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How To Use Feeder In A Sentence

  • The air time is sold by broadcast bottom feeders who could care less about anything beyond profit margins.
  • Working with other schools is an effective means of staff training, and academies for secondary pupils will benefit if their feeder schools improve their standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • The photo plates also age and sex accipiters, those hawks that flap, flap, sail, and are the mostly likely the ones that raid our feeders of hapless birds.
  • The fact that they are harmless plankton feeders in no way diminishes the adrenaline rush; the ease with which you can approach them makes that rare encounter even more exciting.
  • Some crops such as corn are very heavy feeders so moving it from place to place prevents rapid depletion of the soil.
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  • From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings. Birdology
  • They have effectively become a feeder system. The Sun
  • In my view there seem to be umpteen benefits for bigger clubs having feeder teams.
  • My plan was to remove single cells from defined regions of the blastoderm and culture them in adult abdomens surrounded by genetically marked "feeder cells. Eric F. Wieschaus - Autobiography
  • I spent an hour or two scraping and repainting, then filled the feeder with birdseed, hung it near the shed, and watched to see who would take the bait.
  • The birds at my home are very active and I have house finches galore on my feeder.
  • Fishing a groundbait feeder with chopped worm he fished redworm on the hook tempting small carp and tench.
  • A used tractor tire makes an excellent base for converting hog feeders to cattle feeders.
  • Alas, the thickening undergrowth has also proven the undoing of one of the less bright avian ground feeders.
  • We will have to enter into discussions with those feeder leagues after the meeting of chairmen from our league next Thursday.
  • England's new regime is keen to end the view that one-day cricket is a glorified feeder system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of lining up at feeders like proper birds, they lurk in the treetops and skulk in the brush.
  • The feeders can be proper freshwater patterns filled with mashed mackerel, worm and bread, the bread acting as binder and scent soaker.
  • The home of the Margarita pizza, Naples offers wonderful opportunities for the feeder.
  • Finally, I found some hand-blown bubbled-glass feeders from Mexico, with elegant red glass flowers as the spigots for the hummers' beaks.
  • Smaller counties do not have to be feeder clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am aware that otters, an excellent indicator of good water quality, are returning to the feeder stream and the lake that Mr Dixon alleges is being poisoned.
  • These larvae are filter feeders and lack the characteristic jaw sheaths and denticles of many other frog larvae, but have characteristic barbels.
  • I would prefer that we owned our own identity and that we weren't perceived by the players and public as a feeder team to the greater cause.
  • However flow rates were so slow that at times I did not use an open feeder.
  • The youths are, inevitably, a feeder team for the adult side - hence the attention being devoted to them.
  • So I hacked that all down and hauled it away, cleaned up about ten years of pine needles, repositioned the feeders, and then went and bought a couple trays of pachysandra, which is a nice ground cover, works really well in acidic soil, and is native to the aimai Balloon Juice
  • Heavy feeders, sunflowers appreciate a side dressing of compost or fertilizer during the growing season.
  • Recent crinoids are passive suspension feeders on microscopic plant and animal plankton and organic detritus by means of the tubefeet of the water vascular system in their arms and pinnules.
  • It's also a noticeably faster process using the document feeder - even if just a series of one-page results are being scanned into different charts.
  • The whale shark, the biggest fish on earth, is a plankton feeder and harmless to divers.
  • Sea bream have a reputation for being delicate feeders.
  • Cod are voracious feeders sometimes and will pick up a multitude of offerings in certain places and at various times of the season, so whatever you use, do make sure it is in the best possible condition.
  • Wings and quarterbacks must learn the cutter, feeder, and post position of the Shuffle.
  • August 14th, 2009 6: 41 pm ET chuck is a moron total idiot bottom feeder if he supports the insurance industry .. we need to have some choices and insurance companies need the compatition from a government program. and I think it is great and the president is doing wonderful Senators battle over health care on Twitter turf
  • Pipe and dyke structures are not obvious in all the mapped calderas, suggesting either that the feeder pipes are below seismic resolution at this structural level, or that they are concentrated on caldera margins.
