How To Use Fenestration In A Sentence

  • The architects have responded positively to the museum's neighbour, applying the regular pattern of its fenestration to the adjacent administration offices.
  • The film is riotous good violent fun, with spectacular explosions, all manner of shootings at close range, garrotting, defenestration and several other creative methods of annihilation.
  • The building would be a one and a half storey rectangular block, with some local stone finish and extensive fenestration in the front and gable elevations.
  • Is the throwing of the pumpkin off the balcony referred to as the defenestration of the pumpkin? Minimalist Christmas Update «
  • It may even represent an early form of skull fenestration for jaw muscles.
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  • Some workers suggest that this lack of fenestration is a secondary condition and that turtles should be placed in the Diapsida, but the diapsid vs. anapsid controversy is far from settled.
  • This fenestration appears to ameliorate the postoperative course and diminish the incidence of postoperative effusions.
  • Remember: the autodefenestration that Froomkin describes took place, for the most part, outside the classroom. posted by Eric 11: 46 AM | IsThatLegal?
  • This is never fun, even for fans that have spent months clamoring for the defenestration of some coach or GM or other.
  • I didn’t know there was a word defenestration, or that it actually meant “the act of throwing something out of a window.” Minimalist Christmas Update «
  • The alternative on offer was to jump through a window, which literate readers will know as defenestration, a popular way of inviting kings to commit suicide in 17th century Europe.
  • Occasionally the cysts cause pain because of distension of the liver capsule, and such patients may require cyst fenestration or partial liver resection.
  • Because these new second-story spaces do not touch the original brick enclosing wall, the building's fenestration remains intact.
  • Yet the company also tipped itself into a corruption scandal that involves its two most recent chief executives and led to the defenestration of another senior manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stress I know nothing about the woman herself, but the background to his defenestration – hate mail from pro-life and animal cruelty groups, frenzied character assassinations from the ghastly Cristina Odone, and an unspeakably unpleasant piece of twit-gloating from the even ghastlier Nadine Dorries soon afterwards – is inescapable. Arise, geeks
  • In the Old Town Square the town hall dates back to 1338 and windows all over the city were used for the purpose of throwing political opponents to their deaths, an act known as defenestration.
  • Folks, it's just not a complete movie without at least one good defenestration.
  • What, we wonder, does he make of a flurry of recent articles calling for his defenestration?
  • The trait of temporal fenestration has been used extensively in phylogenetic studies of amniotes, but unfortunately, it is not a reliable guide to their evolution.
  • Extensive fenestration and clerestory windows maximize natural light and provide views of the adjacent park and the city down oak-lined 36th Street.
  • The tables were cheek-by-jowel but the cassoulet was rich and fragrant, the wine was cheap and, beside us, a small fenestration through three feet of hewn stone looked out onto the castle keep.
  • Ground floor glazing is translucent to "protect privacy," whereas the upper floor has transparent fenestration, inviting the view. Alla Kazovsky: Preparing for Success
  • This roadside public face has little fenestration in contrast to the all-glass private side, which takes advantage of views facing the forest, the stream and diffuse northern light. The Rantilla Residence by Michael Rantilla
  • Historically, the word defenestration was used to refer to an act of political dissent. Ann Aguirre » Blog Archive » Annie McRantypants
  • The building illustrates the close dialogue between Russian and European Modernists: Taking up Le Corbusier's principles, it was elevated on pilotis, had banded fenestration and a roof garden. Ideology Through Geometry
  • Instead, more than 22 years since her defenestration, Thatcher's brand of neo-liberalism is the unshakeable paradigm for our economy and politics.
  • Towards the harbour, fenestration is contained in two strips of deeply-set, horizontal cuts.
  • Unfortunately, the kids 'space could have been much improved if the building design hadn't been negatively impacted by foolish conceits about historic design which determined the fenestration of the basement wall on the south side. Georgetown Library to reopen
  • The different components, different materials and fenestration—they help break down the buildings' mass. Bruce Ratner's Exercise in Bland
  • His defenestration was coldly abrupt, and in his place, the Football Association resurrected a veteran manager and former England star for seven games.
  • Isn't "defenestration" especially when someone throws HIMSELF out of the window in an act of suicide? Apartment Therapy Main
  • Make it a rule that anyone, interviewer or interviewee, who uses that word will be subject to immediate defenestration.
  • I do hope you won't mind me butting in here: I think the fenestration is of less importance than the existence of the Turdus Merula just visible under the fourth fence rail on the right. The Langton Messiah
  • John: is changing his idea of making fenestration translucent on the ground level and transparent on the top. Alla Kazovsky: Organizing Circulation
  • The lepospondyls are represented by the aistopods, which were already highly specialized in the fenestration of the skull, the great elongation of the vertebral column, and the complete loss of limbs.
  • Still, this bright beachfront beauty was spotless, featured two dishwashers, something called a "pasta faucet" and enough fenestration to keep Windex in production for centuries. No Place for Holly Golightly
  • defenestration" and says on the topic of Royal Mail part-privatisation (below): Slugger O'Toole
  • To make the situation more interesting, King Wenceslas IV had an apoplectic fit and died of a heart attack upon learning of the defenestration.
  • Optic nerve sheath fenestration is done first by an incision into the orbit.
  • A few unexpected moves push these time-honored forms into the modern world: extreme angles to the roof pitches, compressed fenestration with staggered window sizes, and square dormers.
  • Moreover, in the method utilising fenestration, the tube was left in place for 2-3 days for observation prior to permanently removing it.
  • On a bright summer evening the massive, pioneering fenestration of Bess of Hardwick's pile really does live up to the old local rhyme "Hardwick Hall – more glass than wall". Country diary: North Derbyshire
  • Turtles reflect the ancestral ‘anapsid’ condition and lack temporal fenestration.
  • This fenestration of mullions forms an arcading at plaza level.
  • The announcement, hurried out after the Stock Exchange had closed, and most of the City had gone home, speaks of a defenestration.
  • When I first learned the word "defenestration" it was using a cat as an example. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • Yet the company also tipped itself into a corruption scandal that involves its two most recent chief executives and led to the defenestration of another senior manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I hear the GOP running some nonsense about how Obamacare is scaring small business I find myself beating back the desire for autodefenestration. Unemployment Plus Capacity Utilization = 'A F**king Disaster'
  • The justice minister was, until recently, best known for calling on Iain Duncan Smith to resign as Tory leader in 2003, sparking the crisis that led to the Quiet Man's eventual defenestration.
  • Curiously, its busy, joggled fenestration -- so at odds with the clean, corporate lines of the dominant "International Style" that Saarinen rejected -- is very much the kind of thing that today's younger architects are doing, if with a lighter touch. Saarinen's Embassy Must Not Be Razed
  • In France an 1860 shooting and an 1886 defenestration inspired episodes in Emile Zola's railway novel La Bete humaine.
  • Several other revelations have begun to seep out in the wake of O'Brien's forced defenestration.

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