
How To Use Featureless In A Sentence

  • As if in confirmation, a line appears along the featureless wastes ahead. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Out of a starting point in a constant featureless environment, life spontaneously diversified.
  • The nurtured blossoms gave way to the electrified fence of the camel-racing track in the arid wilderness and then to seemingly trackless dunes like vast featureless waves frozen in motion.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • He had a moonish face, which is to say round and pale and utterly featureless from a distance. Fasting to a Comfortable Death
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  • The site lies in the city's industrial belt, surrounded by featureless new apartment blocks.
  • By then the Allied armies had advanced about ten miles and the Somme battlefield had been churned, like that of Verdun, into a featureless lunar landscape.
  • The landscape was barren and featureless, a bruised mix of yellow earth and salted vineyards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • The land was mostly flat and featureless; even the most desolate of the southern deserts had some rolling sand dunes and some cacti.
  • Two large armies, in the middle of a featureless desert, in a mostly unpopulated area going at one another.
  • A combination of library, cinema, academic centre and film studio, its windows glow serenely on the featureless horizon.
  • The print itself is featureless and does nothing visually to capture the attention or involve the emotions.
  • The desert is flat and featureless, but far from dull. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stairway leading to a featureless room stinks of bleach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faecal casts retained their original coiled form on the sediment surface for several days but then gradually collapsed into a featureless mound on the sediment surface.
  • Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • The feats of the Aboriginal trackers are the stuff of legend here in the Territory with numerous tales of wrong-doers being collared after being trailed through miles of featureless country.
  • Fat and featureless, pink and pincushiony, it was borrowed by gushing maidenhood, exchanged by idiotic maternity, and had grown unctuous and tumefacient under the kisses and embraces of half the hotel. By Shore and Sedge
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • A nice patch of wild prairie, through which a Mega-Cat could prowl in search of prey had been replaced by a flat, featureless mud-plain.
  • The hotel itself was on a slope and at ground level was virtually featureless from this side.
  • Row upon row of identical, featureless rectangular apartment blocks line up towards the horizon like vast tablets of stone handed down from the Politburo.
  • For two afternoons a week, for the two summer school terms, for four years, I was made to stand in the middle of a featureless paddock in the middle of this sere landscape, doing nothing except seething with a mixture of boredom and anger.
  • When viewed between crossed polarizers by polarized light microscopy such samples appear dark and featureless.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • Shave from me with sharp razors my lips, my nose, my ears -- ay, and tear out the eyes of me by the roots; and there, mewed in that featureless skull that is attached to a hacked and mangled torso, there in that cell of the chemic flesh, will still be I, unmutilated, undiminished. Chapter 12
  • Yet in the middle of these featureless plains snakes a striking range of peaks.
  • She wants to destroy and simplify; but it isn't the simplicity of the ascetic, which is of the spirit, but the simplicity of the madman that grinds down all the contrivances of civilization to a featureless monotony. Greenmantle
  • SA MI 75 DZ NY 12" (2012) is an "infinity environment"—a featureless white room (the coved ceiling, floor and walls are fitted fiberglass panels), open for viewers' entry on one side and illuminated from that side (i.e., from behind you) by a complicated array of very bright electric lights. Shock, Light Therapy With Life Thrown In
  • It shows featureless grey sky above almost featureless green steppe, which stretches right out to a distant, dead level horizon.
  • But within twenty paces he was walking across featureless grass.
  • You come to know the character as a trick of the camera, and then he starts moving with human fluidity through a strange, featureless world.
  • The land was mostly flat and featureless; even the most desolate of the southern deserts had some rolling sand dunes and some cacti.
  • The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge. A Space in Time
  • The walk should be reserved for a clear day as much of the high ground is relatively featureless and there is always the danger of straying too near the steep cliffs.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • The next day, to save the cyclists backtracking 22 km and then facing 80 km across featureless bogland to our destination, Achill Island, Josephine arranged for her fishing boat to ferry us to the island.
  • While the desert can seem featureless to some, the land's owners had already identified the best views for their future home.
  • The opening shot is of some character walking or jogging across a featureless landscape. Somewhere East of Life
  • I really can't remember when I last saw a more fatuously featureless feature.
  • Explore it from the bottom of the bill and you'll encounter something different: tracts of featureless industrial estates, a world in which Wolseley police cars clatter under railway bridges in Croydon and mid-price actors occupy frowsty suburban drags. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The landscape is tremendous; flat, featureless fields, slight rolling hills, narrow roads with large embankments blocking the view.
  • Hanuman gazed at Danlo, and his eyes were like old blue ice; his face was like a frozen and featureless seascape. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Think of how superior a map showing roads, terrain, rivers, and cities is to one showing just a featureless land mass.
