How To Use Faust In A Sentence
Faustman’s approach offered a distinct advantage over much of the current treatment in autoimmunity, which is usually more broadly immunosuppressive—meaning it tinkers with all T cells or all B cells in order to try to keep the autoimmune reaction from occurring.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Faustianism, in the modern sense of endless questing, had come to be regarded as a virtue.
The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love.
The poems are the three panegyrics with their appendixes; two epithalamia; an acknowledgment to Faustus of Reji (now Riez), a eulogy of Narbonne, or rather, of two citizens of Narbonne; a description of the castle (burgas) of Leontius, etc.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
In light of this "curious case of the cacophonous snack pack," I find that many people see sustainability as a version of a Faustian dilemma; they often knowingly make choices that have immediate personal benefits, but in the long run are disastrous for all of us.
Ron Ashkenas: Sustainability's Faustian Dilemma

It was a “Faustian bargain,” wrote one journalist, a “fiendishly complicated scheme,” in which the young liberal ministers sold their souls to a cabal of unscrupulous tycoons.
The Return
They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces.
It was a modern version of the Faust theme, but comic, not philosophical, with apologies to Goethe and Marlowe.
When his courtiers and attendants had bowed their way out of the room, Valentinian summoned Faustinus into an antechamber.
The town has struck a Faustian bargain, they contend -- trading something of its small-town soul for success.
The second Sunday after Easter is now dedicated to the Divine Mercy - a new feast day instituted by John Paul himself based on the visions of his sainted compatriot, Faustina Kowalska.
Shelley went up the steps with her arms full of a brown bag heavy with groceries from Fausto's.
With the imperial household out of the way, the Senate enfeebled by dissension and apathy, the civil service terror-stricken, and the military under flabby command, the throne seemed well within Faustinus's grasp.
I was freestyling at a club event that David Faustino from Married With Children was hosting, and there were some Ruthless Records representatives there.
Also in Venice he met, and soon after married, the mezzo-soprano Faustina Bordoni, one of the finest singers of her time.
The one thing that he accomplished was to depict the ruin of an heroic nature through an insatiable ambition for supremacy, doomed by its own vastitude to defeat itself, -- supremacy of conquest and dominion with Tamburlaine, supremacy of knowledge with Dr. Faustus, supremacy of wealth with Barabas, the Jew of
The Theory of the Theatre
Her soprano voice deteriorated early, perhaps from overwork - as Marguerite in Faust, she once performed 24 consecutive nights.
Faustus craunched his teeth while the monk was saying all these noble things about the countenance of the Devil, who turning coolly to the physiognomist, said,
Faust's Leben, Thaten und Höllenfahrt. English
In theatre women started to interpret the traditional roles of masculine characters - from Faust to Hamlet.
He explains that his offence was mild and purely mental, that in an infaust moment he glanced (doubtless stared soldier-fashion) at "Mistris
Sabbath in Puritan New England
Apart from the Faust music, his most remarkable work is the programmatic symphonic poem Macbeth.
Indeed, in Conversations of Goethe, Eckermann recounts how Faust’s author carved his initials into not an oak but a beech tree, the dominant species in the forest the name Buchenwald, chosen by SS leader Heinrich Himmler, means beech forest.
The Lampshade
Their next stop was a witch's kitchen, where Faust caught sight of the image of a comely woman in a mirror.
A number of the stories are downers in which Faustian bargains of one kind or another produce predictable results.
a Faustian pact with the Devil
For the drama of _Faust_ is not a drama of damnation, but of redemption, and though the breadth and scope of the whole conception pass beyond all presentation in complete and rounded form, the great tragedy of Gretchen takes us from the splendid but abstract world of ideas into the simplest experience of human life, where Faust becomes human through love itself, but too slowly, too late to avert the tragedy.
The Unity of Civilization
In 1513 Conrad Mudt (Mutianus Rufus, supporter of Reuchlin and friend of Melanchthon) saw and heard Georg Faust at Erfurt; he wrote to a fellow humanist that this “immoderate and Foolish braggart,” calling himself the “demigod from Heidelberg,” before astonished listeners “talked nonsense at the inn.”
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Confidimus igitur h鎐 omnia nostra postulata pro famuli spe, pro nostra expectatione, pro vestra bonitate, pro nostrorum utrinque subditorum commoditate, fausta illi, grata nobis, acccpta etiam vestr� Maiestati, et nostris vtrob韖ue perquam vtilia euasura.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I would never grasp the Christian and Faustian world idea, forever alien to me.
