
How To Use Fcs In A Sentence

  • Of course, to comply with the RFCs on netiquette, you will want Auto Fill mode active when you edit mail.
  • Trans fats diminish the brain cells' ability to communicate with eachother, and HFCS can actually shrink the brain by damaging cells.
  • After all main stream theory in the seventies said we were going into a new ice age,apparently mainstream theory said cfcs were making and ozone hole and yet this is now confirmed to be a normal cyclical yearly fluctuation in size of hole. MORE ALARISM!
  • The Institute carried out alternatives assessments on one product based on n-propyl bromide (nPB), a product based on a volatile methyl siloxane (VMS), and two hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Alternatives for significant uses of perchloroethylene in Massachusetts
  • To exploit this opportunity, companies are setting up new manufacturing unit for hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
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  • The dependence of the critical field of unwinding FLC's helix on temperature and frequency in ferroelectric liquid crystal FCS101 under ac electric field is measured.
  • The findings will encourage the efforts of environmentalists and others who have been pushing for aggressive new regulations to govern hydrofluorocarbon chemicals (HFCs).
  • You can "encapsulate" much the > same way a stored procedure does with CFCs. ColdFusion Talk (CF-Talk) Mailing List RSS Feed
  • This process also breaks off bits of the fluorine from the cryolite, which escapes the smelter in the form of perfluorocarbons PFCs—these are the most noxious of greenhouse gases, trapping thousands of times more heat than carbon dioxide. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • Monaghan's outboard gear comprises BSS FCS - 960 EQs and a selection of dbx compressors.
  • It does so by exploiting the unique properties of IFCs to detect only amplifiable molecules within the sample mixture. Undefined
  • I purchased Aunt Millie's (Home style seeded Italian) because they were out of my regular brand (why the heck not its HFCS free) When I got home I wanted to make myself a sandwich, but to my surprise I found some mystery black stuff on my bread in diagonal slashes. Searing Sword Of Schmutz Taints Aunt Millie's Bread Loaf - The Consumerist
  • PFCs are given off primarily during the dry etching and chemical vapor deposition processes in the production of semiconductors and photoelectronic devices.
  • Firstly, the CFCs which deplete ozone, and also some of their ozone-friendly replacements, are greenhouse gases and so also contribute directly to global warming. Climate change FAQs
  • Data in the figures is an average of the data obtained in the presence and absence of FCS.
  • That Wharfingers ihouldbe Uabto for plunderage of goods in the warehoufcs under their charge y (which is known to be very extenfiv. e at prefent;) and that fiich Wharfingers a»nd 'Warehoufe-men ffiould fee that all ffigar calks are flowed upon their bulge, and not upon their ends, as at prefent, to prevent drainage. A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis: Containing a Detail of the Various Crimes and ...
  • The bovine stomach bacteria add to a growing list of cheap, plentiful, and non-polluting substances that run devices known as microbial fuel cells (MFCs).
  • It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.
  • For flowcytometric analysis, CD3+ were kept on ice and washed extensively with citrated PBS containing 1% FCS. 10 µl of FITC, APC or PE - conjugated antibody was added and incubated on ice for 20 min. 300 µl FACS buffer was added and T cells were pelleted, resuspended in 200 µl buffer. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.
  • The discovery highlights yet another set of economic, environmental and political problems - namely, what to do about hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
  • FCS ( Fieldbus Control System ) is open system network, as well as a fully distributed control system.
  • We know that the entire world community is capable of coming together to solve climate problems because we did so in banning aerosol propellants (CFCs) that ate away at the ozone layer. Nigel Barber: Small Birds Solve Global Warming
  • The major shift introduced by EFCS is that while, sure, managers still have authority to make final decisions, those decisions must be informed by knowledge that only customer-facing employees have. Marshall Goldsmith: Changing the Hierarchy - A Conversation with Vineet Nayar of HCL
  • Thus, the argument goes, HFCS will tend to fill us up less than table sugar, encouraging us to overconsume. David Katz, M.D.: HFCS Name Change: Good, Bad or In Between?
  • The AFCS displays the target information, selects the gun traverse and elevation and lays the weapon on the target.
  • A product claims it doesn’t contain chlorofluorocarbons, but CFCs are prohibited by law .. Eco friend or foe—can you tell the difference?
