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How To Use Federalism In A Sentence

  • Bekker said there was a perception in South Africa that the IFP favoured confederalism, when in fact it stood for federalism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • O'Connor's sympathies are certainly with Federalism, and Ginsburg has become more inclined towards Federalism as of late.
  • To be sure, as the history of the European Union shows, there can be federalism without a federation.
  • Federalism is a trickier concept in the European context because the Member States are not political subdivisions of the Union, but rather sovereign and autonomous entities.
  • Finally, executive federalism has been the dominant mode of intergovernmental policy-making.
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  • That troops have been passing over to them all day, and that the triumph of the federalists is so sure, he has little doubt that the following morning will see tranquillity and federalism re-established. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • The federalism proposed by the liberal opponents of a constitutional amendment is in fact a sham.
  • The conservatives staunchly supported it and espoused centralism versus federalism.
  • He denied, however, that the CP had "softened" its position on confederalism, the cornerstone of the party's policies. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Questions of federalism and decentralization have dominated public debate across the country.
  • I mean, c'mon, does your average TV viewer really want to listen to a speech on ‘asymmetric federalism’?
  • They are likely to fear that federalism might lead to secession.
  • The new departure was in part due to the constitutional evolution of federalism achieved during the New Deal.
  • Indeed, the contrary seemed to Proudhon to be something of a law of nature: his antinomies were the constant manifestation of counter-principles and counter-necessities, manifestations even of a species of that "immanent justice" which became one of Proudhon's guiding principles (along with individual sovereignty and federalism.) In the Libertarian Labyrinth
  • At the political level, federalism is an institution we borrowed from the Americans, adapting it to a parliamentary system.
  • He proposed instead to abolish the direct election of provincial governors, thus undermining the constitution and doing away with the country's political foundation of federalism.
  • Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities, each with its own powers.
  • The firestorm kicked off by Rand Paul’s remarks has again rekindled the debate about the relationship between libertarianism, federalism, and efforts to combat racial discrimination. The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
  • Mr Lamb is fiercely against any kind of fiscal union in Europe and rejects federalism, unlike his fellow Lib Dem Andrew Duff MEP.
  • We're left with an amendment that achieves social conservative aims by subverting both the separation of powers and federalism.
  • Advocation on federalism from contemporary Taiwan scholar is still lack of practice.
  • This view is more in keeping with federalism - the concept that the federal government would not intrude into core state affairs.
  • Clark was sometimes annoyed by his colleagues' inability to grasp the substance of federalism and particularly the separation of powers.
  • He takes the view that the debate in the Republic has polarised between the mainstream parties on one side, the slightly constitutional Sinn Fein and what he calls the disreputable right … He takes issue with Michael McLaughlin's view that the EU is a product of compromise between to great blocks of European opinion, arguing that beyond those two, there is a growing opinion, not least in the accession countries which holds in opposition to "EU federalism and renewed respect for subsidiarity". the second of Slugger's Lisbon Essays, Michael McLaughlin described the EU as a compromise between the forces of Christian Democracy and Social Democracy. Slugger O'Toole
  • It is a breathtaking tactic and has been used most dramatically in the debate over federalism.
  • I think environmental laws may be at risk by such an amendment (in the Bills of Federalism that was specifically addressed) and should be explicitly allowed here, but civil rights laws do not derive from the Commerce Clause. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • Quizzed on the FA's federalism/confederalism anomalies, Mr ANC Daily News Briefing
  • They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.
  • You can follow the thread through to Nixon’s opposition to busing and scatter-site housing as mechanisms for reversing segregation and his “New Federalism,” or Republican opposition to “activist judges” and “racial quotas” since the 70s, or Reagan’s famous embrace of “states rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Matthew Yglesias » Conservative Magazines Not For Liberty
  • New accommodations for mixed federalisms, regional autonomies, and neo-nationalisms will be equally needed.
  • The kabaka wants federalism - self-governing states working with the central government. Kingdom, Government Clash In Uganda
  • And, like Sir Geoffrey and Mr Heseltine, he routinely sets up federalism as a straw man to knock down.
  • First, federalism can deliver a model of limited, democratic government within a nation.
  • This is the case with provisions for old age, nursing care, the health system, and federalism.
  • Cheney emphatically reaffirms the pro-federalism position on the issue.
  • Superficially he might seem almost a name culled at random from the list of leading political celebrities in France, but in fact he was useful because he made the very specific connection with the tumultuous and dangerous world of European federalism. The Sion Revelation
  • The Reagan New Federalism also signalled an increased dependence of urban areas on state government.
  • According to the Court, a Congressional statute making it easier for states to be sued for patent infringement is such aserious violation of federalism that it must be held unconstitutional. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • It will be found in a developing emphasis on regional agreements and authorities, from which may emerge the preconditions for a revamped federalism.