The problem is that Fausto, though essentially kind, is an inveterate skirt chaser, and none too discrete at that.
She poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, her Great Dane, lapped it up with relish.
Times change, priorities change, but as Faust speaks these words his real message is clear.
Because Faustus has blasphemed against God in his incantations, Mephistophilis has come to see if he can claim Faustus' soul.
He said that when Faustinus was a small boy, he'd never content himself with merely swatting a fly.
Goethe, the author of Faust and many other diverse works, was a major force; his work influenced philosophers such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Cassirer, Jung and Wittgenstein.
Dr. Larry Dossey: Spiritual Living: Why We Need Empathic Science
Has he struck a Faustian pact with the devil so he gets all the money in the world in exchange for his soul.
Fausto Fasano spoke about an experiment on code inspection, while the final presentation Rafael Prikladnicki from PUCRS examined different offshoring and onshoring strategies.
The ICGSE in Munich
Faust's friends, who assemble at his house on the night he is taken by Mephistopheles, arebrightly rendered by the symphony chorus.
But he was well requited by Faustus, even with the like payment: for he said to him, "Thou dotish clown, void of all humanity, seeing thou art of so churlish a disposition, I will pay thee as thou hast deserved, for the four wheels of thy waggon thou shalt have taken from thee; let me see then how thou canst shift.
Mediaeval Tales
Confidimus igitur h鎐 omnia nostra postulata pro famuli spe, pro nostra expectatione, pro vestra bonitate, pro nostrorum utrinque subditorum commoditate, fausta illi, grata nobis, acccpta etiam vestr� Maiestati, et nostris vtrob韖ue perquam vtilia euasura.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Faust, as a developmental history of human soul and zeitgeist, is the canticle of "Faust Spirit" as well as the reflection on Faust's pursuit.
But Faust cannot turn away from the awful figure of his lost love, and his compulsion is the sign that he has not abandoned his inspiration.
The Beauty of the Medusa: A Study in Romantic Literary Iconology
Resting on a wooden dais throughout the ceremony, the synthetic psychostimulant was warmly praised by Harvard president Drew Faust, who called Adderall a stirring testament to what the human mind can achieve when chemically altered by a combination of dextroamphetamine and racemic DL-amphetamine salts.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces.
Theatricality rather than reality is the keynote of his production, a point symbolised by the constant background music of Latenas Faustas, which varies from fairground jauntiness to pianistic plangency.
The Dream had been with Faustinus since childhood, and it glowed again, like a particolored mosaic, as his litter-bearers toiled through the slums toward the Palatine Hill.
He becomes a total degenerate, as did Faust, and, like Faust, he has sold his soul and is shocked when it comes time for him to die and he is condemned rather than exalted.
Gretchen, though she rejects Faust's first advances curtly enough to be called impolite, nevertheless ardently returns Faust's kiss on her first meeting with him in the garden, and already at the second
A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
The date, March 18, 1817, is in John Murray's handwriting.] [107] [So, too, Faust is discovered "in a high -- vaulted narrow Gothic chamber."] [108] [Compare _Faust, _ act i. sc.
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 4
The accompanying slogan felicitas saeculi The Fruitfulness of the Age deliberately echoed the message of a similar coin featuring Faustina and her boys.24
Caesars’ Wives
The Original BRO-Log: Minister Faust Speaks: Even today, Eurocentrists are trying to de-colourise ancient Egyptians, i.e., Afrikans.
Even today, Eurocentrists are trying to de-colourise ancient Egyptians, i.e., Afrikans.
When they are alone, the Old Man pleads with Faustus to repent and be washed by the blood of the Savior, Christ.
The town has struck a Faustian bargain, they contend -- trading something of its small-town soul for success.
He reached Dresden August 26, heard Spohr's "Faust" and met capellmeister Morlacchi -- that same Morlacchi whom Wagner succeeded as a conductor January 10, 1843 -- vide Finck's "Wagner.
Chopin : the Man and His Music
Physicians and other providers need to liberate themselves from the Faustian bargain they've cut with the Mephistophelian suits who now run their professional lives.
The Health Insurance Mafia
Doktor Faustus by Thomas Mann Mann's version of this much-imitated tale features a syphilitic composer called Adrian Leverkühn, who agrees a pact with Mephistopheles that guarantees him years of brilliance and musical creativity.
Ten of the best
Helen, symbolizing perfect beauty as produced by Greek art, is recalled from Hades and ardently pursued by Faust, but finally reft from him.
