How To Use Ferret In A Sentence

  • This consisted of one box with a battery connected to the thin electric cable that was also the ferret's line.
  • Country pursuits on offer include sheep-racing, woodcarving with chainsaws, small-bore rifle-shooting, wool-spinning, bee demonstrations, candle-making and ferret-racing.
  • Katherine and Kyla ferreted around the racks looking for good clothes.
  • If you still hanker for the cutting edge of gaming then ferret yourself away in a study with one of these beasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I can keep it out of reach of dog, cats and ferret, that is. Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » How my life is different than before
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  • The designer goods are in there, but they must be ferreted out of mass quantities stacked on undifferentiated shelves in an encompassing sprawl.
  • Cats - especially those breeding in the wild - along with stoats and ferrets, moreporks, blackbirds and kingfishers are the worst enemies of the lizards.
  • Less common, and more exciting, is the skill-prodigy, the ferrety junior ballerina who comes snorting out of his elite rabbit hole ready-made. Enjoying the fleeting thrill of fragile prodigies is a national habit | Barney Ronay
  • They do not think about a specialist in ferreting out justice. Forces at Work in India and the Far East
  • The next moment a giant delphin swept down from the hills, the animal and ferret rider in ancient colors. Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse
  • Pursenets on their Holes, and put in a _Ferret_ close muzzled, and she will bolt them out (being a natural Enemy to them) into the Nets: Or blow on the suddain the Drone of a Bag-Pipe into the Burrows, and they will boult out: Or for want of either of these two, take powder of The School of Recreation (1684 edition) Or, The Gentlemans Tutor, to those Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Racing, Hawking, Riding, Cock-fighting, Fowling, Fishing
  • Questions need now to be asked about the pre-war ferreting for information. Globe and Mail
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thank goodness for the debunkers like Hymes who ferret out the frauds and expose the poseurs.
  • I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
  • The style, which was calculated for a cosmopolitan image, set off a sharp-featured almost ferretlike, approaching-fifty face that had been carefully preserved by a Dallas plastic surgeon. The Brush Off
  • Martor's ferretlike face was twisted into a quite uncharacteristic smile. Sun of Suns
  • She ferreted out the truth
  • In retaliation McCarthy announced he was "breaking" with the Republican leader and accused the President publicly of "weakness and supineness" in ferreting out Communists, indeed claimed he himself had made a terrible mistake -- namely to have voted for Eisenhower in 1952! Nigel Hamilton: American Caesars
  • So the issues don't get driven by the elected officials inside the institution, and I think that's one of the reasons that the press doesn't necessarily ferret them out.
  • The team is trying to ferret out missing details.
  • But Sid wasn't really the type that offered up information easily, preferring to have his barmates ferret it out of him.
  • When instructors are not acting as proctors or detectives hoping to stifle cheating or ferret out dishonest students, some are dreaming up schemes of their own.
  • As well as poultry sheds, they make everything from rabbit hutches and dog kennels to smaller homes for hamsters and ferrets.
  • They need to be ferreted out, rounded up like cattle, punished for their numerous crimes, then booted back to whence they snuck in from with such extreme prejudice that they will never, ever think of violating our sovereignty again. Wonk Room » Newt Gingrich Says Legalization Program Should Involve Sending 12 Million Immigrants Back
  • As mustelids - stoats, ferrets and weasels - were highly mobile and curious, it would be expected that if there were stoats on the island they would have encountered one of the tunnels or traps in their travels.
  • Europeans arrived in the early 1800s, bringing with them mustelids (stoats, ferrets, and weasels), cats, and two more species of rats.
  • Back on the land, ferret badgers take turns with otters, ground squirrels and crab-eating macaques to stalk out their territory on the numerous white sandy beaches.
  • They could take a flight in a helicopter, watch ferret racing, visit a fun dog show, and watch displays of gun dogs going through their paces or model helicopters doing stunts.
  • If there's a story that has any connection with the Super Bowl, it will be ferreted out by 3,000 newspaper, radio and TV people.
  • Although Jones looks like a pug-faced baby and Watkins is all lean, ferrety anxiety, they could almost be brothers.
  • Ferrets and stoats, introduced by European settlers in the nineteenth century, pushed the birds further into the backblocks of New Zealand.
  • Barolini's love for language is evident throughout the book as well; much of the prose is concerned with ferreting out word origins, with word play, corruptions, and evolution.
