How To Use Fertilise In A Sentence

  • Using hydroponics, inorganic fertiliser, electric light and genetic modification we could in theory feed the entire world from a multi-storey farm the size of Wales.
  • Whether they are chemical or organic, all fertilisers should be handled with care.
  • The two cross-fertilise easily to form a hybrid, which is apparently often sold to un-suspecting buyers who simply ask for bluebells.
  • This is precisely how astrological ideas cross-fertilise each other and grow.
  • Do conventional pesticides and fertilisers pose a health risk? Times, Sunday Times
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  • It blames increased use of pesticides and fertilisers, habitat destruction, loss of mixed farms and changes to sowing patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • One or two fertilised eggs are placed back in the woman 's uterus. The Sun
  • The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.
  • The shire's existing bowling club has become too expensive to maintain, especially with the price of labour and of materials such as fertiliser and weedicides constantly rising thereby putting more burden on a declining membership.
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fertilised embryos are then tested for the defective gene in a lab and those that are not affected are implanted in the womb. The Sun
  • All three of these birth control methods clearly prevent fertilised embryos from implanting in the uterus (thus terminating a pregnancy).
  • But some days you can take a deep breath and still enjoy the distinctive aroma of organic fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • The technology has been used on sewage sludge for more than a century and also produces a residue that is a valuable fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the pollen from one of the genus Primula fertilises an ovule belonging to a flower of e.g., the genus Hottonia, a bigener would result.
  • One of Britain's top trainers, Tim Easterby, who has 120 horses at Great Habton, Malton, uses the pure muck as a fertiliser on his own fields.
  • Modern farming generates a significant amount of waste such as fertiliser bags, silage wrapping, barrels, scrap metal fencing wire drums and strings from bales.
  • In the meantime, Waitrose is selling a selenium enriched bread grown by a farmer in East Anglia who fertilises his soil with selenium.
  • These I attempted to fertilise, but with two only of the six have I been successful: I succeeded in forcing a single pollen-mass into the stigmatic chamber of one of the latter, but I failed to do this on the other; however, by inserting a portion of a pedicel with a pollinium attached, I caused the latter to adhere, with a gentle press, to the mouth of the stigmatic chamber. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • If you prefer using inorganic fertiliser, one of the complete granular products should be sprinkled either side of where the seeds are to be planted.
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • Caribbean bananas taste better than dollar bananas because they are less chemical, less plumped up with fertilisers.
  • To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small peasants, engaged in rice, vegetable and banana cultivation, are unable to find a way out of growing indebtedness, due to the abolition of subsidies on fertilisers, agrochemicals and seeds.
  • A few years ago environmentalists argued that fertiliser would soon run short, because it is made using natural gas, a fossil fuel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many food producers import packaging, fertiliser or machinery from Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the seedlings appear, fertilise with half strength liquid fertiliser and mulch.
  • The faeces contain nitrogen and it is that which fertilises the desert soil.
  • Apply a quick-acting fertiliser to build up the bulb as the leaves die down. The Sun
  • London, Nov 13 (ANI): Peeing on the compost heap can help fertilise gardens and save on flushing the lavatory, a UK charity has urged. An Ominous Story
  • And, of course, the use of artificial fertilisers or pesticides is not permitted by any of the three bodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • If you are growing custard apples, bananas, sapodillas and carambolas, they could all do with a dressing of citrus and fruit tree fertiliser spread evenly around under the leaf canopy.
  • Economic ecofeminists demand that products from unsustainable conventional fruit farms that use chemical fertilisers and pesticides should be taxed for polluting the environment.
  • For instance, in one season a farmer may apply five bags of chemical fertilisers (for paddy crop) on one acre of land and reaps 30 bags of grain.
  • The colossal amount of animal manure produced will be used for generating biogas and as fertiliser.
  • They relied entirely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides to keep their crops growing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Give fruit trees and bushes a topdressing of organic fertiliser, or a mulch of well-rotted compost or manure.
  • This fertilised egg then needs to be implanted in the woman's womb.
  • Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
  • Feed houseplants with a liquid fertiliser.
  • Regular feeding with a general fertiliser will help to ensure that the plants are always supplied with adequate food materials.
