How To Use Feasible In A Sentence
We're currently shrinking the size of technology by a factor of 5.6 per linear dimension per decade, so it is conservative to say that this scenario will be feasible in a few decades.
The congress believes that the excavation of an interoceanic canal at sea level, so desirable in the interests of commerce and navigation, is feasible; and that, in order to take advantage of the indispensable facilities for access and operation which a channel of this kind must offer above all, this canal should extend from the Gulf of Limon to the Bay of Panama.
The Path Between the Seas
The asdic operator could also train the oscillator in a horizontal plane and thus the combined system at last made feasible the accurate location of a submerged submarine in terms of both range and bearing from the equipment.
He could hardly be said to have "devised a feasible method for regular use.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
Festivals that provide a forum for Arab and Israeli art and culture, and universities and academies that offer joint courses in the Qur'an and the Bible, midrash and tafsir, cabbalah and Sufism, thereby placing them in their original relation to one another, are today only feasible in exile -- in the West, of all places, which bears part of the blame for the present-day impossible situation.

The idea seemed eminently feasible.
SPICE: The History of a Temptation
[Phages] are specific to a particular bacterial strain, so researchers will have to isolate and culture a phage for every potential coral pathogen, which isn't feasible.
Global warming takes a toll on coral reefs
Her longings grew more varied and virulent with each passing year: raw pig meat, Hawaiian pineapples infeasible to procure in revolutionary Cuba, chewing tobacco, cockscomb stew.
The Lady Matador’s Hotel
That the islands are still an agreeable place to live is not in doubt, despite US claims that resettlement is unfeasible.
It may sound totally infeasible but something has to be done to help the lower League clubs to survive.
The new semi-automated test could at last make massive screening programmes for cervical cancer economically feasible.
The big fella no longer is demanding a trade, which wasn't feasible anyway, or to be waived, which was unlikely.
The festival is planned for this year only; a post-mortem will decide if an annual event is feasible.
Highly polished bluing - probably the most beautiful of all the finishes - is no longer financially feasible in the small gun shop.
The more radical strategies will not be feasible unless the political climate of the organisation is conducive to major change.
The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012
Concurring Opinions
It's not feasible to dismiss him.
For his opening move — in which "Oh" would have been a feasible if less canonic alternative (fully licensed by the dictionary) — is a line that negotiates in process between the vocal base line of expressive oralilty, on the near hand, and, at expression's farthest reach, the vocative asymptote of natural communion with inanimate energy.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Both mainsprings are so long that winding them conventionally via the crown would be unfeasible.
This is technically feasible but not yet economic.
Times, Sunday Times
Only if the military could recruit enough volunteers would the three-month service term become feasible.
The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
This may be almost as infeasible as asking everybody to work Easter Monday, and I am sure there would be practical difficulties involved, especially with on-call rotas and part time workers.
Sometimes people suggest ministries that do not seem feasible.
Christianity Today
Such a recommendation, the panel added, was of course based on the assumption that the Reclamation project was still feasible.
It was no longer financially feasible to keep the community centre open.
She claimed the plans were unfeasible and said they would undermine the Government's previous efforts in promoting national museums.
The emitted bioenergy may be suggested as an alternative and feasible approach for cancer research and patient treatment.
Clearly, tetanic stimulation of the quadriceps muscle is not feasible in unanesthetized human subjects.
It's probably feasible to treat and store water from effluent for well under a dollar a kilolitre.
It was actually really just a good thriller; the sci-fi trappings were entirely needless and pretty unfeasible.
In many cases, this is not feasible, and harvesting skin autografts can be an expensive procedure.
The result is that large-scale projects to establish patterns in the code of thousands of individuals are at last feasible.
Times, Sunday Times
It is not unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of one suspect, yet it could very well be unreasonable to routinely observe the outside movements of a very large number of people (a historically infeasible practice which technology has made more feasible).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Final Version of “Applying the Fourth Amendment to the Internet: A General Approach”
Many computational tasks, such as decodings or the factorization of very large numbers, would become feasible that are infeasible with present machines.
He thought that a compromise between the two entremes was feasible, by which a certain element of picturesqueness might be introduced into our programmes without exposing us to the charge of deliberately seeking to denationalise ourselves.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, April 1, 1914
Is Asian American identity feasible in the face of diversity or not?
When tasking your resources, make sure the plan is feasible.
Amnesty might be ideal but it is politically infeasible and creates credibility problems the application of future penalties.