  • By mid-summer, both grasshoppers and corn earworms can be heavy feeders on a variety of crops.
  • A squirrel got into his birdfeeder and he tried to frighten it off with an air rifle, but he killed it instead and was sick for a week.
  • Many catfishes are accomplished suction feeders with high volume expansion of the buccal cavity and fast jaws, whereas other taxa maximize bite force.
  • Yellow and Silver eels are primarily nocturnal carnivorous feeders, consuming insects, crustaceans, clams, worms, fish and frogs.
  • Some of the deeper slower water by the golf course and downstream is best fished with swim feeder rig using hemp as an attractor with gentles or casters as hook bait.
  • You can also increase your catch numbers by copying our coarse fishing colleagues and employing swim feeders.
  • Fishing a groundbait feeder with casters and red maggot he found lots of small fish for a winning 8lb 15 oz net.
  • Many birds feed comfortably on a platform, especially the sparrows, juncos, towhees and doves that are referred to as ground feeders.
  • A feeder angler was taking some nice tench and crucians on corn.
  • Drawn in the big willows at Poppleton he used a groundbait feeder and worm combination for a small barbel, an eel and a roach.
  • Part of this is because most top African players are based abroad, which leaves the domestic leagues to serve as perennial feeder clubs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bream are daytime feeders and are often missed by anglers in other parts of the country where night fishing is the norm.
  • During the week, Jolly works as a UPS feeder driver out of Statesville, N.C.
  • But it also has a 50-sheet paper feeder, a feature that usually comes on multifunction devices at a significantly higher cost.
  • The length of the feeder pipe is 50m.
  • Abundant terrestrial gastropods found clustered around fossil plant detritus may have been deposit feeders scavenging dry portions of channel floors.
  • In the middle is a cephalochordate, Amphioxus, also a filter feeder, but capable of free swimming. Ascidian evo-devo - The Panda's Thumb
  • Conventional vibratory feeder has many limitations, such as low feeding efficiency and lack of flexibility.
  • Some of the pegs are perfect for the pole whilst others are better with a swimfeeder approach.
  • The practical problem of the conventional Venturi feeders is discussed.
  • Studies reviewed suggest that they are opportunistic feeders which feed primarily on gadids, including young hake, and a variety of pelagic species and crustaceans, primarily krill.
  • The raccoons made it through the long winter as their nightly raids on our bird feeders attest, and we all know that nothing gets the best of the squirrels and chipmunks!
  • Some secondary admissions policies are geographically based literally a map and a pair of compasses; others put loyalty to local feeder schools first.
  • There are a number of bus routes servicing the area, including a feeder bus service direct from Blackrock Dart station.
  • Goslings graze with their parents out of the water whereas swans teach cygnets in the water to be aquatic feeders.
  • There are situations however when a big bodied waggler can outscore the feeder.
  • Easter had been wet, windy and miserable anyway, and the Beggar and its feeder becks were already to bank level when the freak storm hit the side of Tup Fell and turned swollen into overflowing.
  • Fish it in conjunction with a blockend feeder filled with a mixture of micro-pellets and cooked hempseed for a day to remember.
  • The standard input capacity is 600-sheets (upgradeable to 1,600 sheets), and there's a 30-sheet automatic document feeder (ADF) and an optional automatic duplexing accessory.
  • His victims are invisible, unlikely to be missed: prostitutes, drifters, bottom-feeders.
  • A modular design means you can easily snap on options such as duplex, extra paper trays and mailbox feeders.
  • Feeder watchers always appreciate safflower and thistle seeds, as well as suet cakes.
  • If jays, grackles, and other large birds are crowding out smaller birds, switch to a feeder that discriminates, or blocks, them, but not the smaller, more desirable birds.
  • As a snapshot of the food chain, it undoubtedly shed new light on the term bottom feeder. Rewind TV: OK! TV; The British Academy Film Awards; Champions League Football; Dispatches: Lessons in Hate and Violence
  • It's moving toward becoming a feeder league, like, for instance, Uruguay - but without the big crowds.
