
How To Use Feminism In A Sentence

  • But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
  • If feminism is routinely placed first it sets up womanism as a ridiculous offshoot. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Until then — yes feminism means being antimale. on June 17, 2008, at 6:31 pm | Reply A.Y. Siu Not Anti-Male « AAUW Dialog
  • We might describe feminism as a political project to understand and, therefore, to change women's inequality, exploitation, or oppression.
  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country--the Halls of Congress--a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
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  • Though old-line, hard-line feminism has little appeal for today's women, its ideology lives on in law and policy - like light rays from a dead star.
  • Contemporary Western feminist theory in the 1980s moved beyond the dialogues that sought to differentiate feminisms from each other and instead began to articulate a more pluralized notion of feminism at its core.
  • -- FeminisTIC technorati tags: takebackthetech women femmes ICT TIC Internet nptech feminism féminisme cyberfeminism cyberféminisme FeminisTIC FeminisTIC
  • She represents the other model of feminism, a feminism that the movie does not validate, that is about political power. Enchanted
  • This mixes feminism with funny, cool with competent, self-deprecating with powerbroker. The Sun
  • In this kind of environment, post-feminism confronts the young feminist as something of a briar patch to be negotiated with care.
  • It also provided an understanding of another form of ecofeminism, class oppression. Caring for the Earth « AAUW Dialog
  • Individual liberty and free enterprise are feminism's best friends.
  • The other aspect of her conservatism which seems most unsavoury today is her hostility to feminism.
  • - FAFIA (English) / AFAI (en français) -- FeminisTIC technorati tags: takebackthetech women femmes ICT TIC Internet nptech feminism féminisme cyberfeminism cyberféminisme FeminisTIC FeminisTIC
  • “Lying about rape” in the lexicon of antifeminism means “falsely claiming to have been raped”. Anatomy Of A False Rape Accusation Comment - Part 2
  • Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture. Harper's Magazine
  • Perhaps womanist is a word that does not obscure or contradict feminism, but that represents a new kind of feminism that is fresh, informed and accessible.
  • Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
  • Her feminism has to do with making yourself the most attractive, invulnerable, compelling object that you can.
  • He forged his own take on post-World War II women in the days when feminism was just beginning to change the culture and the idea of going braless was considered a political statement.
  • Anti-censorship feminism is often very misunderstood and mislabelled and I would recommend this book to anyone, whatever their stance.
  • Black women who share feminist ideals but associate feminism with white women sometimes prefer to talk about "womanism, Feminism's Identity Crisis
  • I already explained how kink lead me to porn, and now that I'm here, I have to say that pornography and my exhibitionist sexuality influence my feminism.
  • I think its nothing short of rude and ignorant to attack a site set up to promote young feminism on the basis of ageism, I notice the same people are not attacking it for sexism.
  • Feminism and the feminist movement comes from these opportunities – it's Rosie the Riveter who inspired the opportunities that came to postwar women.
  • The subversion and deconstruction of "maternal mythology" is a result of the fustigation of feminist literature on male dominated culture as well as of feminism introspection.
  • Harder to stomach is the peevish, chip-on-your-shoulder feminism that pervades so much of the book.
  • He explains, ‘Among the conditions which are expressions of degeneracy of the body are three conditions known as infantilism, masculinism, and feminism.’
  • Indeed the first Greek responses to the radical feminism, which emerged in the early phases of the French Revolution, came from men, and most notably from the radical exponent of the Greek Enlightenment, Rhigas Velestinlis (or Pherraios) (1757 – 98). Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • One would like to request the filmmaker at least to do some reading on feminism.
  • It is likely that you will join in the author's song with joy and wholeheartedly endorse the great hymn to eco-feminism with which chapter fifteen concludes.
  • She does not want to be constricted by a narrow feminism nor does she accept the cultural burden handed to her as a woman.
  • The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism.
