
How To Use Federate In A Sentence

  • Proper footgear for the Confederate infantry was in shortest supply.
  • Certainly his confessions might still be reliable, along with the confessions of Abu Zubaydah and other confederates being interrogated in secret.
  • I hate to say it, but there are at least eight colonies on the outer rim of Confederate territory that we have not had contact with since the end of the civil war.
  • But his infamy was sealed by the government's all-out campaign against his hapless sidekicks, falsely portrayed as part of a vast Confederate plot.
  • Many of the Confederates were of opinion that this decisive victory would be the end of the war, and that the North, seeing that the South was able as well as willing to defend the position it had taken up, would abandon the idea of coercing it into submission. With Lee in Virginia A Story of the American Civil War
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  • Confederate stuffed port-fires with turpentined cotton and shot them into rollers only a few yards off. Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • We have to look for someone who can formulate strategic goals -- and I'm going to have to use the term reuse -- to reuse what is there now, and federate what is there now, and federate with as light a touch as possible. BriefingsDirect Transcripts
  • On the way out, I was stuck behind a guy pulling a howitzer on a trailer that was covered in confederate flag stickers.
  • You could do this with a vine such as Carolina jessamine or Confederate jasmine.
  • A riot began when drug traffickers tried to free their jailed confederates.
  • The confederates then passed out from the council chamber into the grand hall; each individual, as he took his departure, advancing towards the Duchess and making what was called the "caracole," in token of reverence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 10: 1566, part I
  • It was made by the Confederates on an artillery battery and its supporting infantry in the lines of General George McCall.
  • The Confederate policies of impressments sometimes helped manufacturers convince Federal authorities that their production for the Confederate government had been based upon compulsion.
  • I have the same sort of vision of the early 'English' in Britain as you, a mixture of people speaking various sorts of Germanic, who had settled at various times spanning a couple of centuries at least and for various reasons, including retired Roman soldiers, traders, federates, independents etc. Lord of Silver, by Alan Fisk. Book review
  • The Nationals had the advantage of position, their lines projecting in wedge-form towards the Confederate centre, with steep rocky acclivities along their front.
  • The Confederates were fully aware of this, and as soon as they could, placed on the waters of their rivers and harbors vessels new to naval warfare, called ironclad rams. A School History of the United States
  • And to be clear, the “good fight” is, instead of accusing flag wavers of being neo-Confederate Klan sympathizers, to convince people of good will that embracing offensive and divisive symbols is counter-productive and hurtful. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • This movement - established by the idealistic pioneer-immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century - grew into a large federate organisation that became the backbone of the labour movement.
  • Here on January 7, 1861, Alabama voted to secede from the Union, and on February 18, on the steps of the portico, Jefferson Davis took his oath of office as President of the Confederate States. L'ombra mostrarsi
  • Co-op Atlantic actually began life in 1927 as the Maritime Livestock Board, which evolved over time into a multi-faceted, federated co-op.
  • He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
  • The arrangements accepted in this Agreement are without prejudice to the financial autonomy now vested in the Federated Shan States.
  • He has little time, for he has heard the scuffle downstairs when the wife tried to force her way up, and perhaps he has already heard from his lascar confederate that the police are hurrying up the street. Sole Music
  • These are in-your-face-mountains," saysTom McDonald, Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and Conservation Division manager forthe Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.
  • A copy of the Cavalry Model - favored by Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart - found its way to the gunroom of Leo Bradshaw in Waco, Texas.
  • Those in the support fleet who weren't neutralized fled to the sanctuary of hyperspace en route back to Confederate Space.
  • Every confederate soldier gave a loud battle cry and with their muskets, pistols, and sabers raised, they ran toward the Union army.
  • This week Pat Buchanan must feel a lot like his great-grandfather, a Confederate soldier captured by Gen.
  • The interlocking ways in which a vast country shaped an individual poet, even as he shaped its contentious, loosely confederated poets, is the subject of Aidan Wasley's "The Age of Auden. Keeper of the Affirming Flame
  • In eleven days of fighting, one-third of the Confederate Army in Georgia was destroyed. The remaining force was too weak to defend Atlanta.