I not say, when I was arranging that affair of Faust's, that all Man's reason has done for him is to make him beastlier than any beast.
Man and Superman
When his music is performed with conviction, vocal beauty, and idiomatic French style Faust can still provide an engrossing evening of musical theater.
The material from the two Faust treatments is perhaps less convincing, and Berlioz's arrangement of The Marseillaise at the end the disc is an unnecessary potboiler.
Here is not the swift impatient journeywork of a rough and ready hand; here is no sign of such compulsory hurry in the discharge of a task something less than welcome, if not of an imposition something less than tolerable, as we may rationally believe ourselves able to trace in great part of Marlowe's work: in the latter half of _The Jew of Malta_, in the burlesque interludes of _Doctor Faustus_, and wellnigh throughout the whole scheme and course of _The Massacre at Paris_.
A Study of Shakespeare
October 22nd,1883, The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City opens with a performance of Gounod's Faust (opera).
There is a remarkable piece of dialogue on just this subject in Dr Faustus, although the ostensible topic is music.
I know Christa Faust is a die-hard Helen Nielsen fan.
The so-called comminative psalms must always remain a difficulty, few would be now prepared to defend St. Augustine's view that they expressed not a desire but a real prescience of what would happen ( "Contra Faustum" xvi, 22, and
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
* Ego, si vera scribere oportet, ita animo affectus sum, ut omnia episcoporum concilia fugiam, quoniam nullius concilii finem laetum faustumque vidi: nec quod depulsionem malorum potius quam accessionem et incrementum habuerit.
The Sermons of John Owen
There's nothing wrong with that, but it is important to be clear about it, if only as a warning against weaving further myths about demon - driven bluesmen making Faustian pacts with the spirit world.
Over in Japan, FAUST is considered a "mook" - that's a magazine and a book - speaking to the disaffected otaku culture, with a mix of cutting-edge fiction and manga.
Secure for yourself a tame legislature, executive and judiciary by grooming certain ambitious up-and-comers who are prepared to make a Faustian bargain with us in return for kudos and a bunk-up in the preselection battles.
[constitutional reform] the eu quietly waits to pounce
In making a pact with this devil, Lancaster County made a Faustian bargain.
In the story, Faust is tempted by the Devil, who has taken the shape of a man.
Six years later, in 1513, there is a mention of a “Georgius Faustus,” who is now described as “cheiromancer,” or palm reader, supposedly operating in Erfurt, fifteen miles from Weimar.
The Lampshade
In the Faustian pact, where desire and longing is transformed into a new kind of sublimation, the infernal process of turning images of reality into fantasy begins.
He finds similarities between himself and the theme of Faust being in love with work and progress.
Thus the nightmarish devilry of the Symphonie fantastique is purely to be imagined, not seen; so too are the will-o’-the-wisps and the inhabitants of pandemonium in La Damnation de Faust.
Sanchez for his part had finished on the podium three times since 2006 but was unable to pull off a repeat in the 104th edition of a race won by such luminaries as Fausto Coppi, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Sean Kelly.
Philippe Gilbert wins Giro di Lombardia again
She poured some water into a plastic bowl. Faust, her Great Dane, lapped it up with relish.
The Overture is based on a poem describing the impressions of a Creole gaucho, a cowboy of sorts, who came to Buenos Aires and saw a production of Gounod's Faust.
Somewhere between Faust's bartered lease on life and the Count's countless days — between the poet seeking an immortality in phrased voice that he thinks will compensate for his soul's fate and the damned polyglot soul so committed to leaving his body's imprint that poetic justice requires his being hounded down by textual inscription — somewhere between these poles falls the watershed Victorian moment of a long if ultimately posthumous Romanticism.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Nevertheless, it was an infaust and sinister augury for Austin
The Caxtons — Volume 07
When they are alone, the Old Man pleads with Faustus to repent and be washed by the blood of the Savior, Christ.
Faust, her beloved Great Dane, passed away shortly thereafter.
Fausti guns are popular with trap, skeet and sporting clays competitors and, of course, with hunters.
They enter into a Faustian pact with the general public: in order to sustain our interest they have to continually titillate us with revelations.
Dr. Faustus reveals man's frustration in realizing the high aspirations ina hostile moral order. And the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man's condition.
[140] "Ego, si vera scribere oportet, ita animo affectus sum, ut omnia episcoporum concilia fugiam, quoniam nullius concilii finem laetum faustumque vidi: nec quod depulsionem malorum potius quam accessionem et incrementum habuerit.
