How To Use Feasibility In A Sentence

  • Thus, they determine the feasibility of strategic and tactical plans.
  • The multivolume study, which was the only official feasibility report on the dam, was submitted to the Chinese government in 1988.
  • The two agencies have been studying the feasibility of building sewage treatment plants around lakes and tanks for the restoration of the water bodies.
  • The necessity that the article imagines to this, feasibility and established means to undertake analytics card.
  • He gently points out the practical unfeasibility of Schopenhauer's brand of stoicism.
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  • Objective To probe into the feasibility in diagnose of renal artery stenosis with simple harmless methods.
  • However, this is just the inevitable defeasibility of any form of inference that depends on background empirical presuppositions.
  • Huang, the chief of the institute of national policy, holds a press conference to announce their research result: The latest carbon-reducing principle and the analysis of its feasibility.
  • So this article analyse and illuminate incorrect understand and research the financing feasibility of Documentary Collection.
  • But potential obstacles can not be allowed to attack the legitimacy or undermine the potential feasibility of a new state.
  • This paper analyzes technically and economically the feasibility of producing ammonia by the pyrogenous coal gas from the pyrolyzating plant with circulated fluid bed boiler.
  • Members of the playing field association met last night to discuss which of three consultants to award the £25,000 contract to carry out the feasibility study.
  • Objective To assess feasibility, sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) in visualizing coronary artery segments and velocity ( CFV ).
  • In the present study, we investigated the technical feasibility of using the nephelometer to measure breath-by-breath particle deposition and to monitor exposure environments in field studies.
  • Tile optimum synthesizing conditions were edtermined in this paper, The feasibility of artificially prepared mustard oil was discussed.
  • It shows the feasibility and effectiveness of the demand-driven automated test generation.
  • Objective To study the feasibility of laparoscopic high ligation and median umbilical fold onlay for the treatment of adult inguinal hernia.
  • They are also urging the county to undertake a feasibility study to see if a ring road or bypass could be built for the town.
  • Objective To investigate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of high-power Potassium titanyl phosphate(KTP) laser vaporization of bladder neck for treatment of bladder outlet obstruction in women.
  • The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making.
  • For example, James Longstreet's protest to Robert E. Lee on the infeasibility of Pickett's Charge is well-known.
  • The second was due to his dislike of horses, he had once been thrown as a child; and the third was the unfeasibility for anyone, outside of Erik, to imagine Noel capable of taking anything's life, much less another human.
  • Feasibility studies on future phycological research in polar regions. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • Finally through a comparison of numerical error and error images, proves that the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods for the numerical solution of the matrix difference equations.
  • Age is no limitation to the feasibility of practicing law.
  • It could be informed of the positions of the strikes over LF comms by a single specialised surface base station, similarly far off, and thus calculate its own position from sferic data coming in from several directions. reportedly the subject of a small DARPA feasibility investigation last year. The Register
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • Based on thermodynamics principle, the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed.
  • It ran for four years and explored the feasibility of retrieving speech documents by using the output of an automatic speech recognizer.
  • He said they were also conducting a feasibility study into the possibility of replacing the crossroads with a full-sized roundabout.
  • OBJECTIVE: To study the feasibility and safety of serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor in the adjunctive therapy of the patients with OAB.
  • The main objective is to find a solution agreeable to the company in terms of its feasibility and cost.
  • I have a meeting (tentatively …” meeting” is a term used very lightly here in Nica, and thoughout Latin America …) with the FSD Country Director this afternoon to discuss the feasibility of these projects, so we’ll see. Revolution? « Wanderings
  • Analyze the feasibility of the single radial immunodiffusion(SRD) on fast and accurately determining the content of hemagglutinin antigen(HA) in influenza vaccine.
  • Rather than institute wholesale radical changes, pilot projects in small geographic areas could determine feasibility of a variety of models.
  • For the first two years, the consortium will undertake a feasibility study into the best location for a geothermal demonstration project.
