How To Use Femoral nerve In A Sentence
The femoral nerve may run buried in a cleft of the iliacus under the psoas.
Femoral nerve injury is usually believed to be caused by prolonged position in the lithotomy stirrups leading to partial eschemia from kinking as the nerve passes under the inguinal ligament.
Conclusion C7 nerve transfer to repair the femoral nerve through the vascularized tibial nerve bridging in two stages could reconstruct the movement and sensation function of lower limb of paraplegia.
In rheumatoid arthritis the e. femoral nerve is often damaged a. principal lesion is an area of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by fibroblasts 20.
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-- While paralysis of the femoral nerve, also known as "dropped stifle" occurs as a result of local injuries and melanotic tumors in gray horses, most cases are due to azoturia.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1

No Zone III marker was posterior to any part of the lumbar plexus with the exception of the genitofemoral nerve.
The femoral nerve may run buried in a cleft of the iliacus under the psoas.