  • Feminism which is, of course, expressed through the time-honored medium of a fetching Andre-the-Giant-esque sports bra and skin-tight low-rise Han Solo pants, just as it should be. Your Mileage May Vary | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Ecofeminists may advocate for a specific cause within the realm of ecofemisim, but they are devoted to the fundamental principles of ecofeminism. Caring for the Earth « AAUW Dialog
  • Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
  • Woman-centred psychology is grounded in a particular woman-centred form of western feminism.
  • But old-line feminism still has a tin ear for listening to women with children, as evidenced by their main solution to the problem of combining work and family life: the socialization of child care.
  • Their definition of feminism paralleled definitions provided by feminists, who argued that women's rights and personal development were often squelched because of family responsibilities.
  • They objected to materials that expose children to feminism, witchcraft, pacifism, vegetarianism, and situational ethics.
  • I recently saw a prolific pro-life blogger not one who made any claims to feminism who was writing about how he had JUST FOUND OUT about a condition called ectopic pregnancy, and how this new information was causing him to question his previous belief that there was no such thing as abortion to save the mother. Do Pro-Lifers Know Anything About Abortion?
  • They have decentered Euro-American feminism and are looking at lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender identities.
  • However, the Third World feminism politics that often focuses on theenvironmentas one of the many reasons for their inequalities, is often forgotten in these types of debates, arguably because it is too close to hard-core and ‘masculine’ types of politics that many don’t want to be represented as coming ‘natural’ to women. Environment – a political area women are represented well in. But for the right reasons? « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • I don’t understand how this may pose a challenge to my feminism, although from having read other responses to this question I gather it becomes a question of gendered/gendering resources – i.e. that the ideal AP mom is staying at home and attending full-time to her child’s needs, thus requiring a partner (presumably a husband, implying both heteronormativity and a degree of monogamousness). Feminist mothering. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Many of these women do not see religion as antithetical to feminism, and perceive religious affiliation as integral to their struggle for human rights on many different levels.
  • Revisionist history and silly displays of pro-feminism posturing, liberal agendas and the whitewashing of historical figures and places has no place in public education.
  • There are many definitions of the word 'feminism'.
  • Politics, feminism, jealousy, and fragility of love are only a few issues tackled within this multi-layered film.
  • This feminist novel has already traveled into the era of post-feminism.
  • He pays lip - service to feminism but his wife still does all the housework.
  • She does not often provide explicit details about how such a " philosophical pragmatism " might benefit feminism.
  • A lot of feminism seems to be about philosophising the whole movement, talks about theory and not much action.
  • It was about faith, it was about feminism, it was about a lot of things, but ultimately, we were always showing that marriage was something valuable in a culture that often idealizes it in a spiritually unrealistic way or throws it away as a kind of disposable value, and I think we actually accomplished that. Big Love: A Series Finale Postmortem with Creators Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer
  • For adherents of some disciplines, using the resources allotted to them by academia to produce arcane, unread tomes may be fine, but this isn't doing feminism any good.
  • I associate this brand of feminism with a certain variety of white, coastal-city dwelling, fairly well-to-do heterosexual cisgendered woman, a woman with a comfortable white-collar job that is so very comfortable and so very white-collar that she is free to spend her spare time yearning for, and semi-believing that she could attain, something with more “meaning.” Already Thursday! How? « Gerry Canavan
  • The last component of the rainbow coalition that I want to refer to is feminism.
  • Definitely worth watching, whether to enjoy the rich visuals of Hellenic Egypt, to savor the ever-wonderful storytelling of Alejandro Amenábar, to bask in the feminism of the world’s first-known female mathematician and astronomer and philosopher, to stick it to the Christian man by enjoying a world where pagans held power and Christians were the rioting mob, or to revel in the antitheistic message of a time when violence ruled all religions—just like today. Agora | Mind on Fire
  • Feminism has been portrayed in primarily liberalist and cultural terms.
  • Feminism is simply another device to ensnare women.
  • From the day in 1890 when Ray Frank publicly addressed a Kol Nidre service in Spokane Washington, through the rise and fall of Second Wave Feminism, Jewish women across denominations have traced their journeys — metaphorically and literally — out from the balcony and onto the main stage of religious life, even onto the bimah itself. Celebrating Women's History Month: Jewish Women and Religious Innovation
  • Because of feminism's many successes, women have been seduced into submission once again.
