year

How To Use fertility rate In A Sentence

  • Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labor and productivity could threaten the quality of life.
  • The relationship between fertility rates and mortality rates has created a population structure which has varied substantially during the period in question.
  • Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably lowa.
  • Virtually all high-income countries have fertility rates that are too low to fully replace their populations.
  • Other non-life threatening complications include pain, keloids, dermoid cysts, introital and vaginal stenosis, neuromas, painful intercourse, and increased infertility rates.
  • For several decades, Jewish leaders have warned of a demographic crisis in American Jewry caused by low fertility rates and intermarriage rates that hover around 50 percent. International Adoptions Changing Face Of U.S. Judaism
  • Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labor and productivity could threaten the quality of life.
  • “In the three decades since the Revolution, the Islamic Republic—despite its poor image abroad—has taken significant steps toward fulfilling these promises,” notes historian Ervand Abrahamian.10 Illiteracy and fertility rates have dropped, while student enrollment and life expectancy have soared. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • And depending on muslim women's fertility rates (recently bouncing between 3. something and four per woman) AND taking into account the fact that hard figures on the actual makeup of the Muslim communities is difficult to assertain it's rather easy to see how the Muslims could scrape into majority status in France in Fifty years. Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
  • However, for reproduction about twice that is needed to allow for mating rituals. 3 If properly mated, high fertility rates and good egg hatchability can be expected. 5 Chicken
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