How To Use Federalize In A Sentence

  • Baggage screeners would be "federalized," but airports could eventually "opt out" and rehire private firms. Now, Yalta On The Fly
  • There have been radical changes in the regulation of air travel, from a newly federalized security system to tighter restrictions on what items can be brought onto a plane.
  • SECRETARY BROWN: I think many of the things -- when you look at a chart and you see that that chart is represented by those who are pointing at it as a sign of an immense federal bureaucracy, calling this some kind of federalized, nationalized system, that is a lie, that is not true. Briefing By Shalala Reich Brown On Healthcare Bills
  • Attorney Steven Altman sued the SEC in Federal Court, claiming the agency "has wrongfully sought to 'federalize' the subject of attorney ethics discipline" - a function of state judiciaries - by its Nov. 10 order permanently barring him from "appearing or practicing law News
  • Plus the fact that hardened combat troops are now deployed on domestic soil. the National Guard has been unconstitutionally 'federalized' and place under command of Northcom via Homeland Security. A New Administration, Tired Old Policies
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  • If I recall correctly didn't Hitler "federalize" Germany's banks thus enabling him to cook the books? Latest Articles
  • For purposes of consistency and enforcement across state lines, divorce laws need to be substantially federalized by the national village.
  • You think that Commerce Clause only permits enhancing interstate commerce" and furthmore prohibits any federal involvment in interstate commerce because that would change the character of interstate commerce into something not interstate commerce ( "federalized" commerce "). WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • And when I use the term "federalize," that's what I mean. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2001
  • federalize" the Federal Reserve and take the power of money out of the hands of private bankers such as JP Morgan Chase, Citibank or Goldman Sachs. - Bush-Cheney Trials in '09
  • My bloggingheads talk with Greg Laden Morning dip: reading, writing, merit pay, musical spouses, swine flu, and fire towers The Canadian Press: Lung damage in fatal swine flu cases more bird flu than seasonal flu: expert How Pfizer's $2. 3B criminal settlement proves Obama wants to 'federalize' healthcare Morning Dip - Depression doubles; swine flu packs for a move north ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • As the Michigan National Guard had been federalized for the war effort, the remaining volunteer state troops were asked to mobilize.
  • The Supreme Court does not say that it means only to enhance, nor does It claim that interstate commerce changes into "federalized" commerce when the Federal Govt regulates. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • President Bush could have "federalized" the National Guard in an instant. The Lost City
  • Then serious financial reform can begin to be discussed, starting with steps to "federalize" the Federal Reserve and take the power of money out of the hands of private bankers such as JP Morgan Chase, Citibank or Goldman Sachs. Asia Times Online
  • They're not militias, either, but they have no dual Federal role, and can't be "federalized" as the Irons in the Fire
  • In a governming partnership with the classical liberal, the libertarian might agree to federalize. Tyler on the Problems of Libertarians, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • We have two rescue units that now have been federalized, meaning that they are going to be deploying this afternoon to the island to be helpful with the dogs that they have and their great skill and talent to be able to try to rescue people that may still be, you know, under some of the structures that have fallen on Haiti. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • He countered that Democrats want to "federalize" the screeners because it could add up to 28,000 more union workers to the federal payroll. Defining Monetary Policy at the National Review
  • Instead, I wrote to ensure that the regulation of state judicial practice - something that has long been the responsibility of the states - is not unduly "federalized" via a problematic one-size-fits-all approach that ignores differences between the states, hinders the states 'aggressive and innovative efforts to ensure fairness, and launches an entirely new body of federal constitutional law and an entirely new layer of expensive and expansive litigation. Undefined
  • Allan Sumpter suggested that the County "federalize" as many projects as possible, by prioritizing projects that appeal to the federal government's transportation priorities to move people between cities. Charlottesville Tomorrow News Center
  • The state militias were organized into the 'National Guard' and for all intents and purposes 'federalized' over 100 years ago in Title 10 of the US Code (Militia Act of 1903) - that's when they started calling it the 'National Guard' ... BlueOregon

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