  • While most of us are all too willing to cuddle guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, pet mice and even ferrets, brown rats produce a reaction of almost universal revulsion.
  • Typical ferret hutch with low-level doors for easy access and cleaning.
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • She nonetheless continued to ferret about for possible jobs.
  • But the more answers the couple have ferreted out, the more questions are raised.
  • That was a bit of intelligence we ferreted out, not by their confessions or concessions, but by simple default: late in the afternoon we saw them naked on the beach, at least bold if not bronzed. Mexico's endless Pacific beach: sun, surf, sand, seafood and solitude
  • What we don't need is a witch hunt against the American people, ferreting through their private lives or detaining them because of their ethnicity.
  • Occasionally . . . he carries in his hand an iron cage in which are ferrets, while two or three crop-eared rough terriers dog his footsteps. Sociology most Dickensian
  • Taylor plays him with ferrety frowns and twitchy fingers.
  • We tried everything but could never keep up with the steady flow of dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters etc.
  • He also liked to hunt rabbits with a ferret, which was against the law. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • Yet nothing will deter my teams of trained stoats, ferrets and weasels from carrying out my orders and enabling me to achieve ultimate power.
  • Ribca autem audiebat, dum loqueretur Ishac ad Esau filium suum: et perrexit Esau in agrum, ut venaretur venationem, ut afferret. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • The predators included 13 raptors, ranging from great-horned owls to the American kestrel, and a domestic cat and a ferret.
  • Seconds later there was another pop, and a small, ferrety looking wizard appeared before them. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • He had a nose for news and he was an untiring reporter, reaching everywhere to ferret out some news.
  • During my North Cotswold Mastership, I made Butler, the terrier man, carry a huge white buck ferret on his bicycle, and very useful he proved to be.
  • It also purveyed the well-thumbed Roman myths: that everyone in the ancient world was a backstabbing, double-dealing, amoral schemer, and that none of them could muster the self-control of a priapic ferret or the wisdom of a brick.
  • They were cunning and trustless, narrow - slitted and heavy-lidded, at one and the same time as sharp as a ferret's and as indolent as a basking lizard's. The Jacket (Star-Rover)
  • The country sports area alongside the lake will include hunting, shooting, fishing and gun dog scurry together with falconry and ferrets and a live smithing competition each day.
  • Although the conqueror of all his enemies Charles still entertained mighty projects, and in 1469 he obtained the possession of the landgraviate of Alsace and the county of Ferrette The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • There's the Smoking Gun, which ferrets around to find court documents and police mugshots relating to major, usually celebrity-related cases.
  • Anyone setting out to equip himself fully needs the barest minimum of two ferrets.
  • The ferret gobbled them up eagerly and curled up in Nathalie's lap, making a strange noise that sounded like something between a snore and a purr.
  • Those averse to horses or not yet inclined to pick up a rod or gun could try their hand at zorbing or quad-biking, still be down-with-the-countryside with ferrets and falcons, see artists at work, and be extremely well-fed and watered in the aisles of the food show. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • On what might seem an unrelated note, the performance of American stock analysts was woefully inadequate in ferreting out and making public the all-too-obvious weaknesses in the mortgage securitization field, and the greed of all too many institutional investors in seeking “quick and unrealistic profits” was a major factor in creating the circumstances that led to the mortgage meltdown and the current recession. Writing the Whole Enchilada « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Sent forth to ferret out the shadowy terrorists, U.S. troops would go woefully unprotected against biological weapons.
  • He personally has freeze-dried weasels, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, guinea pigs, chinchillas, ferrets, and more.
  • They had a cleaning lady come and clean most of the time, and Sara was always ferreting around, trying to make the house look like an interior designing magazine, which again made me mad.
  • According to Pete Gober, coordinator of the federal government's black-footed ferret effort, Mr. Haverfield's ranch is one of the more important sites in the program because of its size and because the ferrets there show no sign of the sylvatic plague that has struck farther west. NYT > Home Page
  • According to critics, the result was to incentivize public interest groups and lawyers to ferret out even essentially victimless corporate wrongdoing - consisting of minor, technical infractions.
  • Directors always see something in you that you have to kind of ferret out, in a way.
  • The country sports area alongside the lake will include hunting, shooting, fishing and gun dog scurry together with falconry and ferrets and a live smithing competition each day.
  • Successful dig - both rabbit and ferret are in sight.
  • This picks up the transmitter's signal and makes it audible to our ears when the ferret is within range.