My hours won't make it feasible to use Park & Ride, so I'm going to have to take pot luck on the streets, but I could have to walk a long way during dark nights to get to my car.
So we should welcome and push for a leadership election campaign as soon as it's feasible.
It's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.
Cost calculation is an important component of financial evaluation during the workout of the feasible study report of a project.
The internet is a feasible and powerful tool in delivering community based health interventions.
It was he who developed the system of timbering in `square-sets" that made mining the Rockies feasible.
Somin liked this idea in the first place: because it might work without being completely politically unfeasible on account of upsetting a long list of powerful interest groups.
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Creative Proposal for Reducing Prison Rape
Reconstructing 3-D shape is realized. The result of computer simulation shows that it is a feasible way of image data compression transmission.
By taking the travel mode and work time as the delamination control variable, it is feasible for us to analysis the diversity about the commuter departure time selection behavior.
It is not economically feasible, let alone fair, to expect younger people to shoulder this burden with higher taxes.
Times, Sunday Times
Although appendiceal carcinoids are potentially lethal neoplasms, tumor eradication is usually feasible and effective.
It is not feasible to pretest disposable pulmonary artery and bladder catheters, which must be sterile when inserted.
The weather made it unfeasible to be outdoors.
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. Rene Descartes
The bottom line: Taking time now to plan is a wise investment toward a more enjoyable and economically feasible vacation.
This simple approach recognises the fact that mycobacterial culture is not feasible in peripheral units but that light microscopes and trained microscopy staff are available.
The shaded area represents new bundles that are now in the feasible set.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
I began making new friends and every week I'd put a few pounds aside to pay my unfeasible share of the quarterly phone bill.
If this idea flies, I have no problem in supporting it and finding the ways to make it feasible.
In hot weather, it is feasible that a slight acidulation of the water with a little lemon juice at the start of the fermentation, may provide an environment less suited to pathogenic organisms.
But it isn't clear what version of non-cognitivism can take advantage of this sort of defeasible connection.
Boys in White Suits
That the first of these alternatives is feasible and available to policy-makers there is no doubt.
Times, Sunday Times
It's perfectly feasible to produce electricity without creating pollution.
Last night the site seemed the most feasible funeral option.
The Sun
Historic coach houses and outbuildings should where feasible be incorporated in any future uses of the inner block area.
Consequently, choices judged politically feasible are not always economically optimal.
There was no longer any feasible alternative to open, free democratic capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
That sounds perfectly feasible to me.
The Sun
Is it feasible to finish the work by Christmas?
Trying to escape him was about as feasible as trying to escape a very big shark in a very small fish tank.
It is absurd to think that the State/City Council/WSDOT, et al would even think of building a new bridge that was infeasible to put light rail on.
Report Says Current 520 Plan “Virtually Precludes” Rail in the Future « PubliCola
Prototypical performance COP may reach 0.3016, the mean value is 0.2331. the experiments proved the car engine afterheat adsorption refrigeration is feasible.
To the same situation different modes of reacting are thinkable and feasible.
Their value and purpose would be undermined if the security was always defeasible on a transfer of his reversion by the reversioner.
Such a recommendation, the panel added, was of course based on the assumption that the Reclamation project was still feasible.
As a brattish youngster, I remember the unfeasible joy gained from making every payphone in a five mile radius ring simultaneously.
But he questions whether wage indexation is in fact even feasible in the long run. indexing future retirement benefits to wages is analytically equivalent to indexing them to the overall returns experienced by the owners of capital ... the government faces a massive quandary if it tries to guarantee relative living standards via wage indexation while funding the program with less risky investments like short - or intermediate-term government bonds.
Social Security and Indexing, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Screening for haemoglobin disorders shows what might be feasible using a multidisciplinary approach in primary care.
Solar heating is technically and economically feasible.
It's simply not feasible to make progress this way.
Times, Sunday Times
The upcoming September security assessment may be the first sign of whether a drawdown is feasible.
In theory it would seem like a good choice, and with enough dedicated followers the plan seems feasible.
For instance we advocate, link besides the authorised edition other mark pilfer edition, this is feasible.
In my completely pragmatic opinion, the ability to intercross in captivity can be informative, but is just not meaningful enough or decisive, and certainly not a feasible way to attribute species status.
How many species? - The Panda's Thumb
Fresnel's so-called aether drag, we said it implied that every feasible first order experiment would fail.
There is considerable return migration except when the military-political situation in countries of origin makes this unfeasible.