  • After taking two chub, plus perch, on pole and red maggot over chopped worm a switch to chopped worm feeder brought six skimmers that gave him 13-13.
  • The chub and barbel often appear at night when they can be caught on legered meat baits or block-end feeders with maggots.
  • Although the operant feeders detected bird-induced food deliveries, rather than consumption per se, we never found unconsumed items in the hoppers at the end of the day, so these data accurately reflect consumption.
  • The apron feeders are then used to transfer the material to another location.
  • In addition to his organic crops, Klinge raises non-organic feeder cattle in a small feedlot for Laura's Lean Beef, a natural beef company based in Kentucky.
  • Try a small cage feeder with liquidised bread and a small piece of flake or punch on the hook.
  • I always appreciate and enjoy the letters and notes you send along, as well as photos of birds at your feeders or perched in a tree.
  • The school is already oversubscribed and congestion on Cottingley Road, which will be the main feeder road to the site, is also very worrying.
  • Sprinkling the starter diet or a small quantity of oat groats on the mat close to the feeder allows the pigs to become acquainted with the feeder.
  • The amount of corn spun from a feeder is not intended to "feed" the deer. Baiting
  • Remove bird feeders to help lower the availability of food for voles.
  • Fishing a caster feeder across to the moored boats opposite he netted skimmers and roach.
  • All contact was through these feeder funds that supplied him with the capital. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mainly includes bucket elevator, FU chain conveyor, aging silo, impeller feeder, packing silo, packing machine, belt conveyor for packing, etc.
  • Two tentaculate surface deposit feeders, Streblospio benedicti and Marenzelleria viridis were tested; one in the laboratory and one in the field.
  • From plant covers to scoops to bird feeders, these containers have been a gardener's friend.
  • I have an idea for a short story that could develop...and I have an idea for a fascinating character based on a real person who I'd love to write into a book...a conflict-engineering virus of a person, a manipulator, insinuator, psychic bottom-feeder, a lonely monster whose elastic mind has stretched too far and is starting to unravel... NaNoWriMo
  • Since the preliminary results lean towards viral that means that the redpolls and finches are passing a virus to each other rather than getting sick from eating directly out of the feeder.
  • The heterogeneous enrichment among individual worms agrees with reports that this nominal deposit feeder can facultatively filter-feed using a mucus net in its burrow, and that the ability to do so varies among populations.
  • All pens contained fence-line feeders and individual waterers.
  • Many birds feed comfortably on a platform, especially the sparrows, juncos, towhees and doves that are referred to as ground feeders.
  • These times are usually when spinning or when I fish with feeders or when on holiday, when I cannot guarantee the security of my gear, especially when camping.
  • Larvae develop as parasitoids of 13 insect orders, spider eggs, ticks, pseudoscorpions, and nematodes, or as primary or secondary feeders on plant tissue.
  • Fishing a groundbait feeder with corn on peg eight he netted five small carp and a solitary chub.
  • The potholed six-mile feeder road leading from the east-coast highway to Quilesse takes an hour to drive.
  • If larger birds such as grackles are a problem, choose feeders designed for small birds, such as a thistle tube or hanging globe.
  • Part of Flying Lotus's Brainfeeder collective, Bruder has tapped into the vein established by Lotus's Cosmogramma LP of last year; a continuum where breakbeats and solo extemporisation are paired with abstract sounds, and use of the word "astrality" is encouraged. Thundercat: The Golden Age of Apocalypse – review
  • That the river that runs through Mayobridge is a feeder to the Clanrye river that flows through Newry.
  • Those that live near gardens are often seen nowadays on bird feeders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some, like many starfish, are predators; holothurians, sand dollars, and ophiuroids often feed on detritus; crinoids are filter-feeders; sea urchins scrape algae from rocks.
  • Native gambusias are the best choice for mosquito control; those desiring underwater color should invest a pittance in dime-apiece ‘feeder goldfish.’