  • Opposite me sat a man with a ferret or stoat (I'm not sure of the difference) sitting in the inside pocket of his jacket, from where it surveyed the rest of the carriage as he stroked its silky head.
  • The advantage of a muzzled ferret is that it can not kill a rabbit.
  • The media generally ignore them - and only the most motivated consumers ferret out the facts about what ought to be as natural as a walk in the garden.
  • In 1469 he bought the landgraviate of Alsace and the countship of Ferrette from the archduke Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
  • He learned to hunt rabbits with the help of a ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • With great ferocity mobs ferreted out Huguenots and hacked them to death. Bloodlust
  • The team ferreting out information on Grace Kelly is, in the words of one Enquirer reporter, the ‘best investigative team of journalists anybody had seen for a century.’
  • Q “And who is he that preferreth his future to his present welfare?” — “He who knoweth that he dwelleth in a perishing house, that he was created but to vade away and that, after vading away, he will be called to account and indeed, were there in this world one living and abiding for ever, he would not prefer it to the next world.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He ferreted out quite a lot of information.
  • Alejandro Ferretis plays a middle-aged painter who has retired to a secluded and primitive village to commit suicide (this hara-kiri is perhaps a key to the enigmatic title).
  • Et quidem, si maxime nulla unquam prava cogitatio in corde hominis corrupti exoriretur, si nullum verbum otiosum proferretur, si nullum malum opus aut facinus designaretur: tamen natura nihilominus corrupta est per originate peccatum, quod nobis ratione corrupti seminis agnatum est, quod ipsum etiam scaturigo est omnium aliorum actualium peccatorum, ut sunt pravae cogitationes, prava colloquia, prave et scelerate facta. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • Do you think index finger inking combined with a reproduction of our slate of choice tatooed in barcode form on our person (I love cop talk) will ferret out fraud. Think Progress » On Today Show, O’Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers
  • The other remaining pets are Zac, a black collie cross, Merlin the cat, Buttercup the rabbit and Albino ferrets Owen and Milly.
  • We wait until the dog marks an occupied burrow then enter a ferret to hopefully bolt the rabbit.
  • It was also a chance for city dwellers to take a closer look at ferrets, birds of prey and working dogs.
  • If the guilty won't hold up their hands and confess, he and the Generals will ferret them out by force.
  • Meanwhile, prairie dog colonies are destroyed, and prairie dogs are trapped or frozen to feed captive ferrets in an endless cycle of failure.
  • The ferret is shortly joined by his master, a man named Dustfinger. Ramblings from the Marginalized
  • An avalanche forecaster ferrets out a dangerous weakness in the snowpack with the shovel shear test.
  • He started ferreting around in his desk.
  • Inside the corral, a burly ferret on a powerful delphin shouted and whistled, his mount stamped and snorted not ten paws from the pod of sheep. Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse
  • The most likely is that the ferret has somehow shed her muzzle and has then killed a rabbit.
  • A member of the mustelid family, which includes the stoat and badger, the polecat is the size of a ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sam and myself were keen to have a ferret around in Pippikin via Mistral, but Alan was all psyched up to do his first trip down Lancaster Hole.
  • The tanner saw her move and gave her a smile that showed small, ferretlike teeth. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • However, you stray off the reservation by taking a sideswipe at the black-footed ferret, greater sage-grouse, orchids and wild mustangs, not to mention the archeological and paleontological professions. The Main Engineering Problems Used to Be Engineering
  • But they also can treat pets like birds, ferrets and rabbits.
  • Rats, stoats, ferrets, cats, and possums have decimated native animals that were unaccustomed to mammalian predators.
  • James has kindly offered to induct me into the wiles and ways of the shooting gent, starting with an invitation to go ferreting for rabbits.
  • Your cat, dog or ferret typically picks up rabies through a bite from or to another animal that has rabies.
  • We sent award-winning investigative journalist Gregory Smith to ferret out the answers.
  • This month alone RBS has added big equity stakes in Italian yacht manufacturer Ferretti and Miller Group, Britain's largest privately owned housebuilder, to its expanding equity portfolio. Bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland controls the fate of many British firms
  • There's definitely a gap in the fashion market for guinea pigs, ferrets and hamsters.
  • Meanwhile the tyranny of the duke's lieutenant Peter von Hagenbach, who was established at Ferrette as governor (_grand bailli_ or _Landvogt_) of Upper Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram; multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem, inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum, Readersguide Diary Entry
  • The decline of the New Zealand dotterel is due to several factors, but in particular, introduced predators such as cats, stoats and ferrets.
