

[ US /fɝˈɑɹə/ ]
  1. a city in northern Italy
    in the 13th century Ferrara was a center of Renaissance learning and the arts

How To Use Ferrara In A Sentence

  • First at Ferrara and later at Florence, fourteen months were spent in discussing the procession of the Spirit, more time than was devoted to any other issue!
  • Bruno Zumino and Julius Wess were producing highly intriguing papers, while Van Nieuwenhuizen and Sergio Ferrara, and many others were making progress in supergravity. Gerardus 't Hooft - Autobiography
  • We find Giacomo Trotti, the French ambassador in Milan, writing to the Duke of Ferrara a fortnight after Roderigo's election that "the Papacy has been sold by simony and a thousand rascalities, which is a thing ignominious and detestable. The Life of Cesare Borgia
  • As suggested by Ferrara and colleagues, a low mitogen response may possibly reflect underlying anergy or inability of the cellular immune system to effectively mount a T-cell response.
  • After that period to the middle of the sixteenth century they are, with the exception of those of the school of Ferrara, mostly large.
  • In 1243 a Ferrara writer was at Padua, and while attending vespers at the tomb where the sainted body of the Minorite Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
  • Ferrara is right that the * real* problem with SS is that it is a * very bad deal* for today's young workers compared to the alternatives readily available to them. Social Security Privatization Debated, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In counter-protest, newspaper editor Giuliano Ferrara hung up underwear in a Milan auditorium against what he calls a puritanical drive to oust the premier. rss feed
  • On the question of the present canonical status of the four bishops, Ferrara argues that it was only ever Archbishop Lefevbre who was suspended a divinis and that the only penalty imposed on the four bishops was excommunication. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Josquin also paid homage to Duke Ercole in one of his Mass settings; it is built round an eight-note melody derived from the syllables ‘Her-cu-les Dux Fer-ra-ri-e’ ‘Ercole, Duke of Ferrara’, which are translated by assonance of vowels into the solmization syllables re–ut–re–ut–re–la–mi–re. Archive 2009-05-01
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