  • To be sure, as the history of the European Union shows, there can be federalism without a federation.
  • They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.
  • These demands, for a deeper and more genuine federalism, were unexceptionable.
  • It also exemplifies how cultural battles between traditionalists and progressives and structural battles over federalism resonate among women and provide strategic openings for their campaigns.
  • While I agree that, in abstracto, "federalism is one proposed solution to the public choice and collective action problems any society faces," federalism is also the Constitution's solution to shoe problems. Today's news: Obama wins the Presidency!
  • Matt Yglesias at Think Progress has a good synopsis of a new Democracy article that both points out the importance of metropolitan regions to the nation's economic health and warns that current governance structures - really, federalism as we know it now - are constraining the combustive (in a good way) capacity of these areas. Harry Moroz: Not Your Mother's Federalism
  • Federalism is a trickier concept in the European context because the Member States are not political subdivisions of the Union, but rather sovereign and autonomous entities.
  • But for everyone else, the Supreme Court's decision to embrace the principles of federalism that have always been a fundamental part of our Constitution could not have come at a more apropos time.
  • Folks who waxed poetic about the virtues of Federalism and how it works in the Senate must think this sort of shakedown is what the founders intended. Matthew Yglesias » The Shelby Shakedown
  • Because, see, “conservatives” like federalism, and “conservatives” dislike drug use, so Scalia and Thomas were really both just politicking from the bench. The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Thomas and Judge Reinhardt
  • The Prime Minister argued strongly against any form of federalism that would undermine the sovereignty of the nation-state.
  • Federalism presumes that states exist within a larger nation.
  • Another aspect to this pragmatic understanding of American federalism is apparent in times of national crisis.
  • We do not necessarily object to federalism, but what sort of federalism is on offer?
  • This intergovernmental perspective views federalism as a public administration process.
  • The founders crafted throughout the Constitution a system of federalism, whereby state governments were intended to check the powers of the national government.
  • Rather federalism and local government constitute an efficient division of political labour, which permits a functional segmentation of the state.
  • The EU at its present stage is neither a confederation nor a federation, but it is quite clear that European integration has fostered a system with a considerable degree of federalism.
  • On the ANC ticket of a united South Africa and not of confederalism as the IFP demands, 62% of the electorate voted for the ANC. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Further, federalism decisions are far less anti-democratic than individual-rights decisions.
  • Our government often disagrees in strenuous terms about how this federal government practises federalism and uses its leverage. Ontario's Role in Confederation
  • And the process by which federalism emerges here does not seem nearly as important as the power dynamic that results: Once the protection agencies have arrived at a mechanism for detente or dispute resolution or whatever we care to call it, why should we not expect this same mechanism to serve to permit them to exercise monopoly power as a cartel, whether or not the agencies remain nominally distinct? Understanding Nozick Perfectly Well, Thank You
  • His attempts to depict the view from this building and design his own ‘fairest prospect’ of federalism cannot be dissociated from this dense and layered political symbolism.
  • Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state.
  • What we have to ensure is that Canadian federalism is flexible and supple enough to accommodate Quebec and the special characteristics of other regions also. Hanging Together: Canada After Patriation
  • Politically ... confederalism is not a constitutional option, ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Your only rejoinder is ‘Federalism is good’, but does not attempt to address concerns where Federalism fails. Matthew Yglesias » Malapportionment Is Destroying the Planet
  • In every opinion poll and at their chance to vote, they showed they want all the boring, beautiful things of a stable life: democracy, federalism, power-sharing.
  • We identified co-operative federalism with concurrent powers as a contrast to competitive federalism and exclusive powers.
  • I'll be talking about federalism and separation of powers.
  • He said Bophuthatswana remained wary of surrendering its independence with the options still unclear, but added that it was no secret that the Christian Democratic Party favoured confederalism, with maximum economic co-operation, as the first choice as a workable alternative to independence. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A written constitution can be viewed as a structural feature of this particular Constitution, as are separation of powers and federalism, that serves particular purposes.
  • One can find a parallel in the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia of the growing demand by states with widely differing ethnic and cultural identities for control over their own administration, trade, industry, and educational policies; and in India too a mistake is being made in seeing these movements as secessionist and antinational instead of an inevitable movement toward federalism. India: The Seed of Destruction
  • Federalism is an important element of the Constitution, but it is no insuperable barrier to federal lawmaking.
  • This intergovernmental perspective views federalism as a public administration process.
  • Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state.
  • According to the Court,a Congressional statute making it easier for states to be sued for patent infringement is such aserious violation of federalism that it must be held unconstitutional. The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional
  • The proposed constitution prompted widespread debate arguments addressing the benefits and risks of federalism versus confederal arrangements, leading eventually to the Constitution taking effect in 1789.