  • They relied entirely on chemical fertilisers and pesticides to keep their crops growing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several members of Parliament owe the FRA millions of kwacha in unpaid fertiliser and seed loans.
  • Another new trend is the theft of fertilisers and pesticides with 20,000 worth of chemicals taken in one raid. Times, Sunday Times
  • It grows easily without fertilisers or pesticides and is cheap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could flesh and blood critters that are roundly considered to be destroyers of grass be more effective at making it grow than a machine that sprayed a carefully measured mixture of seeds, fertiliser, and plasticised mulch?
  • In the afternoon, we spray it with liquid fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • They invited tenders for the distribution of fertiliser throughout the country.
  • This year we will compare the results of crops grown with rock dust, manure, chemical fertilisers and an unfertilised control.
  • The main cause is the expansion of farming on to permanent grassland and the widespread use of fertilisers.
  • This will oblige hundreds of farmers to limit their use of chemical fertilisers and animal manure.
  • It grows easily without fertilisers or pesticides and is cheap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fishmeal and other fish-based fertilisers also supply valuable trace elements.
  • Balanced granular fertiliser can be applied around all established plants in spring.
  • There are also large gas-fields of ‘fossil’ methane, buried in rocks and now running out as we use the gas as fuel and chemical feedstock for many materials including fertilisers.
  • As part of the collaboration, Wilmut is to apply to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for permission to collect fresh unfertilised eggs from women volunteers.
  • Feed houseplants with a liquid fertiliser.
  • The meadow, which until recently was a magnificent relic of ancient pasture, is now approaching the usual nitrogenous-fertiliser-fed ley so common anywhere.
  • A light dressing of fertiliser in the middle of April will help to get the lawn going.
  • The damage may reduce fertility by lowering sperm counts or reducing the sperm's ability to fertilise a woman's eggs. Antioxidants may help men with fertility problems, study reveals
  • In my opinion the application of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides makes for better quality food.
  • But I also like to know that it's been grown without chemicals and pesticides and fertilisers.
  • Li believes that males evolved to lose their palps because the strategy allowed them to fertilise females even if the organ was broken off in seconds or the female ate the male alive. Male spiders sacrifice their genitals to fertilise big hungry females
  • Some assisted conception techniques carry an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilised egg implants in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.
  • New Delhi: The government is toying with the idea of allotting land lying idle with various non-functional state-run fertiliser and cement companies to ArcelorMittal and Posco which are facing problems in acquiring land for their proposed plants. Top Headlines
  • Defective mitochondria can slow down or prevent the growth of a fertilised egg, preventing conception.
  • If the egg is not fertilised oestrogen and progesterone decrease.
  • Feed the camellia with a multi-purpose fertiliser with balanced NPK and prune out any weak growth or dead branches, leaving only the strongest.
  • Give them a dose of granular fertiliser to keep them vigorous and the flowers large. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plants will begin to die back by February or March, when they will be ‘flailed’ and the ground will be fertilised ready for next year's crop.
  • She and her husband then underwent IVF treatment and two fertilised eggs were implanted in her womb earlier this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has lived a blameless life in a field of joy, innocent of pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fertiliser will be particularly beneficial for the organic noni growers.
  • My pots are washed and stacked, the fertilisers are in an airtight tin and the pest sprays are good to go. The Sun
  • In effect it is accessing more of the nitrogen fertiliser than it would be able to normally. Times, Sunday Times
  • To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crops need fertilisers and pesticides which are made from oil; processing also requires considerable energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rubbish is something we tut-tut at when we come across sweet wrappers, fertiliser bags or even a discarded fridge stuck in a roadside ditch.
  • It blames increased use of pesticides and fertilisers, habitat destruction, loss of mixed farms and changes to sowing patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't forget to liquid fertilise the seedlings fortnightly using half strength liquid fertiliser.
  • I like to incorporate a capful of liquid wetting agent into the water when I am feeding my annuals, vegetables, pot plants and hanging baskets with soluble fertiliser.
  • Dig some fertiliser into the soil first.
  • A decision was made in 2010 to use pre-germinated ryegrass seeds, with growth aided by fertilisers, watering and natural sunlight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, in the spring, apply a general-purpose fertiliser, such as Growmore, and lightly fork it in.