  • There are few persons today who would openly oppose the general principles of equality that drive feminism.
  • And the latest claim – that kiss-and-tell stories are somehow supporting feminism by exposing rich and famous men – is just too daft for words. Letters to MediaGuardian
  • Academic feminism has provided a forum for Third World women to express themselves and vent their anger at their societies.
  • The point to this election is not feminism (yae or nae). Obama Privately Rebuked Lieberman For Half-Heartedly Denying False Muslim Rumors
  • Unhappily, most of the new shows with women in leading roles—NBC's poorly scripted resurrection of the British hit "Prime Suspect," or ABC's inane remake of "Charlie's Angels," for example—offer little more than overcompensating caricatures of the fairer sex in an era of stiletto-heeled "postfeminism. A Marriage of Heaven and Hollywood
  • Black feminism has engaged issues across the black political spectrum and has formed alliances with non-black progressives.
  • Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
  • Feminist critic Elaine Showalter has gone so far as to claim hysteria as a root or first step of feminism--a kind of protolanguage of revolt communicating through the body messages that can't be verbalized, especially in a period of time when women or that matter men had no framework for signifying their often largely psycho-sexual repressions. G. Roger Denson: "Old," "Crazy" and "Hysterical." Is That All There Is?
  • My struggle with feminism has been to find the power in feminism that doesn't rely upon extreme anger - it was for that reason that I told the story about being called a feminazi, and about wanting to find away to reject the very idea of the feminazi. Debating Feminism
  • The combination of cybernetics with psychoanalysis and feminism made possible a writing that would no longer be representational, but productive: an erotic engineering.
  • Isn't that, in a sense, the new feminism, often referred to as postfeminism, as though the old feminism were somehow obsolete? Enchanted
  • Even though I am very disappointed with the effect feminism has had in our culture, I have also met girls who are turned by the idea of traditionalism because they are sincerely aware of chauvinistic male attitudes. Modestly Yours
  • Not every dictionary or thesaurus acknowledges the opposite of feminism and feminist.
  • There's a strain of feminism that comes out of the women's health movement of the seventies that is deeply suspicious of reproductive technology.
  • In this trajectory, she presents this set of essays as yet another ground upon which feminism was and is being theorised in India.
  • The implications of this should not go unmissed: any public contemplation of ditching one of the proudest achievements of modern feminism in the name of liberal tax reform would be explosive.
  • Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.
  • It does seem to be that, despite the many successes of feminism, the last area to undergo change is our sense of who pursues and who is pursued in a relationship.
  • Other feminist writers, however, have tried to reevaluate the significance of psychoanalytic theory for feminism.
  • What's different now, though, is that feminism appears not so much dead as obsolete.
  • If justice existed in the mass-media universe, the newsweeklies would now pose the question, ‘Is Post-Feminism Dead?’
  • Never shy of taking risks, the series tackled such contentious issues as feminism and South African apartheid.
  • Their overemphasis on fragmentation, however, offers neither political nor intellectual support in confronting the oppressions with which feminism has historically been concerned.
  • You will be born in an America of many posts: post–civil rights, postfeminism, post–cold war. Nomad
  • One of the most interesting papers used ecofeminism and vegetarianism to consider the treatment of animals in two novels from the United States and Mexico, both of which represented indigenous lifestyles.
  • The journalist, Gemma Soames, seems to be arguing that the recent Miss University London beauty pageant is a microcosmic example of a change in the focus of feminist activism by cis women away from a ‘retro’ (and, by implication, outmoded and irrelevant) feminism: Ohz noez! Not *another* 2008 roundup…
  • Militarism was developed as an antidote to feminism just as much as it was designed to fight socialism.
  • A quarter-century of feminism and here's advice on how to use a washboard and scrub the kitchen floor on your hands and knees.
  • Lacanian-influenced feminism is hardly an ideal response to the deficiencies in feminist psychology.