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • The flat, featureless terrain between the Persian Gulf and Baghdad forced the United States to create "ingress" routes for Tomahawk missiles for Operation Desert Storm in 1991 that took the missiles over Iran Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey: ArmsControlWonk
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • The third represented the upper half of a human figure, ending in an escalloped line like the waves; the face was rubbed and featureless, and both arms were held very stiffly up in the air. The Complete Father Brown
  • The story, a labyrinthine mystery set in 1830s France, concerns a brilliant detective with a checkered past on the trail of a potentially supernatural killer who wears a featureless, reflective mask.
  • Lying in his featureless bedroom he hears a call come in on his answering machine.
  • Some of the surface was smooth and featureless, indicating a process of filling in as with blowing, drifting sands.
  • The land, which at first glance seemed relatively featureless, gradually revealed hundreds of arroyos and small valleys, rock overhangs and brushy draws - plenty of places for cats to hide.
  • Lincoln checked her watch and nodded as an emaciated gray bus spluttered dead; pausing on its way to the ring of featureless, achromatic roads which led to the main structure of South Street ferry port.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • The continent of Drevlin was flat and featureless, a hunk of what the mensch called "coralite" floating in the Maelstrom. The Hand of Chaos
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from London in summer-time, for there was nothing in Crikswich to distract the naked pursuit of health. Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • But just as soon as any part of the story becomes more interesting than the fact that there was a fire, the story is no longer featureless -- it is a fire story with a feature, or, for the purposes of our study, _a feature fire story_. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
  • We parked in what seemed like a featureless tract of heat-stunned bushveld. Times, Sunday Times
  • Downside:... which may strike some buyers as just a little too flat and featureless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stalin's grave is also nearby - a featureless slab of gray marble, with a bust of his ugly mug stuck on top.
  • Worse than the airplane in the middle of the featureless cloudbank. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • The featureless visage stands in odd contrast to the crisp focus of every other detail in the photograph.
  • Dark, furry animals are notoriously difficult to photograph, and the results in newsprint emerge as featureless blobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very first programs were written in pure binary notation: Both data and instructions had to be encoded in long, featureless strings of 1s and 0s.
  • The print itself is featureless and does nothing visually to capture the attention or involve the emotions.
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • I now have to share this island with the most wretched, witless, humourless, colourless, featureless, brainless, mindless people who have shared this planet since homo sapiens evolved.
  • The flat, featureless and suitably inhuman vacuum for their electronic sounds is classically postmodern and a creepy precursor of cinema's depthless green screen illusionism. Skye Sherwin: A Good Look
  • The story, a labyrinthine mystery set in 1830s France, concerns a brilliant detective with a checkered past on the trail of a potentially supernatural killer who wears a featureless, reflective mask.
  • Yet the tender-hearted may not be able to avoid a pang of sympathy, even for the bland and featureless mussel, when they learn how the sea star does its killing. Enchanted Gardens, Wherever You Look
  • It has also entered its uninteresting season for telescopic observers; it looks like a small, featureless, gibbous Moon for the rest of the year.
  • To our north, the vast featureless Kazakh steppes, an area the size of Western Europe, stretched away seemingly to infinity.
  • The houses were large, and could just about be seen behind tall featureless walls topped by broken glass.
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • Above 6,500 feet can be found altocumulus ("clumps or rolls") and altostratus (a "drab and featureless" haze), as well as the storm clouds nimbostratus ("dim, miserable") and cumulonimbus ("the shape of a blacksmith's anvil"). Cirrus Concerns
  • We had to cross a large area of arid, featureless desert.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • Windowless, featureless, anonymous, it could only be a power station.
  • Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape.
  • They'll find out soon enough, and the traverses across the featureless, flat topography of Meridiani Planum is going to make for ‘smooth sailing’ for the rover.
  • No such consolation is offered by Fiennes' vision of the featureless infinities of downtown LA.
  • The countryside is flat and featureless.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
  • The landscape was barren and featureless, a bruised mix of yellow earth and salted vineyards. Times, Sunday Times
  • the featureless landscape of the steppe
  • Shave from me with sharp razors my lips, my nose, my ears -- ay, and tear out the eyes of me by the roots; and there, mewed in that featureless skull that is attached to a hacked and mangled torso, there in that cell of the chemic flesh, will still be I, unmutilated, undiminished. Chapter 12
  • Empire State presents a stark black silhouette of the famous landmark against a featureless white sky with an ominous black cloud or shadow impinging.
