
femoral vein

  1. a vein that accompanies the femoral artery in the same sheath; a continuation of the popliteal vein; becomes the external iliac vein

How To Use femoral vein In A Sentence

  • To provide anatomical basis for treatment of the deep venous thrombosis of lower limb with deep femoral vein shunting to contralateral great saphenous vein.
  • Reaching into his pocket, he slipped out the hypodermic and, easing off the cap, sank the needle quickly into her femoral vein. COMPULSION
  • The obturator may communicate with the femoral vein.
  • The two possibilities are balloon flotation catheters inserted through the subclavian or jugular vein and semirigid pacing wires through the femoral vein.
  • The femoral vein, O, Plate 30, is separated from the falciform margin, S s, of the saphenous opening by one of these septa. Surgical Anatomy
  • The femoral vein is occasionally placed along the medial side of the artery throughout the entire extent of the femoral trangle; or it may be split so that a large vein is placed on either side of the artery for a greater or lesser distance. VI. The Arteries. 6. The Arteries of the Lower Extremity
  • In phlegmasia cerulea dolens, there is an acute and nearly total venous occlusion of the entire extremity outflow, including the iliac and femoral veins. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Blood flow velocity in the common femoral vein is 20 times less in the sitting than in the supine position.
  • The right femoral vein and artery were isolated through a surgical incision at the groin and were cannulated using a bleeding catheter and a triple lumen catheter (blood pressure measurements). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Massive DVT is characterized by severe pain, swelling of the entire limb, acrocyanosis, and ultrasonic findings of involvement of the iliofemoral vein segment and/or inferior vena cava.
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