How To Use Federal government In A Sentence

  • Federal Government is the exclusive judge of the extent as well as the limitations of its power, it seems to me to be utterly perversive of the sovereignty and independence of the States. Southern Literature From 1579-1895 A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader
  • And when the docs who are getting reimbursed by the federal government practice defensive medicine, it runs up the cost to the taxpayers.
  • Non-governmental organizations were formed to oppose the pumping, and in 2001 the federal government launched an investigation into the company on the grounds it was violating constitutional prohibitions on demineralizing water.
  • The federal government could be committed to a tax expenditure quickly without prior consultation.
  • Then the crowning jewel is that OHSU gets ONE dollar of every TWO dollars lobbied from the federal government to put into their own coffers per the SoWhat Agreement. SoWhat goes underground (Jack Bog's Blog)
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  • Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
  • At this point I must once again digress briefly to say that I am totally in agreement with the response of the President of the Canadian Labour Congress, Joe Morris, to the announcement last week that the federal government intends to impose works councils on industries coming under federal jurisdiction. Let's Get Back to People
  • He remains strong in the polls as Canada has suffered less from the worldwide Quebec, with 23% of the national population, its distinctive French-language ( "francophone") culture, angered the western provinces by wielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The federal government has been aggressively promoting bilingualism in the public service since the 1960s. Globe and Mail
  • After facing a barrage of criticism from the aircraft industry, the federal government issued a call for a single tender last December, just days after Chretien left office.
  • Responsibilities for protecting Canada's biodiversity fall on the shoulders of both the provincial, territorial and federal governments.
  • The rules, and thus the inconvenience, have always been mandated by the federal government.
  • We should nip this nonsensical argument in the bud before it's taken too far, and the federal government follows.
  • Ensure that the federal government and state and local governments disburse funds according to an established and accelerated timeline Ed Crego, George Muñoz and Frank Islam: The Need for Austerity and Audacity
  • So the federal government responded with astonishing alacrity, great efficiency.
  • The removal ... of John Demjanjuk is a historic moment in the federal government's efforts to bring Nazi war criminals to justice," said U.S. Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer.
  • She spent her early childhood on a 160-acre tract known as Mankiller Flats, given to her grandfather as part of a settlement the federal government made for forcing the Cherokee to move to Oklahoma from their tribal lands in the Carolinas and Georgia in the 1830s. - News
  • The Federal Government's Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources takes a sectorial approach to Australian manufacturing.
  • He therefore rejected their claims for compensation from the federal government.
  • Two years ago, Aircell, based in Itasca, Ill., and Louisville, Colo., paid $31 million to the federal government for a batch of air-to-ground spectrum that was originally used for in-flight seat-back phones – - an expensive service that passengers largely ignored. Logging On and Tuning In at 40,000 Feet - Bits Blog -
  • While government at the local level has the discipline of real work and public visibility when they manage our transportation, parks, schools, and environment; the federal government and its staff seem several steps removed from the reality of the rules they promulgate and the regulations they enforce. Steven Cohen: We Need a Smart, Agile and Innovative Environmental Police Force
  • Gregeoire has a few words to say about her Lt.Gen. signing on with other AGs in suing the federal government. Think Progress » Cornyn Flip Flops On Whether He’s ‘Interested In Repealing’ Popular Parts Of Health Reform
  • A company is not prohibited from incurring unallowable costs, but they cannot be recovered either directly or indirectly under federal government contracts.
  • Note that our federal government has prosily and misleadingly renamed sludge "biosolids"; don't be fooled. Andrew Kimbrell: Give Thanks, But Not For Toxic Sewage Sludge
  • The federal government has been forced to abandon its six-year push to build a national nuclear waste dump near Woomera in South Australia.
  • They saw it as a pot of money, so all they had to do was nominate some centres that they might call growth centres, and they'd get a whack of money out of the Federal government.
  • Canada's provincial premiers and territorial leaders are united in a effort to create a national pharmacare program, financed by the federal government.