  • He then sends them to a lab for tests which tell him which fertiliser to use to produce a good harvest. The Sun
  • But going by the poor performance trends in the growth of the sector, the government had by 1997 about-turned and abandoned the liberalisation of fertiliser and fixed the prices for the whole of the country.
  • A fourth parent – the man whose sperm was used to fertilise the donor egg – was involved, but none of his DNA was passed on. New Era of Designer Babies with Three Parents and No Hereditary Diseases | Impact Lab
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we found was that in general, the sperm was much less able to fertilise the eggs from female fish than the sperm from normal male fish would be, and we had a kind of sliding scale of effects.
  • Whether they are chemical or organic, all fertilisers should be handled with care.
  • One of the problems was that the super yields were obtained at a cost regarding the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
  • Once they have been rootled up to the surface by a wild boar, or the farmer has stopped drenching his field with fertiliser, or Longhorn cattle have trampled down the bracken, they burst into glorious life. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • They like sandy unimproved soil because they don't respond well to manure and fertilisers.
  • After the war, farmers became much more heavily reliant on the use of fertilisers and pesticides, rather than manure and compost, he says.
  • The brown membrane surrounding the egg cell is the zona pellucida. The head of the sperm carries special enzymes to dissolve this membrane, which it must do in order to fertilise the egg.
  • The port's deep-water dry bulk terminal currently handling Russian fertiliser exports has just doubled its throughput capacity.
  • Toads mate in a position called amplexus, in which the male mounts the female from behind and fertilises her eggs externally. Impact Lab
  • It will not have the offensive smell of raw pig waste and will hopefully be available to farmers at less than the cost of imported fertilisers.
  • From its large port, London regularly sent out vessels laden with animal hides, whale oil, tallow, dried fish and meats, fertiliser and wools.
  • The fertilised females go off on their own looking for hedge sparrow or reed warbler nests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Get some more fertiliser for the garden.
  • The eggs are implanted in the recipient and fertilised by her partner's sperm.
  • The annual survey of willd flowers by the charity Plantlife found plants that can tolerate high levels of nitrogen from the artificial fertilisers used in farming, like the common nettle, cow parsley and lords-and-ladies, are flourishing. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • As your bulbs finish flowing, don't cut them back, but continue to feed them with liquid fertiliser over the foliage.
  • In the afternoon, we spray it with liquid fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try to alternate between some of the different liquid fertilisers I have mentioned.
  • The fertilised eggs are slightly buoyant and rise towards the surface where they drift for around 12 days before hatching.
  • The indiscriminate use of fertilisers is damaging to the environment.
  • Previous attempts to break down the plant into reusable material and fertiliser have been defeated because of its high moisture content.
  • It avoids wasting lime and fertiliser, which in turn leads to optimum yields.
  • But going by the poor performance trends in the growth of the sector, the government had by 1997 about-turned and abandoned the liberalisation of fertiliser and fixed the prices for the whole of the country.
  • The banks were used as limitless reservoirs to fertilise growth, indulge political fantasy and bribe the governments' friends.
  • They blame fertiliser run-off, increased irrigation drawing water from the river, and rising salination as tidal effects reach further up the delta from the South China Sea.
  • The unfertilised egg cell began to divide to produce embryos that sometimes developed well.
  • Bulgaria's exports to Jordan consist mainly of fertilisers, chemicals, ferrous metal manufactures, live animals and meat.
  • And, of course, the use of artificial fertilisers or pesticides is not permitted by any of the three bodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Body protected by armour of bony plates, male carries fertilised eggs until they hatch into miniature adults.
  • An important alternative to fertiliser from fossil fuel is biosolids recovered from sewage.
  • Food grown without artificial fertiliser and pesticides is the reason we will pay more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Were they at the camp with 'supergrass' Mohammed Junad Barbar, the key witness for the prosecution in the current ongoing terrorism trial codenamed Crevice thwarted fertiliser-bomb vehicle plot at the Old Bailey? 7/7 & the 7/7 Bradford riots - connected?
  • It has lived a blameless life in a field of joy, innocent of pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The research project follows last year's arrival of the first baby in Britain to be born from a mature egg harvested from its mother, frozen, then fertilised at a later date.
