How To Use Felicity In A Sentence

  • Prema Jayakumar's translation is done with a rare felicity that is pleasing to read.
  • For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss -- a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil. Delicious LiveJournal Links for 7-3-2010
  • Felicity Maxwell had left Lorelei's cigarettes and matches on a little table by the left arm of Lorelei 's chair. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • I cleared my throat to distract from the infelicity of the phrase. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Her own brother Theo despised cats, the Major complained when Sidhi dug in his flower beds, Duncan treated him with polite indifference, Felicity pronounced him unsanitary, and Meg lived in a bed-sit in Kilburn with a landlady she described as ferocious—no good prospects there. All Shall Be Well
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  • He can flit from populist argument to high brow abstraction and then back into quango-speak and then consultancy jargon with amazing felicity.
  • Felicity sold hers to Uncle Alec's hired man -- and was badly cheated to boot, for he levanted shortly afterwards, taking the apples with him, having paid her only half her rightful due. The Story Girl
  • But the other day, when first I beheld thee, whether it proceeded from thy happinesse in fortune, or the fatall houre of my owne infelicity for ever, I know not; I conceyved such an effectuall kinde of liking towardes thee, as never did Woman love a man more truely then I doe thee having sworn within my soule to make thee my The Decameron
  • 'The first instance I shall give of the abiding influence of strong impressions received in infancy, is in the character of a lady who is now no more; and who was too eminent for piety and virtue, to leave any doubt of her being now exalted to the enjoyment of that felicity which her enfeebled mind, during its abode on earth, never dared to contemplate. The Mother's Book
  • Holy love to God as the chief good and our felicity is the power of godliness, the very life and soul of religion, without which all external professions and performances are but a shell and carcase: now here we have some of the expressions of that love. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Tame and refusing to eat anything other than cat food, the puma, later named Felicity, lived out her days at a wildlife park.
  • With this felicity of thinking, they easily bridged the physical and social sciences, from biology to psychology to sociology.
  • FELICITY hurries across the stage, PRINCE JACK in pursuit. Over the Moon
  • And first, I am very sensible how much the gentlemen of wit and pleasure are apt to murmur, and be choked at the sight of so many daggle-tailed parsons that happen to fall in their way, and offend their eyes; but at the same time, these wise reformers do not consider what an advantage and felicity it is for great wits to be always provided with objects of scorn and contempt, in order to exercise and improve their talents, and divert their spleen from falling on each other, or on themselves, especially when all this may be done without the least imaginable danger to their persons. An Argument against Abolishing Christianity
  • Felicity's perfect recipe - a many gingered thing. How to cook perfect ginger cake
  • Undine was almost ashamed that the unwooed Mabel should be the witness of her own felicity, and planned to send her off on a trip to Denver when Peter should announce his arrival; but the weeks passed, and Peter did not come. The Custom of the Country
  • It was a cloudless summer morning, and all Nature, smiling in her felicity, sent up a hymn of adoration to the author of her beauty.
  • She can describe an ostrich or elephant with equal felicity.
  • He can flit from populist argument to high brow abstraction and then back into quango-speak and then consultancy jargon with amazing felicity.
  • It was an insupportable situation and Felicity was a fool to go on enduring it. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Felicity took one look at old Mrs. Briney and burst out laughing, sniggering and pointing at her.
  • “I feel the highest gratitude and attachment to my country—her felicity is the most fervent prayer of my heart.” Ratification
  • Felicity had a natural aptitude for what we called "bossing," and in her mother's absence she deemed that she had a right to rule supreme. The Story Girl
  • All we have to do is speak our preferences plainly and a whole new world of mutual felicity should arise.
  • The President of the United States is a supporting player in the romantic misadventures of Hillary Felicity Porter Clinton, the dweeby good guy our heroine has been ignoring for the BMOC, and the Secretary of State has nothing more pressing on her mind than wondering what pretty girl has caught her wayward boyfriend's eye and maybe how pleased she is with herself for acing that term paper for English lit. Lance Mannion:
  • She lived, meanwhile, wholly shut up from all company, consigned to penitence for her indiscretions, to grief for the fate of her sister, and to wasting regret of her own causelessly lost felicity. Camilla
  • Felicity and David's relationship burgeons, despite Meghan giving her mono.