  • Even when his dad caught a nine-pound brown trout on a small feeder stream, it didn't cause much excitement around town.
  • Stay on the line if you want to report a fallen powerline or live on a rural feeder and have lost power supply.
  • The calculated load required for sizing feeder conductors in this example is 15,625 volt-amperes.
  • The second major category of feeders is the scavenger group.
  • Protein: two or three servings a day of organically fed poultry (skinless), seafood (non-bottom-feeders and small fish; think wild—including canned—salmon, trout, mahimahi, sea bass, flounder), eggs, low-fat dairy, and soy. You Raising Your Child
  • Planaria Cross Section - Planaria are generally carnivorous night feeders that consume aquatic insects, snails, microcrustaceans, and proteinaceous detritus, though a few species are parasitic. Undefined
  • It was fun networking and meeting face to face the people who make various feeders and bird houses.
  • There is a juv Black-headed Grosbeak on my feeder. Liza Lee Miller
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  • The amount of corn spun from a feeder is not intended to "feed" the deer. Baiting
  • Logo apes Bravo's Housewives bottom-feeders with the all-male The A-List: New York, where bitchy name-dropping narcissism is magnified by a desperate desire to play to the camera. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Immediately following upon Fran's death, rabbits, among his favorites for hunting, gathered in the back yard under the birdfeeder and stood there. Animals in Reverse
  • Lingulids are shallow burrowing infaunal filter feeders of the shallow intertidal zone.
  • I'm always putting in feeders for birds, badgers and hedgehogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Referenced early on in the episode as the website responsible for catching filmed proof of a rogue vampire's feeding frenzy a misdeed punishable by the true death, which Mayor Bill readily dispensed on the busted fanger, the Cheaters-meets-feeders clip caught our eye as something that had to be something set up for the show's devoted online fandom. Watercooler: True Blood Goes Viral
  • These volcano and feeder systems have similarities to igneous centres, which also have cone-shaped edifices, calderas and downward tapering cones created during magma chamber collapse and ring-dyke intrusion.
  • The credit for the most abominable use or misuse of plastic carry bags goes to the political parties and their feeder organisations, for whom the flimsy bags are handy and cheap decorative material.
  • This prejudice trickles all the way down to the bottom feeders, like the two plump southerners selling the kind of gunsights that project red dots onto chests or foreheads of intended victims.
  • I went inside, washed my hands and sat at the kitchen table, anxiously clutching a glass of cold lemonade, while my eyes rested on a cardinal pecking away at the food tray on the birdfeeder outside my window. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving and Recovery
  • Railway operators provided feeder bus services for their passengers, and this put more pressure on minibus and taxi services.
  • CC 1000 W - TB - 2 Computer Operated Filling Machine Tree electric scales equip with feeder conveyor.
  • We've already seen a perky chickadee on our bird feeder and I met the striped lizard that seems to live in the chimney rocks.
  • After solidification and cooling, the metal is in a white iron state, and gates, sprues, and feeders can be easily removed from the castings by impact.
  • There wasn't even a bird on the bird feeder, and he sat gazing at it. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The birds peeped exactly as we refilled the feeder.
  • ‘We envision BNSF as a high-density mainline network interchanging with a lower density feeder network of short lines operating at low cost with a high level of service,’ says Rickershauser.
  • You could have feeder teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then the coach entered a feeder tube and was squeezed to higher and higher speeds by the peristalsis of the feeder tube's sides. METAPLANETARY
  • Yesterday morning the evil nibblers were thieving from our bird feeder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes | No | Report from cooner wrote 19 hours 41 min ago get the calculator out and do your cyphering Jethro, ought gazinta ought. but first you will need to know how much weight your feeder is tossing out in five seconds. How much would 225 pound of corn last you in a 225 pound feeder set to release for 5 seconds twice a day?
  • Leaves had unfurled , goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward.