  • I think we’re underrepresented in cisgender queer theory, cisgender “third gender” anthropology, and armchair feminism, that those fields reify this gender-non-conforming/third-gender/gender-non-binary/whatever deal, and that subversivist communities look down on transsexual women (and sometimes men). Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • I'm nostalgic for the vanguard feminism of the past!
  • Feminism has to stop being seen purely as an intellectual pursuit for the educated elite and has to start being about real women and real lives.
  • She's just using the feminist thing as a cover - imagine how much she can get away with in the name of feminism.
  • Simone de Beauvoir's "Le Deuxieme Sex" is a significant feminism philosophical writing.
  • They come in and think they're gonna change the face of postfeminism. Heeb HQ RSS
  • Trans as an adjective: I do not refer to myself as a transwoman for the same reason given by Lisa Harney in her comment on Cedar’s post Put the Goddamn Space in: “transwoman” “transfeminism” “transmasculine” etc (language politics #1): Enough.
  • Of course there were feminists, but this was a long time before feminism went mainstream.
  • It’s filled with the usual NRO "ooh, Science scary" tocsins, as well as a dig at working women "The demand side of the market comes mostly from career-minded baby-boomers, the frontierswomen of feminism, who thought they could have it all". Firedoglake » When Are We Gonna Ban In Vitro Fertilization?
  • As a man who is committed to social justice, I have always been a supporter of feminism.
  • Metrosexuality, in both its female and male incarnations, is a necessarily self-ish post-feminism. Mark Simpson and Caroline Hagood on Wo-Metrosexuality and the City
  • The question of a woman's right to choose is going to be a basic issue of the upcoming election with the recent position of the Bush administration grouping birth control with abortion and McCain's VP selection of Sarah Palin who belongs to a group called Feminists for Life, their idea of feminism being outlawing both abortion and what they call abortifacient birth control which pretty much includes everything except rhythm and prayer they even object to condoms because they feel that form of male birth control usually becomes the woman's responsibility. Republican Birth Control: Health Insurance Rules Force Family Planning and Leave Pregnant Mothers in a Financial Bind
  • That Baillie does not endorse the affinity between women and nature assumed in the approaches Bowerbank studies as well as in the ecofeminism of our own time is consistent with the rejection of gender essentialism stated in her Introductory Discourse and demonstrated in her plays. Notes on 'Joanna Baillie’s Ecotopian Comedies'
  • This is one part of feminism which will never be subject to revisionism.
  • My students recently tackled the distinction between the philosophies of feminism and Black womanism.
  • Feminism must address issues beyond the concerns of middle-class whites.
  • They locate their feminism within a complex progressive movement.
  • Madeleine Parent. technorati tags: takebackthetech women femmes ICT TIC Internet nptech feminism féminisme cyberfeminism cyberféminisme FeminisTIC FeminisTIC
  • Political ecofeminism uses methods and approaches based on the idea that institutions like a state, which represent a convergence of different interests sharing power provide to a certain extent for the needs of the community.
  • These are perfectly rational questions, not mere hysteria or antifeminism. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Thus, a tale, for example, dealing either with "feminism" or "white slavery" as the handiest makeshift of spinsterdom -- or with the divorce habit and plutocratic iniquity in general, or with the probable benefits of converting clergymen to The Certain Hour
  • I think we're changing the face feminism, regardless of what the "meany" feminists say! Spring Has Sprung
  • Women's attitudes towards feminism, the clothing they wore, and other beliefs and behaviors were subjected to scrutiny by Spanish modernizers who saw women as key to Europeanizing and westernizing Spain.
  • For this reason, many women's organizations consciously avoid the term feminism in their strategic actions, in order to more successfully convey their message to the public. Nationalism, War, Crisis And Women's Politics
  • The first wave of feminism demanded that women seek equal rights by asserting themselves in the workforce.
  • It has sometimes been called Marxism, sometimes socialist feminism, sometimes womanism, sometimes materialist feminism, or feminist materialism, and sometimes is implicit in work that bears no theoretical labels.