  • There were valid arguments on both sides, but generally the race-blind believers in birthright made a better case: that ten of the thirteen original states allowed free black men to vote; that Americans of African descent had been recognized as citizens by the federal government in various ways (even Andrew Jackson had hailed his free black soldiers as "fellow citizens" after the Battle of New Orleans). Van Gosse: Birthright Citizenship Is Bedrock Americanism
  • Because the idea of convening a crisis summit contradicts the reassuring messages offered by the federal government, our proposal was immediately rejected by the Department of Health and Human Services. MAIL CALL
  • These ad hoc units were locally raised and led, but funded by the federal government and under the overall command of U.S. Army generals.
  • Any activity, even if purely intrastate, can be regulated by the federal government if it substantially affects interstate commerce.
  • As the federal government dithered, people died. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now thanks to a multimillion dollar bailout from State and Federal governments, the airline can fly limited services while it seeks a new owner and future.
  • This idea supported Calhoun's doctrine of interposition or nullification, in which the state governments could refuse to enforce or comply with a policy of the Federal government that threatened the vital interests of the states.
  • Development of the sugar industry has been given high priority by both the Federal Government, for domestic food needs, and Jigawa and Bauchi States for local economic development. Fact Sheet On Us And Nigeria Expanding Trade And Investment
  • Lay people are barely aware that the state government exists and are far more intensely aware of the benefits they receive from federal government programs that contravene this proposed amendment. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • The Brady case may provide court conservatives another chance to limit the power of the federal government in state and local affairs.
  • Freddie Mac on Wednesday requested another $10.6 billion handout from the federal government. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Thursday, May 6, 2010
  • The state and federal government established guidelines requiring a minimum level of quality as indicated on the certified seed tag.
  • As living-wage laws get broader and more expansive, supporters are also trying to offload some of the cost, increasingly burdensome to cities, onto state and federal government.
  • The slavery expansionists originally took the position that the federal government had no role to play because they wanted slavery to gain a foothold, then when they realized they were losing, they switched to demanding that the federal government affirmatively defend the rights of slaveholders to settle the new land. The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
  • The meeting voted to call on the Federal Government to set up a Rural and Regional Development bank using the nation's $1.14 trillion superannuation savings, which would be used to help "repopulate" regional Australia. The Northern Star
  • The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.
  • The federal government likes to talk about reciprocal obligation and mutualism.
  • Allan Sumpter suggested that the County "federalize" as many projects as possible, by prioritizing projects that appeal to the federal government's transportation priorities to move people between cities. Charlottesville Tomorrow News Center
  • Just a random thought — assume that the Federal Government sues Arizona to enjoin it from enforcing the new Arizona law — Could Arizona assert a counterclaim against the Federal Government to recover the Billions which Arizona is being forced to spend on things like indigent medical care for illegal immigrants, public education of children of illegal immigrants, and extra lw enforcement costs attributable to crimes committed by illegal immigrants? The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
  • The reason the safety commission is suddenly bestirring itself is the federal government is moving to revise the Nuclear Liability Act.
  • The authors trace inflation and financial panics to the federal government intervening into banking, which had up until that time been primarily a state matter.
  • Everyone must remember that the Federal Government has no responsibility to fund the bypass.
  • While all customs duties accrued to the federal government, it received only about one-third of total sales tax revenue in 1985.
  • ( "francophone") culture, byw ielding undue influence on the Federal Government and its repeated threats to national unity Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The federal government spent $356,741 to host a one-day aboriginal summit that was dismissed by some critics as a redundant gabfest.
  • In return, the federal government would fund two-thirds of the cost of installing fuel bowsers at the community - a basic facility that all settlements should have in any case.
