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ferric oxide

  1. a red oxide of iron

How To Use ferric oxide In A Sentence

  • Kistler later prepared aerogels from many other materials, including alumina, tungsten oxide, ferric oxide, tin oxide, nickel tartarate, cellulose, cellulose nitrate, gelatin, agar, egg albumen, and rubber.
  • The magnetic component of the direction-giving nanoparticles is usually an iron-based compound called ferric oxide which is coated in a biocompatible surface, sometimes using, for example, fatty acids, to provide stability during the particles journey through one's body. Undefined
  • Later, under Tang Ying (1736–49), the imperial craftsmen developed the elaborate famille rose palette of opaque overglaze enamels, which is distinguished by mixed colors and replacement of ferric oxide red by carmine derived from gold. 1796
  • O4and the common chemical name ferrous-ferric oxide, which indicates the mineral comprises both a ferrous component, FeO (wüstite), and a ferric component, Fe Latest Articles
  • A charge used on the Randt for roasted "concentrates" (which we may roughly speak of as quartz and ferric oxide), is one assay ton (about 30 grams) each of ore, soda, and borax, and one and a half assay ton of litharge and 2 grams of charcoal. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • If a solution of ferric oxide and manganese ammonium oxalate is submitted to electrolysis, without the previous addition of ammonium oxalate, the characteristic color of permanganic acid immediately makes its appearance, and the peroxide gradually precipitates itself on the positive, while the iron is deposited on the negative electrode. Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
  • Furthermore, some formulas entered nano ferric oxide can largely improve the effect of infrared extinction.
  • Hydrochloric acid, for example, with chalybite (ferrous carbonate) will give a solution of _ferrous_ chloride; with hæmatite (ferric oxide) it will yield _ferric_ chloride; and with magnetite (ferrous and ferric oxides) a mixture of ferrous and ferric chlorides. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Hydrochloric acid, for example, with chalybite (ferrous carbonate) will give a solution of _ferrous_ chloride; with hæmatite (ferric oxide) it will yield _ferric_ chloride; and with magnetite (ferrous and ferric oxides) a mixture of ferrous and ferric chlorides. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Hydrochloric acid, for example, with chalybite (ferrous carbonate) will give a solution of _ferrous_ chloride; with hæmatite (ferric oxide) it will yield _ferric_ chloride; and with magnetite (ferrous and ferric oxides) a mixture of ferrous and ferric chlorides. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
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