  • In short, he was making the most of his ferreting, like some old trout picking hairgrips in a supermarket.
  • She takes notes like a haunted ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • She takes notes like a haunted ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Telemna, our crazy silvermitt female ferret, is five today. Ferrets
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you still hanker for the cutting edge of gaming then ferret yourself away in a study with one of these beasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the face was so ferretlike, the eyes so beady that he made you pause. One False Move
  • Rudy Giuliani was quite happy to wrap his sweet arm around Bernie Kerik yet he refuses New Yorkers the basic human right to enjoy the becalming company of ferrets. My Kingdom for a Ferret: James Wolcott
  • She takes notes like a haunted ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cats - especially those breeding in the wild - along with stoats and ferrets, moreporks, blackbirds and kingfishers are the worst enemies of the lizards.
  • And the ish winds up with “The Ferret”, from March of ’40 in MMC #5, Stockbridge Winslow and Irwin Hasen (Sensation Comics, Detective Comics). Quick Hits – Amazing Spiderman Family, The Complete Dracula, Brave and the Bold, and More
  • Alberta Ferretti's romantic, smocked silk blouses and Greek maiden gowns were delightfully soft, as was Consuelo Castiglioni's Marni collection.
  • As offers for television appearances came in, he acknowledged the wonder of it all: The tall figure with the ferretlike face, having passed the fifty-year milestone, would debut in prime-time situation comedies…. Sound and Fury
  • Master Persimon said, A relic of the Old Way, the Genplex, was ferreted out of the great city centuries before and buried here in the frontier, as far as possible from those who might misuse it. G'lder
  • Cats, rats, stoats, possums, and ferrets have had drastic effects on native plants and bird species, many of which are flightless and have few defenses against the invaders.
  • He has publicly proclaimed that they are made of green cheese and sold to terrorists, and that you, the widget-maker, engage regularly in satanic orgies involving pythons, whipped cream and the blood of ferrets. Archive 2009-06-01
  • You could have possums, chamois, ferrets, stoats, flopsy bunnykins and even the common cat.
  • Usually, the prices it ferrets out are cheaper than if you book through the hotel itself.
  • In the mainland island in the Nelson Lakes National Park the focus is to be on a whole range of pests - wasps, possums, rodents and mustelids (mainly stoats, but also ferrets and weasels), deer and feral cats.
  • Since 1997, 110 black-footed ferret kits have been released on the site.
  • “Conspectus ab utrâque acie aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut cœlo missus piaculum omnis deorum iræ, qui pestam ab suis aversam in hostes ferret;” — “He was looked on by both armies as one more august than a man, as one sent from heaven, to be a piacular sacrifice, to appease the anger of the gods, and to transfer destruction from their own army to the enemies,” Liv., A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • Web-search giant Google last week released a beta version of a program that uses the company's ferretlike technology to let you search your own computer. SEARCH: A GOOGLE OF ONE'S OWN
  • The production will tell the classic story of Toad, Mole, Ratty and Badger trying to overcome the evil ferrets, weasels and stoats who threaten to overrun the riverbank.
  • Mr Smith then visited Saudi Arabia twice trying to ferret the truth out of the authorities.
  • Ferreters love their animals with the severe military love that attaches the falconer to his bird and the huntsman to his hounds.
  • Hoc opus nostrae salutis ordo depoposcerat, multiformis proditoris ars ut artem falleret, et medelam ferret inde, hostis unde laeserat. Sing, my tongue
  • He was a wicked looking youngster, with green eyes, tow-coloured hair and a ferrety expression.
  • He probably meant to sound authoritative, but only succeeded in sounding ferrety.
  • Nec plura elocutus hominem dimittit, qui, non solum injuriae tantae morsu perculsus, sed monitis regis incitatus, quae ille tanquam ignaviae exprobationem si injuriam ferret accipiebat, protinus domum revolat, summo silentio, ut Bussium lateret: astuque per uxorem ad Bussium literas dari curat, quibus ei horam ad secretum Coustanteriae condicebat; ea erat arx voluptuaria et venationibus opportuna; ad quam cum Bussius cum Colladone conscio sub vesperam XIV Kal. Bussy D'Ambois and The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois
  • I don't want to kill them or get a ferret or anything like that, hopefully they will go on somewhere else. The Sun
  • She nonetheless continued to ferret about for possible jobs.