  • But the replacement of sucrose with fructose (or, more accurately, HFCS) doesn't necessarily lead to a dietary increase in fructose, so I think that you may be barking up the wrong tree. Balkinization
  • The Group also looked into various regulatory and supervisory aspects relating to NBFCs including residuary non-banking financial companies (RNBCs).
  • It's garden-variety product placement, but instead of stars conspicuously drinking a certain beverage or driving a certain car, they're battling eco-baddies or monologuing about the dangers of CFCs. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • Late last year, the agency quietly said that it would review the safety of phthalates, long-chain perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and short-chain chlorinated paraffins. Industrial Chemicals Lurking In Your Bloodstream
  • Once CFCs are released into the atmosphere, only strong ultraviolet radiation can break them down.
  • It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.
  • The embedded ballistics of the FCS ballistic computer gives the gunner range and accuracy.
  • In these situations, and in many others I believe, an EFCS approach will deliver tremendous value by bringing more knowledge to bear on these challenges -- knowledge and creativity that can only be found by customer-facing employees empowered through an Employee First approach. Marshall Goldsmith: Changing the Hierarchy - A Conversation with Vineet Nayar of HCL
  • The FDA noted that "the saccharide composition (glucose to fructose ratio) of HFCS is approximately the same as that of honey, invert sugar and the disaccharide sucrose (table sugar). Tara Stiles: High Fructose Corn Syrup: A Sweet Surprise For America?
  • And we found in my blood trace levels of PCBs [Polychlorinated biphenyls - a man-made organic chemical], DDT [dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane - a synthetic pesticide], PFCs [Perfluorocarbons - linked to infertility] and high levels of flame retardant. Plastic Trash in Oceans Enters Marine Food Chain
  • Such expertise helps OFCs to beat off the competition.
  • It is estimated that some several million tonnes of CFCs are present in the atmosphere.
  • In the 1970s, the United States, along with several other countries, banned the use of CFCs as aerosol propellants.
  • But even the cfcs, and, of course, the standoff with North Korea and Iran, are taking a back seat here to the crisis in the Middle East. CNN Transcript Jul 15, 2006
  • Asexual and gametocyte parasite cultures were pelleted at 500 g, washed twice in 2% FCS PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Prof. Shulman told this website: "In moderation I believe all of these sugars (HFCS, fructose, sucrose, glucose), are perfectly safe for most healthy individuals and will not get them into trouble with medical problems such as hyperlipidemia or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. FoodNavigator RSS
  • Passover is a holiday that has special meaning to everyone, regardless of faith, because it's the time of year when some food and drink companies release products sweetened with real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Passover Is Coming, And It's Your Chance To Buy Real Sugar Products - The Consumerist
  • ROBERTS: On this program, we follow current cfcs, wars seemingly without end, and wonder can enemies ever put aside hatreds and find peace? CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2007
  • Apparent ages of groundwater are calculated by the input function of CFCs.
  • But methyl bromide and methyl chloride, unlike the CFCs in halides have both human and natural sources.
  • If a SSS is the critical piece of the puzzle, than I'll politely fight tooth and nail for FCS. Ottawa to MLS part 1: But can it work?
  • Join them as they seek advice from climate experts including the ipcc's Rajendra Pachauri, challenge the sceptical views of political scientist Bjørn Lomborg, and learn lessons from the Nobel Laureates who showed that cfcs were destroying the ozone layer. - Articles related to Delhi still battling heat wave
  • In moderation I believe all of these sugars (HFCS, fructose, sucrose, glucose), are perfectly safe for most healthy individuals and will not get them into trouble with medical problems such as hyperlipidemia or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. DairyReporter RSS
  • CFCs are also safe, inert and nonpoisonous-until they reach the ionosphere, that is. Ecoology Breakthrough: A Cfc-Less Fridge
  • It decompofcs vi - triolated tartar, but is itfelf decompofed by barytic lime. The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated: On the Principles of Modern Philosophy. By G ...
  • By the way, computerist, have you abandoned any attempt to make a fist of calculating FCSI/FSCI? Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • The product is currently the only FDA-approved over-the-counter inhaler and is being taken off the shelves because it uses something called chlorofluorocarbons CFCs as a propellant -- the substance is considered harmful to the ozone layer.
  • Shakespeare doubtless knew his roses, but let's face it, in a world without HFCS, invert sugar, dextrose, maltose or agave nectar, he was a novice regarding sweet stuff. David Katz, M.D.: HFCS Name Change: Good, Bad or In Between?