  • Nutrients in fertiliser and slurry encourage aggressive species such as nettles and thistles at their expense.
  • Do conventional pesticides and fertilisers pose a health risk? Times, Sunday Times
  • As semen quality reduces, the proportion of oocytes fertilised by in vitro insemination decreases.
  • Most would agree it begins when the fertilised egg implants in the woman's uterus.
  • Investing in specialist advice to squeeze more from fertiliser inputs now could help you stay in front of those changes.
  • Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
  • We intend to buy fertilised eggs - the incubator we have bought takes 24 hen eggs but we might start with 12.
  • In came pergolas, rockeries, chemical fertilisers and garden centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The team also found that 57 per cent of the eggs were able to be successfully fertilised using a standard technique.
  • A few years ago environmentalists argued that fertiliser would soon run short, because it is made using natural gas, a fossil fuel. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was taught how to strip fish of their eggs, then fertilise the eggs with a small amount of milt from a cock fish.
  • Take a situation where, after the break up of a heterosexual relationship, there are frozen, fertilised eggs and the woman wants to use them to have a child on her own.
  • They had to work out how they'd control weeds and insects, how they'd water the crop in a drought, and to start with, how they'd fertilise the soil.
  • The ‘conservationist’ fields covered practices such as late mowing of grass to allow the hatching of birds like the godwit and oystercatcher, leaving a perimeter strip untouched and using less fertiliser and weedkillers.
  • It has lived a blameless life in a field of joy, innocent of pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Females bear one egg once a month that, if fertilised leads to months of gestation then birth and lactation, all of which poses great physical demands and a significant amount of time.
  • To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compost can be used as mulch around plants, as a top dressing over your lawn which can fertilise the soil, or as a soil improver in vegetable or flower beds.
  • Between five and seven days after ovulation, the fertilised egg implants into the wall of the uterus and produces root-like outgrowths called villi.
  • The grassy banks, constructed about 150 years ago, have never been treated with pesticides or fertilisers.
  • Li believes that males evolved to lose their palps because the strategy allowed them to fertilise females even if the organ was broken off in seconds or the female ate the male alive. Male spiders sacrifice their genitals to fertilise big hungry females
  • I now really need a lawnmower, some round up, a spade and fertiliser.
  • Botanists have discovered for the first time that the plants are carnivorous predators who kill insects in order to ‘self-fertilise’ themselves. Carnivorous tomatoes? Insect-eating petunias? Apparently so… « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The year was 1956 and Ballina was a busy port even though the bar at Killala Bay and the Moy channel was difficult for the small coasters that mostly carried coal, timber, fertilisers and starch.
  • On the other hand, the large-scale mono-cropping of medicinal species, which need inputs of artificial fertilisers, and large scale spraying of dangerous and expensive biocides is not a sustainable practice.
  • They are even catering to the trendies by giving away their used coffee grounds for fertiliser, and promoting various other politically correct causes.
  • A donor egg fertilised by her 51-year-old husband's sperm was implanted in her womb.
  • A quick feed with general lawn fertiliser now will plump up grass blades.
  • Give them - and all flowering shrubs and hedges - some rose fertiliser if not already done. The Sun
  • Downturn in the fertiliser market coupled with rising production costs and wet weather has put a strain on the industry.
  • The process is hastened by heavy inputs of chemical fertiliser and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • In desperation, Wood thought of trying to fertilise human eggs inside animals, where he hoped the biological environment would be better for the eggs.
  • It has built new, specialised quays for handling cement, timber and scrap metal, and several warehouses for bulk fertilisers and other dry cargoes.
  • I suggest you add another Triton tube and include an aquarium plant fertiliser.
  • The peasant bought a bag of chemical fertiliser in the market place.
  • The port deals mainly in bulk cargo such as timber, steel scrap, building materials, cereals and fertilisers.
  • Throughout history, grazing has been the most effective way of boosting the fertility of soils without recourse to chemical fertilisers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dig some fertiliser into the soil first.
  • The fertilised females go off on their own looking for hedge sparrow or reed warbler nests. Times, Sunday Times
  • After they have been planted for a week, fertilise with half-strength liquid fertiliser.
  • Avoid dung or urine patches and areas where fertiliser or lime was heaped or spilled.