Sometimes even the most thought out idea may look like crakpot now or infeasible.
Should NIAC be Revived? - NASA Watch
Without creating massive movable stands (you think the renovation is expensive now?!?!), it's simply not feasible for the two sports to share a stadium with even a halfway decent experience for the fans.
Paulson's real whopper (Jack Bog's Blog)
NatureWorks biopolymer has been successfully composted in applications where collection is feasible and a commercial composting infrastructure is in place.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
The second main phase of programmed instruction became feasible with the development of low cost computing.
This is more costly and is not ideal but it is nevertheless feasible.
Removing the cost of the drugs also makes repeat cycles more feasible.
Times, Sunday Times
Within the team there is no feasible alternative as captain.
Times, Sunday Times
For regular applications or those applications whose topologies coincide with that of multiprocessor system, it is feasible to assign tasks to processors by hand.
According to the calculation of heat exchange and heat exchange area, and low-order heat energy of recovery of wet chlorine gas or dechlorination dilute brine with heating filter brine was feasible.
And if any of the above-named things seem to anyone to be impossible or not feasible, I am most ready to make the experiment in your park, or in whatever place may please your Excellency – to whom I comment myself with the utmost humility, etc.
Your History Moment: What if Leonardo da Vinci wrote a resume? Oh yeah, he did. « Third Point of Singularity
Then we went to the pub and drunk an incredibly unfeasible amount of Guinness each.
The effect of the price increase is to decrease the size of your feasible set.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
Once again, the speaker took a moment to state that he felt this method would eventually become feasible, once the problems of hyperbolic re-entry and high-energy propellant use in return stages were faced.
Pulse oximetry is a safe, non-invasive, feasible and reasonably accurate test which has sensitivity which is better than that of antenatal screening and clinical examination.
Heart test could save babies' lives
The indoor experiment shows, it is feasible to utilize Beauveria bassiana carried by Scleroderma sichuanensis Xiao to infect Monochamus alternatus larva voluntarily.
Gray clustering is a feasible method to assign these floristics to their suitable area, in which assorting vegetable and delineating the clustering objects by linear features are necessary.
This new generation of cermets also is capable of handling interrupted cutting operations that before weren't feasible.
It is still feasible technically for them to achieve switch-over by 2010, but whether the market will have developed to a sufficient extent is anybody's guess.
These calculators have done their part in making the use of computational devices in the classroom feasible.
What they hold to be true is certain, not defeasible.
an indefeasible right to freedom
Taking small children to a ski resort is perfectly feasible if you consider all the pitfalls.
Anything that is reasonable in price and technically feasible that can reduce carbon footprint might work.
Although terraforming a planet is technologically feasible, is it ethically correct?
They also felt that operating under earthshine or lunar noon were feasible, as long as thermal conditions were understood.
The Commander assented to this as the only feasible solution, and the order was sent accordingly by medium-wave transmitter.
The bottom line: Taking time now to plan is a wise investment toward a more enjoyable and economically feasible vacation.
In particular, can a person who receives an indefeasible title to property be guilty of theft of that property?
Further, after initial resistance in which law enforcement was not only resisted but killed, it would not have been feasible to standdown.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
Similarly, software experts are suggesting and developing approaches that may be technologically elegant but financially infeasible from a business perspective.
Again, none of those guys are military planners (and looking at their article, their conclusions are suspect – an Israeli airstrike is clearly not feasible, and the only practicable invasion plan is the “heavy” option from the West – the rest are recipes for disaster).
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Vietnam Comparison — A Closer Look At The Numbers:
Modern six-days last less than 12 hours a day and the madison is now only a featured part, so staying on the track throughout is more feasible.
Archive 2008-08-01
Finally, when military occupation of the entire valley proved unfeasible, the general decided to leave the lowlands to the southerners and to occupy all the highlands with his people, and in time the Highlanders became known as the Hakka, the Guest People, while the lowlanders were called the Punti, the Natives of the Land.
Therefore, we arrived at a feasible product through mixing the silk fiber with the Manila hemp fiber.
The loanwords normally used to avoid this problem do not prove feasible in the case of John 4: 4-42.
But those alternatives are extremely expensive in themselves and carbon capture and storage may not be technically feasible either.
Times, Sunday Times
Secondly analyses the economic principle of urban road traffic congestion toll, point out urban road traffic congestion toll is necessary and feasible sometimes.
If the early stand loss is a result of seedcorn maggot, wireworm, grubs, or early cutworm infestation, timely response with rescue treatments may not be feasible.