  • The note of war has been sounded, and in the imperial proclamation, recently issued, the people of the Confederate States and all who sympathize with them are treated as rebels, and twenty days is allowed them to "disperse" and return to their allegiance to the authorities at Washington. Senate journal of the second extra session of the thirty-third General Assembly of the state of Tennessee : which convened at Nashville on Thursday, the 25th day of April, A. D. 1861,
  • He thought it likely that the Confederates would retreat before he could renew his attack the next day.
  • Imagine what would happen if those small villages of 20 to 50 households are allowed to federate, or join with neighboring villages.
  • But the tribunals' caseload amounted largely to dealing with deserters, known Confederate agents, and foreign nationals in Confederate service.
  • Segments of our country, including state governments, fly the confederate flag, an acknowledged symbol of slavery and resistance to the ideals of integration, equality and freedom.
  • It follows that awareness that one of D's confederates might commit murder is sufficient to convict D as an accomplice, with a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment.
  • M. Carnot was of opinion, that it was necessary, to declare the country in danger, call the federates and national guards to arms, place Paris in a state of siege, defend it, at the last extremity retire behind the Loire, form intrenchments there, recall the army of Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II
  • Dean wasn't just whistling Dixie when he made his infamous remark about reaching out to bubbas bearing Confederate flags.
  • Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people.
  • The 7th West Virginia swiftly countermarched to the Valley and again found themselves pursuing the wily Confederate commander.
  • Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
  • It began during the Civil War when organized women's groups in several towns throughout the South decorated the graves of the Confederate war dead with flowers, wreaths and flags.
  • Indeed, just now the probability of a change in the character of the war, by which the Confederates will cease to be on the defensive and become the aggressors, is much discussed. America--North and South
  • In South Carolina, where the Confederate Flag still flies, we built a powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans.
  • •.fm is a ccTLD for the Federated States of Micronesia but it is often used for FM radio stations (and even non-FM stations, such as internet radio stations). Top Information about Home Management
  • Soldiers and officers of the XI Corps had responsibly reconnoitered their front and flank, had seen the Confederates forming, and had tried to warn the new XI Corps commander General O.O. Howard, but to no avail.
  • The Confederate government provided troops to suppress slave revolts.
  • It has a loosely federated structure in which similar activities to those undertaken in the UK are reproduced in other locations, and in which there may be considerable adaptation to local business conditions.
  • Bet the media ain't bringing that up to show this confederate flag defender is nothing but a scum bag .... CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady
  • We are not a pure democracy, however, but rather a confederated republic (one that features, as well, county and local political subdivisions).
  • When Confederates attacked Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln responded by immediately quintupling the size of the U.S. Army, calling for 75,000 volunteers to put down the rebellion.
  • Buried in the mudflat down Bayou Teche from me were the remains of a Confederate gunboat. The Glass Rainbow
  • Of these, 69 were classed as “available;” but only 42 were actually in commission; and even of these many were in Southern harbors, and fell into the hands of the Confederates; many more were upon foreign and distant stations. Abraham Lincoln
  • Hardee's men collided with Federal skirmishers before daylight, and the Confederates soon struck three Union divisions without fieldworks under Brig.
  • If you want corporations to embrace the notion of federated identity, wouldn't it require more than simple "look at me" interoperability demos and for all the vendors in this space to create some publicly available notion of "reference architecture" above and beyond what exists in Project Liberty? From Incite comes Insight...: Thoughts on bloggers and Federated Identity
  • Southern states were somewhat recalcitrant, and some even maintained a separate holiday to honor Confederate war dead.
  • The isles which had leagued with the Mede were strongly obnoxious to the confederates, and it was proposed to exact from them a fine; in defrayal of the expenses of the war. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • Still, Confederates struck hard at McPherson's Federals in a fierce day-long battle.