  • He had confessed to buying nearly a ton of chemical fertiliser for the bomb and to supplying the mini-van in which it exploded but he denied planning the attack and his lawyers will appeal against the sentence.
  • Your 60-minute action checklist Continue feeding the tomato plants and courgettes with a liquid fertiliser such as Maxicrop.
  • In one week, fertilise with half strength liquid fertiliser.
  • As opposed to the theory that there is any absolute need for cross-fertilisation, it has been urged by Mr. Henslow and others that many self-fertilised plants are exceptionally vigorous, such as groundsel, chickweed, sow-thistle, buttercups, and other common weeds; while most plants of world-wide distribution are self-fertilised, and these have proved themselves to be best fitted to survive in the battle of life. Darwinism (1889)
  • Fluoride used in water fluoridation is a poison, a toxic by-product of the fertiliser industry.
  • You will have to aerate, scarify, remove weeds and moss, reseed, fertilise, correct imperfections and mow, mow, mow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even within the limits of the same genus, we meet with this same difference; for instance, the many species of Nicotiana have been more largely crossed than the species of almost any other genus; but Gärtner found that N. acuminata, which is not a particularly distinct species, obstinately failed to fertilise, or to be fertilised by no less than eight other species of Nicotiana. IX. Hybridism. Laws Governing the Sterility of First Crosses and of Hybrids
  • The main cause is the expansion of farming on to permanent grassland and the widespread use of fertilisers.
  • Grasses other than perennial ryegrass give a poor return for money spent on fertiliser.
  • Female roseate terns sometimes mate with each other for life, allowing themselves to be fertilised by males, but making nests and bringing up their young together.
  • Feed in spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertiliser, to help speed up growth and enhance the plant's health.
  • There is no point in applying this fertiliser regardless of the availability of grass.
  • In the afternoon, we spray it with liquid fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed anything remotely "operatic", it seems, is alluded to and/or crudely cross-fertilised with the final through-composed, through-sung, concoction behaving like late Strauss with a Gallic sensibility. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Quentin came down the stone steps from the front door and paused briefly in the shrubbery to remind Will Palmer that the incurved chrysanthemums they were nursing for Kingsmarkham flower show were due for a dose of liquid fertiliser. A Guilty Thing Surprised
  • Synthetic fertilisers and pesticides are banned and soil fertility and pest control is achieved through crop rotation and mixed farming systems.
  • The composting units would use household organic waste to create natural fertiliser and the anaerobic digesters would produce methane gas which could be used to generate electricity and create home heating.
  • Others put it down to the local seaweed used as fertiliser. Times, Sunday Times
  • To qualify for organic status, farmers must adhere to strict limits on artificial fertilisers and pesticides. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roses will grow and flower more freely if given fertiliser. The Sun
  • The residue of ash went into fertiliser or was mixed into clay for brickmaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the problems was that the super yields were obtained at a cost regarding the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
  • Add moisture retaining granules and slow release fertiliser to the compost and gradually harden the plants off before putting them outside completely at the end of the month.
  • Organic food is produced without the chemical fertilisers and pesticides used in conventional food production.
  • If blue hydrangeas are wanted, avoid using fertilisers that are high in calcium.
  • To hundreds of varieties of eucalyptus, acacia, wattles, banksia trees, grasses and weeds, the lick of flame is a welcome trigger that kindles life in their seed pods and generates ash to fertilise the soil.
  • A draft scheme for the supply of seed oats, wheat, barley, potatoes and fertilisers was put to the council.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • Another is through parthenogenesis - activating an unfertilised human egg so that it starts to divide like an early embryo.
  • The fertiliser is a biosolid which is the end result of waste-water treatment process. | Lead Stories
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • Under amendments to the Waste Management and Licensing Regulations, livery yards, stables and riding schools who add anything to their muck to compost it for fertiliser will be eligible for the fee.
  • Ammonium nitrate fertiliser is common in Bundaberg farming sheds - but is also the key ingredient in making some terrorist bombs.
  • Oil gas and other gaseous hydrocarbons, crude aluminium, refrigerators, freezers and fertilisers top the list of imports from Romania.
  • Besides, both north-east and south-west monsoons have a higher level of rainfall which may discourage farmers from applying more fertilisers.

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