  • The cell samples were treated with FcR-blocking reagent (Miltenyi Biotec) for 10 minutes, stained with the fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies for 30 minutes, and washed three times with PBS/10% FCS. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It does not depend on the photolysis rate for the CFCs, only on the observed halogen loading and measured reaction rates. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Methanol fuel cells can work off small, nonpressurized cartridges of the liquid while hydrogen-fuelled PEFCs require pressurized hydrogen gas.
  • HFCs were originally introduced as an ozone-friendly alternative to CFCs; however, they are now recognized as a powerful greenhouse gas, with as much as 4,000 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide.
  • Three-fourths were privates and PFCs, which was not surprising because that was where a passel of temporary master sergeants and other senior NCOs landed when they reverted to permanent grades.
  • I mean this has been a war of great flux, as are all cfcs. CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2007
  • The signal-to-noise ratio of FCS measurements is proportional to the square of the molecular brightness.
  • To be the HR coordinator of FCS business and work together with FS group.
  • Teaf hioi for his bad yerfcs, tear him for his bad yerfes, The Plays of William Shakspeare ...
  • Cells were passaged in DMEM with 10% FCS and antibiotics as above.
  • The carbonation is made up of lots of tiny bubbles instead of the bigger ones in the HFCS version. Ask Midtown Lunch: Americone Dream | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • The cause of the drop in control-boost pressure was never isolated, but mechs suspected it was related to the No.1 AFCS failure.
  • In recent years, society has introduced new greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, namely CFCs and other halocarbons.
  • Dr Hugh Insley, chief executive of FCS's Forest Enterprise division, refused to comment on the debate over forest leasing, but said yesterday: "We very much want the power to enter joint ventures. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • Previous to the eflablifliment of this work, there were at Kirkland only two or three hoofes, but now a number of very neat and convenient hoofcs are built, and in a ihort time it is probable that. it will be a confidcrable village. The statistical account of Scotland. Drawn up from the communications of the ministers of the different parishes
  • Many products, such as refrigerants and solvents that have been developed over the past 50 years, used substances called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
  • Yet, on my confeience, there are verier krraveff defire to live, for ail he be a Roman 7 and there be fome of then* too that & t againft their wills; fo mould I, if I were one. f wantd we were all of one mind, and one mind good; O there were defolation of goal irs and gallowfcs. Works
  • Minor greenhouse gases include methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride and halocarbons such as perfluoromethane, freon and other CFCs.
  • Trans fats diminish the brain cells' ability to communicate with eachother, and HFCS can actually shrink the brain by damaging cells.
  • The thinning of the ozone is caused by the presence of ozone destructing gases in the atmosphere such as chlorine and bromine, originating from man-made products like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which have still not vanished from the air but are on the decline as they are banned under the Montreal Protocol, which was signed on 16 September 1987. 2007 Ozone Hole Smaller than Usual | Impact Lab
  • The choice of the time windows should span a range comparable to the delay values used in FCS.
  • Of the firft of thefe I haue ahea* dyfpoken fomewhat, when I confuted their erroar, which think that the generalnesofthe promifcs extedeth egally toal man - kinde. The institution of christian religion
  • I'd tweeted of my trip and, knowing them from WFCs in the past, ended up arranging for beer and a blether on Friday, and to see the show together on Thursday. Archive 2010-06-01
  • CFCs cause damage to the ozone layer.
  • the chlorine in CFCs causes depletion of atmospheric ozone
  • As a consequence, the major halocarbon producing nations agreed to phase out production of CFCs, halons, and related compounds, a process that was completed in 1996.
  • The use of CFCs has been linked to the depletion of the ozone layer.
  • But, in fact, as we often do see in these cfcs, it is many years before actual death tolls do emerge. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2006
  • Airborne CFCs, which were relatively inert near Earth's surface, were being decomposed by sunlight in the upper atmosphere, releasing free chlorine atoms.
  • Ironically, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and CFCs, which have undesirable effects on Earth, could be instrumental in terraforming Mars.
  • With the FCS simulation, the recovered diffusion constant is within 95 % accuracy of the simulated value.
  • CFCs had been used commercially as refrigerants since the 1930s, but because they were inert and non-poisonous they were soon used for many other applications, most notably as propellants in aerosol spray cans.
  • By the mid-1970s, the United States government banned the use of CFCs as aerosol propellants but it resisted a total ban for all industries.
  • It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer.

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