  • He stole from the Federal Government, at a prodigal increase of salary, its star specialist in livestock breeding, and by similar misconduct he robbed the University of Nebraska of its greatest milch cow professor, and broke the heart of the Dean of the College of Agriculture of the University of California by appropriating Professor Nirdenhammer, the wizard of farm management. CHAPTER VI
  • Now, the federal government is going to overborrow. CNN Transcript Feb 10, 2009
  • Given great leeway in implementing welfare reform, the states were as insatiable as the federal government in crafting rules designed to cut welfare caseloads.
  • Zionist Occupied Government, or ZOG, is a phrase employed by most American neo-Nazi groups to describe the current federal government. Mark Potok: Alleged Georgia Plotters Belonged to Racist, Anti-Semitic Group
  • Many legal issues are within the competence of individual states rather than the federal government.
  • That idea [that the Federal Government should embrace ‘traditional values’] is anathema to those who take the Constitution seriously.
  • At a minimum they clearly meant to preclude the federal government from interfering in religious matters, but equally clearly they did not intend to disestablish state churches or authorize the federal government to do so.
  • The law says that the federal government now will get 100 percent of the rebate funding "attributable" to the increase from 15.1 to 23.1 percent. All Kaiser Health News
  • What happened there represents a frontal challenge to how the courts, the states and the federal government administer justice.
  • Allowing workers to divert some of this money into the stock market will not only put their retirement future at risk, it will imperil the federal government's ability to keep its commitment to current retirees.
  • The new direction was toward shifting responsibility away from the federal government, which indicated a diminished civil works role for the Corps of Engineers.
  • One of the roles of the federal government is to regulate interstate commerce.
  • But in practice, the main divide between liberal and conservative judges tends to be over the responsibilities of the federal government,[Sentence dictionary] not judicial activism per se.
  • Promising to abolish three federal government departments, he could remember only two of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • By National PostAugust 14, 2009 2: 04 AM What the Canadian Wheat Board calls "single-desk marketing" is, technically, a "monopsony" -- many sellers, but only one buyer; in this case the federal government. - Business News
  • Yet that's exactly what the federal government is trying to do, citing his record and "turpitude" as the legal grounds on which he should be removed from the country. - Home Page
  • The federal government's unwillingness to take action has left it up to states.
  • In the Northern Territory the Federal government confined its agricultural activities mainly to administration and experiment.
  • It's taken more than a decade to locate a suitable site for the nuclear dump, and the Federal Government is not about to give it up.
  • That is what the federal government is trying to do to the big banks, make them keep paying even though they hae repayed their TARP loan. Is the Responsibility Tax Legal?
  • The Code does not apply to federal government workers in federally regulated industries such as banking, telecommunications and interprovincial transportation; they are covered by federal safety codes.
  • With subsidized loans, the federal government pays the interest on a loan while the student is in school, during the grace period after graduation or if the loan is in deferment, which is when borrowers are temporarily allowed to stop making payments. New Rules for Loans
  • State air regulators are considering adopting fuel standards for watercraft and locomotives Thursday, another entry by California into areas that have generally been reserved for the federal government.
  • Metropolitan Washington is benefiting from the expanding federal government, whose demand for more space in commercial buildings is helping to boost prices. D.C. office rents top those in New York City
  • The Federal Government will not ratify the protocol until the economic impact of doing so is fully assessed.
  • NEW YORK ( CNNMoney . com ) -- Sitting down ? It's time to tally up the federal government's bailout tab.
  • The primary responsibility of the federal government was to serve as a catalyst for local initiative.
  • the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist
  • Much of southern Utah is rugged national parkland that the federal government would like to preserve as wilderness.
  • RICHMOND -- The legal challenge to the nation's new health-care law was launched Thursday in a courtroom in Richmond, where the office of Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II argued that the measure is an unprecedented overreach by Washington that violates the founders 'intention of a limited federal government. Va. begins courtroom assault on federal health-care overhaul
  • One could go on, but the important lesson to remember for would-be reformers is that in their zeal to cull waste and limit the scope of the federal government, they don't get caught up being "penny-wise, pound-foolish. Edward Flattau: Frivolous Pork
  • The federal government intervened in labor disputes to prevent deaths, not just to interfere.
  • Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
  • In an era of budget surpluses, advocates argue, the federal government could ante up money for purchase of open space and farmland.
  • Here's the story: Every year, the federal government of Peru sends money -- accounts vary as to whether it's $2 million U.S. or up to perhaps $5 million U.S. -- to Iquitos for the spraying of mosquitos that carry malaria (genus Anopheles) and dengue (most often Aedes aegypti). Peter Gorman: Dengue in Iquitos Peru
  • Thus, this statute gives the federal government little power to control mining.
  • A second shift is to move tax and spending from federal government to states and towns.
  • There's considerably less bitching about the federal government, environmental activists and co-ed dorms.
  • In the budget last May, the Federal Government announced that the archive was to be merged with the Australian Film Commission.
  • In January 2009, a trial judge raised Manuel Fajardo-Santos's original $75,000 bail to $300,000 after a local prosecutor expressed concerns that the federal government could deport Fajardo-Santos before the state had the opportunity to bring him to trial since ICE already had a "detainer" on him. Undefined
  • In his opposition to civil rights legislation, he might be called the original “tenther” -- that is, a serial quoter of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which reserves for the states all powers not expressly granted to the Federal government, with which he justified hamstringing all efforts by Washington to rectify social or economic injustice. Steve Fraser: History's Mad Hatters: The Strange Career of Tea Party Populism
  • The most natural case to consider, because it avoids complicated issues of constitutional authority and trans-border smuggling, is the one where both the federal government and most or all state government legalize simultaneously. Katherine Waldock: Drug Legalization -- a Windfall for State Budgets
  • What started as a very limited levy has evolved into the federal government's main source of cash.
  • The Federal Government is promising to ‘reduce significantly’ the problem of family benefit overpayments.
  • THE federal government says "push factors" such as unendurable turmoil back home are behind this surge of asylum-seekers. - Articles related to Tamil Tigers join race for asylum
  • And they could invest a lot of money and fail, which is part of the reason why many think that the federal government needs to be heavily involved in incentivizing this.
  • Well, the states still have equal suffrage in the Senate, but this kind of what I call shyster lawyerism has been used to permit the federal government to overrun the Constitutional bounds on its powers. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Sotomayor Vote:
  • The federal government requires contractors to give workers who are displaced by a contract first crack at job openings.
  • The bill inhibits the reimportation of more affordable drugs from Canada and blocks the federal government from using its purchasing power to negotiate deep discounts for prescription drugs.
  • A Federal Government change to the Tasmanian Wheat Freight Subsidy Scheme looks set to end bulk shipments of grain to that state from July 1.
  • The federal government has been unsuccessful for ten years in negotiating a peace.
  • Mr Wilkie was speaking in Perth today where he was meeting fellow Lower House crossbencher and WA Nationals MP Tony Crook about the poker machine reforms, which are being negotiated with Federal Government. | Top Stories
  • The confederal government shall have various administrative functions.
  • Imposing such a burden would alter the basic structure between state and federal governments, which is critical to our constitutional scheme.
  • The federal government has sole responsibility to enforce immigration laws, including the prevention of illegal entries into the United States.
  • For that task, the federal government relies on 163 job training programs administered by 15 separate agencies.
  • In order to compensate firms for the loss of their retention rights, the federal government set up a scheme of export subsidies.
  • Kundra, in conference call today with reporters shortly after President Barack Obama named him as federal CIO said one of his first projects is to create a data. gov Web site to "democratize" the federal government's vast information treasures by making them accessible in open formats and in feeds that can be used by application developers. A Request to CIO Kundra: Get Bureaucrats Involved in
  • So the federal government must make a special effort to keep AIDS vaccine research afloat, Gallo said.
  • The nuclear industry has hoped the federal government would build a long-term repository inside Yucca Mountain in Nevada, where nuclear waste from around the country could be held for hundreds of thousands of years. Shift to dry storage sought for U.S. nuclear fuel
  • The role of the federal government in such a local concern is justifiably limited by the federalist structure of the American system of government.