  • For the first two years, the consortium will undertake a feasibility study into the best location for a geothermal demonstration project.
  • The paper gives some new opinions on the calculation of financial analysis's new indicator-" sensitivity coefficient" in the guideline of investment project feasibility study.
  • The local council called for a feasibility study into the new road scheme.
  • Technical product feasibility in terms of storage density, performance and reliability was demonstrated in recent experiments using the prototype on display.
  • The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
  • The main objective is to find a solution agreeable to the company in terms of its feasibility and cost.
  • The company, already quoted on the Toronto stock exchange with a value of about £20m, is raising a further £10m to run a feasibility study at its Colombian gold and silver project.
  • Land reclamation could partially offset that loss, but the feasibility of such conversion is questionable because of the huge costs involved.
  • The club have submitted an application for outline planning permission to Glasgow District Council following extensive feasibility studies.
  • As the Court pointed out, the most important forum for consideration of claims of infeasibility is the state agency which initially formulates the SIP.
  • On the defeasibility of clear and distinct perception Descartes' Epistemology
  • The validity and feasibility of the forward reasoning method for fault diagnosis based on BP neural networks are verified by the example of the faults in the ignition system of automobile engine.
  • The school district says it seriously considered the feasibility of the conservancy's proposals and drafted a plan that aimed to reconcile everyone's needs.
  • The feasibility of Raman spectroscopy used to diagnose cancer is analyzed.
  • The company undertook an extensive feasibility study before adopting the new system.
  • This article presents a feasibility study of applying the type JC fuel-saving magnetizer to marine power installation.
  • The third feature of rational reasons is their defeasibility.
  • Pragmatic social science is concerned not merely with elaborating an ideal in convincing normative arguments, but also with its realizability and its feasibility.
  • The papers to discuss the feasibility to monitor the load quantity of male ice hockey training with the hemogram parameter and blood urea index.
  • By observing of the melt course and by analyzing the measurements of glass samples, the feasibility of nepheline syenite as raw materials for the green float glasses was discussed.
  • The present research was implemented as a pilot study to test feasibility and examine preliminary evidence of program effectiveness.
  • This paper introduces the necessity and feasibility of the prediction made by the experts from MIT, MBA, Ford Motor Company and GMC and a typical electrical distribution program is given.
  • It is essential to consider both operational and economic feasibility of any intervention to control parasitic diseases apart from its effectiveness so as to make decisions more rationally.
  • The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
  • We discuss the evident algorithm's feasibility of the rate equations of electron's occupation probabilities needed in getting the X-ray's eradiation.
  • This essay is trying to introduce the exemptible system of "stained witness" abroad to discuss the necessity and feasibility of the same system's establishment in China.
  • Objective To explore the gut bacteria changes in intraoperative colonic irrigation for treatment of acute obstructive left colonic carcinoma, and investigate the feasibility of one-stage anastomosis.
  • In the MMR case, however, people do not want to hear about defeasibility and inductive probability.
  • There have been a variety of approaches to this dilemma, and to defeasibility among conflicting obligations. [ Deontic Logic
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • By algorithm simulation and detailed analysis, validity and feasibility of the algorithm is proved.
  • Form the psychological angle, it discusses the feasibility of association as a key point of originative thought.
  • Objective: To investigate the feasibility of lamellar keratoplasty combined with photorefractive keratectomy(PRK) and phototherapeutic keratectomy(PTK)and provide theoretical basis for clinical study.
  • A case study in a large mechanical processing workshop was provided to reveal the feasibility and validity of the new approach.
  • On Friday British Airways revealed it was in talks with manufacturers over the feasibility of fitting anti-missile systems.
  • Formative evaluation was used to refine program elements and establish feasibility and acceptability.
  • Now related departments are working on a feasibility report to determine which parts of the river should be dredged and how to treat the sediment.