  • Emblematic of the mysterious nature of the target was that satellite imaging before the raid showed a large featureless boxlike structure. How the End Begins
  • All of the original features were gone and it had been turned into three featureless flats. Times, Sunday Times
  • That the terrain to which his auditors are released is dauntingly featureless did not curb Emerson's own delight in solitary freedom.
  • Buildings were represented as shiny plastic models in the middle of balsa wood surrounds - and to reduce the surrounding context to the level of featureless balsa wood says it all, really.
  • In this vast, featureless environment the most basic form of navigation had to suffice for centuries: dead reckoning. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are fine avenues of lime and plane trees, plus a couple of fountains and a lot of deckchairs, but otherwise the park is pretty featureless.
  • Two men stand side by side in front of a featureless, white background.
  • A deer being chased by a wild dog, hurtling across some large featureless plain beneath a sky the deep blue-black of ink, interspersing its run with elegant bounds, that delicate prettiness even in its death-flight.
  • On the extreme left, a featureless female sits at a table; another loiters outside on the right.
  • The beachfront, for example, is three quarters of a mile of dense, in-your-face, swelling sea along a flat, featureless bay.
  • I just posted the photo of you orating from the "amphitheater" - as you'll recall a somewhat featureless landscape; at any rate you can see the pic here on my photostream: Taking the High Road
  • The evidence suggests that in its primordial phase the universe was in a highly simple, almost featureless state: perhaps a uniform soup of subatomic particles, or even just expanding empty space.
  • For the rest, the terrain was mainly featureless sand with the dunes constantly moving.
  • The ice sheath went upward in tranquil allotropic, layers to a virtually featureless surface and an enormous, quietly circulating atmosphere of starlike composition. Inconstant Star
  • This was made of stone, beneath a sky dark and featureless except for faint points of light that might be stars.
  • The nighttime mission was over featureless landscape that provided minimal visual markers.
  • We got out there in a boat and discovered that the fish were congregating in an area which had a large underwater feature, a rocky mound rising up some eight feet above an otherwise featureless lake bed.
  • In Oban's featureless tea rooms, elderly coach-trippers write cheerful messages on damp postcards or stare vacantly at cars disembarking from the ferries.
  • The eastern seaboard is mainly flat, featureless, overdeveloped, and devastated. How the West Was Wired
  • The flat, featureless and suitably inhuman vacuum for their electronic sounds is classically postmodern and a creepy precursor of cinema's depthless green screen illusionism. Skye Sherwin: A Good Look
  • A grey river cutting through a flat, featureless landscape beneath a grey sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main character is a 42-year-old marriage counsellor whose life has become drab and featureless.
  • In most of the landscape, these form areas of relatively featureless topography as they are easily eroded.
  • Even the one octave of visible light is not featureless, at least not to normal individuals and not in photopic vision. The Human Brain
  • The photos show that the material is extremely fine grained and relatively featureless in plain light; in crossed nicols it gives a botryoidal effect similar to that seen in chalcedony.
  • And paintings too, lots of them, some beautiful, some bland, some clever, some featureless, some inspiring, some slapdash, some devotional, and some so dull that even I could have painted them.
  • A stack of newspapers had accumulated on the centre table under the "electrolier", and half a dozen paper novels lay on the mantelpiece among cigar-cases and toilet bottles; but these traces of his passage had made no mark on the featureless dulness of the room, its look of being the makeshift setting of innumerable transient collocations. The Reef; a novel
  • Everyone stared, their blank, featureless masks almost macabre.
  • As we talked, I saw this page stretching ahead of me like a featureless desert smelling faintly of leeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lofty portico and four tall graceful white columns of the kind called Doric, smooth and featureless as telephone poles. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • If we remove the names we must remove the faces, the attributes, the scriptures, the cosmogonies, scour the statues to featureless lumps so that there is no distinction between this Supreme Being and that one. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART TWO
  • In the middle of these otherwise featureless plains is a striking range of mountains.
  • Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. 
  • The llano was a place of extreme desolation, a vast, trackless, and featureless ocean of grass where white men became lost and disoriented and died of thirst; a place where the imperial Spanish had once marched confidently forth to hunt Comanches, only to find that they themselves were the hunted, the ones to be slaughtered. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • To Marie, it looked like " a razorback ridge of featureless rock".
  • It is a hot, dusty town on the flat, featureless central Texas plain.
  • The massed columns of camouflaged vehicles threw up clouds of desert sand as far as the eye could see as they fanned out across the vast featureless landscape.
  • The toys and the curators sit motionless around a large table in a grown-up, featureless room. Times, Sunday Times
  • We stand together on the thick, featureless snow that blankets the ice covering the water.

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