  • FLEISCHER: The president believes that the American people are very wise, and that, given the right incentives, they will know how -- they will make their own right determinations about how much they can conserve, just as the president announced last week that the federal government, as part of its consumership in California will reduce energy needs, for example, the Department of Defense facilities in California, by 10 percent. CNN Transcript May 7, 2001
  • To remonetize silver upon the old standard, and make it a legal tender for all private and public debts, will be considered by the whole civilized world as an act of repudiation on the part of the federal government, and cast a stain upon our national credit, which has hitherto stood as high and bright as that of any government in the world. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • The council was established by the Legislature to challenge the power of the federal government.
  • The initiative would authorize $70 million in new resources and cement the federal government's commitment to ending chronic homelessness.
  • DjDiverDan: Just a random thought — assume that the Federal Government sues Arizona to enjoin it from enforcing the new Arizona law — Could Arizona assert a counterclaim against the Federal Government to recover the Billions which Arizona is being forced to spend on things like indigent medical care for illegal immigrants, public education of children of illegal immigrants, and extra lw enforcement costs attributable to crimes committed by illegal immigrants? The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
  • As the chart above shows, federal government spending is not subject to the wild swings that afflict investment, so it helps to stabilize GDP and jobs--if it is big enough. L. Randall Wray: Budgetary Impasse: Is There an Alternative to Hoovernomics?
  • In the event of a smallpox outbreak, the federal government is prepared with enough vaccine to inoculate everyone who would need it.
  • All he's done is transfer the cost of programs from the federal government to individuals, who are now paying a lot more out of their own pockets for property taxes, college tuitions and health care.
  • According to Pete Gober, coordinator of the federal government's black-footed ferret effort, Mr. Haverfield's ranch is one of the more important sites in the program because of its size and because the ferrets there show no sign of the sylvatic plague that has struck farther west. NYT > Home Page
  • This view is more in keeping with federalism - the concept that the federal government would not intrude into core state affairs.
  • The federal government is going to build 50 exchanges, using a data hub that doesn't exist physically.
  • Other facets of the budget include, for the second consecutive year, a rejection of the traditional principle of pay parity between military and civilian employees of the federal government.
  • What happened there represents a frontal challenge to how the courts, the states and the federal government administer justice.
  • With an apparently endless supply of funds at their disposal, MEK members have repeatedly and unsuccessfully petitioned the federal government to have their names taken off the terrorist list.
  • Money from the federal government stimulus program is starting to be disbursed which is also aiding new CNET
  • The fledgling peat industry at the turn of the century lobbied the federal government for assistance.
  • The first thing this Republican legislature approves is to "cut funding for education/" The federal government cannot afford to bail this state out again. Former Florida GOP chairman under criminal investigation
  • Do you think Federal Government should step in to help Kampung Buah Pala villagers considering the Federal Court's judgement ruled in favour of the developer?
  • The federal government shutdown could leave America's craft brewers with a serious hangover.
  • If the federal government had a real interest in defending its own cities, then it could have done so.
  • Since the provinces won't, the federal government should take up the students' case.
  • What's new is that the federal government wants most of the biopharmaceutical industry to go away. An Ambivalent Case for More Medical Research Spending
  • Guinn's concerns have been supported by data collected by the federal government itself.
  • With the private sector in shambles, the Federal government is the only one with enough juice left to fix anything. Notes On Obama's Press Conference - The Consumerist
  • Many legal issues are within the competence of individual states rather than the federal government.
  • They urged the federal government in Delhi to intervene. Times, Sunday Times
  • The federal government is legally limited in its powers to intervene in the refugee determination process.
  • Hays attempted to resolve the growing school conflict by mediating an agreement between Faubus and the federal government.