  • If there is none, terminate, for the problem is infeasible, and the coefficients of the slack variables represent a certificate of infeasibility.
  • It's not so far out of the feasibility ballpark to suggest that advances in fuzzy logic and neural networks will create stunning possibilities alongside the leaps in processing power.
  • The described field experiment does support the feasibility of using the STAR scheme to derive a frame of reference for solar UV climatology.
  • Objective:The feasibility to isolate many type of Vibrio by Vibrio chromogenic medium was studied.
  • Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.
  • A $3.5-million cleanup project was canned in May 2000 for feasibility problems.
  • The silver recovery we're achieving on the sulfide ore is as per the feasibility study expectations and the initial results coming out of the Gekko InLine Pressure Jigs, what we call the gravity pre-concentration are also consistent with the feasibility study predictions. Silver Standard Resources CEO Discusses Q3 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript -- Seeking Alpha
  • Our pilot project aims to assess the feasibility of identifying people at risk, nothing more.
  • Just as conventional wisdom was consistently proven wrong in the 2008 presidential election, it's also proving wrong about the political infeasibility of a carbon tax. Dan Rosenblum: Increasing Agreement on Carbon Taxes -- Goodbye 2008 Conventional Wisdom
  • These concerns tended to stay out of the forefront of public attention, however, due to the slow pace of population change and the relative infeasibility of policy interventions.
  • Are these genuine epistemic possibilities that must be ruled out or are they defeasibility conditions that only exclude knowledge if actual or true? Epistemological Problems of Testimony
  • The indefeasibility approach offers a new slant on the idea that knowledge should be infallible, offering something intermediate between the merely factive character of knowledge and the Platonic demand for absolute infallibility.
  • The feasibility of indentation depth measured by servo gun online was studied.
  • The Wellcome Trust and a number of major funders of life sciences in the UK – the MRC, BBSRC, Arthritis Research Campaign, British Heart Foundation and JISC – are exploring the feasibility of establishing a UK PubMed Central. May 2005
  • The local council called for a feasibility study into the new road scheme.
  • Items on the agenda included the results of a feasibility study of redeveloping a ward block and a vision to improve the way the hospital runs.
  • I tend to think more according the (b), though if it turns out that the computing resources required to circumvent this infeasibility are greater then what is available in the universe (an infinitely large computer) then this problem segues into (a) as well. Quantum Hyperion
  • The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
  • With regard to the design feasibility and the specific challenges for the conrod and the expected friction potential, the technical effort required to implement rolling bearings as the main bearings of the crankshaft is less than with conrod bearings. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The preparation method in the invention features convenience and feasibility, lower cost and higher yield of hapten.
  • Political infeasibility is certainly a shortcoming of a legislative proposal. frt Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Tragedy of Obama’s Climate Policy
  • Objective to observe the feasibility and the validity of apply the early stage minim feed and small dose Erythromycin in the asphyxia neonatorum.
  • Our pilot project aims to assess the feasibility of identifying people at risk, nothing more.
  • The success of these various techniques is limited by the expense and feasibility of collecting cores and processing core samples.
  • If a grant is awarded the money will go towards research and a feasibility study for the larger project of copying and moving the stones.
  • According to theodicies that emphasize soul-making and defeasibility, this is not because God is malevolent, but so that we can share with him the knowledge that evil is creation's enemy, and partake in the glory of its defeat. Divine Providence
  • Using data for a selection of metropolitan regions, the models will be tested for feasibility, accuracy and sensitivity.
  • As a substantial, higher grade chalcocite-covellite zone near surface appears to be amenable to heap leaching, the 2010 drilling program will provide information to complete an independent, NI 43-101 compliant, Preliminary Economic Assessment ( "PEA") on a Solvent Extraction-Electrowinning ( "SX/EW") copper heap leaching operation within the next ten months, with a Preliminary Feasibility Study to follow, if warranted. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Alas, I am not much of a celeb-hound so my lists of famous diners were characterised by a lot of unlikely repetition and occasional rank unfeasibility.