  • And think not that the felicity of the heroes and demigods in the Elysian fields consisteth either in their asphodel, ambrosia, or nectar, as our old women here used to say; but in this, according to my judgment, that they wipe their tails with the neck of a goose, holding her head betwixt their legs, and such is the opinion of Master John of Scotland, alias Scotus. 2009 February « Anglican Samizdat
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.
  • We suspect felicity is not likely to accompany a sense of entitlement, which arises from a sullen sense that not only are things not improving but that that is because we have no control - the world does not appreciate our true worth.
  • as I looked across the sea of tossing billycocks and rocking bonnets, my work, as I heard them give tongue, not once, but four times… I felt that I had secured Perfect Felicity.
  • Dame Felicity Lott - verging on venerable these days - got round it another way: a small notebook with text jottings or quick reference.
  • The translations I offer aim to transcribe the phrasing of the French as exactly as possible, often at the expense of English idiom or felicity of expression.
  • If we consider the sin of the fallen angels themselves, there might, without dispute, have been a prevention of it, though no recovery after it; and a keeping of their first station, (as the apostle expresses it,) though, when once quitted, no postliminious return to it, no retrieving of a lost innocence or a forfeited felicity. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • But human felicity is short and uncertain; a second marriage brought upon him so much disquiet, as, for Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • [W] hereas there is no other felicity of beasts but the enjoying of their quotidian food, ease, and lusts, as having little or no foresight ... man observes how one event has been produced by another, and remembers in them antecedence and consequence," declared Hobbes. Andrew Belonsky: What the BP Oil Spill Tells Us About Human Nature
  • And, besides, a man borne along by this transitory felicity must either know or not know its unstability. Consolation of Philosophy
  • An original thinker always alertly attuned to contemporary culture, he was admired for his intellectual style and the felicity with which he expressed his ideas in his many books and articles.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Is it possible that any thing can be more just, than to inquire rigorously into the rights, sedulously to examine the foundations, to try by every known test, the stability of doctrines, that involve in their operations, consequences of such colossal magnitude; that embrace, in their dictatory mandates, matters of such high behest; that implicate the eternal felicity of such countless millions in the vortex of their action? The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • Felicity and Cecily were setting out a lunch in the pantry when we were all startled by a loud groan from the sofa. The Story Girl
  • As a one more deft stroke of his phraseological felicity, Vajpayee has pulled off a statement that hones itself to everybody's satisfaction.
  • Lorelei considered for a couple of seconds, uttered a simple `No", and Felicity retired, dismissed but not apparently offended. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Continual success in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desireth, that is to say, continual prospering, is that men call felicity; I mean the felicity of this life. Leviathan
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Felicity is the last person who does English rush mats and carpets in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Does he have the smarts and the imagination and the staying power to pay attentionto Marcus and to Felicityand reap the rewards? Good Faith: Summary and book reviews of Good Faith by Jane Smiley.
  • Felicity was forced to witness each execution, then was beheaded.
  • 'ALLOWING for the imperfect state of sublunary happiness, which is comparative at best, there are not, perhaps, many nations existing whose situation is so desirable; where the means of subsistence are so easy, and the wants of the people so few … The evident distinction of ranks, which subsists at Otaheite, does not so materially affect the felicity of the nation as we might have supposed. Letter 63
  • Eana peered at some meat roasting on a spit, and Ziven grabbed Felicity's hand, leading her into the dining room.
  • Sister Felicity's disillusioned fans would turn on her like avenging Furies. STAGE FRIGHT
  • I was not certain this would lead to continued domestic felicity.
  • Johnson called a tavern chair "the throne of human felicity. A Melancholy
  • I don't believe there's any but the one kind of trueness," said Felicity. The Story Girl
  • Now her former Rigours were all vanifh'd to his Memory, and he confix der'd her only as his Benefadtor, and Original of his Felicity. Cynthia: With the Tragical Account of the Unfortunate Loves of Almerin and Desdemona. Being a ...