  • Whenever the federal government has taken on tasks that should, I think, be limited to families, communities, churches, and other local or state institutions, it has usually done a mediocre to very poor job and has come in wildly over budget. Education
  • No. And about those so-called "death panels," a term critics used to argue against a provision they say will put the federal government in a euthanasia business. CNN Transcript Aug 12, 2009
  • ‘America the Vulnerable’: the federal government will not adequately staff our border patrol, claiming unmanned aircraft can do the job.
  • I pledged to respect their rights of self-determination, tribal sovereignty, and religious freedom, and to work hard to improve the federal government's relations with them.
  • Beginning in 1838, the federal government transferred the mails from stagecoaches to railroads.
  • Environmental regulation by the federal government must utilize one of a limited group of specific powers.
  • Thus the ‘primary object’ of the organization would be ‘to discountenance and rebuke by moral and social influences, all disloyalty to the Federal Government.’
  • As the federal government says, ‘It should be noted that the business to be obtained or retained does not need to be with a foreign government or foreign government instrumentality.’
  • So while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes like tariffs, duties, and excise taxes.
  • Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
  • Also during the course of the war, the federal government printed almost $1 billion in paper currency, or ‘greenbacks,’ that was unbacked by gold or silver.
  • The federal government also pursued the matter of fugitive slaves escaping overland to territories held by foreign powers.
  • I had a big blowout with the federal government.
  • The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.
  • The prolonged federal government shutdown could not have come at a worse time for businessman Herb Stein.
  • When the federal government runs a deficit, it borrows the extra money by selling more Treasury bonds to the public.
  • President Obama took the bully pulpit to New Hampshire on Tuesday to counter what he called scare tactics from opponents of his health-care reform efforts, but it's clear that the health debate has become a proxy for a bigger fight over whether the federal government is assuming too much control over the economy. Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • On the spectrum policy panel, Jon M. Peha, a Carnegie Mellon engineer serving as the FCC's chief technologist, argued that change begins at home: The federal government is the nation's largest spectrum owner and "anecdotally" doing a poor job of managing it equivalently. Ars Technica
  • It shows that if you maintain equalisation which is provided for in the Constitution and a Canadian icon, if you maintain payments to seniors, if the UI programme works more or less as it has in the past, and if you make reasonable assumptions about interest rates and a recession two or three years down the road, you find, the federal government driven to shrinking its programme transfers for health and social services to the provinces, to zero. Thirty Million Musketeers
  • The energy-rich western province has a testy relationship with the federal government.
  • The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.
  • The foreclosure crisis forced the federal government andseveral states to come up with plans to prevent or delay the process to help delinquent borrowers. - News
  • If the federal government, or any State, can violate the Constitution without hurting any person individual or corporate, then there will be no judicable claim. The Volokh Conspiracy » Would an Act of Congress Be Required to Allow President Obama To Accept the Nobel Peace Prize?
  • The Federal Government was acting in contravention of maritime law by shunning a ship and crew in distress.
  • The federal government likes to talk about reciprocal obligation and mutualism.
  • Three days after he was recalled, he stepped down amid scathing criticism of the federal government's inadequate response to the hurricane disaster.
  • The other patients pay for their care at cost while federal government employees are entitled to special privileges.
  • Stewart, the lesson I relearn from the BP oil spill is the civilian parts of the federal government are often worse than useless while military parts like the Coast Guard are fairly competent. The Volokh Conspiracy » If you like the BP spill, you’ll love cyberwar
  • There's considerably less bitching about the federal government, environmental activists and co-ed dorms.
  • The federal government agreed to rebate GST taxes paid by municipalities, netting Toronto some $50 million this year.
  • Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
  • Four of Brazil's top ten trashmakers -- Fortaleza, Goiania, Natal and Recife -- are located in the economically challenged Northeast and Altiplano regions and their growth is sparked by stimulus programs implemented by the federal government. Eric Ehrmann: Brazil's Garbage Becomes an Olympic Challenge
  • The Federal Government is loading another ship in Australia to deliver feed to the 52,000 sheep stranded in the Middle East.