  • Form the psychological angle, it discusses the feasibility of association as a key point of originative thought.
  • The differences in using the term ˜default™ consist of the acceptance or rejection of at least the following properties: cancellability (also known as defeasibility) of preferred interpretations; availability of preferred interpretations without making use of conscious inference; shorter time required for their formation by the speaker and recognition by the addressee as compared with that required for the meanings induced through inference; the availability of preferred interpretations prior to the completion of the processing of the entire proposition (local, pre-propositional defaults). Defaults in Semantics and Pragmatics
  • John Floros, professor and head of food science, and Valentina Trinetta, a visiting scholar from the University of Milan, Italy -- also confirmed the feasibility of using active pullulan films to deliver a bacteriocin directly to a food surface. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.
  • This article introduces the feasibility test of laser - driven debris.
  • The emission standards were set without regard to the constraints of technological or economic feasibility that had previously influenced policy-making.
  • A further 14 are undergoing feasibility studies and potentially they could cost $6.6 billion to bring onstream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objectives To explore the feasibility and rationality of body temperature detecting in upper concave of clavicle.
  • Objective To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of high dose urokinase thrombolysis for treating lower limb deep venous thrombosis (DVT) after inferior vena caval (IVC) filter placement.
  • Work is proceeding on the economic feasibility of making a fuel pellet from commercial waste and anthracite dust.
  • The study also discusses the feasibility and necessity of slight defective evidence from the perspective of value, institution, reality and nomology.
  • This project demonstrates the feasibility of a GPS data based training tool for canoeists and kayakers.
  • The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.
  • The paper gives some new opinions on the calculation of financial analysis's new indicator-" sensitivity coefficient" in the guideline of investment project feasibility study.
  • The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
  • Objective To study the feasibility and advantages of microsurgery with minimal trauma in treating potential intractable subdural hygroma.
  • This article introduces the feasibility test of laser - driven debris.
  • In this often surreal town, the absurdist gibberish that comes out of LAWA, the city department that owns and operates LAX, about the infeasibility of bringing Metro to the terminals takes first prize in the fiction department. Joel Epstein: LAX's Poor Excuse for Mass Transit
  • Finally, the development of responder and the feasibility of using responder as secondary radar are discussed.
  • We believe that our short term geothermal exploration program, which is well funded with nearly US$11 million raised since August 2009 and US$10 million in matching grants, will go a long way towards attracting prospective joint venture partners and moving our project to feasibility. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Through analysis of some result of reservoir dam defectiveness detecting, the feasibility and effectiveness of resistivity tomography method in reservoir dam defectiveness detecting are discussed.
  • Practical applications validate the feasibility and effectiveness of performance system.
  • The president himself ordered studies of the feasibility of tougher policies than had been been pursued under Truman against the Soviet bloc.
  • This work's main emphasis is on the bitter internecine struggle that raged in the liberal community between 1945-48, when it split on the divisive issues of relations with Russia and the feasibility of working with domestic Communists to achieve desirable goals. Jim Tuck's homepage, biography and published works
  • The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.
  • Analyze the feasibility of the single radial immunodiffusion(SRD) on fast and accurately determining the content of hemagglutinin antigen(HA) in influenza vaccine.
  • Smithies and his co-authors concluded that "This modification of a chosen gene in pluripotent ES cells demonstrates the feasibility of this route to manipulate mammalian genomes in predetermined ways" [35]. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • The decision to sell the site comes after the Irish Prisons Service set up a group to examine the feasibility of the centre because of a decline in committals over the past few years.
  • Conducted location ion, investor ion business feasibility study for the aviation retread project.
  • In order to obtain a more accurate activation energy, we give a method to eliminate the influence of the accessional conductance and testify its feasibility by theory simulation.
  • Its reasonable and feasibility are discussed by analyzing Xiloudu arch dam under gravity and water pressure.