  • Confederate authorities should do nothing to ensure their Jewishness, since matters of worship and education will be exclusive privileges of the constituent cantons.
  • Living in north Alton as a child, I played in the Confederate cemetery, both tree-shaded and open, green and lovely, with a granite obelisk monument to the dead.
  • When the fighting died down, the Confederates hastily constructed breastworks to protect their gains.
  • They decorated their tents with the confederate flags.
  • The Confederate flag is also emblematic of the racial discrimination in jury selection within Caddo’s courthouse doors. Anna Arceneaux: Louisiana Supreme Court Sees Problems With the Confederate Flag, but Allows It to Wave for Now
  • Another gunboat was the "Presidente," which had figured in history, for it was nothing less than the yacht "Deerhound," on which the Confederate Admiral Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • Both the Union and Confederate armies began impressing large numbers of African Americans, free and enslaved, for military labor.
  • The atmosphere on board the Confederate flagship, the ram Tennessee, was altogether different.
  • When the Confederate armies are scattered; when their leaders are banished from power; when the people return to a late repentant sense of the wrong they have done to a government they never felt but in benignancy and blessing, —then the Constitution made for all will be felt by all, like the descending rains from heaven which bless all alike. His Reply to Breckenridge
  • In this encounter, a Union garrison of about four thousand defeated four times as many attacking Confederates in a fierce morning contest.
  • The Confederates won the battle and we acted like cowards!
  • He was one of his generals who had built up a powerful position in the Balkans at the head of his federate army; in order to remove this threat the emperor ordered him to rule Italy in his name.
  • He used his memoirs, public speeches, and letters to glorify Lee, southern soldiers, and the Confederate cause.
  • But Kelly had been dismayed when he learned through a London confederate that the famous Fenton Hardy had been called in on the case. THE VIKING SYMBOL MYSTERY
  • I imagine that in the famous ‘blue states’ they find the idea of having a holiday for confederate heroes at the least quaint and at the most somewhat distasteful.
  • We would not have lost as much ships if we had sent the entire fleet, and we would have destroyed the confederates for good!
  • She purloined a good breakfastcupful, and divided the spoils with her four confederates. The Luckiest Girl in the School
  • Relying on a novel technology called federated search, WorldWideScience. org gives science information consumers a single entry point for searching far-reaching science portals in parallel, with only one query, saving time and effort. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • It was a fun way of returning to school after the half-term holiday for the pupils at the federated school that has its junior section at East Kennett and its infants' classes at Lockeridge.
  • A single-origin federated identity network will always fail on the internet (as Joseph Smarr and John McCrea like to say of Facebook Connect: We’ve seen this movie before). Responding to criticisms about OpenID: convenience, security and personal agency | FactoryCity
  • The Union army at Helena during the summer and fall of 1862 spent the majority of its energies fighting disease, not Confederates.
  • Initiatives like these garnered accolades from the analyst who praised Federated's management and merchandising earlier this year.
  • The Confederate navy was spectacularly successful with its commerce raiders, which harassed and destroyed Union ships in global warfare.
  • They lacerated him for saying he wanted the Democratic Party to reach out to working-class Southerners who drive pickups bearing Confederate-flag decals.
  • This book is the exception that explores the Confederate Naval Academy and the education of midshipmen for the Confederate States Navy.
  • 'Confederate War Department,' indorsed 'Respectfully referred to the The Great Conspiracy, Complete
  • The thirteen States, loosely confederated, were too loose an organization to conduct effective war.
  • The Confederate frigate Halberd swung a wide arc around the freighter's stern and approached her docking port from aft.
  • I do not believe a referendum on whether we are satisfied as a nation with the European Constitution need lead - in the event that 'we' declare ourselves to be 'dissatisfied' - to our leaving the Federated States of Europe. Army Rumour Service
  • The Federal vanguard is reported to be five miles from the Southern capital, to which point the Confederates had fallen back without any real resistance. Foreign and Colonial News
  • In 1951, in response to the burgeoning civil rights movement, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, defiantly raised a Confederate flag outside the entrance to its courthouse. Anna Arceneaux: Louisiana Supreme Court Sees Problems With the Confederate Flag, but Allows It to Wave for Now
  • Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army, led by General Robert E. Lee, to invade the North.