  • Although the financial supports for banks and auto makers were effective in staving off a much deeper economic crisis and have largely been repaid to the Federal government, they caused resentment among many because large corporations were given greater assistance than that which was given to families facing personal income or mortgage problems. Bradford Kane: The Tea Party's Four Themes and Their Antidotes for the November Election
  • Perry, who caused a stir in 2009 when he openly pondered his state's secession from the United States, was sharply critical of what he called an overbearing federal government. Reuters: Press Release
  • In particular, Norm Ornstein has a piece in today's WaPo that presents the classic liberal position against requiring the federal government to balance its budget: A sagging economy requires what we call countercyclical policy, stimulus to counter a downturn and provide a boost…. Top headlines
  • The federal government has begun mandating it, and they insist that their architects earn at least a bronze rating.
  • Is this "prioritized" training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice? Archive 2009-08-01
  • Until this occurs state and federal governments need to employ more nurses but less clerical public servants, advisers and minders.
  • The federal government obligingly constructed logging roads into the wildernesses at public expense to accommodate the trucks and men and machinery.
  • An unfriendly critic might conclude that Jefferson was projecting his own disunionist intentions on to his opponents, whose only "crime" was to attempt to buttress the authority of the federal government in a period of global political crisis -- and "quasi-war" with France -- when national security was in jeopardy. Thomas Jefferson, Federalist. Peter S. Onuf
  • The Wall Street Journal in a May 15, 2008 editorial by Jason Riley even urged the federal government to "deport" Chicanas and Chicanos despite our U.S. citizenship for supporting indigenous rights. HispanicTips
  • During the previous summer, due to the ongoing threat of violence at the hands of Missouri border ruffians, the conventioneers had appealed to the federal government to protect them - a plea Pierce ignored.
  • Both blamed America's economic troubles on the federal government. Times, Sunday Times
  • What it actually does is transfer a small amount of seignorage revenues from the federal government to the counterfeiters. Do we need a new $100 bill?
  • The orderly operation of the federal government depends upon this continuous and quotidian cooperation.
  • In February, federal government negotiators signed an accord with the Zapatista rebels that calls for expanding indigenous rights.
  • Real Time Investigations is an open source journalism effort that reveals the behind-the-scenes research involved in petitioning the federal government to make its information more accessible to citizens, constituents and journalists. Boing Boing
  • The call was rejected by the federal government and by leaders of Civic Forum, the dominant element within it.
  • It is crucial to the story that the practical examples of change cited here were ordered by the federal government.
  • Well, only if you're considering your emotional affectability by the direction of our federal government, and that direction's effect on society at large. Arbiter Online
  • This was the third time in six months that the federal government had intervened in state politics to redress alleged fraud.
  • If Umno leaders are really sincere enough in wanting to have peace with Pakatan Rakyat in order for both the Umno leaders and Pakatan Rakyat leaders to spare more time for focusing their attention and concentrating their effort and financial resources in solving many imperative problems on hands, then Umno leaders should honour the contractual obligations as required by the Federal Constitution for the Federal Government to disburse the financial allocations which are due to be paid by the Federal Government to the State Governments under the administration of Pakatan Rakyat, namely Kedah, Kelantan, Penang and Selangor, and also Perak. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • Prosecuting illegal aliens for entering the country falls under the jurisdiction, of course, of the U.S. federal government.
  • Ryan Denby, chief operations officer at Austin Rare Coins, Inc., says that some investors have become so afraid the federal government will "confiscate" bullion that they have been paying hundreds of dollars extra per ounce to buy gold coins instead. The Case for Investing in Foreign Currencies, Gold Funds
  • The takeover of all branches of the federal government by the extreme right is now virtually complete.
  • Now, however, the workers'new ally, the federal government, went into action.
  • The federal government's role should not be coercer but informer and encourager. James K. Glassman: A Fruitful Answer to Obesity

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