  • So you are absolutely correct - shaming bottle feeders to promote breastfeeding is not the answer. Shame And The Mom: A Boob Story | Her Bad Mother
  • MGS Machine, an Adept Preferred Partner, is a leading manufacturer of packaging machinery solutions including pick and place feeders, tray denesters, outsert equipment, pharmaceutical blister and wallet card machinery, cartoning, bowl feeders, case packing, and equipment. Adept Technology Unveils Expanded Automation Solutions for Producers at Pack Expo 2010 - Yahoo! Finance
  • For the chickadees, he made feeders from lengths of PVC pipe that hung from high wires to foil the bears.
  • The Greta is one of the most important rivers in the North of England, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, home to otters, herons, kingfishers, dippers, trout and salmon, and the main feeder to Bassenthwaite Lake.
  • Your feeder is your hunting spot, state laws permitting How far should your feeder be from your hunting spot?
  • As mentioned above, the comparison of the hypsodonty values of cervids with those of modern deer suggests that the cervids were mixed feeders or browsers from closed habitats.
  • He didn't have to worry about checking the feeder's supply.
  • Gross feeder likes gross food.
  • The rodent squeezed into this bird feeder but after scoffing the lot was too fat to get out. The Sun
  • As any angler will tell you, these fish are extremely opportunistic feeders and will take just about anything edible that they find.
  • You should clean these feeders every three days to ensure that mold does not form.
  • ‘We didn't have the advantage of coming up through a feeder system like men do,’ Luke remarks.
  • Lay a tarp under the feeder to catch seed hulls and dropped seed.
  • Fishing from the Palace bend he netted four skimmers and two perch on feeder and worm for 4lb 3oz.
  • In my garden there is a bird feeder for the birds and a squirrel feeder for the squirrels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Explain to me how hunting from a deer blind near a corn feeder is any different than setting up near a water source or putting out doe urine during the rut. I've had it with your left wing rag!
  • No Gernian cavalla officer, no matter how high his rank, would have allowed underlings to tend him as assiduously as Soldier's Boy's feeders did. Renegade's Magic
  • I tip over the stump holding the squirrel feeder and grab a sowbug, crushing it between my fingers. Grouse Diary Entry
  • Plenty of birds of winter still mob Ann's bird feeders; chickadees, juncos, sparrows, woodpeckers, nuthatches, goldfinch, and doves are in no short supply.
  • Bivalves are aquatic suspension-feeders, inhabiting a variety of infaunal and epifaunal habitats and are particularly characterized by their ability to burrow, some of them even into rock and wood.
  • First off, there are three basic styles of feeders: Tubes, platforms and hoppers.
  • Species classified as plankton feeders are increasing. Gulf of Thailand large marine ecosystem
  • He ran a 1/2-inch-diameter feeder line from a spigot outside his house to the closest gutter downspout.
  • If you want to lure woodpeckers, hummingbirds, or orioles to your yard, invest in specialized feeders.
  • If calves were consuming 1 to 2 kg of forage daily, then the roughage portion of the diet in the self-feeder could be removed to reduce feed cost.
  • This cute bird feeder in the form of a green apple is available in store at B&Q. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, a road contractor who was engaged to rehabilitate the feeder road is reported to have abandoned the project.
  • Alternatively, reverse colours, using dark green in feeder 1 and white or pastel colour in feeder 2, as illustrated.
  • After natural foods like berries and seeds have run out, birds rely on birdseed and feeders.
  • Many wrasses are specialized and voracious feeders, as reflected by the highly variable skull and body shape, modified pharyngeal jaw, and prominent canines.
  • Here, discrete particle swam optimization algorithm is introduced to solve the problem of optimal restoration of distribution feeders during cold load pickup.
  • Of course they also hang in vertical lines on garden feeders. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you just gave me a great idea, Im gonna start adding some weight gainer from one of those body buildng stores like GNC to our protein feeders! Do Feeders Grow Big Racks?