  • The country agreed to confederate with the neighboring country for mutual security.
  • The school's chairman of governors, Debbie Reed, said: ‘Ideally, we would like to find a school that could federate with us.’
  • `A confederate who either drove his car off the base or had it waiting at a designated spot. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • Therefore, he said that federal or confederate systems can better safeguard the independence and interests of some minor provinces.
  • This expanding professional stratum, now including women who once led federated organizations, allied increasingly with business groups rather than with a receding clerical or working class.
  • I run red lights even though I'm no longer rushing to buy heroin, and I shake with excitement when I see confederate flag stickers on the back of trucks.
  • Seven children (four boys and three girls) served as confederates.
  • The first mines were employed in the American Civil War when Confederate forces linked tripwires to musket trigger mechanisms to fire black powder and shrapnel charges with percussion caps.
  • True, they are indirectly elected to the Sound Transit board, but there's a reason the agency has what is known as a federated system. Archive 2008-02-01
  • On April 12, 1861, Confederate soldiers fired on Union troops at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. 150 Years Later, US Civil War Still Resonates
  • If you need more capacity, the company offers ISYS Workgroup and a high-end enterprise server that federates results from content repositories, including Documentum, Interwoven and Microsoft SharePoint. ISYS Personal Edition, Version 9.6
  • Most of the exotic alliaceous plants, the leek, onion, garlic, etc., are cultivated in the Confederate States. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • This could be called a federated CMDB - but that would be even more confusing so we provide "integration". The IT Skeptic - Comments
  • In a field experiment, 20-year-old women were approached by 20-year-old male confederates in nightclubs and solicited to dance during the period when slow songs were played. Come Upstairs and See My Vocabulary, Baby?
  • James, with the help of newspaper editors such as John Edwards, was cast in a political role, as Confederate guerilla, a bushwhacker, enemy of Grant and the corrupt Union.
  • To be sure, one can use official sources to identify uniformed Confederates who turned to bushwhacking after being caught behind enemy lines.
  • How can a film actually invite us to root for Confederates?
  • To be sure, one can use official sources to identify uniformed Confederates who turned to bushwhacking after being caught behind enemy lines.
  • My Uncle George explained that the man in the photo was the old farmer's father, who had picked up the pistol from a dead Confederate cavalryman at the battle of Gettysburg.
  • Sherman's prime targets in his famous marches were Confederate war-making resources and morale.
  • Cantonal police units and a nominal confederate police, initially aided by an international contingent, should maintain public order and ensure peaceful relations between diverse cantons.
  • The Confederates might have opted to purchase and import naval supplies such as machinery and iron plating before the war and its attendant blockade.
  • Two rams and another iron warship were to form the nucleus of a Confederate fleet designed to sweep away the blockaders and challenge northern supremacy in American waters.
  • Resolved, that our senators be instructed and our representatives in congress be requested to use their best endeavors to effect the repeal of the impressment law of the Confederate States, or to so remodify the law as that the government shall pay the market prices whenever impressment shall be necessary; which being objected to, was laid over under the rule. Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia, for the Session of 1863-64. Message of the Governor of Virginia, and Accompanying Documents.
  • She had listened with calm contempt while these women had underrated the Confederate Army, blackguarded Jeff Davis and accused Southerners of murder and torture of their slaves. Gone with the Wind
  • Bird's-Foot (V. pedata) violets are similar to Confederate violets in that they have no runners.
  • Tennessee, during the winter of 1865 to 1866, by six former Confederate army officers who gave their society a name adapted from the Greek word Clipmarks | Live Clips
  • For modern-day adherents of the belief that tariffs and not slavery caused the war, the Confederate tariffs serve as a sharp rejoinder.