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • He was on the Thames headed seaward in company with two ponies and a business of ferrets.
  • Within two minutes, Ron stood before them, as small and ferrety as the sick wizard, and wearing the navy blue robes that had been folded in his bag. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • As if any time spent by reporters ferreting out the truth - and by Congress overseeing - would otherwise be spent tossing sandbags on the levee, disinfecting the Superdome, or driving evacuees to Houston.
  • The policeman ferreted around all over the house.
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin, from Wilmslow, is particularly fond of the polecat - the mammal from which ferrets evolved - and over two years he has rescued 10 injured polecats and then sent them back into their habitat to breed.
  • Maybe some turd ferret like dorfeus maximus does but he is like all liberals, nobody listens to them anymore outside of their kook fringe base .. like stayfreeus - maxipaddus here the star trek nerd who lives in mommies badement attacking those evil conservatives. give it up maxi pad you are way out of your leauge and nothing you can say or do matters or will get me to stop voicing reason on this moonbat monolog you have going. .you have not the intelligence of a clam. Think Progress » VIDEO: Feingold Argues Emergence of Al Qaeda Leader Shows ‘Insanity’ Of Misplaced Priorities
  • And then we would manage to ferret away all the chocolate brownies and ice cream we could get and gobbled them up until our stomachs were swollen, as though we were five months pregnant.
  • He ferreted around and found the original report written [you guessed it] by CIBER. Big 4 record label creative statistics
  • “Conspectus ab utrâque acie aliquanto augustior humano visu, sicut cœlo missus piaculum omnis deorum iræ, qui pestam ab suis aversam in hostes ferret;” — “He was looked on by both armies as one more august than a man, as one sent from heaven, to be a piacular sacrifice, to appease the anger of the gods, and to transfer destruction from their own army to the enemies,” Liv., A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • The survey also featured 2,273 rabbits, 1,757 hamsters, 482 parrots and macaws, 233 ferrets, 81 donkeys and 47 newts and salamanders.
  • A certain rabbin, upon the text, Your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, inferreth that young men, are admitted nearer to God than old, because vision, is a clearer revelation, than a dream. The Essays
  • The BBC's obituary was delivered by its media correspondent, Nick Higham, a ferrety cultural bureaucrat who has never written a sentence anyone has remembered. Christopher Hitchens: He died too young, with too much left to say | Nick Cohen
  • That enormous logistical inconvenience guaranteed that few people beyond private eyes and document retrieval companies -- working for paying clients -- would crosscheck and ferret out the revealing information public records yield. Kathy McManus: Little-Understood Responsibilities in Navigating Online Criminal Records
  • Villagers, of course, will be trying to ferret out the lycanthropes, while the Werewolves will be endeavoring to cast suspicion on the innocent.
  • The Nation, unmortgaged to any economic interest or political power, will continue to challenge our downsized politics of excluded alternatives, propose bold ideas, ferret out the truth, expose corruption and abuse of power, and hold our politicians accountable. Katrina vanden Heuvel: A Transformational Presidency?
  • This is not the way search engines work right now, where they generally search for phrases or words in the entire content of the pages they can see, ferreting around in more of a rummage than a skilled and honed inquiry.
  • Endangered black-footed ferrets are extremely susceptible to sylvatic plague, a disease that has seriously hampered efforts to re-establish ferrets to their historical range.
  • He learned to hunt rabbits with the help of a ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't want to kill them or get a ferret or anything like that, hopefully they will go on somewhere else. The Sun
  • Author Piers Anthony has been doing invaluable work in ferreting out legitimate e-publishers and outing scammers. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » E-Publishing Woes
  • I found the film's fractured chronology, grimy miserablism, and Cotillard's ferrety frenzy nerve-wracking, with no compensating grace notes to offset the squalor and syringes. Little Sparrow, Big Thirst: James Wolcott
  • The Keter benefited from a larger staff of human proofreaders and the additional assistance of computer collation which was able to detect many errors that even the very conscientious human team had failed to ferret out.
  • During that year he fed his business of ferrets exclusively on a diet of dead rats.
  • The compact cat made one short, inconceivably fast motion, and the overbearing ferret jerked backward then collapsed to the pavement in a limp heap.