‘If it's a success then we will consider seeing if it's feasible to have another one,’ she said.
It's perfectly feasible to produce electricity without creating pollution.
Of course there is only one feasible explanation.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
These elevators should ideally be protected by a pressurized vestibule from the elevator lobby or direct access to the stair from the elevator lobby if a vestibule is not feasible.
A second element of positive analogy between these two presumptions is that both are defeasible; and that they are, consequently, not to be identified with assumptions.
For the intubated patient with large obstructing lesions, brachytherapy appears to be a less feasible option than PDT.
There was no question that a tunnel was technically feasible, but 1 wanted to know what the economics would be.
The relative studies deem that controlling fugitive dust pollution by dust - depressor is effective and feasible.
The forthcoming civil disobedience will be non-violent, organisers stress, but the whiff of brutalism conjures up a world where no such caveat is feasible.
If none of these options is considered feasible, the company must decide how best to delete the product.
One of the provisions of the policy will make it feasible for out-of-state trainers to race horses in California when their home tracks are closed.
It was his development of special thermometer glass with glass capillaries containing liquid that made such accurate measurement feasible.
This cooperation has to go beyond the symptomatic such as use of protective devices on commercial planes, which may be too expensive, or securing airport perimeters, which may be infeasible.
He has also raised the issue of whether it is feasible to use postal codes to help improve the postal services around the country.
Thus gene therapy may be feasible for these patients.
a claim to an estate may be defeasible so long as the claimant is under 21 and unmarried
Skiagraphy of seminal vessel is a feasible means to diagnose the blocking disease.
Both teams came up with what were considered to be feasible plans to use an occulter and a dedicated small space telescope together, and both were submitted in 2009 to NASA and to an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, which every ten years reviews all branches of space science and, with input from the scientists, sets priorities for the next decade.
First Contact
Soon it may be feasible to correct genetic disease or alter the genetic machinery of cells in a way that may be used to treat cancer or other acquired diseases.
At present neither go-devil can sample formation fluids, but it should be feasible to develop this capability.
A feasible way to decrease the risk of insertional mutagenesis is to combine the reprogramming factors into a single polycistronic vector by inserting a 'self-cleaving' 2A peptide or an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) sequence between two consecutive open reading frames.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
It uses a combination of Lorentz Force turning and gravitational slingshot (if feasible) to alter its trajectory so that it passes by a number of stars in succession, finally returning to Earth to begin the cycle again.
A library full of The Bobbsey Twins is NOT feasible these days.
Twilight Lexicon » Twilight Saga on Challenged Book List
She questioned whether it was feasible to stimulate investment in these regions.
It is completely feasible to construct modern Chinese synonymy rhetoric system according as the division.
Of course, it is not feasible to deploy each latest update as it becomes available, but you can perform and complete the update cycle at least every 6 months; preferably once per quarter.
Indoctrinate the importance of always having a feasible Master Schedule in place.
When there is a certain restriction to the total length of impedance transformer, the characteristic impedance of conventional commensurate broadband matching networks would exceed feasible range.
Many may argue that such a precise level of customer communication is not commercially viable or technically feasible.
But armed revolution, too, was infeasible, even if it had been desirable.
All it takes is one person becoming angry with another and doing something they would likely regret later - or even the thought of a houseguest uncovering suck intimate keepsakes is feasible.
A blogger cannot afford to battle a company of that size, so sending a clear message to them and any others that might follow suit that this behavior would not be tolerated is the only feasible option — and one that Mr. Jarvis is clearly recoiling and backpedling from.
The A.P., Hot News and Hotheaded Blogs - Bits Blog -
It is the extended and politically infeasible mandate to stay in.
Times, Sunday Times
Ring vaccination is at once rendered hopelessly infeasible; and whatever the quantity of vaccine available, assume inadequate distribution channels - which is not at all unlikely.
The water hyacinth is a plant that removes pollutants from the water, which is why it isn't feasible to dredge it out, chop it up, and use it for forage or mulch.
Lake Chapala "Cesspool"
All it takes is one person becoming angry with another and doing something they would likely regret later - or even the thought of a houseguest uncovering suck intimate keepsakes is feasible.
Conclusion: It is feasible using designed buccal - lingual rest in repairing removable partial denture.
Is it feasible to finish the work by Christmas?
Points only last for two years, which makes saving for long-haul trips feasible only for very high earners.
Times, Sunday Times
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. Rene Descartes
The current run of high oil prices makes all this economically feasible.