  • The committee recommends that the properties of neutrinos be determined through a well-coordinated, staged program of experiments developed with international planning and cooperation. • A phased program of searches for the nature of neutrino mass (using neutrinoless double beta decay) should be pursued with high priority. • DOE and NSF should invite international partners to initiate a multiparty study to explore the feasibility of joint rather than parallel efforts in accelerator-based neutrino experiments. The Future, By Committee
  • In conducting this review the University has taken into account the feasibility of raising the necessary funding from outside sources.
  • The latest developer claims to have carried out extensive research into the feasibility of providing medical treatment in Darlington.
  • Apparently conceding the infeasibility of the approach, the U.N. is giving up on binding agreements on the hard caps for emissions it already had in place. Christopher Mims: Everybody Loves Clean Energy, but Nobody Wants to Pay for It -- Except for the Department of Defense
  • Transonic flutter model of an aircraft horizontal tail is designed and manufactured using this method and vibration tests are conducted to verify its feasibility and accuracy.
  • Feasibility of combining the conventional algorithms with the constraint propagation algorithm in sensor placement is studied.
  • The validity and feasibility of the forward reasoning method for fault diagnosis based on BP neural networks are verified by the example of the f...
  • Obviously, the economic unfeasibility of farmers’ curtailing use of this technique is problematic, as alternatives, including government subsidies, are not available.
  • This paper will discuss and prove the infeasibility of system of people's jurors in current China from the lawsuit culture and judicial system's angle, through a method of comparative analysis.
  • Like its namesake it has been on the endangered list and, according to a feasibility study released yesterday, it may have unearthed something quite valuable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cats are vaccinated against the disease when they are neutered, but the feasibility of revaccinating them is another matter.
  • While the first three films found fair to ingenious methods of circumnavigating this problem, the fourth is so unconcerned with feasibility that it resorts to woefully convenient schemes for recording the poltergeist's antics.
  • Wilson Railways has been given 12 months to produce the first stage of its feasibility study.
  • So it is really in that context that we submit that the Full Court has talked about the effect of indefeasibility of title.
  • Objective: To determine the feasibility of measurement coronary flow reserve ( CFR ) by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography ( TTE ).
  • It has designed the schema of the first page of EPR, implemented formatted output of a sample based on CDA R2.0 and thus validated the feasibility and effectiveness of its applications in the fu...
  • Such a demonstration proves beyond question the feasibility of a room-sized camera, producing images of the required dimensions, and using modest optical technology.
  • The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network.
  • The aims of the programme were to obtain data and evidence for the technical and practical aspects of feasibility.
  • This paper puts forward a feasibility plan for the supervisor mode of lo-cal network and using the charge system of itself, the management of network lab-oratory can be achieved.
  • In the next section the thermodynamic and kinetic feasibility of the symplastic transport pathway will be assessed.
  • The feasibility of the gray body hypothesis and the veracity of the experimental formula are compared and analyzed.
  • Co-ordination work has started and a task force will finish a feasibility study for the whole project by the end of this year.
  • The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of and strategies for, the use of array CGH in place of karyotyping for genome imbalance, and to report on the results of the implementation of this approach. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Objective To determine the feasibility of barium enema double contrast examination for diagnosing appendicitis.
  • Objective To explore the feasibility of bare goby a laboratory animal.
  • The feasibility of the virtual grating phase-shifting moire fringe method is achieved by comparing the results with those of ZYGO's.
  • In fact von Neumann went much further in taking the view that they showed the infeasibility of classical mathematics altogether. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • India has to develop energy based on gas, coal, bio-mass, biogas, water and non-conventional sources, depending on the availability and feasibility.
  • Measurement and analysis of the in vivo posteroanterior impulse response of the human thoracolumbar spine: a feasibility study.
  • In all of these exercises, we use incomplete information of varying degrees necessitated by the infeasibility and impracticality of collecting complete information.