  • When, on very great occasions, “the portress nun” allowed dancing, restricting the games of boston, whist, and backgammon within the limits of her bedroom, such a concession was accounted as the most unhoped felicity, and made them happier than going to the great balls, to two or three of which Guillaume would take the girls at the time of the Carnival. At the Sign of the Cat and Racket
  • Just as his poems of 1905-08 are of the cliché period where all lips are "scarlet," and lamps are "relumed," so the section dated 1908-11 shows Brooke in the _Shropshire Lad_ stage, at the mercy of extravagant sex images, and yet developing into the dramatic felicity of his sonnet _The Hill_: Shandygaff
  • I do not usually interrupt questions, but I do like felicity of expression, which that clearly was not.
  • Felicity Jones bears herself with dignity as a well-controlled Mariana.
  • Flora recollected Irena's consternation with satisfaction and Felicity Green's irritation with glee.
  • Your destiny, my dear friend, is written in 'Cecilia,' and you will have as many witnesses of your felicity as 'Cecilia' has had readers .... Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • The water turned off as it reached the top of the sink basin, and Felicity watched transfixed as the dishes washed and dried themselves and put themselves neatly in the drainer rack.
  • She moved slowly with a beatifical expression of felicity. A Love Episode
  • Reveries of former felicity are interrupted by the sight of a valiant little vessel ploughing towards us through choppy seas.
  • Felicity,’ he said, trying to force an aspect of sternness in his quivering voice.
  • His special felicity was in the depiction of moonlight, mist-gleam and rainshine, often in combination, on parkland, ship-rigged harbours and lamp-lit city streets.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • We are called with a high and holy calling; we are called to God's kingdom and glory; and no less than the inheritance of the saints is the hope of our calling, nothing less than the enjoyment of that glory and felicity which shall be revealed when Christ Jesus shall be revealed from heaven. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • It was during her period of personal upheaval that Felicity's career flourished. The Sun
  • Out of his numerous mental troubles he concocted a new order of conduct which he called trigamy for the ‘female felicity and comfort.’
  • Many members of the learned professions display great felicity of illustration and fluency of elocution, surprising us with the quickness of their parts, who nevertheless are felt to be neither impressive nor profound.
  • She led Felicity through a tiny coatroom, where she helped her take off her heavy sweater.
  • If your heart broke for poor Felicity after Oliver and Isabel's hook-up, you're not alone!
  • It was during her period of personal upheaval that Felicity's career flourished. The Sun
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • The story is told with great felicity of style.
  • The Soul is not to be disquieted, that is sees it self encompassed with darkness, because that is an instrument of its greater felicity. The spiritual guide which disentangles the soul / by Michael de Molinos ; edited with an introduction by Kathleen Lyttelton and a note by H. Scott Holland.
  • In her entry, Ringle describes a 'lengthy, ravenous kiss' between two lovers: 'Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.' Archive 2010-06-27
  • Alas," said the smaller man," we cannot claim that felicity. NEVERWHERE
  • AH! what in this lower sphere can be unchequered, when even a correspondence with the most lovely of her sex, brings alarm with its felicity? Camilla
  • See the confidence with which those nervy clusters of lines, the principal decorative motifs, and the bold composition cleave not merely to each other with such effortless felicity, but to the defining shape of the finished vessel — a ewer, for domestic use, less than five and half inches tall. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Six years before I was born, my mother gave birth to triplets: Felicity, Everett and Dillon.
  • Having already satisfied myself as to the several modes in which the four others attained felicity, I next set my mind at work to discover what enjoyments were peculiar to the old "straggler," as the people of the country would have termed the wandering mendicant and prophet. Twice Told Tales
  • English humour is subtle and effective while the felicity of expression is lost in the American humour.
  • We have had long experience of that unmemorable felicity which consists in having no history, so far as history is made up of battles, revolutions, and changes of dynasty; but the present generation has never been called upon to learn that deepest lesson of polities which is taught by a common danger, throwing the people back on their national instincts, and superseding party-leaders, the peddlers of chicane, with men adequate to great occasions and dealers in destiny. The Writings of James Russell Lowell in Prose and Poetry, Volume V Political Essays
  • In this respect they work as much in favor of happiness in this world as of felicity in the next.
