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[ US /ˌɛfˌsiˈsi/ ]
  1. an independent government agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio and television and wire and cable and satellite

How To Use FCC In A Sentence

  • FCC diesel was refined with special alba adsorbent and the refined diesel stability has been improved.
  • The influences of rapidly changing signals to human perception can be stressed by filtering the relative spectra(RASTA) for MFCC.
  • Apple's iPod has largely been responsible for the problems now faced by Sirius and XM -- problems which have been acerbated by the irresponsible over-spending on programming by Sirius's CEO Karmazin, who should not be bailed out by the FCC by allowing the merger. Charles Warner: My Hyperbole Was Wrong
  • But the FCC said last year that a "healthy broadband ecosystem" is only possible if other devices can do the same thing. Media Morning: Will the FCC get tough or play nice with broadband providers?
  • The change we need: four ways to fix fcc. gov - The Bush administration is coming to an end, but the FCC web site is still stuck in the Clinton administration. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Giauidura cnim mundumdi - cit caufis nafccntium, quia abii detmatcria miftorum difpofi - ta ad fufcipicdum formas ipfas, quarum aliquse animsE nomcn nonadipifcutur, ali« autem ani tnds appcUantur; ipfafqucani - mas & formas alias a ftima cauf fa crcari (Iargeloqucdo de crca* tione, vtincludat gcncratione) exprcire teftatus cft, cum dixit» Antoniana Margarita: opus nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non minus ...
  • It looks like the FCC hasn't crossed the rubicon (hasn't yet broken this Obama promise) but it looks like it's being considered. Marvin Ammori: Comcast Can Censor This Blog Post ... With FCC's Permission?
  • Earlier this year PBS distributed to its affiliates only the expurgated version of A Company of Soldiers, a Frontline documentary about American forces in Iraq, because of concerns that obscenities shouted by military personnel during an ambush might bring censure from the FCC; it released the unbleeped version only to those local stations willing to sign waivers absolving PBS of liability for any fines. Fatwa City
  • Prior to the establishment of the FCC, anybody with an antenna could send a radio signal on any frequency.
  • The "Wright petitioners" have asked the FCC to regulate interstate telephone calls initiated by prisoners. Outrageous rates charged for prison phone calls breaks family ties
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