  • It's time to checkmate this illiterate bottom-feeder and show him that if you've read any of the refractory slop that he has concocted, you'll unmistakably recall his description of his plan to bring about a wonderland of larrikinism. White Mob Disrupts Black Meeting
  • Such feeders no longer seem necessary, with the house finch population stabilizing. rss feed
  • Meanwhile, we have to live not only with the class whose profession and calling it is to keep us from understanding the situation we find ourselves in, the vincibly ignorant and their magic pot, and also the bottom feeders -- our 'fellow travellers' -- who dart around the ruling class like the fish that congregate near the outflow from the head on a boat, grateful to gobble down the turds that come their way. The Prime Minister's New Year Message Translated in to Plain English
  • To accustom your birds to a new bath, try placing a bird feeder within five feet of the bath.
  • It fell to hair-rigged halibut pellet fished in conjunction with a cage feeder packed with pellets and halibut pellet groundbait.
  • Odd chub to swimfeeder, maggot or bread at Ironbridge.
  • Tuck is knitted with one yarn in the main feeder of the machine.
  • Senior officials stressed that the company confined itself to trunk services, and expected smaller regional or national carriers to provide feeder services on branch routes.
  • Higher grain prices are putting a crunch on cattle feeders.
  • From composting to putting up bird boxes and feeders, every little helps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pen was necessary to safeguard the feeder and its precious contents from cows and wild hogs.
  • Also a young robin, a fledgeling great-tit being given a lesson in how to work bird feeders by a harrassed-looking parent, a couple of adolescent blackbirds from the parents' first brood I think they are now feeding nestlings on their second, and a noisy family of chaffinches. Archive 2009-06-01
  • This extant gastropod, like its Pennsylvanian relative, is dominantly a deposit feeder, grazing on vegetable detritus and algae within seasonal alluvial channels.
  • Dylla SJ, Muijtjens M, Weissman IL (2005) Enforced Bcl-2 expression overrides serum and feeder cell requirements for mouse embryonic stem cell self-renewal. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A comparison of mean group size among the five diet classes revealed that selective feeders form smaller groups than unselective feeders.
  • These snakes are opportunistic feeders and never let a chance go by, so in went the second one.
  • Hester and Fanny have filled our old bird feeder and have had so much fun watching the robins and the cardinals come and eat the seeds that they put inside.
  • There are different categories of family planning and these are multi-partners, breast-feeders, limiters and spacers or delayers.
  • Don't bother with blockend feeders, take just open enders with you as you will be using groundbait to plug the feeder containing chopped worms and casters.
  • He fished a groundbait feeder with maggot for eight roach and a solitary eel for 2lb 10 oz.
  • Examples include turf grass seed production, dry edible beans, white wheat, feeder pigs, and cattle for the natural beef market.
  • Even birds rarely tempted by feeders, such as warblers and vireos, may be lured to the garden by water.
  • You could build bird tables, nest boxes or bird feeders, plant some wildlife friendly plants, and put out food and water.
  • He'd always been a man of legendary excess, a bottom-feeder happiest in the gamier part of any city. COLDHEART CANYON
  • the feeder discharged feed into a trough for the livestock
  • The four targeted schools educate kindergarten up to Grade 4 students and are feeder schools to larger elementary schools.
  • This relationship is not evident with the five browsers and mixed feeders (Grant's gazelle, impala, oribi, dikdik, and giraffe).
  • These embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells could be grown on feeder layers of irradiated fibroblasts. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • We used a variety of tactics ranging from the open-end feeder with bread to the stick float with maggots.
  • While woman was thus invading man's province at sea, that universal feeder of the Navy, the pressgang, made little or no appeal to her as The Press-Gang Afloat and Ashore
  • When you knit punch lace, the cotton thread in feeder 2 knits every needle on every row.
  • So the big hog feeders and pork processors stampeded to Washington, demanding that members of Congress do something to ‘save their bacon.’
  • Offering worm on the feeder, he took a bream plus a few small roach for 2lb 13 oz.
  • The apron feeders are preferably equipped with a self-cleaning arrangement to facilitate continuous operation without undue stoppages.

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