  • I mean, c'mon, does your average TV viewer really want to listen to a speech on ‘asymmetric federalism’?
  • Bugs don't care about federalism, they are not constitutional "originalists," and they haven't read the literature on posse comitatus, either. Jonathan D. Moreno: Why I Hope Contagion Is Catching
  • I always intervene when I hear people saying things like, well, the Germans are in favour of federalism and the French are centralistic so no wonder, etc. Angela Merkel says EU needs Britain
  • He learned the basic structure and dynamics of American government, including the separation of powers, federalism, and the power of the president to make war.
  • The conservatives staunchly supported it and espoused centralism versus federalism.
  • Federalism can be seen a compromise between the extreme concentration of power and a loose confederation of independent states for governing a variety of people usually in a large expanse of territory.
  • There was a day when being a conservative meant being for fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, smaller government and a healthy federalism that allowed more state control.
  • The Prime Minister argued strongly against any form of federalism that would undermine the sovereignty of the nation-state.
  • Although it was not directly named in the Constitution, federalism is a central principle of government in the United States of America.
  • A federalism amendment drafted in general terms, like the one proposed in the WSJ article, is very unlikely to pass in forseeable future. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • But there's just so many cases that weave into issues that are either hugely important - like gay rights or like, you know, how our prison systems are regulated, or these federalism questions - or issues that are about to become huge, like the Arizona immigration law, you know, states 'rights versus the federal government's rights in these pre-emption cases. Freedom Of Speech, Consumer Interests On High Court Agenda
  • As reports gradually came in from the departments, it appeared that a majority were in favor of federalism.
  • We begin with an ideal type of a federal system called market-preserving federalism - a federation that satisfies all four conditions.
  • Congress consequently emerged from the Great Depression and from World War II essentially unbound by the old constraints of federalism.
  • Prior to 1917 the Bolsheviks had opposed the concept of federalism, preferring regional autonomy within a unitary state.
  • State; that the State alone could represent the bonds of union between its subjects; that federalism and "particularism" were the enemies of progress, and the State was the only proper initiator of further development. Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution
  • Far from acting as a buffer against Federalism, it will actually assist it.
  • we are necessarily bound for federalism in Europe
  • The more complicated question for aquaculture opponents and public trust advocates is one of federalism.
  • They are likely to fear that federalism might lead to secession.
  • So the chancellor would be able to govern for at least one whole legislative period unhindered by the encumbrances of federalism.
  • They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism.
  • Some member states have more experience than Britain of power-sharing and federalism.
  • It is a breathtaking tactic and has been used most dramatically in the debate over federalism.
  • This is not to say that the only necessities for economic development are constitutions that establish limited government - either through checks and balances or federalism.
  • Centralists should reflect on how they perceive federalism and revenue-sharing, and should reconsider the role of provinces in forging a stronger economic union.
  • I previously blogged on the Right Coast about the minimalist conception of federalism that appeared to animate Justice O'Connor's vote in that case.
  • I always thought the reason Bork got "borked" was precisely because of his vigorous and unregretted intellectual attack on that statute in the name, of course, of federalism. Here's the post where I take on Ron Bailey of Reason Magazine.
  • In "Enhancing Government," Erwin Chemerinsky provides a kind of holograph of what federalism -- as the federal-state relation is confusingly called -- would resemble if the U.S. were to enter a period of liberal ascendancy. One Blueprint For Obama
  • I always thought the reason Bork got "borked" was precisely because of his vigorous and unregretted intellectual attack on that statute in the name, of course, of federalism. Here's the post where I take on Ron Bailey of Reason Magazine.
  • The discussion in this chapter, however, will be limited to the constitutional dimensions of federalism.
  • I'm not a federalism maven; though I've followed the Court's jurisprudence here, I can't claim deep expertise.
  • The issues over which the five revolted were: the presidency, federalism, women's rights, and the permanent constitution.
  • Something approaching a three - way federalism embracing all levels of government may be said to exist.
  • We can keep stomping our feet and holding our breath or we can shut up and save that energy until we are big enough to stomp all over their all-for-Ontario-and-Quebec version of Canadian federalism.
  • Unfortunately, many of the jurists whose names are most often cited as possible successors have troubling records on choice, federalism and church-state separation.
  • He denied the CP was "softening" its position on confederalism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Ummm, no, perhaps best described as "confederalism". Balkinization
  • After September's deal, they joined forces with white separatists who see confederalism as their hope for self-determination in a white homeland. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Can federalism enhance the democratic legitimacy of a political system?
  • Nobody Really: I think environmental laws may be at risk by such an amendment (in the Bills of Federalism that was specifically addressed) and should be explicitly allowed here, but civil rights laws do not derive from the Commerce Clause. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment

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