  • I test-drove a Hellcat Combat from Confederate Motors, but in the end, it seemed like a waste to buy a machine like that and only drive it a few times a year. Crossed
  • In fact, in response to George's protests, the first confederate, Henry Longshackle, began bugling even more loudly.
  • The Confederate government could have achieved the necessary reduction in cotton production by taxing the export of cotton.
  • The Bundesrat or Federal Council, which represented the governments of the confederate states, not their parliaments, differed little from the Federal Diet of 1815.
  • At the end of the war, Algerians demanded the creation of an independent Algerian state federated with France.
  • If you want to sell sht then go to redstate and sell confederate flags, or bumper stickers that read palin/beck in 2012. Think Progress » American Family Association Pins SeaWorld Death On Lack Of Christianity: ‘Bible Ignored, Trainer Died’
  • As an example, I was given a drug dealer who spoke to his confederates about consignments of marmalade.
  • All eyes turn to this shabby remnant, but they remain immovable, with the leaden expression belonging to the victims of the Confederate lexicon, that seems to say, unaccused, '_I am not ashamed. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • After a consideration of jacks and cribbage, the old man decides the two can play a board game with Confederate and Union soldiers.
  • He wanted to cheat his confederate, and his confederate had cheated him; but far from bearing him malice for having done so, the sbirro views the conduct of the lazzarone in the light of an exploit, and feels an additional respect for him in consequence. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • `This Orwell is your contact, your confederate, your controller? KARA KUSH
  • [CSA] _No slave or other_ person held to service or labor _in any State or Territory of the Confederate States_, under the laws thereof, escaping _or lawfully carried_ into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party _to whom such slave belongs, or_ to whom such service or labor may be due. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • On the night of 14 April, as he sat with his wife at Ford's Theatre in Washington, he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, an actor and rabid Confederate supporter.
  • He goes on publishing the book and as many of his confederates as choose to go into the conspiracy do so, and they rear families in affluence.
  • Billy Sullivan felt worried as he waited by the Rotherhithe Tunnel entrance for his confederates.
  • The firm was seized by the confederate government during the American Civil War and became responsible for printing the South's currency and bonds.
  • Unable to reach an agreement between a federal or confederate link between the two parts, the country peacefully split into the independent Czech and Slovak Republics on 1 January 1993.
  • It shall be the duty of the District Attorney of the Confederate States, diligently to prosecute all causes instituted under this act, and he shall receive as a compensation therefor two per cent. upon and from the fruits of all litigation instituted under this act: Provided, That no matter shall be called litigated except a defendant be admitted by the court, and a proper plea be filed. The Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America, from the Institution of the Government, February 8, 1861, to its Termination, February 18, 1862, Inclusive. Arranged in Chronological Order. Together with the Consti
  • The database manager configuration parameter rqrioblk controls the size of the communication buffer between the federated system and the data sources.
  • The Confederate leader, General Johnston, therefore determined to creep up stealthily, and attack the Federals where they lay in fancied security. This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States
  • But when we take in the whole picture, Google is our pick because of its almost insurmountable advantage in accurate Internet searches – plus the way Google federates those with local results. Best desktop search tools
  • No intimation from the Confederate army, or from the men controlling it, in relation to a peace compromise has ever come to Foreign and Colonial News
  • He had only ‘asked Sri Lanka to consider a quasi-federal or confederated setup under a constitutional system that accorded full rights to the Tamils’.
  • The decision of the Australian colonies to federate was a decision that this continent should be governed as one nation.
  • I have also described a few techniques for ensuring that such implementation can maintain stringent levels of request volumes in a federated data integration scenario.
  • In celebration of the electoral victory for the forces that claimed retaining the Confederate battle emblem on the Mississippi state flag was a matter of "heritage not hate," the state's tourist bureau has launched plans to restore many of the state's quaint customs including an old-time crowd-pleaser, which is now spun thusly: Barry Crimmins : Political Satirist:
  • When he was subsequently liberated by Arcturus Mengsk's Sons of Korhal, an anti-Confederate revolutionary group, Raynor chose to fight alongside them.