  • Her parents were well-off, and Kate did attend Bryn Mawr, but dinner-table conversations in the Hepburn household did not re-volve around teas and tennis but, rather, feminism, Marxism, Fabian - ism, even nudism. Greg Mitchell: Dispatches From Incredible 1934 Campaign: Shirley Temple and H.L. Mencken Hit Upton Sinclair
  • Hefner dismisses what she describes as the "puritanical, antisexual, antimale" wing of feminism, but she nonetheless identifies herself as a feminist, declaring, "To say you're not a feminist is virtually the same thing as saying you're a racist. GOOD Magazine: XXX CEO
  • At some other point in the interview he accused feminism of being a father-hating movement.
  • Bruckner described a sheriff on a Florida beach ordering him to cover his naked two-year-old daughter, as an example of the US's "problem with sex", which he described as "twisted puritanism" resulting from the alliance of "feminism and the Republican right". Dominique Strauss-Kahn will fly home to a France divided over his reputation
  • There is a definite misogynistic, anti-feminism playing throughout the sordid vignettes.
  • Yet the symbol of feminism was perceived as a direct challenge to Catholicism and Catholic values.
  • There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding feminism and feminists.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = jessica-wakeman; entry_id = 93629; bimbo = 1; bimbo-game = 1; feminism = 1; miss-bimbo = 1; miss-bimbo-game = 1; sexism = 1", Jessica Wakeman: My Pet Bimbo
  • It is too easy to skip over feminism in these self-proclaimed post-feminist times.
  • There is the pessimist who feels that the "irreligion" of to-day is responsible; there is the one who blames feminism; and there is the type that finds in Democracy and liberalism generally the cause of the receding old-fashioned morality. The Nervous Housewife
  • Did militant feminism require women to give up their womanhood and adopt masculinity?
  • But unease with the term "feminism" has been a persistent concern in the feminist movement, whether the unease is attributed to racial divisions or to residual resistance to feminist ideals. Feminism's Identity Crisis
  • They objected to materials that expose children to feminism, witchcraft, pacifism, vegetarianism, and situational ethics.
  • People should make an effort to learn more about it before they go dissing it, because there's lots of different kinds of feminism.
  • Can ecocriticism be regrounded in ecofeminism or postcolonial studies to meet racial and ethnic inequalities?
  • In similar multidisciplinary vein, surveys the broad field of "ecofeminism", whose sub-currents range from spiritualist to materialist and redistributive approaches. Eurozine articles
  • And the one basic, most important fight in feminism is for choice. The Mask of Motherhood « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The word feminism has become synonymous with the idea of man-hating when in fact it has more to do with women than men," she wrote, using the example of Christine Lagarde, the former French finance minister who became the first female head of the International Monetary Fund. Magda Abu-Fadil: Arab Editor Aysha Taryam Slams Indifference
  • Marxist feminism is rather more complicated in that it sees the oppression of women as inextricably linked to the class system.
  • He has escaped lightly from other brushes with the law, and from politically incorrect condemnations of homosexuality, feminism and contraception.
  • But Walker's work has always been about the experiences and inner lives of black women – she coined the term "womanism" that describes a movement of black feminists who felt ignored by mainstream feminism. Alice Walker
  • This virulent antifeminism paradoxically gives rise to a discourse of female liberation. Sex.
  • Despite rumours to the contrary, feminism is alive and well.
  • Feminism's march seems to be made in boots and knickers now cheerleading is on the curriculum Stuff your pompoms. This isn't sport
  • Quiverfull's pronatalist emphasis is linked to a companion doctrine of strident antifeminism among conservative Christians who see the women's liberation movement as the origin of a host of social ills, from abortion to divorce, women working and teen sex. Extreme Motherhood
  • Nothing brings out my inner suffragette more than a film that announces its allegiance to post-feminism.
  • When I read the description, I thought what is ecofeminism? Caring for the Earth « AAUW Dialog
  • All the groupings and distinctions of modern feminism were present then.
  • As committed feminists they feel that feminism can greatly assist the professional mental health worker.