  • - Adult blog featuring some of the net's cutest teen hotties Busty Felicity Fey Pics - Sexy busty burnette teen flashes her huge boobs and tight ass Webcam Sex |
  • Was the great massacre above made in the circumstance of the tradition below, to wit: There was a settlement or Indian nation where appeared several white men under the cloak of missionaries, (the reason I use the term cloak is by the way it terminated), and preached to them the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the great love evinced by the Father in sending his only son to suffer and die on the cross to redeem the red children of nature, as well as the pale faces, from their degradation, shame and woe, to that of endless felicity beyond the shores of time. Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians
  • And further, that there is no other name, doctrine or religion, whereby any can be saved, but in the name, doctrine and religion of the Lord Jesus Christ, of which he is the great author and institutor; in the profession and faith whereof, he leads his people through this world into the possession of endless felicity and glory in the world to come. Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.
  • clubable" man, and the tavern chair as the throne of human felicity, it should be remembered that there were no gentlemen's clubs in London in those days, hence groups of famous men met at the taverns. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • With diligent and continuous practice, this formal processing of all our mental and physical experiences leads to progressively deeper insights into the essential characteristics of all things: impermanence, infelicity and unsubstantiality.
  • Alex is going in feet-first, Paddington is doing a bomb, and Felicity looks like she's about to do the most painful bellyflop ever.
  • What kind of felicity God hath ordained to them that devoutly honour him, a man shall no sooner know than enjoy; being joys that now are as incomprehensible as the word of Schoolmen, beatifical vision, is unintelligible. Leviathan
  • Thus, with a spirit wrapped in felicity, for victory hailed him from without, and love seemed to woo him to the dearest transports within, he wrote the following letter to Wallace: – The Scottish Chiefs
  • The translations I offer aim to transcribe the phrasing of the French as exactly as possible, often at the expense of English idiom or felicity of expression.
  • What kind of felicity God hath ordained to them that devoutly honour Him a man shall no sooner know than enjoy, being joys that now are as incomprehensible as the word of schoolmen ‘beatifical vision’ is unintelligible. Chapter VI. Of the Interior Beginnings of Voluntary Motions, Commonly Called the Passions; and the Speeches by Which They Are Expressed
  • Albit smiled a sort of horsy smile, and retrieved the meat from the fire by grabbing the stick from Felicity's hand with his teeth.
  • Evaluation of the work's historical quality addresses the comprehensiveness of the research, the development of the argument, and the felicity of the expression.
  • His connection with Adrian and Perdita was never mentioned; he was to her a meteor, a companionless star, which at its appointed hour rose in her hemisphere, whose appearance brought felicity, and which, although it set, was never eclipsed. The Last Man
  • The role of the Grand Duchess is not one that we might associate with Felicity Lott; it was in fact written for a mezzo-soprano.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • As we look along the line of the British dramatists for the last hundred years we shall find no parallel to his felicity in the use of comic inversion and equivoke, till we come to Shadows of the Stage
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Did Laurie know something, and hold it over Felicity?
  • Felicity is the last person who does English rush mats and carpets in the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Felicity had spent the whole previous day and the forenoon of the picnic day in concocting them. The Story Girl
  • If he had indeed held prudence to be a good, producing felicity, as Epicurus thought, one should have blamed only the absurdity and the paradoxicalness of this opinion; but since prudence of itself is not another thing differing from felicity, but felicity itself, how is it not a contradiction to say, that momentary happiness is equally desirable with eternal, and yet that momentary happiness is nothing worth? Essays and Miscellanies
  • It was an insupportable situation and Felicity was a fool to go on enduring it. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • How their faiths could decline so low, as to concede their generations in Heaven, to be made by the smell of a Citron, or that the felicity of their Paradise should consist in a Jubile of copulation, that is, a coition of one act prolonged unto fifty years. El Hombre Que Comía Diccionarios
  • Felicity to the putrid, Bronze Age admonitions of a savage sky spirit involving the ownership of desert real-estate only entombs the heart and mummifies the mind. OpEdNews
  • I would have set out for London immediately after receiving this piece of intelligence, but my dear angel has been qualmish of late, and begins to grow remarkably round in the waist; so that I cannot leave her in such an interesting situation, which I hope will produce something to crown my felicity. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • Did Laurie know something, and hold it over Felicity?
  • And the fact that the legionaries of the ancient Roman empire were real shorties suggests that average national height is a very minor factor (if it is a factor at all) in national achievement and felicity.
