
FBI agent

  1. a special law-enforcement agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

How To Use FBI agent In A Sentence

  • Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent whose nomination has been delayed by Republicans for unrelated concerns, sent a letter to senators in November to correct what he called a distortion of his record. WBAY Action 2 News
  • From now on, FBI agents should have untrammeled power over all civilians living in the United States, and all their private movements and communications.
  • Mr. Butz, 44, plays Carl Hanratty, an FBI agent who pursues Abagnale with Javert-like fervor, ultimately morphing into something of a father figure to him. This Time He's Not the Con Man
  • An FBI agent named Jim Feeney, out of Flagstaff, had worked the case with the help of a BIA agent and two of Largo's men. LISTENING WOMAN
  • Two men who appeared to be FBI agents showed up at school and gave her the third degree about what she'd written.
  • Several noted a statement by the lead FBI agent in the case, who wrote in a report that Allen would become "unglued" by the prospect of exposure. Anchorage Daily News - Alaska News
  • Or possibly, after the 9/11 attack, Gore would've sent a crack team of FBI agents to Afghanistan (probably headed by Hillary since she's experienced in dodging sniper fire on landing) to arrest al Qaida. The Truth Revealed!
  • A lot of FBI agents like to say that the Bureau is a calling, not a career.
  • Meanwhile, a couple of FBI agents have been sent along to rumble the gang and solve the murder.
  • Why did FBI agents investigating the ARA fail to alert the Oklahoma City investigators of a possible link between McVeigh and the white supremacists?
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