  • Gold's milieu, the laid-back '70s, saw things move away from the highly tailored mod look to unisex dressing inspired by the sexual revolution and feminism.
  • You have decided that the feminist opinion represents the opinion of all women, and therefore, any critique of the feminist opinion is labeled misogyny, when clearly, the feminist opinion is not the same thing as the opinion of all women-in actual fact, feminism is quite content to use women as nothing more than cannon fodder in its misandrist crusade. Responses to the commenters on the “Guilty Pleasures” post. « A Bird’s Nest
  • In addition to his nature-based theory, the author blends the traditional roles of women and ideas of hard core feminism into what he terms womanism.
  • First, some women reject feminism in favor of more orthodox forms of religion.
  • This is inevitably something of a scamper through too many countries and histories; everywhere, it seemed, feminism tended to go through a moderate earlier phase and later a more revolutionary phase.
  • It's not clear what the difference is between feminism and womanism.
  • What you refer to as a "necessarily self-ish post-feminism" may just be a necessarily feminist, deconstructed, post-sexuality -- what writers Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel dub pomosexuality. Caroline Hagood: Mark Simpson and Caroline Hagood on Wo-Metrosexuality and the City
  • May 1st, 2006 at 4:06 am feminist of color bloggers have responded: Feministing: Intersectionality and the politics of white feminism Good post, but the discussion was marred by a racist jerk who called Nubian a “token.” Responses to the Reactions to Blac(k)ademic’s “Gender Does NOT Trump Race”
  • It's not just about the fact that if we clearly cannot agree on what feminism is, how can we even go about agreeing on what post-feminism is, but that the very term negates both the activism and identity of those who regard feminism as a work in progress, not just something to be studied in the history books with the requisite buzzphrase "bra burning," sans explanation about its origins in a single protest at the 1968 Miss America Pageant Freedom Trash Can bonfire. The Full Feed from
  • German Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum,” the Vatican dicastery or administrative agency on charity, aid and relief, blamed “gender mainstreaming” and “radical feminism” for attacking biological manhood and insisting that “sexual roles are learned.” Archive 2009-02-01
  • An evangelical agnostic, Linton tends to be amusingly (or at least assertively) grouchy (although her antifeminism can make modern readers similarly grouchy...) Readable
  • First, there are the Christian fundamentalists or "values voters" as it pleases them to call themselves, whose bedrock principles are theocracy, antifeminism, and homophobia. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Liberal feminism looks at the roles women play in world politics and asks why they are marginalized.
  • What are the intellectual resources you see in the existentialist feminism of Beauvoir which have stimulated your vital new insights in feminist theory?
  • Their overemphasis on fragmentation, however, offers neither political nor intellectual support in confronting the oppressions with which feminism has historically been concerned.
  • The apparent popularity of post-feminism should give feminists pause particularly because the post-feminist strain veils deep-seated conservatism.
  • The problem of wife abuse is not one of feminism, secular humanism or a lack of headship in the home.
  • But feminism has too fully indoctrinated us in the idea that the female position is necessarily the weaker one.
  • In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country -- the Halls of Congress -- a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage. Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
  • But the motive behind her achievement was not self-interest alone, nor the desire to carry aloft the banner of feminism.
  • The core of feminism is about choice, and the right to pursue one's life goals, whatever those are.
  • There were several different ways women lived out their feminism within the same Catholic congregation.
  • Beauvoir is well-known all over the world as a famous existentialist philosopher, ideologist, litterateur, social activist and a spiritual leader of feminism.
  • Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.
  • It does serve as a short primer for folks not clear on the history of lesbian feminism and butch / femme dynamics, however.