  • At one spot the Federals succeeded in undermining the Confederate works in preparation to laying an explosive charge.
  • And who was the P.T. Barnum-like genius who fused the word Confederate with the non-word rama?
  • Another feature of the settlement was equally vital though less obvious: the creation of an independent, confederated, defensively oriented European centre.
  • He would have found these Confederates standing calmly in the open field, waiting the command to rush upon Hancock's advancing legions, and filled with more anxiety for Lee's safety than for their own, thus exhibiting that true intrepidity which is begotten only in bravest breasts amid greatest perils. Reminiscences of the Civil War
  • With the agreement of President Tudjman, a Croat-Muslim alliance was formed, laying down a federal Bosnia with the Croat entity having confederate status with Croatia itself.
  • Among the sutlers ' stores captured by the Confederates at Manassas Junction (a major Union supply base) on August 26-27, 1862, were quantities of canned oysters.
  • The thought-reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to write each a word upon a piece of paper, fold it up in such a manner that it cannot be seen, and then to pass it on to him. Games For All Occasions
  • The incident illustrated on the first page is where the riflemen are advancing their skirmishers through the undergrowth towards the Confederate gum, while other Federal regiments are making a flanking movement by a detour on each side to clear the pine woods. Illustrations of the Civil War in America
  • This is a problem that arises in our confederated system.
  • Imagine what would happen if those small villages of 20 to 50 households are allowed to federate, or join with neighboring villages.
  • Also, if captured by Confederate troops, a Black soldier would be immediately executed or sold into slavery.
  • For the next several weeks, the 82nd and the rest of the Army skirmished with the Confederates around Marietta and Kenesaw.
  • `A confederate who either drove his car off the base or had it waiting at a designated spot. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • I agree with Kevin the confederate is part of american history it is 1/2 of the civil war. Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • Stricter martial law often applied to border states like Kentucky and Missouri, where populations with Confederate sympathies provided support for Confederate irregulars.
  • Political opposition to the Confederate government matched dissension within the western army.
  • The country at this time federated with its Republics.
  • A smaller, lower battle flag will fly in front of the capitol, beside a monument to slain Confederate soldiers.
  • Under interrogation, the prisoners have spilled the identities of confederates and the details of many plots…
  • This political configuration is no more than a gossamer ideal whose formation neither he nor his MMI confederates seriously espouse or actively promote.
  • The unadorned stones had marked the graves of unidentified Confederate soldiers.
  • I was left on the field, the only "unhurt" Confederate in sight. Two boys in the Civil War and after,
  • The Treasury Department even authorized Confederate revenue officers to inspect passenger baggage for dutiable goods.
  • the Confederate army was a vast grey
  • Brown, already with a distinguished record in the Confederate States Navy to his credit, was appointed supervisory workmaster for the completing and arming of the boat. War-time sketches : historical and otherwise,
  • This was doubtless unauthorized, for as the ship passed on, the Confederate, which proved to be the McRae, discharged a broadside of grape-shot and langrage, part of the latter being copper slugs, which were found on the Iroquois's decks in quantities after the action. The Gulf and Inland Waters The Navy in the Civil War. Volume 3.
  • The House unanimously passed a bill to centralize the system, he says, but the Senate took no action (the VA embarked on a less ambitious approach to "federate" but not totally centralize its system). An Identity Heist The Size of Texas
  • He suggested that, in contrast to the previous government's reform agenda, community government councils may be federated, not necessarily amalgamated.
  • In my undergrad research class I wanted to replicate the Bystander Effect by having a confederate pretend to faint we wanted to look for gender differences in responses by participants and I was told by the IRB that it might "traumatize" my participants. Archive 2009-01-01
  • States to keep troops in time of peace, and they are expressly distinguished and placed in a separate category from land or naval forces in the sixteenth paragraph above quoted; and the words _land_ and _naval forces_ are shown by paragraphs 12, 13, and 14, to mean the Army and Navy of the Confederate States. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government
  • These flamboyant Turkish uniformed troops also had muskets with bayonets of this form, and a number of yataghan blade bayonets appeared for both U.S. and Confederate forces.