  • Thus, he became his generation’s “Where’s Waldo?” long before Waldo was born, and readers delighted in ferreting out where Plas was hiding in Cole’s often bizarre artwork! Plastic Man: The Complete Collection » DVDs Worth Watching
  • New York Times calls him "... an expert at ferreting out hypocrisy and absurdism from the more solemn crannies of American culture. Boing Boing: May 7, 2006 - May 13, 2006 Archives
  • Located within the National Trust's beautiful Morden Hall Park, Dene City Farm has a wide variety of farm animals from the common chickens, pigs, cows to the more exotic, such as ferrets and rheas.
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • It was also, I learned, scrolling down, a hellhole manned by human ferrets, with overflowing toilets and mephitic smells that had tragically ruined the honeymoon of vox12populi and Iwantmyrum, who were now exacting revenge by describing their nightmarish experience on every message board they could find. You Don't Say?
  • He's done more than I have in ferreting out this plot. Spice and the Devil's Cave
  • At heart, though, the ferret is a denizen of the countryside, a weasel closely related to the European polecat and the mink.
  • The name probably relates to a poor translation of the name for the European polecat, which is a relative of the fisher and is called the fitch ferret, fichet or fitche.
  • Nonetheless, even those in staunch opposition are usually won over once Ferret works his furry [...] 2 April 2010, 0: 57 am Global Voices in English » Global Voices Unofficial Mascot Loses Left Eye
  • Maybe we won't find out for a while yet, then, whether anyone else in the cabinet has a ferrety Werrity all of their own. Lucy Mangan's pick of the week: The story, the stat, the quote, the tweet
  • He ferreted out quite a lot of information.
  • I had ferreted around my closet for a CD that seemed mildly interesting to me, since most of my music was on my laptop, and I was disgusted with the failed search.
  • Their excuse, said Mr Evans, was that they were visiting Cumbria for rabbiting and ferreting - an implausible explanation at a time when people were not allowed on to farmland because of the foot-and-mouth epidemic.
  • It was then that Mrs. Minchin ferreted out a dressmaker whom Mrs.St. Quentin employed, and I was put under her hands. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Before dispatching the rabbit it is necessary to induce the ferret to release its hold.
  • I leave it to the reader to ferret these out.
  • When given to ferrets, it produces a disease whose symptoms are all but identical to the Iowan pig virus.
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • Marshall, who has found that in the ferret and other animals, ovulation may be dependent upon copulation, also considers that ovulation and menstruation, though connected and able to react on each other, may both be dependent upon a common cause; he finds that in bitches and rats heat can be produced by injection of extract from ovaries in the oestrous state (F.H.A. Marshall, _Philosophical Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 The Evolution of Modesty; The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity; Auto-Erotism
  • Uncle Vernon ferreted out the laundry box from under the stairs.
  • When Congress convened, wealthy dealers in securities swarmed around Federal Hall on Wall Street, buttonholing members and trying to ferret out the details of Hamilton's program.
  • She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys.
  • His instinct perceived the fetidness of poverty, but no longer ferreted out the deeper evils in pride and sensuality. This Side of Paradise
  • After my Apple news site, Think Secret, published details of Apple's Mac mini two weeks before the product was officially announced, the company sued me in an attempt to ferret out the leaker.
  • He also liked to hunt rabbits with a ferret, which was against the law. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • Thusly lured inside, Saul begins the exposition and starts answering an endless stream of silly questions, answered equally as sillily, and once by a ferret in a magic pot. TV Fail, Cookie Win
  • It doesn't make him one whit less sharp at ferreting out deception, including self-deception.
  • Fishers are among the least understood of the weasel family, or mustelids, which also includes martens, minks, ermines, ferrets, badgers, otters, and wolverines.
  • The actual story is fairly clichéd, and the final twist can be easily ferreted out by observant viewers, but the fun in The Ghost is in getting there.
  • We should have quintupled the size of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and really ferreted out the evil of discrimination in our society.
  • A pit trap dug close to the entrance with a bait positioned to lure the ferret.
  • I was just ferreting around in my drawer for my passport.
  • The difference between a baby happening upon a box of crackers and a ferret happening upon a box of crackers is simply time and scale. Random Snippets of Ferrettage
  • Certainly she didn't fool many women, as McCain operatives hoped; what an astonishing insult to assume that women would vote for someone, anyone, with homogametic chromosomes, regardless of her positions (such as anyone could ferret out, that is, beyond vague anti-government and "pro-faith" assertions). Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • A pit trap dug close to the entrance with a bait positioned to lure the ferret.
  • Perhaps someone can ferret out an answer on what the typical/average/median no-show rate is. Much better by day (Jack Bog's Blog)

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