The Sermons of John Owen
But little by little, the Faustian fantasy shrinks away and the illusion of anticipating the future becomes an unceasing effort to foresee its perils.
But in a moment of faustian proportions, I pretended to be straight.
The Original BRO-Log: Minister Faust Speaks: Predator countries reduce predation on eighteen sickliest sheep
Predator countries reduce predation on eighteen sickliest sheep
Horn next explained how the lance eventually became the property of Maximianus Herculius, the third-century coruler of the divided Roman Empire, whose daughter Fausta married Constantine, the Roman king who would become the world’s first Christian emperor.
_motif_ of his works; nay, finally, it finds these more interesting than the works themselves; it reads more about Goethe than what has been written by Goethe, and industriously studies the legend of Faust in preference to Goethe's _Faust_ itself.
Essays of Schopenhauer
While Faust and Mephisto partook of wild ribaldry and pleasurably summoned up wicked spirits with their sorcery, Gretchen was suffering scorn, ridicule, and imprisonment.
It seems Faustus hears what the Evil Angel says, but tells himself that even if he were a devil, God will pity him if he repents.
The impiousness of the fishwife's final ambition links her with Marlowe's Faustus as well as with Lady Macbeth.
Goethe's Faust reminds us forever that the devil is personal, not impersonal.
This was the novel based on the Faust theme that Edward's review was ostensibly about.
Shelley went up the steps with her arms full of a brown bag heavy with groceries from Fausto's.
Korean punters are ready to stash cash in her undies, which is enough to make Fausta shiver in her G-string.
Archive 2006-12-24
It is really from the union of Hellenism, in its breadth, its sanity of purpose, its calm possession of beauty, with the adventive, the intensified individualism, the passionate colour of the romantic spirit, that springs the art of the nineteenth century in England, as from the marriage of Faust and Helen of Troy sprang the beautiful boy Euphorion.
The fact that Faustman was able to uncover and identify this specific group of flawed autoreactive T cells escaping out of the bone marrow was hugely promising.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Faust legend will surely again be recognized as deriv - ing not from the theme of existential despair (which it shares with many other tales and myths), but from the paradox of self-limiting and even self-destroying aspiration which, as Goethe knew, the legend symbol - izes with apparently unique distinction.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
In an infaust moment she was thrown down by a runaway, and her tower received serious damage.
Customs and Fashions in Old New England
Prelude, "Ah, there is a blessing in the gentle breeze," which is closer in spirit — and suspiration — to the Faustian "ach" in Kittler's epoch of the organic muse.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
His later spiritual perspective evolved among pantheism, humanism, and various elements of Western esotericism, as seen most vividly in Part II of Faust.
Johann wolfgang von goethe | outside of the gate | Faust I. « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
The incumbent Kagame, 46, campaigned on a theme of national unity, while his main rival Faustin Twagiramungu, from the Hutu majority, was accused of ethnic "divisionism", a serious accusation in country still traumatised by the legacy of its genocide.
ANC Daily News Briefing
In any case, this particular piece of namecalling seemed a bit rich coming, as it did, from an individual (a distinguished Cambridge geologist, surely well advanced along the Faustian road to a future Templeton Prize) who justified his own Christian belief by invoking what he called the historicity of the New Testament.
The God Delusion
Faustus and Helen does most conspicuously dilucidate the fermenting of the male and female dragon.
A Tale of a Tub
He noticed Lord Faustus, especially, laughing at him with a vulpine grin.
He robs the Devil of Faust's soul by a trick; as a force die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft (“which wills evil and yet does good”; I, line 1335) the Devil is an instrument of the divine will.
In October, at the end of this season, Faust is retiring.
Party Winds Down for Baseball Organist
Carlos spent the Mexican winter lying in the cool shade of a calabash tree on a rolling cactus-hilled breeding ranch in Tlaxcala where Hernando knew the owner, the famed Don Fausto Meza, well; as a favor to his friend and for his own sport, Hernando would often test the ranch's young bulls for bravery and form in the private sessions they call the tientas.
Carlos The Impossible (Part 2)
Then came Yo-Yo Ma '76, swaying and ecstatic, playing sonorous Bach on his cello. Afterward, President Drew Faust joined him on the tented stage in front of the Memorial Church.
A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
The present-day Faust smirked over towards the Professor and made an obscene gesture.
A former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, Reich is a Faustian political economist.
Faustus is ultimately damned and falls to hell.
= Mephistoph´eles = (5 _syl. _), the sneering, jeering, leering attendant demon of Faust in Goethe’s drama of _Faust_, and Gounod’s opera of the same name.