  • I have wondered, for instance, whether it is more a sense of brushstroke rather than verbal felicity that makes for some of the most arresting imagery in the lyric poems of David Campbell or the meditative poems of Robert Gray.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Second, the felicity, if I may infelicitously use the word, of death is zero.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • As we read in Felicity Barringer's excellent article in the New York Times, Abney's illness was probably caused by work, but in the world of workers comp, "probable" does not meet the standard for compensability. Workers Comp Insider
  • As for Felicity herself, she remains as elusive at the end as she was at the beginning.
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Many times in my life, I have heard Perpetua and Felicity mentioned in litanies of saints and prayers of the Church.
  • The aim was to surround lithe John with domestic objects and so turn his mind to conjugal felicity.
  • Continual Successe in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desireth, that is to say, continual prospering, is that men call FELICITY; I mean the Felicity of this life. Leviathan
  • I have managed to find true friends within my short span, and I wish you the same sort of felicity.
  • Felicity sold hers to Uncle Alec's hired man – and was badly cheated to boot, for he levanted shortly afterwards, taking the apples with him, having paid her only half her rightful due. The Story Girl
  • His poems, despite their dignity and felicity, have an air of charade.
  • As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.
  • The toils of state shall from this moment devolve upon thee; and from this moment, the delights of empire unallayed shall be mine: I will recline at ease, remote from every eye but those that reflect my own felicity; the felicity that I shall taste in secret, surrounded by the smiles of beauty, and the gaities of youth. Almoran and Hamet
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • But he seems to have thought that going to court was like going to heaven; that to see princes and princesses was a kind of beatific vision; that the exquisite felicity enjoyed by royal persons was not confined to themselves, but was communicated by some mysterious efflux or reflection to all who were suffered to stand at their toilettes, or to bear their trains. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • What he's talking about - as always - is how to lead a good and therefore happy life; he loved productivity and valued felicity.
  • But felicity is, in the end, something to be sought.
  • Labels: Cemetery Junction, christian cooke, Felicity Jones, jack doolan, matthew Goode, Ralph Fiennes, ricky gervais, stephen merchant, tom hughes add to del. saved by 0 users Irish Blogs
  • Her infelicity seemed to have years too many.
  • In this seat of felicity is every enjoyment which fancy can form, or friendship, with affluence, bestow; but still my mind frequently returns to the happy shades of my nativity. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • Fitz-pompeys cantered off with the Shropshires; omen of felicity to the enamoured St. Maurice and the enamouring Sophy. The Young Duke
  • That joy… that felicity, he was always grinning, always wearing that dumb smirk on his face.
  • As for the "Letters", they are loose and jotty in form, without distinction either in observation or in form, without real felicity or uniqueness. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • Felicity, ‘a spunky, spritely girl growing up in Virginia in 1774,’ visits a local plantation where there are clearly slaves; the issue never arises.
  • In spite of my anxiety about Felicity, I felt rather elated. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • Look on me as your friend, dear Matilda, - be explicit - do not consider the Count or myself; speak your wishes, your hopes, and be assured that your felicity is my first wish, whatever it may cost me. The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • With this felicity of thinking, they easily bridged the physical and social sciences, from biology to psychology to sociology.
  • Its force, its felicity is in its reach toward the ineffable. Toni Morrison - Nobel Lecture
  • Coetzee is capable of handling different genres with an enviable degree of felicity.
  • Our joys were dearer because we saw their end; they were keener because we felt, to its fullest extent, their value; they were purer because their essence was sympathy -- as a meteor is brighter than a star, did the felicity of this winter contain in itself the extracted delights of a long, long life. II.8
  • Her vibrant stage presence, excellent command over rhythm and felicity of expression held the audience spellbound.
  • They will still be technically in hell, since they will lack the beatific vision, but they will enjoy a kind of natural felicity, like that of infants who die without baptism.
  • In rejecting democracy Fascism rejects the absurd conventional lie of political equalitarianism, the habit of collective irresponsibility, the myth of felicity and indefinite progress. Things One Should Not Forget « Whatever
  • It is this deep impression of supernatural truths, which has been so much celebrated under the name of faith; a state of mind described as the surest pledge of the divine favor and of future felicity, and recommended as the first, or perhaps the only merit of a Christian. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • Maryanne was fertile and full of felicity tonight she would become pregnant!
  • Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion.
  • Back home, he made one more great contribution to human felicity: bifocal glasses.
  • So much is here that it would be absurd to cavil about exclusions; and considering the challenge Ferriter has set himself, the odd chronological infelicity can be easily accommodated.
  • The greatness of this future felicity is declared and illustrated, Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Felicity's bedroom was spartan but functional.
  • Shannon and her doll Felicity, aka Heather, are both dressed in paisley-print glitter dresses and boots.
  • I am convinced that felicity is not confined to any particular station, or condition in life; yet methinks some are better calculated to afford it to me, than others. The Coquette, or, The History of Eliza Wharton: A Novel Founded on Fact
  • This dirtiness is certainly one of the greatest drawbacks to human felicity in this beautiful country, degrading the noble edifices dedicated to the worship of God, destroying the beautiful works destined for the benefit of his creatures. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • Felicity of language is a strong point, and he switches with ease from English into the local lingo.
  • ‘Continual success’ in obtaining those things which a man from time to time desireth, that is to say continual prospering, is that men call ‘felicity’—I mean the felicity of this life. Chapter VI. Of the Interior Beginnings of Voluntary Motions, Commonly Called the Passions; and the Speeches by Which They Are Expressed
  • Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day. 
  • None of this bright Gothic art was ever done but either by faith in the attainableness of felicity in heaven, or under conditions of real order and delicate loveliness on the earth. Lectures on Landscape Delivered at Oxford in Lent Term, 1871
  • As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.
  • Still, however, he flattered himself that ere long, to her youthful mind and native chearfulness, tranquillity, if not felicity, would imperceptibly return, from such a union for exertion of filial and sisterly duties: that industry would sweeten rest, virtue gild privation, and self-approvance convert every sacrifice into enjoyment. Camilla
  • But he is additionally revered for combining his extraordinary climbing ability with a felicity for writing.
  • Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine.
  • That the great are not as happy as they seem, that the external circumstances of fortune and rank do not constitute felicity, is asserted by every moralist; the historian can seldom, consistently with his dignity, pause to illustrate this truth, it is therefore to the biographer we must have recourse. Castle Rackrent: An Hibernian Tale
  • In India, where he is read for the felicity of his language, sales of his novels are very much in demand among the younger generation.
  • With her fund of experience and felicity of expression, her courage and uncompromising values, what a wonderful writer she could have become!
  • In her role as chancellor of the university, Ms Ford presented honorary degrees to culture supremo Felicity Goodey and award-winning playwright Alan Ayckbourn.
  • He that desireth knowledge acquireth it and he that desireth felicity succeedeth in acquiring it. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • Her vibrant stage presence, excellent command over rhythm and felicity of expression held the audience spellbound.
  • It hath been therefore a great felicity to these kingdoms, that the heirs to titles and large estates, have a weakness in their eyes, a tenderness in their constitutions, are not able to bear the pain and indignity of whipping; and as the mother rightly expresses it, could never take to their book; yet are well enough qualified to sign a receipt for half a year's rent, to put their names (_rightly spelt_) to The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. - Volume 07 Historical and Political Tracts-Irish
  • For such a person, felicity after death could be higher than felicity before death.
  • Photograph: Felicity Cloake for the Guardian fish and chips proper (by which I mean not involving the word fingers until tragically late in life, in part because of a shameful childish antipathy towards things with fins, but mostly because I'm embarrassingly middle class (coq au vin, yes. The Guardian World News
  • Felicity de Pazzi hissed at her granduncle as she threw the book across the desk at him. The Poet Prince
  • James introduced her and the boys - her name is Felicity and the two boys are her sons.
  • Her lush sensuality remains intact, but the unctuous, buttery impasto and singing colour contrast past felicity with present vacancy, and blend lyricism with passionate lament.
  • Like an ass, he wears out his time for provender, and can show an old torn gown, an ensign of his infelicity.
  • As a songwriter, he combined great linguistic felicity with an ear for a tune.
  • Felicity's introspective taped monologues to Sally, her teacher and mentor back in California (played by an uncredited Janeane Garafalo), have been cut.

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