

[ US /ˈfɔks/ ]
  1. English conspirator who was executed for his role in a plot to blow up James I and the Houses of Parliament (1570-1606)

How To Use Fawkes In A Sentence

  • Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Day, Bonfire Night and Firework Night, is an annual commemoration observed on 5 November, primarily in England.
  • The night of the fifteenth is the Guy Fawkes night of Islám. The Faith of Islam
  • As I wrote last year, a straw man which represented Fawkes standing in the middle.
  • In his confession, Fawkes claimed that he was approached by Thomas Wintour in the Easter of 1604 to join the plotters.
  • I love Bonfire Night because it’s an excuse to look shocking (windswept is never a good look), and whether you are celebrating the fact that Guy Fawkes was caught or just the fact that he made the attempt at all, everyone is in a relaxed mood and gets together to have a good time then just hang out and spend the night together. …the Tin Foil Lady « Sven’s guide to…
  • Initially, my postbag would bulge with letters about this issue in October and November as Guy Fawkes Night, November 5, approached.
  • The finale comes when Hammond and his team put Fawkes's unrealised plan to the test.
  • The right-leaning, ex-Tory libertarian Quixotean quester Mr Guido Fawkes GuF really has given up trying on quality control. Guido Fawkes: A Conspiracy Behind Every Windmill
  • Rather than parades, it would be better to celebrate this holiday like the British used to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day – by burning politicians in effigy, or a reasonable facsimile. Memorial Day: Burning Pols in Effigy « Blog
  • We, at the appeals tribunal do not think Mr Fawkes received a fair trial - and consequently we believe there has been a travesty of justice.
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