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
Faust spins records three nights a week, and the only night he can free up is a Thursday.
As he strode over a gutter, he apostrophized a bearded portress who was worthy to meet Faust on the
Les Miserables
Mr. Martinoty's solution is wretched excess: an immense library-cum-mad-science lab with a giant crucifix looming above, an older actor lip-synching Mr. Alagna's aged Faust, Mr. Alagna popping out of a space-age sphere in a gold T-shirt after the devilish deal, a huge chorus in a costume mashup that includes Enlightenment academics, Foreign Legionnaires, Second Empire soldiers, beauty contestants in bathing suits, peasant girls in Dutch bonnets, a humongous skeleton in a flurry of rainbow streamers, and carnival maskers part African-part Ensor.
Less Is More for 'Faust'
The opera"Faust"is one piece of representative work in all of Gounod's operas, the plot in which about a tragic love story between Faust and Margarita was from parts of Goethe's drama"Faust".
Renée Fleming brought a lovely warmth to Marietta's aria from "Die Tote Stadt" (1920, the most contemporary opera featured); and Sondra Radvanovsky dramatically outsang her trio partners John Relyea and Roberto Alagna in "Anges purs" from "Faust.
The Met-as-Museum Gala
In making a pact with this devil, Lancaster County made a Faustian bargain.
What is the meaning of life, President Faust?
But as soon as he began to identify himself with his hero it was all up with Faust's utter damnableness: a young poet does not plan to send his own soul to perdition.
The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 01 Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English.
Resting on a wooden dais throughout the ceremony, the synthetic psychostimulant was warmly praised by Harvard president Drew Faust, who called Adderall a stirring testament to what the human mind can achieve when chemically altered by a combination of dextroamphetamine and racemic DL-amphetamine salts.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Adderall
Even the low-comedy scenes, in which Tom Smith's red-nosed Robin dabbles in devilry, emerge as a caustic reflection of Faustus's higher magic and demonstrate the futility of his quest for omnipotence.
The career of Tom Watson, who mutated from radical egalitarian to racist demagogue, is symbolic of the Faustian bargain of Southern populism.
Matthew Yglesias » Obama on Affirmative Action
Not necessarily because the PR folks at Metro are inherently so poetic, but Metro's response actually brings to mind one of Goethe's most famous lines from Faust: "Die Geister, die ich rief, werd' ich nun nicht los.
John Mirisch: Fault-y Towers: Don't Mention the Core!
The cynosure on the evening in question was the American tenor who sang the part of Faust.
Did I not say, when I was arranging that affair of Fausts, that all Mans reason has done for him is to make him beastlier than any beast.
Their veins pulse with Faustian blood.
This also made effective such rocket weapons as the bazooka and panzerfaust but it was also used to increase the potency of plastic explosives, and even semi-armour-piercing bombs.
In Dr. Faustus Zeitbloom reflects: ‘[L] iars and lickspittles mixed us a poison draught and took away our senses.’
What Ralph says he's gotten out of the lesson is that "this is what happens to suckers who think they can beat the devil"; Faust's mistake had been to "misrepresent" his side of the deal to Neron, and the suggestion of the story is that if you're going to do magic you'd better stick to the precise letter and spirit of your deal.
Archive 2007-02-01
Drew Gilpin Faust is president of Harvard University www.
2008 November 19 « One-Minute Book Reviews
[PAGE 89] THE FAUST MYTH caused the Sons of Cain in all ages to carry on the world's work -- is also strong in Faust; and the glorious use to which he puts the powers of evil, namely, making them build a new land, a free one, where a happy and free people may dwell in peace and contentment, gives us a view of what the fu - ture has in store for us.
Max Heindel's Letters to Students by The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Dr Faust with the aid of the devil leaves her a casket full of jewels.
FAUST: I'm from the Shenandoah Valley, from outside Winchester, Virginia, a tiny town called Boyce, Virginia.
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South in the American Civil War
Tungsten was discovered in 1758 by Axel Fredrik Cronstadt; in 1781 Carl Wilhelm Scheele isoldated a tungsten oxide, and in 1783 the Spanish chemists (and brothers) Fausto and Juan Jose de Elhuyar first separated tungsten from the mineral wolframite.
The spirit, Mephistopheles, led Faust into real trouble, of course, by such a dramatic prompt in mistranslating the great first line of the Gospel of St John.
De M. Socinus, or Fausto Paolo Sozzini (1539-1604), was an antitrinitarian who believed in prayer and homage to Christ.
A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume I (of II)