Times, Sunday Times
There are times when there is insufficient evidence to make the formulation of a hypothesis feasible.
The second main phase of programmed instruction became feasible with the development of low cost computing.
The reader is thrust deep within the head of "the unknowable, the inconstruable, the probably indefeasible Master Cromwell"; the tricky turbulent world of Tudor England is seen entirely from behind his ever-watchful eyes.
Critical Mass
Our experiments show it is feasible to measure drill hole in oil pipes magnetic - flux.
But stunney clearly admitted that moral anti-realism, in fact moral nihilism, is logically indefeasible strictu sensu since, inter alia one cannot demonstrate strictu sensu that there are conscious beings other than oneself.
Carry-Over Thread
With this height advantage, it is feasible to add a mezzanine floor.
Times, Sunday Times
Each of these would-be reasons is defeasible and has been more than adequately seen off in argument during recent weeks.
Finally, in view of the realistic question in feasible domain of economic cooperation, the article put forward the countermeasure proposal.
David thought of enrolling his daughter in the sport but settled on soccer instead because it was economically more feasible.
For instance we advocate, link besides the authorised edition other mark pilfer edition, this is feasible.
This was a few years ago, so I have no idea who ran the establishment then, but they spent an unfeasible amount of time arguing among themselves and with the customers.
Such a cut was almost certainly infeasible when the Clinton administration signed the protocol in 1997.
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. Rene Descartes
I would build a spare room, if such a thing were humanly feasible.
However, the continued combat situation in Iraq has made furnishment of this level of support financially unfeasible for contractors, so a mutually agreeable (with the ROC) system of registering movements and using transponders has developed.
David Isenberg: The GAO Transcripts, Part 15: Coordination is Easier Said Than Done
If there is none, terminate, for the problem is infeasible, and the coefficients of the slack variables represent a certificate of infeasibility.
Seeking to arrest or reverse the pound's fall would only have been feasible had we baulked at cutting bank rate to 0.5% in early 2009 as part of the co-ordinated global action to avoid a second Great Depression.
King to Osborne: be patient, trust us, and keep fingers crossed
It is, in fact, a distinct relation for which causal dependence is, at best, a defeasible marker.
My Shasta Daisy
Because the virus is already quite widespread in different locations, containment is not a feasible optionRealistically, containment was never a sustainable option once the disease spread to any major city with a significant transportation hub.
"Containment is not a feasible option"
If enthusiasm for monarchy waned, did the emergence of feasible alternatives explain subsequent political changes?
SBSP is an exciting idea that is becoming more and more feasible with advances in photovoltaics and materials.
Canceling SOMD's Space Based Solar Power Work - NASA Watch
This provides a wide therapeutic window, especially as groups at risk are identified earlier and preclinical diagnosis becomes feasible.
It is feasible he made his point in even stronger terms in the dressing room beforehand, but there was little evidence early on of his sermon provoking the desired reaction.
But after months of debate, Rochdale Township committee ruled on Wednesday that moving the bronze statue was unfeasible because it could be damaged.
For reasons to be examined below this belief commonly expresses itself in a belief in a defeasible obligation to obey the law.
It is suggested that the platelet reaction can serve as a marker of agonal stab wound and the leucocyte reaction as a criterion for timing of wounds is not feasible.
Conclusions Laparoscopic total extraperitoneal hernia repair without the use of the balloon dissector is feasible, safe and effective.
It would seem quite feasible for this development to be resited within the approved boundary.
He could hardly be said to have "devised a feasible method for regular use.
FINGERPRINTS: Murder and the Race to Uncover the Science of Identity
It's all here - ridiculous sound effects, frankly unfeasible flying leaps, slow motion sequences.
Thus gene therapy may be feasible for these patients.
A tunnel was not considered economically feasible.
Additionally, because recovery times are short for procedures such as myringotomy and tubes, circumcision, and inguinal herniorrhaphy, early discharge from the facility is feasible.
In this respect, the oligarchs and their political placemen who insist that their right to stolen property is sacred make the same crude claim as the regime that we overthrew: that they have an indefeasible right to the exercise of power.
Combination with the characteristic of the free combat, the author designs a set of feasible training method of developing the athletes to defend the consciousness of counterblow.
If it is a country's policy to give priority attention to those conditions which are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality and those conditions for which feasible control programs can best be developed, then programs such as diarrheal disease control and expanding immunization and interventions such as ORT could be given greater emphasis.
Chapter 8