  • Simulation results show that drive system can obtain self-adjustment ability and maintain stability of traction motion, therefore its effectiveness and feasibility were proved.
  • Analyze the feasibility of the single radial immunodiffusion(SRD) on fast and accurately determining the content of hemagglutinin antigen(HA) in influenza vaccine.
  • Abstract: Objective To discussion the feasibility of mixed culture muscle-derived stem cells and chondrocytes to chondrogenesis in vitro.
  • OBJECTIVE:Study the feasibility of using an alternating magnetic field from induction heating furnace to heat the NITI stent.
  • Using data for a selection of metropolitan regions, the models will be tested for feasibility, accuracy and sensitivity.
  • The component and mineral composition of the sediment from the Xihe River, Shenyang City was analyzed, and the feasibility for producing haydite by the sediment was investigated.
  • The minister has asked Brady about the feasibility of a procedure used in Canada, which allows a jury to consider statements that have been retracted by the witnesses.
  • The paper gives some new opinions on the calculation of financial analysis's new indicator-" sensitivity coefficient" in the guideline of investment project feasibility study.
  • In each case, the association had commissioned structural surveys, followed by feasibility and market studies.
  • Objective : To investigate the feasibility of ileocecal as substitute for pylorus after conventional distal gastrectomy.
  • Negotiations with Transco started in 2000, and the company is updating a feasibility study into removing the gasholder.
  • In Germany around 1952, Otto Hahn, the discoverer of fission, was asked by reporters about the feasibility of fusion.
  • As a result, he was able to announce plenty of studies at the weekend: he could promise a quiverful of feasibility reports and a truckful of work in progress.
  • In this study, we sought to demonstrate the technical feasibility of using the nephelometer for on-site evaluations.
  • The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of measuring intersection angle of the steel stiffening ring connection using the digital image correlation method (DICM).
  • Journalists at the press conference questioned the feasibility of this project, and The Beijing News punctuates the headline of its article with a question mark.
  • The parking is fully supervised and if the scheme proves successful the feasibility of a more permanent facility will be investigated.
  • Such vehicles appear to be at the brink of feasibility because of a rapidly maturing technology, the hydrogen-burning fuel cell.
  • Using data for a selection of metropolitan regions, the models will be tested for feasibility, accuracy and sensitivity.
  • To chose foreign loan rationally and make the techno-economical dynamic analysis perfectly in feasibility study is the premise and crux of effective usage of loan and to achieve desired benefits.
  • Work is proceeding on the economic feasibility of making a fuel pellet from commercial waste and anthracite dust.
  • The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network.
  • The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network.
  • The feasibility about the short-term test way to replace longterm compressive concrete strength with "Meta-longterm compressive concrete strength"is discussed.
  • Political infeasibility is certainly a shortcoming of a legislative proposal. frt Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Tragedy of Obama’s Climate Policy
  • A feasibility study was conducted to establish the safety and, to some extent, the effectiveness of a new approach of perioperative adjuvant biotherapy in patients with resected cutaneous melanoma.
  • OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the methods, feasibility, safety and efficacy of CT-guided iodine-125 (125I) implantation for malignant tumors.
  • The primary care group suggested a feasibility study on setting up a practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The electric propulsion feasibility and effect in space debris mitigation were studied.
  • It's enough to make anybody believe in the feasibility of linguistic semantics, at least for a while.
  • The article demonstrates systematically the content, attribute, feasibility and signification of all kinds of organizational structure.
  • The committee will study the feasibility of setting up a national computer network.
  • The cabinet met last week to agree in principle to the proposals and to deferring the academy's opening by a year to September 2005 to avoid foreshortening the timetables for further feasibility work.
  • The legislator determines the feasibility of financial law by controlling its exclusiveness, symmetry and completeness.
  • A further 14 are undergoing feasibility studies and potentially they could cost $6.6 billion to bring onstream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feasibility of providing a demonstration team will obviously depend on what items and people are available in the respective areas.

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