  • And later, through the influence of structural anthropology as well as feminism, feminist anthropology developed as anew branch discipline on the basis of anthropology of women.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = jessica-wakeman; entry_id = 94055; bimbo = 1; bimbo-game = 1; feminism = 1; miss-bimbo = 1; miss-bimbo-game = 1; sexism = 1", Jessica Wakeman: Miss Bimbo Off Her Diet Pills
  • As one of the bloggers who has been given credit for starting the blogswarm on the Congo rape epidemic, and as someone who has always, always questioned the way Africa has been portrayed as this "netherworld" of our worst nightmares or our most victimized victims see Africa: This Year's Entertainment and Decolonizing Feminism posts, I take these concerns very seriously. Why I Will Not Disavow the "Feminist" Label
  • Collins admonishes: ‘… womanism and Black feminism may have little meaning, especially in the absence of actual social institutions dedicated to investigating Black women's critical social theory.’
  • He discusses movements that have different "discourses," -- preservation versus conservation, versus deep ecology, versus environmental justice, versus ecofeminism, and so on. George Lakoff: Why Environmental Understanding, or "Framing," Matters: An Evaluation of the EcoAmerica Summary Report
  • While some media coverage of the new modesty movement has poked fun at the religious influence on fashion (see Newsweek's "Girls Gone Mild-er"), others offer more balanced coverage (listen to NPR), or go so far as to proclaim it as the new post-feminism feminism. Kristi York Wooten: Hemlines Down, Self-Esteem up: The New Modesty Movement Continues
  • Readers interested in the novel's social trajectory - its feminism, its attempt to articulate lesbian desire - figure Matthew as a parody or burlesque of patriarchal knowledge.
  • Steinem became the poster girl for feminism in the 1970s because she was good-looking, smart, articulate and blatantly heterosexual.
  • An ethics of dissensus: postmodernity, feminism, and the politics of radical democracy. Feminist Political Philosophy
  • She had a lifelong commitment to feminism.
  • Perhaps, feminists who diverge from conventional feminism and claim a more personal feminism, such as womanism, are content. Serendip's Exchange -
  • These so-called dichotomies/binaries - right and left, radical and conservative, Feminism and porn. I sold Comments are now open.
  • So many people think feminism is a dirty word.
  • (The people responsible for my being able to articulate this statement are far too numerous to mention, but in particular at this moment, I want to thank Ricky Sherover-Marcuse who invented "intersectionality" as an activism tool before it was taken over by the academy; the revolutionary poetic voice of Judy Grahn; and the writing of Denise Thompson and her choice to define feminism.) Morning Manifesto
  • These replications of conventional psychology's misogyny come about because feminism finds it difficult to articulate links between subjectivity and political change.
  • Even the most resistive of these locutions, however, do not explicitly embrace feminism or seek any larger political context.
  • Perhaps even more telling, it is interesting that a gender neutral term like "androgynism" couldn't have been used instead of either masculism or feminism to represent the elimination of a common enemy …. restrictive gender roles that can harm us all. MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
  • She argues that the revolutionary left only pays lip-service to feminism, and sexism and machismo are as pervasive in these organisations as in mainstream society.
  • Just as power was ubiquitous in society and repression many-sided, so the struggle against it would have to tackle it from all angles, including ecologism, regionalism, anti-racism, feminism, and the gay movement.
  • It is too easy to skip over feminism in these self-proclaimed post-feminist times.
  • But most of all she won because she understood what was finally at stake in feminism.
  • Albert's reference point is the theories he sees as having been the main contenders in the battle for ideas in the 1960s and 1970s: Marxism, feminism, anarchism and nationalism.
  • Another option is that it's a somewhat sophomoric, eurocentric brand of feminism incapable, through its own misinformed liberalism, of recognising anyone other than white, anglophone males as the enemy.
  • I don't think the only reason why feminism have received so many negative identities is becos of some women. Feminism 101: What Feminism is not
  • Nonetheless, Wonder Woman remains a touchstone of popular culture, a symbol of feminism and an enduring piece of psychology history.
  • Post-feminism does not actually exist because we are still in the phase of pre-feminism.
  • For all these reasons the pill has long been credited not only as a vital ingredient in the rise of feminism but a precursor to the swinging Sixties, the tool that enabled a generation to throw caution to the wind.
  • Representing the female nude After thirty or so years of scholarship, feminism now has a relatively well-established position within art history.
  • Liberal feminism has equal rights for men and women as its major concern.

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