  • Because it federates data rather than centralizing it, implementing Intelligent Data Grid is relatively inexpensive and requires minimal architectural overhaul. Xeround Enables Telco Services By Virtualizing Data Silos
  • One might believe that states have the right to secede from the union, or have the right to interpret the Constitution rather than defer to the interpretations of the federal government, and use the Confederate flag to symbolically support these principles. Matthew Yglesias » Pro-Slavery
  • This is a bit of a case of people-who-live-in-glass-coffins, as the history-obsessed Horwitz has picked at many of those old bones himself, in bestselling books of travel and history like Confederates in the Attic, Blue Latitudes, and, most recently, A Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World. An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • He did not hesitate to skirmish with the Confederates now, for his position was a strong one.
  • Confederate cavalry — fine, rough-looking fellows, dressed in nondescript uniforms, red shirts, grey tunics; some with boots and some without; armed with sabres and revolvers. Illustration of the War in America
  • The Slough plan comes as the 164 grammars are being urged to "federate" with nearby comprehensives and secondary moderns to help raise standards. Latest news breaking news current news UK news world news celebrity news politics news
  • A Confederate privateer is reported sixty miles south-east of Sandy Latest News from Abroad
  • In the Battle of Mobile Bay (August 1864) Adm. David Farragut defeated a major Confederate flotilla and secured Union control of the area.
  • On almost every page there's a picture that will give readers pause, whether it's a shot of the rolling-pin-like device used to code Confederate communications or an 1850 daguerreotype of Frederick Douglass at a gathering of abolitionists and escaped slaves. $40, Salute to History
  • Fifteen sovereignties cannot a foreign or military policy make, even though, were they to federate into one sovereignty, they could exert power equal to that of the United States.
  • His face was pocked from bad food or disease and he thought he was a confederate general or in Apocalypse Now. WHITE LIES
  • As Confederate and Union flags fluttered in the breeze the Ghostriders honed their shooting and axe-throwing skills before settling down to traditional cowboy fare outside their authentic tents.
  • If omitted,[Sentencedict] the bind and the prep options inherit their default value from the FEDERATED_ASYNC database manager configuration parameter.
  • To this remonstrance, which was delivered with a very significant countenance, the mousquetaire made no other reply, but that of echoing his assertion with a loud laugh, in which he was joined by his confederates. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Of course, what happened was that he helicoptered to that Federated Farmers meeting, did not have time to shake hands with anybody, read his speech, hopped in the helicopter, and went again.
  • Men are more likely to be assessed on active behaviours like administration of electric shocks to an experimental confederate.
  • The Confederates won the second battle of Bull Run, and the Union army failed to stop Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia from escaping after the bloody battle at Antietam Creek.
  • A millionaire plantation owner and slave trader, Forrest joined the Confederate army as a private in June 1861 and bulled his way up the ranks to general.
  • Barbarian tribes threatened the borders and, when they could not be driven out by force, they were allowed in as "federates" and provided soldiers for an increasingly barbarized army that had no interest in preserving the system except to maintain its pay and perks. Philip Giraldi: Neocon Ancient History
  • If I was involved in an undertaking with a thousandth as much at stake, I would want to look my confederates in the eye to see how they reacted to what I said.
  • As the preamble to the Constitution Act says, in agreeing to federate, the Australian people did so ‘humbly relying on the blessings of Almighty God’.
  • The arable division of Federated Farmers had expressed support for the idea, and the Government was considering what to do about that growing pressure.
  • I therefore advised that the Valley campaign be terminated north of Staunton, and I be permitted to return, carrying out on the way my original instructions for desolating the Shenandoah country so as to make it untenable for permanent occupation by the Confederates. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • Yet an obstinate remnant still adhered to the religion and liberty of their ancestors, and the war of Honain derived a proper appellation from the idols, whom Mahomet had vowed to destroy, and whom the confederates of Tayef had sworn to defend. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

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